Zara came out all dressed in all whites, a complete contrast to her hungover state of mind. The whole week no scratch that the past month had been very unprecedented. She had to find a place soon, she had been staying at Selena's place for a while now and could not stay longer.
She should not take advantage of her friends kindness. Although she kept away from spending time at their house and only came to sleep but still she was disturbing their privacy.
'You look great,' she was interupted by Selena who had a plate of breakfast and a bowl of salad ready for her.
Another reason to leave soon as her pregnant friend was always worried about her more than herself.
'Thanks,' said Zara as she walked over to her seat with an apologetic look.
'How much of a trouble was I last night?'
'Not for me, I quite enjoyed the show really,' replied Selena handing her a medicine.
'Noooo' said Zara a bit lower with a horrid expression.
'Did I actually do that?' she asked with her hands in her face.
'Yes you did ' said Selena as a matter of fact.
'And something more !'
'What more ?' asked Zara expecting the worst.
'You ended the performance by puking on one of our guests, though I must say Leo was very happy. '
'He actually laughed!'
'Shit, I will apologise to Adam and the guest off course.'
'You can apologise when you meet him,' said Selena as she poured some water.
'Adam's home?' asked Zara while she was eating her food.
'No Silly. The guest.'
' I suppose you will find out soon, he is working for Leo and Ash for the upcoming show. '
' Oh. Fuck! ' said Zara as she held her face in her hands.
' I messed up big time! I threw up on my client.'
'Well, if your boss did not mind. I guess you will be fine,' was the reply.
At the very moment they were interrupted by Leo who walked in on them looking great in crisp white shirt and blue jeans which was a little different than his normal style.
Nevertheless he looked even more appealing as Zara found it difficult to check him out. But she hid her thoughts best by her next sentence.
' So I heard, our client has reached and well I wonder how things will go as Ms. Ivana and I were not informed.'
' The air around them grew heavy as Leo stopped at the counter and looking at her and then at Selena.'
'I was planning on introducing my esteemed client this week.'
' But I suppose you already made your self known to him yesterday,' came the salty reply.
Zara did not know what to say but the she mumbled,
'Like I was in a state to be introduced to a client yesterday.'
'That's not my fault now is it,' said Leo as he leaned closer and took a bite from the bread Zara was holding in her hand.
' Your big monkey and small monkey are in the Kids room,' he said not looking at Selena.
'Oh, I hope they were not much trouble to you?'
'Not at all, though Aly did puke in the washroom.'
'I called you a maid, you shouldn't be working yourself so much,' and then he gave Zara a look which made her feel more guilty as if she needed to know.
She tore away her gaze from him and at the very moment he caught her wrist and pulled her to himself.
For some reason he looked pissed and then she saw the surprise on Selena's face and looked away from both.
'Excuse me, Leo,' she said giving him a hard stare and tried to wiggle out her wrist.
'I have to go! ' He suddenly let her wrist go.
She saw some confusion in his eyes and then he suddenly recovered himself.
'I am also heading to the museum, come along with me if you are done eating your breakfast.'
' I will wait downstairs,' he said again and gave his salutations to Selena for letting him stay and that he had found a place and was moving in the evening.
Zara was feeling fidgety while they were talking and thought she would probably see less of him outside work and even more less after she moves out of Selena's place.
Maybe it was a good thing, she needs to focus on her life, her career and not get distracted by him. He was making her flustered all the time and she was having hard time in keeping her calm. Especially the way he was acting and showing such violent emotions infront of Selena. She did not know what to make up of the situation.
'Leo is either too withdrawn or the opposite.' her thoughts were interrupted by Selena after Leo had left them.
'I don't care,' was all Zara said and gave her a hug and left towards the parking where Leo was in the driver's seat.
She settled in beside him.
' I can drive, I mean for you it might be difficult as it's left hand', Zara meant it genuinely but she felt she might have egged him further.
He did not look at her but just said.
' I am good,' and they left quietly listening to radio.