Chapter 5 - Entry 5 - Foxen

"If a Foxen ever loves you, either become a nomadic hermit or just wait for her to find you"

- A Marriage Broker from Auburn

Foxen are considered to be offspring of the goddess of cats, whether this goddess even exists is up to question. Foxen are always females, this doesn't mean that Foxen don't give birth to males (If they Marry human Males) they just don't have the Foxen characteristics, and have no chance of making Foxen offspring. Fortunately for this species, the number of males they give birth is almost always extremely low, roughly 95% of the time they become Foxen.

What differs from Foxen from other cat like species is that they are extremely lithe abd sly, like a fox. They're body's are roughly the same as humans, with the exception that they have a small bushy tail (Like a fox) coming out of their butt as well as cat-like ears. They have hightened senses, with this and their intelligence they usually know what to do and what you will do before you even know it. Even though they could use it for malice, they prefer to just do bad pranks with their powers, but if they ever end up in a fight, they're agility will help them avoid the blades until they can manage to conjure an escape, for this reason they make excellent light soldiers or assasins.

To defeat a Foxen you must either have superhuman reflexes or win in one of their fight of wits, if you can beat them wits they tend to forever be by your side, at least until they manage to outdo you in another clash of wits.

If they ever find themselves in love however, good luck, they are extremely obssesive, and tend to be possesive, you won't ever be able to escape because they will track every single of your movements. (They go practically Yandere. The only difference being they'll never hurt you.)