Far off in the shadows was a dark figure who had been watching the two lovers joined together in a sinful act. He'd heard the woman's lusty cries and desperate moans. Gaalin stood beside an old tree, biting the tip of his thumb to the point of drawing blood. He had turned pale while watching his lord being taken like a whore by the dragon prince.
He whispered her name to himself. "How could this happen?"
His fist slammed into the bark of the tree. "What has that beast done to you to make you commit such a sin?"
Her loud cry echoed towards him as he clenched his eyes shut. "What spell does he have over you?"
Gaalin spun around on his heel and ran down the path that led towards the house. I just knew that beast was up to something, and this is it! He must have worked some sort of magic on her; my lady would never succumb to such a creature! Don't worry, my lovely Libelle. I'll save you.