Chereads / Monster Unit / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37

We then see Team San Teresa as Javier was charging through the forest at a steady pace. But everything that was in his way was knocked back or away. Drones flew at him, but a dagger pierced through the drone as the dagger flew back. Francisca caught it, while running as she was duel wield daggers. A golem charged at Javier as he held one hand out and stopped the golem, while still pushing it back. Francisca vaulted over Javier and kicked the golem in the face, breaking its face into pieces. Javier pushed it aside as he and Francisca kept on moving.

"That little girl has some power and agility." Said Clair.

"Francisca? Yes, she is very strong for a girl her size." Said Jorge.

"I expected the large young man to be the protector and the girl as the carrier." Said Alastair.

"As did I. But they always surprise me." Said Jorge.

Francisca continued to run as we see a flash back of Jorge walking in a jail and passing multiple cells full of delinquents. Jorge reached one of the cells and sees Francisca sitting alone in her cell with a dagger.

"How did she get that?" Jorge asked.

"She was very difficult to handle. We struggled putting her into the cell, since she would beat the hell out of our officers. You sure you want to talk to her?" Said an officer.

"Yes, I'll be just fine." Said Jorge.

The officer let Jorge in as Francisca was on edge as she readied her dagger. But Jorge sat down at the farthest seat as Francisca's was focused on Jorge.

"Francisca De Leon. Born into poverty. Taken away from your family at a very young age by a rogue guerrilla group. They kidnap children and raise them into soldiers to sell in the black market as personal guards. But you…escaped, am I right?" Said Jorge.

Francisca kept silent as she was on guard, while Jorge tried to get closer. But she threw her dagger as Jorge easily dodged it. But he leaned his head the dagger flew back to Francisca's hand. Jorge was surprised as he noticed her bracelet and the feathers it had. As well as some numbers tattooed onto her arm.

"Are those from a Quetzal bird? They're beautiful birds, don't you agree?" Said Jorge.

Francisca nodded as Jorge was content that she at least responded.

"I'm not here to do anything to you. I understand what you've been through." Said Jorge as he took off his golden bracelet.

Francisca was on guard, but her face changed in surprise. Jorge also had numbers tattooed onto his arm as well. He put his bracelet back, while Francisca lowered her guard.

"I know they broke you down. Beat you to near death. Fighting amongst other children, some even your friends. They tried forcing me to kill my own brother. But just like you, I fought back. Francisca, I can help you live a better life. But that's if you want my help." Said Jorge as he held his hand out.

Francisca looked hesitant but she then hand reached out, until we flash to the present as Francisca stood pass a bunch of destroyed drones that were on the ground. She had her dual wielding daggers.

"I will repay you, Headmaster. By making our school be the best there is." Said Francisca in her mind.

We then see team North Winchester as Oliver bolting through the forest at a fast speed, while Robin was jumping across trees, branch to branch. A golem appeared and swung at Oliver, while smirked. He tossed the dummy to Robin as she caught it and kept on going. The golem swung at Oliver but slide between its legs as he summoned a sword to his hand. As he did so, he cut one of the golem's legs and kept on going. Robin tossed the dummy back as Olivia kept on running.

"I thought you were supposed to protect me?" Said Oliver.

"Yeah, but I knew you can handle that one.

Drones started firing at them, until Robin aimed her wrist crossbows and fired all of them down to the ground. She suddenly, lost footing and fell. But Oliver caught her with one arm as she landed in his arm.

"Careful, milady." Said Olivia as he winked.

"Thanks." Robin replied.

But more drones and golems appeared as they stood ready to attack.

"Just like how we met, huh?" Said Oliver.

"I guess." Said Robin.

It was a few years ago in England in as we see Oliver walking on the campus. Many girls were walking with him as they thought he was the handsomest guy in the school.

"Girls, please. I have to head on over to my class." Said Oliver.

"But my class is in the same direction." Said a girl.

"Yeah, mine is too." Said another girl.

"Can you girl scam?" Said Chase, as he was few years younger.

"Ugh, it's Chase." Said one of the girls.

"He's always so rude." Said another girl.

"And you're all annoying harlots. Begone." Said Chase as the girl became angry.

"Uh, easy now. But he's right. You all should head out. I'd hate for you girls to be late." Said Oliver with a smile.

The girls squealed but left, while some glared at Chase as he didn't care.

"Why do you humor those damn girls?" Chase asked.

"As a knight, I believe we should be chivalric. Keep the old ways going." Said Oliver.

"Sounds like a ridiculous way of being a romantic." Said Chase.

"Think what you will. You be, you. I'll be me." Said Oliver.

They then heard a commission nearby as they saw some students bullying a younger Robin. Since she was one of the few color students around.

"I can't believe they let another enter this school. A commoner." Said a male student.

"And look at her. The way she dresses isn't even right. Typical." Said a female student.

"Can you move? I have to get to class. Or not. I don't really care. Classes are boring as hell. But I rather be there than here with you posh assholes." Said Robin.

"What did you say!?" The girl responded.

"Let's teach her a lesson." Said the boy.

"Uh, should we intervene?" Oliver asked.

"Let them. Damn girl needs to learn her place." Said Chase as he left.

Oliver tried to stop Chase, but he quickly turned around and ran off to where Robin was.

"Hey! Uh, can't we all get along? We are knights in training, right? We're basically a big team, no?" Said Oliver.

"Who the hell's the pretty boy?" Said the boy.

"Oh, he's Oliver Galahad." The girl giggled as she blushed.

"I'm flatter that you know me. But can't we let this slid?" Said Oliver.

"And why should we? This lowly commoner talks to us like we're on the same level as she is." Said the boy.

"That's because we are. Take away your title, your riches and your clothes. Take away your pale looking ass skin and what are you? Another human meat bag. Just like the rest of us. You got magic to enhance you? I got pure physical power that doesn't require an item or my daddy's money to make me feel tough." Said Robin.

"You little bitch!" The boy yelled as he swung at her.

Robin was ready, but Oliver dashed in front of her and held out his left hand. A magic red cross appeared, stopping the boys fist. Oliver then made his magic burst out, pushing the boy back as he stumbled backwards.

"What kind of man strikes girl with nothing to defend herself?" Said Oliver, enraged.

"Uh, yeah." Said Robin as she tried put away a combat knife.

"You're taking her side!? But why?" The girl asked.

"Because she's done nothing wrong to you or anyone. And yet, you treat her like she's a criminal at first sight. That… bloody pisses me off." Said Oliver furious.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but I've done wrong to others. But they did do wrong to me first!" Said Robin.

"Could you just not say anything?" Said Oliver.

"Of course." Robin replied.

"See! She's done bad." Said the girl.

"But in her defense…uh, yeah, I've got nothing." Said Oliver.

The girl then snapped her fingers as they were soon surrounded by magic clones of the girl. Oliver stood ready, while Robin popped her knuckles.

"Alright, let's do this. About time things go interesting." Said Robin.

We then flash to the present as Robin and Oliver had taken care of the golems and drones. They both were catching their breath as Robin looked around.

"I think we're clear. But we got to keep going." Said Robin.

"Yeah, let's go." Said Oliver.

They kept on going as the arena had a map and the location of the teams. All teams were fluctuating at who was ahead of who as their positions changed as the recording drones kept a close eye on them.

"C'mon, Salem!" A student shouted.

"Salem! Salem! Salem, Salem!" The students cheered.

All teams were nearing the end as they arrived at a large field as they all were running a couple of yards apart, but all moving at full speed. The finish line was in sight, until smoke bombs were thrown in front of them as it clouded the field. Virika slowed down a bit as Emilio was attacked by a large sword. He dodged on time as he looked and saw a giant knight armor that was hollow from the inside. It then swung at Virika, directly at the dummy as she crossed her arms as large arm constructs appeared and blocked the attack.

"Emilio!" Virika shouted.

Emilio slid into the armor's shadow and walked out of Virika's shadow. He quickly grabbed the dummy as he shadow walked into her shadow again and out the armor's shadow. He then bolted off to the finish line, as he was the first on through. The others were attacked as Javier was overpowering the armor with his bare hands as Francisca was the second to pass. Oliver used his magical red cross shield to block the armor's sword. Until it swung at him again as Oliver summoned his sword and swung. His sword cut through into the middle as Oliver stopped the armor in place, while Robin ran by and was the third to pass. Ava made her rock golem hold back the knight armor as Colton surfed around it and was the last to make it the finish line. Horns went off, signaling the end of the challenge as the crowd cheered. They put on the hologram screen and the points the schools had. Thunderbird had 4, San Teresa had 3, Salem had 2 and North Winchester had 1. But now, the school's position changed as Salem and San Teresa are tied with 6 points, Thunderbird has 5 points and North Winchester is last with 3 points. Team Virika and Emilio were then hugged by the others of the team, except of Daniel as he stood by with a content smile. San Teresa were happy as well, while Colton and Ava looked embarrassed as their team didn't seem to be angry. But Chase looked furious as they were still in last place.

"Sorry, everyone." Said Oliver.

"I expected more from this. But it seems we're lacking. But let them celebrate. Soon…we'll be in first place." Said Chase as he looked at team Salem.