"I wonder what they use for punishments here." Kershka said.
I looked at Adelaide and then said, "Well, we could ask the guards. Or Isarial. He's so random, I don't know when he'll appear. Like the middle of the woods."
"He does have a tendency to appear and disappear at will." Adelaide agreed.
Due to Kershka's curiosity, we found someone to ask about the punishments with. After that, we went to Dueling Rivers. We spent the day together. I told him about my favorite places as a child, and held Aiko's egg. He told me some of his childhood experiences. Like playing in the snow and such. I realized Kershka was a lonely soul.
I was glad I was able to help alleviate his loneliness a little. It was also good to play with Biri. We missed one another. Still, she needed her lessons. We parted ways after dinner, which we'd had in a rented room at the Inn together. I kept Biri with me, because the inn employees didn't mind her being inside.
The next morning, after my bath, I had breakfast with Biri. Then I went to see Kershka. I caught him before he sat in his usual spot. "Kershka!" I said, ducking around one of his arms and hugging him. "Good morning."
He laughed and put an arm around me. "Good morning, Vern. Rest well?"
"Yes. Did you?" I asked.
"I slept good." He said. "I'm getting impatient, though."
"How come?" I asked.
"Just waiting for house." He said.
I laughed, "Yeah, I'm excited, too."
"How's the puzzle coming?" He asked.
"I have not completed it yet. I have still been trying when I have time." I told him.
He took another puzzle out. It was more complicated and had rings to it. "So you don't want another?"
I smiled at him, "I'll take it if you want me to. It'll be a little longer than a week this time. I have to make my report to the Queen after this time."
"Then I should give it to you so you have more time." He said. "You could also try and let her solve it, too."
"She's clever. She probably could. I will show it to her." I said.
"When will you have to leave?" He asked.
"To be on time, I should go now." I replied regretfully.
"Oh." He said, disappointed. "Then I wil walk you to the gate."
"Alright. I would like that. It gives me a moment longer with you, after all." I said.
"Don't you worry, I will see you for a long time down the road. I'm very tall." He said.
I smiled and headed with him to the gates, where we kissed before I headed down the path to meet Osgard. After meeting up with him, we began making the rounds. I explained to him what I was looking for and what we were doing as we did it. I didn't bother to comment on his being invisible. I was sure he had his reasons.
I made a small camp to cook and eat at that night, and asked, "Osgard, do you need to sleep?"
"Yes, I do sleep." Osgard said. "Typically I find a tall tree."
"Whatever you like is fine. I will protect you while you sleep." I told him. "I'm glad you are here to eat with me."
"I'm gad for the company as well." Osgard said. "It's not often I get to have conversations."
I smiled. "With the seasons frozen, when do the animals go into rut?"
"I woulsld say every three months." Osgard replied. "Next month should be their time."
"Goodness. No wonder there is such high numbers!" I said, tending to the food.
"Yes, they can get out of hand. The hunters can get swamped at times." Osgard said.
"Why are there no real predatory animals?" I asked.
"There are, but the adventurers use them to 'start their journey to greatness' so much they tend to be under populated in comparison." Osgard said.
"I see. Where are they?" I asked. "If you show me, I can help their numbers increase."
"I can take you to them after the meal is done. They are not in your typical path." He said.
"Alright. Thank you, Osgard. Are you hungry?" I asked.
"Yes. I am indeed quite hungry. I may have missed breakfast." He said.
I smiled. "Poor sweet boy." I started making him a plate. "We'll fill you up. Since you're an Oni, you got a large appetite, don't you?"
"I do. It takes a bit to fill me." Osgard said.
I laughed. "That makes me miss my family."
"I would imagine Hill Giants would have quite the appetite, yeah." He replied.
I held out his plate for him. "Here we go, for a start. Eat up, deary."
"You sound like the old woman who used to live in the cottage I have." He said, taking the plate.
I used the spell on the cook pot to duplicate the food, made my own plate and took a bite. "Mmm. So good. The old woman, you say? I would say that I am a young woman. My mom would say I'm a jotunling."
"She used to call me deary is all." He said.
"Is that a good or bad memory?" I asked.
"It's a good memory." He said. "I miss her a fair bit."
"Would you like a hug?" I offered.
"I'm alright. It's been quite a few years. Thank you for the offer, though." Osgard said.
"More food?" I offered.
"Yes please. It's quite tasty." He said.
I laughed again and heaped some more onto the plate. "I'm a pretty darn good cook, huh?"
"I am inclined to agree with you. You're a fine cook." He said.
"Thank you. Kershka likes it, too. I can't wait for our house to be ready, I'll make him all the sweeties I know how to." I smiled broadly, squealed and giggled, imagining Kershka's joy over it. "Ohh, I can make honey rolls, too! Mmm."
"You seem to be quite excited about the prospects." Osgard said.
"Yes. Do you want to be an uncle to my and Kershka's babies?" I asked.
"How about I start as a family friend? I don't knw if I'm ready to be an Uncle." Osgard said.
"If you'd like. I just figure that you're like Kershka and I, well, sorta. Kershka and I aren't true giants.. but we are raised by giants. So we're kinda cousins, you know?" I said.
"That is.. a nice way to look at it." Osgard said. "I certainly would like to have family again. But I'll have to get to know the both of you a bit more."
"Deal. We plan to have ten or more babies, I'll invite you to all the birthdays. What do you think?" I asked.
"That's.. a big family. You two are going to be very busy." He said. "I can see why you might beed a substitute ranger."
"I love the job, but I also want to have a family." I told him. "I can only hope I'll be a good mom."
"Only one way to find out, which sounds like your well on the way to it." Osgard said.
"I'm sure Kershka will make a great husband and father. I figure I will ask him officially to marry me in three more months." I told him.
"You're going to ask him?" He asked.
"Well, I don't think I can knock him out, as is proper, so being direct is my best bet." I said.
"Ah, yes. The Giant's way of matrimony. Perhaps the direct approach is the right choice." Osgard said.
"Kershka doesn't like violence anyhow. I'm starting to think, neither do you." I said.
"Not a fan of it, but I can implement it if need be." Osgard said.
"If ever you're interested, I can introduce you to a cousin of mine." I said.
"I've never thought about.. a relationship." He said.
"She likes to tend gardens, but not much else." I told him. "Her name is Nisri."
"I've never tended to a garden before. It would be good to learn." Osgard said.
"She is a giantess." I warned.
"And I am an Oni." He said. "If anyone should be warned, it should be her."
I smiled. "She is unusual for a giant in that she is quiet. She didn't want to hurt my ears."
"We, that sounds like a caring soul." He said. "You are right, she sounds a little different."
"I should definitely go see her soon. I haven't been to see her in fifty year." I said.
"In a human lifespan that is quite a long time." Osgard said.
"Lifespans confuse me some." I admitted.
"It is sometimes difficult to keep track of everyones life expectancy. You may think, oh I'll see them again in a while. Next thing you know, fifty years have passed and their dead." Osgard said.
"Yeah. According to Sylvia, I am from the Astral Plane. An Astral Elf. If I go back up, I won't die." I said.
"I'd never heard of the Astral Plane. You say you can go there?" He asked.
"Apparently, though I don't know how to aside from using the Port Key." I said.
"What is a Port Key? Some kind of teleportation?" Osgard asked.
"Yes. It costs about twice what my house did." I took it out to show to him. "It lets you go anywhere with a simple thought."
"In the wrong hands that could be such a problem." Osgard said.
"I wonder what Isarial would do with one." I commented.
"There is absolutely no telling what he would do with one. Hopefully good things." Osgard said.
"The Port Keys are tracked. Well, their purchase is. The scary thing about it, is if you have a person in mind, you can teleport directly to them in a blink, even if you do not know their location." I said.
"You are quite right. That is terrifying. And a lot of terrible things can be done with that." Osgard said.
I nodded. "All full, or want some more?"
"I am full, thank you. Shall I take you to those predator spots now?" He asked.
"Yes. That sounds good." I replied.
"Alright. We'll start with the bears, they are closest." He said.
I nodded, cleaning up the small camp and then indicating I was ready. With a gentle hand on my shouder, he steered me along. He brought me to Bears, as he said, then to wolves. I noted they'd arranged their territories as to best avoid adventurers. It gave me a better understanding of the unique ways of this continent.
I decided I'd have to confer with my counter parts to adequately rearrange some of the wild life. I would be able to better understand when I got the numbers from the other Rangers. If domesticated animals were low, I'd need a strategy to better increase the quantity. I explained these things to Osgard, he seemed to have an interest in it.
Still, he had to rest, and climbed a tree to do so. I also climbed a tree, in my zone, to ensure I wasn't disturbing the wildlife too much. Then I cast Commune with Plants and learned what the plants were seeing in the area. It was partly how I tracked what was going on around me, anyhow.
In the morning, I woke Osgard with breakfast. Then after we ate, we got to work. We covered a good bit, with him picking up rhe job well. We checked over traps we came across, with my showing him the marks to tell that it was Mills'. The next two days passed quickly. Both without incidedent and without confiscated traps. The fifth day, near Osgard's home, we encountered poachers.
They'd tried to settle in this area, leaving my neighbors territory. They were marked with the initial already and actively hunting. I stepped in, shutting down their hunt, and carrying out their maiming once they were apprehended. I took the arm opposite to the ones they were marked on. Their next punishment would be execution, I warned.
The rest of the trip was uneventful, and I began writing my report for Tilton after dining with Osgard. "Well, what do you think?" I asked.
"I think I could do this job for you. I think I can start as soon as you need me to." Osgard said.
"Are you sure? There sre parts that are necessary that are hard to swallow." I said.
"I have no issue dispensing punishments to those who break the law. It is for the safety of all." Osgard said.
"Yes. That is true." I said. "Would you prefer me to make reports to the Queen for you when you must cover me?"
"Yes, that would be extremely helpful." Osgard said.
"That is fine. Do you want to shadow me for the next month or so? To get used to it." I asked.
"Yes, I think that would be a good idea. I would hate to miss something." Osgard said.
"That's admirable. Go ahead and rest for the night, or you can go home. I'll make the report to Tilton in the morning and be back in after my meeting with the queen is in three days.. I'll meet you in the same place." I said.
"I'll head home for the night. I will see you in four days." Osgard said.
"Thank you, Osgard. I'll get you a copying stone so that the reports can be easily duplicated to give one to Tilton and one to the Queen. Good night, Deary." I said.
"Good night, Vern. I'll see you later." Osgard said, then he left.
I finished up the report, then waited for day. At the usual time I headed to Tilton's home and knocked. After a certain amount of time, Tilton came to the door.
"Good morning, Vern. Anything interestingoing to report today?" Tilton asked.
I offered his report to him. "Yes. Osgard is going to be getting trained to help me in this territory. Especialy when Kershka and I start having babies."
"I bet he'll make a good substitute. Especially after he gets over his fear of people." Tilton said.
"Maybe my cousin Nisri can help with that. Don't worry, she's only interested in plants." I told him.
"Why would I be worried in particular?" He asked.
"She's a hill giant?" I said.
"Ah. That's what I shuld be worried about." He said.
"I don't have Elven relatives that I know." I told him. "Nisri is a nice girl."
"A nice girl hill giant... and how is she supposed to help Osgard exactly?" He asked.
I looked at him and then smiled mischievously with a wink. "We girls have our ways."
"I don't know if I want a straight forward answer to this, so I'll leave it at that." Tilton said.
I giggled. "Well, I don't intend to state it clearly if you don't know."
"Good, good." He said , waving his hand. "I wonder what she'll make of all these interactions."
"She is a sweet girl at heart. I am hoping she'll do well and be surrounded by good things on this continent." I said. "I am glad those who've hurt her are bamboo."
"I know what that means.. and that... moving on." He said.
"Yes. I must meet with the Queen in three days." I told him.
"If you would, I have reports for her. If you would take them." Tilton said.
"Yes. I was going to offer to take anything you need to her." I said.
"Give me just a moment, I'll be right back." He said.
I waited and he soon returned with the papers he wanted delivered. "Is this all?" I asked.
"Yes, this is all of them." Tilton said.
"Thank you for your trust." I said, accepting the papers and string them with the rest.
"I trust you to protect my lands. If I can't trust you with a few papers, well, that's a problem." Tilton said.
I smiled. "Oh, right. That reminds me. Some poachers crossed from the East. This was the third time they were caught, so I took their arms."
He sighed, "Damned fools, they got what they got."
I nodded. "The details are in the report."
With his acknowledgement, I headed off to find my beau. He was in his usual spot, just settling into his routine when I'd approached. I walked around him and curled up next to him on the bench, wrapping my arms around one of his.
He looked at me and said, "That was... you are very sneaky. I thought you were gone already." He kissed the top of my head. "But I am glad you are here."
"I didn't mean to surprise you.. I decided to cheat, using the Port Key to attend the meeting rather than travel there." I said. "So I'll spend today and tomorrow with you. How does that sound?"
"I like that plan." He said.
I fetched the first puzzle and showed it to Kershka. Osgard's suggestion for it had allowed me to complete it. "Finally managed it."
"Good. Now you can start on the second one. I have ideas for the third one." He said.
"When should we commission furniture?" I asked.
"Ooh, we should get that done. That is important. Could go today." He said.
"We could. When do you want a baby?" I asked.
He stammered. "I'm not sure."
I giggled. "Maybe within' this year or next?"
"Yes, that.. sounds good." He said.
"Too much?" I asked.
"No, it's fine.. just new for me." He said.
I smiled, "I'm thrilled to be with you."
He smiled broadly, chuckled and said, "I am glad to be with you as well."
I kissed him, placing my hands on his neck to feel his pulse. "Osgard took the job. Once I train him, I'll have more time for you and our family."
"Good. I would like to be able to see you more." Kershka said.
"That is the plan. One month of training will do him fine. It'll start the day after I return from the Queen." I said.
"Ok. Can I help in some way?" Kershka asked.
"Sure. He has some weakness in tracking. If you can set up small camps and make it seem like poachers are in the area, that mat be helpful." I told him.
"Ok. I can do that. Kershka will be best terrible poacher." He said.
I giggled and snuggled up to him. "It sounds like great fun, Hjerte. I decided I will introduce my cousin to Osgard."
"Your cousin?" Kershka asked.
"Yes, she's one of the few still alive of my family. She just likes her garden. You can meet her, if you'd like." I said.
"I would like to meet her at some point." Kershka said.
"She's quiet." I said.
"The quiet ones can be dangerous." Kershka said.
"You make it difficult to be patient." I griped with a smile.
He gave me a confused expression. "I'm sorry? I could teach you whittling. It's good for patience."
I gently placed a hand on his high, "Is it? Good for patience?"
He blushed a little. "Yes. Very good for patience."
"Can I break your patience..?" I teased.
"You can try. That will be a tough challenge." Kershka said.
I smiled and said, "Should I? It's a little public..?"
"Oh. May have to wait then." He said.
I giggled and gave him a kiss, slipping myself into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "Well, there are things I can do here."
"What could you do to mighty Kershka?" He asked.
I leaned back, trailing a finger up his neck and along his jaw to his lips. "Darling Hjerte, there is so much I could do to you."
He smiled. "And I am very patient."
I giggled, looking into his eyes. "Just means I can torment you longer."
"So you say." He said, giving me a kiss.
I touched his chest, and kissed him back, enjoying his warmth. Then I whispered some dirty things to him in our language. I felt him get an erection that pressed solidly against my bottom. I continued teasing his body, and whispering to him.
"My patience holds strong. But it is waning." Kershka said.
I licked his neck, then kissed him. "Doesn't feel like it here." I wiggled my hips.
"My patience is not the same as his patience." Kershka said.
"It feels nice." I said.
"I will test your patience a little." Kershka decided, then began rubbing himself against me.
I smiled, my body heating up, "My wonderful Darling."
He kissed me, "My starlight."
I pressed my body against him. "I can take you somewhere else..."
"Like where?" He asked.
"Woods? Jungle?" I asked.
"Woods are fine for more... patience practice." Kershka said.
I fetched the Port Key and took Kershka and I to a low foot trafficked pace to the far North. Even further North than where I'd met Isarial at the tower. "How is this, Love?"
"This looks like good place... for tests." Kershka said.
I altered my positioning, so that I could wrap my legs about his waist. "Tests, you say?"
"Tests of my... incredible tolerance, I mean patience." Kershka said.
I giggled and said, "What would you like me to do to further test you?"
He sheepishly said, "I am unsure."
I kissed him and let my hair loose. "I'll be more aggressive, then." I said, and undid my top.
"Hm. Aggressive, indeed." Kershka said.
I smiled and started touching his body again. "Should I take it off?"
"Could take it off for you." Kershka said.
"You may." I replied.
He gently took it off, "This is a good test."
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"Very much, yes." He said.
I kissed him and said, "You can touch." I moved one of his hands to my side. Then I touched his stomach.
He began caressing my skin, though he didn't touch my breasts. I felt his erection pressing more firmly against me. I realized then that he was large. I shivered at the sensation. I began kissing him, and touching his face and body, exploring him, just as though I was still blind.
"This is becoming a very difficult test." Kershka said, while we caught our breath from the kisses.
"I like it." I said, leaning my scarcely covered breasts against him.
"I like it, too. A lot." He said.
I touched his bulging issue. "Delightful."
"Not too big?" He asked.
"I do think it is big, but I am not sure what would be too big for me." I told him, feeling him gently through his pants.
"I don't think I can fix it if it is." Kershka said.
"I am unconcerned. If it will not fit fully, then I will still have what I can hold." I told him, kissing his cheeks.
"Okay. We'll try to be careful." He said.
"Now?" I asked. "Or do you wish to wait?"
"I believe my patience has lost. I would like to do it now." Kershka said directly.
I smiled and kissed him. Removing my clothing for him. His excitement was evident as he skimmed his hands across my breasts and bottom. I shivered as he laid me back on the grass and pulled himself out of his pants. His erection was so hot against my slick opening. A few hot kisses more, and he pressed himself inside me.
I moaned at the sensation, hearing him grunt as he tried and failed to hold himself back. I reached between us, as he thrust himself inside me. It made me even hotter for him to feel where we were joined. Somehow with my heightened arousal, he fit inside fully. I orgasmed, which spurred him onto being rougher.
When we'd finished, I panted sleepily next to him. "I love you." I told him.
"I love you, too." He said. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, I am fine. Little tired." I answered him.
"You can sleep." He said. "I am very awake."
I smiled and snuggled up to him and said, "Okay. And then we can play some more."
"That sounds good to me." He agreed.
I fetched my blanket from my bag, and tucked it around us, curling up and falling asleep on him. I woke up hours later, very hungry. In fact, my stomach rumbled over it. I groaned and stretched on him.
"Hello, Starlight. Sleep well?" Kershka asked.
"Mhm. You're comfortable to lay upon. And very comfortable to lay." I said with a cheeky wink.
He laughed and said, "I am glad you had fun. It means we can do it again."
"Oh, yes. We are absolutely doing it again." I told him.
He smiled broadly and hugged me tightly. "When?"
"I was wanting it when I woke, but I am also very hungry." I said.
"Then food, then exercise." He decided.
"Hmm. Alright. We'll get dressed and go to the Night Market for food. It's already made. And then we'll check into a hotel and have sex in the bath." I said, getting up and retrieving my clothes.
"Good plan." He said.
I dressed slowly, to tease him, then took him to the Night Market. The sights were overwhelming, so I shut my eyes and led him to some delicious stalls. Once we bought enough, I took us to a place to eat. Once we were finished eating, I brought him to an hotel and checked us into a honey sweet. It was known for their huge bathtubs.
"It is amazing how much is here." Kershka said.
"Yes. The bed should be comfortable. Do you want to see the tub?" I asked.
He looked at me, "Yes. Yes, I do."
I giggled and took him to the bathroom with me. I turned on the heating apparatus, and began filling the tub. I added scented bubbles to it that would make our skin feel like silk. Then I slowly stripped out of my clothes, watching him. He took off his clothes, too, already erect.
I stepped back into the tub, which was filled to my calf at the moment and would hold water up to my hips. Then I beckoned him, "Come, love. I promised sex in the bath."
"And I will hold you to it." Kershka said, getting in the tub with me.
As soon as he sat himself in the rising water, I got into his lap, kissing him. We caressed and fondled each other until I guided him inside me, shivering at his thickness, and began rocking my hips. He soon grasped my hips, pressing himself deeper as the water reached his navel. By the time we came, the water had nearly overflowed. Not that we hadn't splashed water out.
I helped him wash himself after, feeling a little tender in places. "I could definitely do that again."
"Me too. Pretty easily." Kershka said.
I giggled. "My Hjerte has a voracious appetite for sex, hm?"
"With you." He said.
I kissed him, "Bed this time?"
He kissed me back, "Okay. Less water."
He lifted me out of the water, taking me to the bed, eager for the next go. He had no issues fully inserting himself this time. I embraced him as well as I could, meeting his every thrust. He changed the positioning midway, so the my leg was held up over his arm while he held me hands. The deeper still penetration was too much. I came for him immediately.
He nearly did as well, but pushed through it, determined. I panted, moaned and cried his name. When he grunted my name in return, we came again. He rolled, then, bringing me to rest on top of his chest while he caught his breath. He was slow to withdraw himself from me this time, and I was alright with that. I took another nap after that.
I woke several hours later with Kerhska gently stroking my hair. He smiled to see me waking. I smiled in return, kissing him. We soon commenced our activity again. This time he seemed eager to attempt to be gentle with me, but his body betrayed him, and he became quite rough, resulting in several orgasmed before we climaxed together.
After this time, we returned to the bath to clean up again, we'd gotten sweaty, after all. This time, he used his hands to torment me, and I cried that I wanted him and his babies. This resulted to him being inside me again. After this round I had no strength in me. He gently washed my body while I laid against him. Satisfied and brain addled.
I could tell by his expression that he was very proud of himself. And very happy. Once we were clean, he dried us off. Then he helped me onto the bed. He got a dress for me from my bag, and helped me into it before dressing himself. We then went and got some more food. We had to return to Dueling Rivers, though.
Biri and Shaska were waiting for us, plus Aiko's egg was there. And he hadn't had the chance to say anything to Bibs before leaving. He said, "I am going to talk to Bibs for a bit. I need to ask him some things. Are you okay to wait?"
"Yes, that's fine. Take your time, Fjell Hjerte." I said.
He kissed my forehead, setting me on his bench and headed inside. Biri placed her head in my lap, and I stroked her gently. I still felt warm and melty from my activities with Kershka. Shaska had also approached by now, and I pet her, too. Until I dozed off anyways. When I woke back up, Shaska had headed to the tree, Biri was still had her head in my lap, and Kershka was next to me.
"I suppose I fell asleep." I noted.