What a hit can't believe that I survived that.
I wonder how long I was out for.
Babz probably hasn't heard a thing she must be worried sick.
I need to move and get...
I can't feel anything.
Why can't I feel anything
My damm eyes won't open
???: Hello brainless. Wake up.
Where am I?
Who is there?
Am in a dream. It's a horrible nightmare where I'm paralysed.
I will wake up soon perhaps; it's a coma?
Am in a coma. It's starting to make sense now.
Truck crash, freeway, accident, coma, terrible nightmare. It's all coming together.
But why do I feel so empty?
???: No one ever asks how am feeling. A system is a machine, it can have feelings but no it's all about you. It's always about you. All about the host.
I was just trying to, umm sorry?
???: Listen here, kid. I don't have time for the sappy stories. You got hit by a trailer truck going 157 miles on the freeway in your 2014 used sedan… Now you will never see anyone you care about ever again and upon your death, your soul was transmitted into this spinal cord and you also received a system to help you grow more powerful and evolve on this planet...
???: Got all that?
Not really.
???: Any questions?
Well yes since I didn't…..
???: Ok moving on you need to choose a skeletal form
Host: Wait, A WHAT!
???: A skeletal form. How dumb or you.
There are currently three forms that are available for you.
Name: Ben Watson
Level: 0
Other Stats: locked behind developmental features.
Current task: Choose a skeletal form
Available forms: 3
Humanoid: Mix of stats that may be close to the base average.
Feline: Triple speed of base average with low stats elsewhere
Rhino: Double base average defence increases attack, lowers speed drastically.
Warning: These forms won't be able to change for a very long time.
So; this is my life now? Am going to be the bones of some animal. Am I even alive anymore?. I guess I am, but somewhat undead but sitting here questioning my life won't help me achieve. I need to get stronger and maybe I could even get back to...
???.Are you going to choose something or what?
Yeah, give me a moment.
-Due to an in-depth thought process you have unlocked another skeletal form-
Semi Incorporeal skeleton: Doubles YOUR intelligence, Doubles YOUR magic capability, lowers base average attack, lowers species defence.
What's this, semi incorporeal skeleton, these buffs look great it reminds me of the system like games, maybe this system is like a game, and I should play like it like one. Look at these stats; defence, attack, intelligence, magic, speed.
These are all so similar and might work in the same way.
Now I need to pick the best form. It's like a deck and this is my foundation card.
I wish I could see more about these forms before choosing them though
???: Clarifying options
Humanoid: low magic capabilities, mid to high evolution possibilities, best stat intelligence, worst stat defence
Feline: mid magic capabilities: mid evolution possibilities, best stat speed, worst stat magic
Rhino: Very low magic capabilities, low to mid evolution possibilities, best stat defence, worst stat intelligence
Incorporeal: high magic capabilities, high to very high evolution possibilities, best stat intelligence, worst stat attack
Well, I guess that helps. Now time to chose.
This is my one chance in my lifetime to use magic and then I could evolve and increase my other stats
So incorporeal skeleton seems to be the best right?
Umm System?
Yes, system this is the best option right?
System: I am just a guide on your pitiful journey this is your first test to see your worth.
Ok then.
Magic give me luck.
I chose the semi incorporeal skeleton form.
Wow, that was a mouthful.
System: You dumb donkey!!!
Why would you choose that?
Do you even have a slight knowledge of what the word incorporeal mean?
Yes, I do plus it's only semi incorporeal with high evolution possibilities.
System: What about the low attack values
I think you might have a workaround?
System: Maybe I don't Maybe I do but don't you understand the imbalance of this choice don't you want to walk again?
Well with the high evolution chances I should get legs sometime soon.
System: You like evolution don't you?
Yeah, I played a lot of Pokemon back in my day.
System: This won't hurt a bit
Wow! My head feels like it's spitting.
System: It will hurt a lot!