Chereads / Monster Unit / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

It was a dark night on a highway as there was a hunter, in biker clothing, was driving on a motorcycle, over the speed limit. The hunter kept on looking at his rearview mirrors as if there was something behind him. Until a blast of fire almost hit the bike as it hit the road, forcing the bike to swerve. The hunter looked back as there were flying demons after him. They shot fire blast from their mouths as the hunter turned left and right, dodging the blast. Some demons flew faster, getting close to the hunter. The hunter looked at the rearview mirrors as that they were getting close. The hunter then spun his bike around in a circle, while pulling out dual semi-automatic shotguns in his hands. He then opened fire and hit most of them as some dodged. He then spun back around and kept on driving, while holstering his guns. But one of them flies at his head and grabs onto his head, blinding the hunter. We then see the other demons attacking as well as the hunter lost control and drove off the road. He then crashed into the nearby forest as he jumped off and motorcycle crashed into a tree. He then uses his life-force as all the demons fell to the ground in fear. They back away as he the hunter pressed a button his wrist device, sending a help signal for the hunters to pick up. But he then heard footsteps, behind him as he quickly turns around, but gets his chest impelled by someone's arm. It was a demonic looking arm as the hunter only saw glowing fiery eyes. He then pulled his arm out as the hunter fell to the ground, dead. We then see dark figure walk away, chuckling with heavy footsteps.

"One down. Just a few more to go in the family." Said the demon.

We then see the body, while seeing that on the back of the hunter's coat; was the Helsing family's symbol. It would be the next day as it was the day before the Knight-Hunter tournament games at Salem Academy. Many families and friends arrived to support the schools as the gang were together outside, waiting anxiously or nervous.

"Oh! I can't wait for you guys to meet my parents!" Said Scarlet.

"Same." Said Violet.

"I bet you're happy to see them." Said Isaac.

"You bet I am! I haven't seen them face to face in a long time. Since, you know, we're always busy with work and school." Said Scarlet.

"Oh, right. Which reminds me. You all know you're duties during the festivals and tournaments, right?" Isaac asked.

"Don't worry, I. We got this. Since our very own Marcus is going to lead us." Said Violet as she patted his back.

"Thanks." Said Marcus, looking not so confident.

"Nervous?" Isaac asked.

"About leading these guys. A little. It is my first time without you being around for a long time." Said Marcus.

"You'll do fine." Said Franklin.

"Yeah, we trust you." Said Scarlet.

"Yeah." Iris nodded.

"Just don't get angry." Said Jasper.

"Which remind me? Where's Felicity?" Scarlet asked.

"She's a bit timid of crowds. She's at my dorm. You can see her at the window." Said Isaac as he pointed.

They then saw Felicity at the Isaac's dorm window as she waved at them as they waved back.

"Aw, poor thing." Said Scarlet.

"And do I see girls? Isaac, do you have a secret harem going on?" Garry asked.

"No, they're just her friends." Said Isaac.

But suddenly, they all noticed their families in the crowd as the gang ran out to them, besides Isaac and Iris. Jasper walked over to a pretty Hispanic girl with black wavy hair was waving at Jasper. And next to her was a Hispanic boy the same age as she was. The girl hugged Jasper as the boy and Jasper clap-shake hands. Scarlet ran to a woman who looked just like her and a large man with glasses. She threw herself at them as her and the woman cried form emotion. Marcus approached a native American family of four, a man who looked tough and strong, a woman who looked mean as she was hugging Marcus, 14-year-old girl who distant herself from Marcus and a cute 12-year-old boy who approached Marcus happy. Franklin was hugging a Hawaiian woman as he hugged, but she didn't look to comfortable. Garry was with a family of 3 as the man didn't look happy being there at all. The woman was timid and gave a fake smile to Garry, but she kept to herself. And the third member was an adorable girl in a scientist coat as she hugged Garry tightly, until she laughed like an evil scientist. Garry joined her as they both smiled adorably together. And Violet ran and hugged a gorgeous dark-skinned woman who was dressed in noble like clothes and wore glasses. Isaac smiled at the sight, until he looked to his side as Iris was watching as well. She was happy for the others, but she looked sad. Until Isaac placed his hand on her should as she looked at him. He gave her a comforting smile as she smiled back. But they both then noticed a fancy old school car arrive that had recognizable coat of arms of it. A young lady with short blonde ponytail hair dressed in formal casual clothes as she got out first. She held and stood by the door as an old woman in her mid-sixties stepped out of the car. She was wearing a dress clothes, had a sophisticated and intimidating look to her. Iris was wondering who she was, until she glanced at Isaac as he looked nervous. Iris immediately started to worry as she tapped her finger on Isaac's shoulder.

"Who is that?" Iris asked.

"That's…my grandmother." Isaac replied.

Isaac's grandmother then started walking towards Isaac as she was staring at him with a glare. Isaac trembled as Iris stepped back from Isaac, until his grandmother and the young lady reached them both.

"Hello, Isaac." Said Isaac's grandmother.

"G-Grandmother, h-hello." Isaac replied.

"I flew thousands of miles to come and see you and is that all you have to say?" His grandmother responded.

"Uh, I'm glad to see you, grandmother." Said Isaac.

It was awkwardly silent, until Isaac gave her a hug. But even she knew it was awkward as she gently pushed him away.

"No need to force yourself. Words are fine." Said his grandmother.

She then grabbed his face as she looked at him, observing his face.

"I'm just glad to see you, my child. It's been far too long since the last time we saw each other. You were just a little boy. But you've grown to be a handsome young man. But a call would be nice once in a while." Said his grandmother as she started to pinch his cheeks.

"Apologizes, grandmother! It's just…some things turned up and I didn't have the time." Said Isaac as he was rubbing his cheek.

"I see. And who's this young lady behind you? Come dear, I don't bite." Said Isaac's grandmother as she gestured her to come.

"Hello, ma'am." Said Iris, nervously.

"Grandmother, this Iris Nefer. She's part of my team. And not much of a talker. Iris, this is my grandmother, Summer Pendragon." Said Isaac.

"A pleasure to meet you." Said Summer as she gave a bow.

"The honor is mine, ma'am." Said Iris, bowing her head.

"And who's her, grandmother?" Isaac asked.

"This is Carol. She's my apprentices and assistant." Said Summer.

"Apprentice? I though you don't take students. Not after…mother's passing." Isaac responded.

"I don't, but I made an exception for her. Oh, and she's also unable to speak. She has a medical condition." Said Summer as Coral approached Isaac and shook his hand.

"Oh, hello." Said Isaac.

She looked at Iris as she did the same thing as they nodded at each other.

"Also, will you be participating in the games?" Summer asked.

"No, I have to help out around the school. Only the 4th year students are participating." Said Isaac.

"I see. I wish I could have seen you in at least one game." Said Summer as Coral tapped on her shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" Isaac asked.

"Nothing to worry about. I have other business to attend to. But please try to call me. I do want to try to spent time with you Isaac." Said Summer.

"I'll do my best to make time, grandmother." Said Isaac.

"Excellent. Excuse us. It was nice meeting, Iris. I would love to meet the rest of you team as well. Goodbye." Said Summer as she left as Carol waved.

"Goodbye." Said Isaac and Iris.

"That was fun." Said Iris.

"I'm glad you had fun." Said Isaac.

"Why were you nervous?" Iris asked.

"I don't know if you could tell. But back then, my grandmother was way scarier and stricter. But she seems to have calmed down more. But…she still scares the crap out of me." Said Isaac, looking a bit frightened.

"Oh. Spooky." Iris replied.

"Either way, we all have today off. Let's enjoy the day." Said Isaac.

"Right." Said Iris.

They then started to head towards the school's gymnasium as they passed a banner that said Tournament Games! It was moments later as most of the gymnasium was massive as parents, guest, news crew, students of different schools filled the bleachers as the academy's marching band were playing loud. There was also a small stage that had four seats on as we then see four people walk towards the stage. Merlin was the first, next was a woman who was native Canadian as she was in professional clothing, while having native Canadian accessories on. She had long black hair, tied in a ponytail, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and middle aged. Behind her was Mexican man who looked young as he had his hair comb back, dressed professional and had a golden and jade Aztec bracelet. And behind him was English man with blonde hair, green eyes, well dressed in noble clothing as he had a monocle and walked with a cane. They all reached the stage and sat down, besides Merlin as he had a microphone.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Hunter's Tournament Games!" Said Merlin.

The crowd cheers as Isaac and Iris were standing together as security.

"And for those who do not know who I am. I am Headmaster Merlin Ambrosius. And next to me are the headmasters of our sister school from nearby countries. Headmistress Clair Tremblay of Thunderbird Academy. Headmaster Jorge Luna of San Teresa Academy. And our special guests for this year are the Knights of North Winchester Academy as well their headmaster, Alistair Montgomery." Said Merlin.

The students of North Winchester cheered proudly as Alistair smiled proudly and confidently, while people were murmuring in crowd. Isaac and Iris listened to everyone as many weren't too fond of the idea of having knights participate.

"I know many of you are wondering, why are the Knights participating? And it's because of my belief that we all can get along. As well to bridge the gap between us all. I know the bad history between monster and knights. As well as hunter with knights. But we all very similar. More than you can imagine. So I ask to be kind." Said Merlin.

"I expect the same for my students as well. We are guest to Merlin and his school. Treat each other with respect and kindness." Said Alastair.

"Will they do as you ask?" Merlin whispered.

"They are young. Just be cautious." Said Alistair.

"I want the same for my school." Said Clair.

"As do I." Said Jorge.

"And with that! Enjoy your day everyone! Since tomorrow will start the Tournament games!" Merlin shouted.

The crowd cheered loudly as it was moments later as we see Isaac with the gang all together.

"Are you sure you guys are going to be fine alone?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah, I'd hate to leave you guys alone." Said Franklin.

"Yea, we're the gang. We stick together." Said Violet.

"Thanks for your concern, but I think me and Iris will be fine alone. You all enjoy today with your families. And that's an order." Said Isaac.

"You heard the man." Said Franklin.

"Alright then." Said Garry.

"Call us if you need help." Said Marcus.

"I guess we'll see you guys later." Said Jasper.

"Bye, everyone!" Said Scarlet.

They all left as Isaac and Iris watched them leave, until Iris turned towards Isaac.

"What now?" Iris asked.

"Actually, I was given an important job. Wanna come with?" Isaac asked.

"Sure." Iris replied.

They both left, while back at Isaac's dorm. Felicity was with her new friends, Brooke, Julia and Sabrina as they were sitting together and looking out the window, seeing the crowd.

"Whoa, there's so many people." Said Felicity.

"Ugh, too many for my taste." Said Julia.

"Ugh, why are we even in here? When we could be having fun!" Said Brooke pointing that the window with her hand.

"Because you three need to finish up this work." Said Sabrina, while watching TV.

"Oh, right. But what are you watching?" Brooke asked as she sat down next to Sabrina.

"Nothing. And stop stalling." Said Sabrina as she turned off the TV.

"I forgot how cruel you can be." Said Brooke with pouty face.

She sat back down as Julia and Felicity were scribbling, until she was having trouble with a math question as she scratched her head with the eraser end of her pencil.

"Hm, do any of you have a calculator?" Felicity asked.

"Why don't you use your phone?" Julia asked.

"It has those?" Felicity asked in shocked.

"Are you serious?" Julia responded.

"Here, I'll show you. And Ta-da! Calculator." Said Brooke.

"Wow, thanks! What can't these things not do?" Said Felicity.

"I know. I can't live without my phone." Said Brooke as she rubbed her phone against her face.

"No shock there. Since you love posting cosplay pictures of yourself." Said Julia.

"Cosplay? What is that? I think I've heard Garry say that before." Said Felicity.

"Cosplay is when you dress up as a fictional character from a TV show, movie or my favorite. anime." Said Brooke.

"Yeah, Garry likes those shows." Said Felicity.

"A man with good tastes. I like it. But look, these are some of my pics." Said Brooke.

Brooke showed her multiple pictures of in her in cosplay as she looked close to the character.

"Why are you wearing little clothing?" Felicity asked.

"It's a thing. But I'm not afraid to show off." Said Brooke.

"Shameless here." Said Julia.

"Whatever, man hands." Said Brooke.

"Can you finish already? I'm pretty sure we're missing out on a lot." Said Sabrina.

"Sorry. You know how I am. But how is it living with one of the hottest guys in the academy?" Brooke asked, while working.

"Hottest? I don't think Isaac has a fever." Felicity replied.

"Pff." Julia stifled from laughing.

"No, I mean, you know, hot. Uh, attractive, handsome. Does that work?" Said Brooke.

"O-Oh! Well, Isaac's been really nice to me. He's been helpful and…yeah, he is pretty handsome." Felicity giggled.

"I know, right!" Brooke giggled.

"How long have we been here?" Julia asked.

"Long enough." Said Sabrina as she put on her headphones.

Julia let her head fall on the table as she was frustrated. Meanwhile, on the campus, there was a first-year student sitting down at a bench. He had glasses on as he looked like an average student. He had brown hair, blue eyes, freckles on the bridge of his nose and a bit famine looking. He took a look at his phone as saw the time as he stood up.

"I wonder what's taking her so long?" The young man asked.

He then walked over to the boy's dorm, texting a message. But he then looked up for a second and noticed a boy flirting with a girl. The guy wasn't from the school, but the girl was as she was wearing the school's gym clothes uniform that covered her up. She was a very attractive girl with short black hair, green eyes and looked timid. But she looked uncomfortable as she was against a wall and the guy was close to her with his hand against the wall and over her head