Tokyo Airport, 6.30 a.m.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on-board on flight 4B7 with service from Tokyo to Sydney. We are currently fourth in line for take-off and expected to be in air in approximately 10 minutes time. We ask that you fastern your seatbelt at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. And please turn off all personal electronic devices, including and cell phones. Thank you for choosing Inter-Island Airline. Enjoy your flight.
" ꁝ꒐ꂵ ꄲꉧ꓄ꁝꊰ꒯ꍌ꒻ꀘꉔ ꁝꍌ꒯꒯ꁝꋊꋊ ꒯꒯ꉔꁝꁝꃳ ꓄꒐ꂵ▪ "
" ꌦ꒐ꁝ ꄲꉧ꓄ꁝꊰ꒯ꍌꁝ꒯ꉔ ꒯ꌦ꒐ꁝ꒯꒯ꁝꁝ ꌦ꓄ꃳ ꋬ꒐ꇙ ꂵꂵ "
After 10 hours in air , 4.30 p.m.
A passenger stopped a flight attendant and asked her, " Ten hours have passed since the take-off we were supposed to land in Sydney fifteen minutes earlier how many extra hours it's gonna take to land?'
"Sorry, for the inconvenience sir due to a sudden thunderstorm many other flights changed their route and turned towards Sydney Runway for emergency landings. Surely, sir we will also land it could take about an hour due to air traffic. So, please keep your calm and wait for the next announcement" replied flight attendant, Shion.
"ꁝ꒻ꇙꍌꃳꊰꋪꁝꁝꁝꇙ꒯ ꓄꒯ꋪꁝꍌꇙ ꋪꊰ꒯ꍌꍌꇙꍌ ꍌꍌꁝꇙ ꊰꁝꉧꉧꇙ"
After receiving rather unsatisfying answer the passenger just looked outside the window he could clearly see the thunderous clouds and hear loud sounds of thunder. As, they were flying over them. But the growling of the dark clouds which also lumbered darkness through them. This view made him even more upset.
The uninvited and sudden thunderstorm was making passengers feel very uneasy and nervous. This uneasiness made them question the whole situation and they started to ask more and more questions to the flight attendants like,
" Why did they even considered to take-off when a thunderstorm was approaching ? "
" Why a long voyage flight was supposed to land after other flights? "
" Is there any danger ? " and etc.
But the questions weren't a issue as the flight attendants were trained for situation like this they were trying their best to handle the tension between the passengers and trying to calm them down.
In this tension Shion wasn't with other flight attendants helping but was in the crew room having some rest. As, a new employee in the airline with less experience she was suffering from jet lags and wasn't feeling very good after nine hours of service. So, she was asked to take some rest after load of overworking.
She was sitting on a chair inside trying to have a nap , so after a short nap she will have enough energy to cheer up the passenger after their landing during their departure.
But for some reason she wasn't able to sleep and while trying to sleep she was still getting omnis and dark feelings which were giving her chills. So, she opened her eyes she could still hear the loud sounds of lightning strikes and flashes coming through the windows along with voices of worried passengers asking questions to the flight attendants from the cabin.
Then rather than having a nap she decided to check the situation outside and she walked out of the crew room. She stood outside the crew room near the doorway , she could see the passengers sitting on their seats worried and asking various things to other attendants but she saw something very strange lurking on the aircraft exist door across her. It was entering in the plane through the exit door it was covered with shadows and dark mist around it.
After seeing that Shion got really confused and really scared but she suddenly closed her eyes. Started to think it wasn't real it can't be true and thought she was imagining things maybe it was a mirage or just games of her mind.
" ꀘꇙ꒯ꇙ꒤ꀘꇙꊰꍌ꒦ ꌦꃳ꒯ꌦꇙꋬꌦꀘ꒐ ꒯ꅐꌦꍌꊰ ꁝꊰꋪꇙꇙꊰꃳꉧꁴ ꊰ꒤ꁝꇙꇙꇙ꒻꒐ꁝꋪ꒤꒻꒯ ꌦ꒯꒯ꍌ꒻ꇙꇙ ꓄꒯ꁝꁝꊰꏂ ꄲꀘ ꒯ꏂꍌꊰꋪꇙꇙꊰ꒻꒤ ꊰ꒯ꍌꃳꁝ꒯ꁝ꒻ ꍌꁝꊰꋬꍌꋊꊰꂵꊰꇙꁝꁝꊰꇙ ꁝꊰꋪ꒻ꀘ꒯ꇙ꒦꒻꒤"
These voices started to revolve in her mind and were getting louder and louder making Shion more and more afraid and even more curious . So, she opened her eyes hoping every weird thing happening with her will disappear.
As soon as she opened her eyes cold sweat and very heavy shiver ran through her spine and body , as if fear swallowed her senses and she couldn't feel her body as if her blood became cold suddenly. Because, in front of her making an eye to eye contact with her was this eyeless dark creature covered in many thousand shadows a utterly terrifying creature which can be described as a devilish ghost straight from your worst nightmares, whose mouth was filled with black blood which was dripping from its broken jaws as it was hungry for about an eternity.
Just after getting a glimpse of these nightmare Shion tripped while she tried to escape this thing with her mind filled with utter chaos and while escaping it she screams with extreme fright but no one could hear her and they even couldn't see them . As this creature was weirdly attracted to Shion it spread it's claw and it doubled the size of its devilish claw and tore Shion into half and consumed her entirely .....
" NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!" screamed Zenzi as he woke up from a nightmare and he was terrified and sweating and talked to himself , "This isn't true right ? This only a dream right ?" A millions thoughts were running through his mind but were resulting in this one huge question - " Was this how Shion-nee-san died ?"
"No! No! No! I shouldn't have boarded on this flight . "
(*nee-san means sister in Japanese)