Chapter 12 - Free Time

As Aiden was finished with getting rid of the tracking device that the machines sent by the armada were using, it was only months until they would've arrived.

"Wait so what are suppose to do now? Just wait?" Aiden nodded because he had another idea in mind and what he wanted was to know more about them.

"But sir shouldn't we at least train for what may soon be our last fight? I mean yeah, it'll take time but surely we should use this as an opportunity to ...."

Sera told him to be quiet and she grabbed Aidens arm and and wanted to show her home to him but Alicia had other ideas and took the opposite arm and wanted him to see her home.

They fought for who Aiden would go with first until deciding to go and see Tun's home. Tun was surprised by this and thought that he should go last.

"Hey Ive always loved animals, ever since my sister showed me this book about them, I always had a liking to specifically Tigers, Dolphins, Crows and Wolves.

So this was something that I was lucky to have been encountered with so why don't you show me where to go to your family clans home? I'm interested on knowing".

"But sir, my family doesn't really look forward on seeing visitors and may ignore them completely". Aiden gave up and thought about see something else.

"Fine you win, hey isn't there like some town or village where almost all of the animals are together as one?" Alicia then thought about and decided to go to ....

"I know the best place to go, the Valley Scape Village, most of the land and sea Antroians are there and they enjoy the hospitality but also the environment".

Aiden thought of going there first, as Sera lead him the way, Alicia couldn't help but feel frustrated with Sera, She along with Tun went after them.

Aiden could see that Alicia was upset and decided to make something for her, "Here, I thought you'd look cuter with this wooly jacket".

Alicia immediately took it and put it on, she was smiling while being cheeky to Sera and this made her even more jealous, so she decided hug Aiden tight.

Tun could see that both Sera and Alicia were fighting Aiden's attention so he decided to pull Aiden aside and whispered something in Aidens ear.

"Sir is it okay if I can jump on your back? I want to train on learning how to keep my balance when flying, I may need more improvement on that".

Aiden didn't seem to mind and Tun transformed into a crow and jumped on his back, he then opened his wings and pretended to fly in order to 'train'.

When in reality, he just wanted both Sera and Alicia to stop their fighting but this just made it more worse as they concocted a plan to get him off.

"Say Aiden, I hope you would like to know more about Tun and what embarrassing things he did as a kid". Tun the snapped and got off Aiden.

"Sorry Master X, I think that's enough of training, how about we carry on with traveling to the local village?" Aiden agreed and they carried on walking.

Tun turned to see both Alicia and Sera both sticking their tongues out on him, he was annoyed at them but at the same time, he was glad that they stopped.

Tun could see that they were acting like good friends again and that was all that he needed from them. "We're almost close".