3 years later!
"Yah get back here you little brat ! Someone catch her, she's a thief! " The shopkeeper yelled, but the girl was already out of sight!
It was none other than Yuki!
After some time Yuki stopped running and stood in front of a small house catching her breadth.
" well that was easy. " she smirked as she opened her snack bag and went inside the house. It was her new house or we should say
a rented house which she could afford with all the money she stole .
"What a tiring day. " She said as she fell on the couch!
She opened up the tv as she relaxed, and after
sometime, she dosed off on the couch only!
"you are not alone, you won't be anymore, the changes in your life will lead you somewhere new. " an unknown voice said,
"what!? , who's it? " Yuki asked as she got up to look from where the voice came, and what
she saw scared her to her core, a pair of golden eyes staring at her from the dark corridor of her house. "
Yuki jumped at the sight and woke up!
" Oh Lord, another dream! " Yuki sighed in frustration. " Why the hell do I get, these dreams! " she said in anger as she got up to go out for some fresh air.
Yuki was walking on a lonely bridge, with a cigarette in her hand! she was in deep thoughts!
After some time she stopped and leaned over the railing of the bridge!
She lifted her head up and stared at the moon.
"You are the only one who is always there with me! " she said and took a smoke thinking about the times when her mom used to tell her stories about moon.
Mom: you know Yuki, moon is your truest friend, just as a true friend never leaves his or her friend in trouble, Moon is always there for you when the nights are cold and lonely and it will accompany you where ever you go.
Yuki chuckled sadly remembering her words.
" You were right mom moon is my true and only friend. " she said and took another smoke .
"smoking is not good for health! " someone said.
She looked to her side and a boy was standing beside her, also looking at the moon!
" It's none of your business and if you're uncomfortable you can leave. " she said as she averted her gaze from him, looking ahead!
"Your mom is right moon is really our best friend, it's my best friend too, as I'm all alone without my family with me and any friends, it is always my best friend! " the boy said smiling!
" why are you telling me this? " Yuki said, slightly annoyed.
" Just to strike a conversation with you! "
the boy said.
" Hi I'm Jay, nice to meet you! "
he said smiling as he extended his hand towards her for a handshake!
Yuki looked at him and his hand, " and I'm
not interested! "
Jay frowned a little, " a weird name for a beautiful girl like you! "
he said as he grinned at her, while Yuki threw him a death glare!
"stop bothering me and be quite if you wanna stand here! " she said annoyed!
while Jay, put his hand on his heart,
"ouch! that hurts, but alright I won't speak anymore, but rather I'll do this!" he said as he threw the cigarette out of her hand and stealing the rest of the pack from her pocket, with his other hand! " HOW DARE YOU! " Yuki said as she raised her hand to punch him, which he dodged easily!
"wanna hit me and take this pack back? " he said as he raised his one eyebrow, "then catch me first, if you can of course, other wise I'll be taking my leave now, and yea forget this pack of cigarettes! "
"you are literally a nosy jerk ! " she said as she started running after him to catch him.
"you better stop, you jerk! she yelled trying to catch him, while he just laughed at her as he ran faster!
" didn't anyone teach you not to mess up with strangers or did your parents just leave you out as a wild child! " she shouted again, this time Jay stopped, his expression slightly saddened!
"FINALLY! you stopped, now give it back! "
she said as she snatched the pack of cigarettes from him and started walking away!
but before she could leave, Jay pulled her back towards him by her waist and held her hands in place! his face was so close that she could feel his breath on the face " all i wanna ask you is, will your mom be happy seeing you like this, will she be happy by seeing how her only child is so depressed, is a thief and has become a smoker? will her soul rest in peace, seeing you this way? think about it! rest the pack is with you, you wanna smoke again or throw it away is your choice! I'll take my leave now! " he said as he backed off and went away leaving Yuki stunned .
By the time Yuki came to her senses and turned to stop him, wanting to know how did he know all of that about her, he was already out of her sight!
she looked down at the pack of cigarettes in her hand and sighed.
She threw the pack in the nearest, litter bin and then looked towards the direction Jay had left! " I hope to meet you again, I wanna know who you are and how do you know so much about me! " she sighed as she left!
not knowing Jay was just hiding, still listening to her and smiling at her sweetly!
" of course we'll meet soon, Yuki, after all we have, a lot to talk about! " he said as he also went away smiling like a little child!