I stepped up to my door, taking a deep calming breath before pushing it open. Miss Ven appeared at the house door next to mine and I smiled wearily at her. This was how we had met when I had first got here. She told me I would grow into this lifestyle eventually and that if I ever needed someone to talk to or a tummy full, I should follow the street lights with orange paint on them and I'd find food heaven. Fortunately, she was overwhelmingly correct.
"You know, you may not be able to see or understand everything right now but you will, eventually. I promise." She returned my smile
"How could I ever?" I peered at her, not feeling quite up for this conversation "My whole life is a lie"
She shrugged "Everyone has their demons Hot Blood and eventually no matter how unbeatable they seem, you begin to overcome them." She smiled "Don't lose hope. This is only the easy part" she retreated to her house and closed her door before I could ask any more questions. I sighed. How could my situation get any worse than this?
"Come out Ray. I know you're there" I called and he appeared out of nowhere frightening the life out of me even though I knew he was close by.
Truth be told, I didn't know how to feel about everything Ray told me, all I knew was that it wasn't safe for me anymore and having someone who was obligated to watch your back at this point, felt like a win.
When I think about it though, all this made sense. Ray always seemed to know where I was, always showed up when I was in a hole, when I needed help or a hand. He was always around. I sighed silently. I guess now I knew why he took care of me while I was sick. He was obligated to.
"Can you sleep on the couch?" I begged selfishly, trying not to think about the girlfriend he was leaving at home. I was too scared to stay by myself. The encounter of my two kidnappers, how people could break into my house without effort and the fact that someone was out to kill me, kept repeating itself in my mind. He nodded and I waited for him to enter before I locked the door.
"Amelia wake up!" Ray yelled and my eyes shot open. Immediately the stench of smoke filled my lungs and I began to cough uncontrollably, jumping out of bed and towards the entrance of my bedroom. I stood in shock. Fire was everywhere, it blocked us in, daring us to pass.
"Get back" he yelled a bit out of breath while scanning the room and I stumbled back. The heat scorched my skin and my cough got worse.
"Are we going to die?" I screamed as the fire began to spread to the room. He looked at me, his facial expression becoming hard and unreadable.
"Get down" He commanded and I followed his instructions. He drew the thick flannel sheets from my bed and before I could oppose, he disappeared into the fire. I would have screamed at him but found it was becoming increasingly hard to breathe or talk.
"Amelia wake up!"
I groaned weakly, struggling to catch my breath or move. I felt as if my head was making circles around the world.
"Mia!?" He yelled, wrapping me in something soaked with water.
"I'm going to get us out of here" he whispered lifting me and all I could hear was the crackling of fire, things falling around us and Ray's assuring whispers through his deadly, life-threatening coughs. I closed my eyes, trying not to look at the growing orange light; there was no way we were getting out of here alive.
I coughed, air filling my lungs once more. My eyes shot open and Ray looked down at me with relief. I tried sitting up and was assisted by helpful hands. I was handed a cup of water and after I gulped it down, I scanned the crowd around me. I couldn't see anything but people, some with buckets of water rushing off through a cleared path.
I spotted smoke escaping through the air close by but I dismissed it. It was evident that other houses had caught fire.
I tried standing without luck.
"You scared the life out of me" Miss Hoe cried, stooping to hug me. I wrapped my hands around her thin frame, happy to be alive. AGAIN.
A group of men walked up to Ray and Mrs. Hoe released me to look up at them. Suddenly all movements stopped.
One of the bigger men shook his head. "We didn't get to her in time" He stated with disappointment and disbelief.
I curled my eyes in confusion, completely oblivious to what they were talking about. Ray sprung to his feet, glancing at me with worry plastered across his face.
I skimmed over his figure instinctively; for the first time since I woke, I realized minor burns on his arms.
"Ray you're hurt" I stressed, forcing myself to stand but he just kept staring.
"Mia" he began, holding my hands firmly "The fire spread to both of your neighbors' house"
I looked at him. That was tragic. "Are they okay?" I enquired
"Mr. Haughty made it out alive but…"
"But what?"
"No!" Mrs. Hoe screamed in complete horror and I looked down at her in confusion. Tears crawled down her cheeks and she became so red, you'd think she was going to explode.
I returned my focus to Ray for an explanation, trying not to think too hard about it.
'My neighbors were a part of the fire.'
"But what?" I urged "But what?!" I questioned as nervousness washed over me.
"Miss Ven didn't…" He shook his head and I pulled my hands from his.
"Didn't what Ray?" I dared him but he didn't get the chance to answer.
"Ray?!" both Mal and his girlfriend yelled with relief from behind him. They ran up to him and Aleecia wrapped her arms around him.
"Thank God you're okay" Aleecia spoke before releasing him and looking him over. "You're hurt. Let's go get you fixed up" she continued with sincere concern but he was still looking at me and I couldn't look away. I needed to hear, I needed to know. My mind refused to process the idea.
I took a sharp breath, refusing to breath, refusing to accept the possibility but as the seconds went by it became almost impossible to keep my wall up, I began to break.
"She's dead isn't she" I whispered and he nodded. I whimpered as my world came caving in. I looked around, wishing she would just walk up to me and say she's alright, that this was only a joke but she didn't. All I could see were old people holding each other, leaving and crying. I tried taking a deep breath but couldn't.
I couldn't do anything.
Hot tears flooded my cheeks but I couldn't find the strength to wipe them. I felt like screaming but couldn't find my voice. The earth shook beneath me, the air was thick, the sky black and my heart heavy. Ray released himself from Aleecia's grip and in a swift helpless moment, his strong, warm, comforting arms curled themselves around me and for a very brief moment, my world stood still.