Name: Masayuki Torre Roxas-Honda
Ethnicity: Half-Filipino, Half-Japanese
Birthday: September 26
Zodiac animal: Rooster
Favorite colors: blue, dark blue, black, brown, red, and grey
Favorite hobbies: Reading, writing stories and journals, cooking, cleaning, listening to music, language learning, and exercising
Physical features: Lightly dark skin, black, loosed hair, and black eyes
Personality: Loving, caring, stubborn, cold, hospitable, kind, nice, and discipline-filled
Nationality: Filipino
Name: Handa Sohma
Ethnicity: Japanese
Age: 16
Birthday: December 8
Zodiac animal: Dog
Favorite colors: orange and red
Favorite hobbies: reading and martial arts
Physical features: dark orange hair and orange eyes
Personality: worried and scared of girls
Nationality: Japanese