Chapter 7 - A New Crew

X alongside Alicia, Tun, Sera, Blur and Jaguar had arrived to put an end to what the Alli Croc Delinquents were doing but before they could do anything.

They proposed a competition, "The rules are simple, X has to fight our biggest and baddest member and heres the prize, if we win then, I get to go on a date with Alicia.

But if you win, well then she's all yours and we won't be bothering you again, have we got a deal?" Alicia then pulled X aside saying.

"Are you crazy? I don't like that jerk, all he does is terrorize me and just sees me as a trophy". X then went to their boss and accepted the challenge to their surprise.

"Alicia, if you feel that way about him then theres no reason for me losing". When their boss called their toughest member, he was named blitz and was a bear.

Tun wanted to help X but he saw in X's eyes that he had an idea and as the match underwent, X didnt move but allowed Blitz to attack.

Alicia watched helplessly as she was watching her friend having to fight just to protect her, X was bleeding from his lips but he didn't give up.

The gang looked on with excitement as they were getting retribution for what C had done to them but as Blitz was about to deal the finishing blow.

X stopped his punch and somehow pushed him more than 5 miles away, as X came looking happy and taking his time getting to Blitz.

Blitz aggressively ran to him and as he was about to make contact, X dodged it and attacked him and he climbed to Blitz's eyes, closing them after putting a blade near his throat.

This left everyone with a unsettling feeling from X, as he let go of Blitz, he ran off along with the delinquents. "It seems that it may be the last time we see those jerks".

X saw in their eyes that they were scared so he decided to walk off and fix his injuries by himself but not before leaving a signal in the air saying.

"Just a prank from the Delinquents, my apologies everyone". As he left them, he could only think about what happened to the capsule.

So he ran back to it and observed what may have happened until he found out what had happened. It turns out that the system failure protocol was activated.

Which lead to it being destroyed, he took whatever left was of the capsule and rebuilt it into armour that may help him with protection.

He then thought about something that Huratio talked to him about in private, "One thing you may need to know is that all of the Antroians around the world have a special shield that may prevent them dying.

If it ever dies then, the around the dead body collects the remains of the decease and leaves it buried, not only is this Green Flash so special but we believe it to be alive".

As he was building his armour, Tun had arrived and saw that he wasn't afraid, "I'm surprised by you, you know that? After seeing what I just did and yet you still come back".

"Although yes what you did was kind of scary but it doesn't matter because of how much you cared about what happened to Alicia".

Alicia along with the others were also there seemingly acting like nothing happened, Alicia went to X and hugged him saying, "Thank you for saving me, nobody really was that..... "