Chereads / devil school / Chapter 45 - Final chapter

Chapter 45 - Final chapter

After they have gathered everyone Danny started explaining his plan.

''I want to create six main realms, one lower plane for the dead and one upper interconnected plane. In an unconnected area, there will be a realm that every two hundred and fifty years will have a tournament, this tournament will be between three hundred people of each realm, and the tournament will decide which god gets to have higher authority on things that will happen in the realms. Said god won't be able to change the base rules of everything but they will be able to help get rid of bad things and support the mortals.

speaking of mortals, all creatures in the lower plane will be mortals, even the gifted, we will make sure that no mortal could use divinity, and the gifts that allow divinity manipulation and control will be kept in the higher plane.

the way to win the tournament is to have the biggest number of survivors by the end, the survivors get rewarded with one wish of their choosing, and the top participant will be rewarded with two wishes. Anyone who survives will be given the option to stay in the realm while knowing that in two hundred and fifty years another tournament will happen and that the gods won't intervene with whatever happens there''

Danny explained.

''That's good and all but are sure this is the best way to prevent another multi realm war?''

Yeshua was the first to ask.

''No, if anyone else would have another idea then we can create an infinite number of realms to test that idea''

Danny answered, and everyone seemed unsatisfied with this uncertain answer.

''What about all the living beings who exist in the current multi realm?''

Hephaestus asked as he thought of his family.

''We will give them a week to think if they want to get reincarnated, of course without their memories, and if they choose to reincarnate then what ten things do they want, it could be relationships, being rich, or most other stuff. If they don't reincarnate then they will die forever and except if we choose to hold records of this multi realm, no one will remember them''

Danny answered and Hephaestus was relieved to know that he could get reincarnated and still keep all of his current relationships as long as his family chooses to reincarnate.

''Who will be the gods of this 'six main realms'?''

Jonathan asked.

'I have a bad feeling about what his answer's going to be'

Jonathan thought to himself as he waited for an answer.

''Me, Quies, Yeshua, you, and two more that I have not found. Because all four of us are closer to gods than humans or demons''

Danny answered.

''What happens to people who are close to the six gods and want to stay with them?''

Emma asked.

''If the god wants that person to stay with them then they can bring them with them to the upper plane''

Danny answered and was glad to see that her ex[resion brightened.

''Is there anyone else who has a question?''

Danny asked to make sure he can start his plan.


That evening of that day all beings received information to their mind and they understood their situation, some were rampaging, others were drinking, and some were going to talk to their families.

Even the dead received an opportunity to reincarnate but not a lot of them were willing to do so.

The group that defeated the gods, the all killer and the all reviver were all partying as their long war was finally over.


Jonathan said as he approached his father.

''Jonathan, my son! We finally meet again. Sorry for not being there for you, but I couldn't because of death and stuff''

The all killer said.

''It's fine dad, how's mom?''

Jonathan asked. They both started crying and they hugged.

''Do I keep my promises or what''

Danny said to Jonathan as he walked by.

''You know, I almost feel bad for keeping my nephew out of the afterlife only because he wasn't dead''

The all reviver said to Danny as Danny stood at the back watching everyone.

''Well, it's too late for this now, though a woman who dated death? Wow, makes you think''

Danny said.

''Kid, don't try to act as if you got a high ground, your mother dated the devil''

The all reviver said.


Danny said and the all reviver went to talk to other people.

''Marcuses' dead, sorry for not protecting him''

Mira said.

''Don't beat yourself over it, Gabriel was my problem and I could've disposed of him when I was kidnapped to Eden''

Danny said and then he conjured a drink in his hand.

Mira went away towards Emma and whispered something, then Emma walked over to Danny.

''How are you doing?''

Emma asked expecting him to lie.

''I'm okay considering my brother is dead''

Danny answered.

''It's okay, honestly. I was the least useful out of everyone in the fight''

Emma said.

''If it weren't for you then both Mira and Ishtar would have stayed in the elusion and then Gabriel and Wun Wukong would have won their fights, you may have not done a lot but your actions had a strong impact on the battle''

Danny said and they kissed.


''So, you are staying with Yeshua?''

Momotaro asked Mark.

''Yes, I ow my life to that guy, until the day when I feel like it was enough and I repaid my debt, I will stay with him''

Mark answered.

''Well, suit yourself, I am staying with Danny so we will probably meet each other again''

Momotaro said and they shook their hands.


''Brother, thank you for everything you ever taught me and for all the help throughout the years''

Jeanie said.

''It's okay, why are you so formal?''

Chaos asked his sister.

''Because I finally decided who will I marry''

Jeanie answered and Chaos understood that her formality was because she was nervous.

''Who is it?''

Chaos asked.


Jeanie answered. Chaos grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards will.

''We are not having another Marcuse situation''

Chaos claimed, looked directly at Will, and asked.

''Do you have any romantic feelings towards my sister?''

Chaos asked.

''W what do you mean, of course not. Master, sir''

Will answered nervously.

''Are you lying to me because you are afraid of me?''

Chaos asked as he summoned his sword.

''Yes, sir''

Will answered honestly out of fear.

''Then I pronounce you boyfriend and girlfriend''

Chaos said and walked away.

The two of them were blushing and they looked at each other.

''You should be a matchmaker''

Ishtar said to Chaos.

''You should have met her when we were still in high school, I just wanted to prevent things from getting drawn out''

Chaos answered.

''So your sister finally got a boyfriend''

Momotaro said.

''Don't laugh at them, excluding Quies they are the youngest in our group''

Ishtar said.


Momotaro said.


''How are you doing?''

Danny asked Quies.

''My dad is dead and my foster brother decided to make me into a goddess. Overall pretty good''

Quies answered.

''Young miss, if you allow it then I shall follow you in the last multi realm''

Myrmecia said.

''What's your angle?''

Quies questioned his motives.

''I served your father and as such, I would like to serve you as well''

Myrmecia explained.


Quies answered and Myrmecia was relieved.

'So all my hard work has finally paid off, I should have gotten this many people to help me from the beginning instead of trying to solve everything by myself'

Danny thought to himself as he looked at his many allies.


Final thoughts:

Thank you for reading my book, this is the first book I've ever finished writing.

I know there were a lot of issues with the writing and pacing, and I will try to do better next time.

My next book will be set in the same world as this one, it will follow different characters and I will try to keep this as much from the perspective of the characters as possible.

I hope you enjoyed my book and that you will read the next one as well.

Thank you, so much. This has been an interesting experience and hope that you will comment and tell me what you think about the next book when it comes out.

The name of my second book is "A Game of Gods", please give it a look.