"How long until we start seeing any kind of result?" The Sultan asked.
Traxigor chuckled, "Vexie asked for it to be completed on your wedding day, when you get to declare the North and South to be one nation. That way it appears as though the Gods have blessed the decision."
The Sultan was also amused. "Now that is a good plan."
"I thought it would. It will keep many from protesting." I said.
"I am actually a little upset I didn't come up with that." Phintias said.
I grinned and said, "You can claim it if you want."
"No, no. I'll just come up with something else." Phintias said.
Amused, I said, "Since you know your territory is being healed, how do you feel?"
"Ecstatic. The land here had been dried out for generations. This will essentially be uncharted territories." Ths Sultan said.
"Your Majesty should be more conservative with the Residuum." Sangir commented.
"It's not really an issue, Sangir. I have an abundance of it available, and I am controlling where it goes. Facts are, it helps me to heal this land. So there should be no complaints." I told him.
"What? How costly is this ore to begin with?" The Sultan asked.
"The whitestone is essentially the same as the price of sand in a desert, however, because of the potential of magics done with the residuum once it's in it's pure crystal form, the price for one pound is the equivalent of five hundred pounds of adamantine bars." I explained.
He coughed. "Five hundred.. that is quite expensive. And you said you paid ten pounds of this?"
"Yes. I was expecting it to cost twice that." I replied.
Dirthin chuckled and looked at me, "Are you flaunting your wealth now?"
"No, that would be telling you exactly how much processed residuum I have available at the moment." I said. "I am not the sort to do such."
Dirthin laughed, "In other words, she is so rich she doesn't care."
"Hm. Maybe I should sell one of those, nevermind." Phintias said to himself.
The Sultan said, "I'm glad you didn't finish that thought. It would be good to know you don't have such vast wealth you could buy this continent twice over."
"I didn't say that." Phintiad responded.
"I suppose it may have been dishonest of me to not explain about the residuum properly, but I did include the mine and the refining factory in the documents of the island I showed you." I said.
"Yes, I remember that. Unfortunately I had not been able to put a price to it." The Sultan said.
I said, "Keep in mind, I am open to helping you. As I said, I'll provide support in any way I can."
"Yes, you have. But I will try not to deem it necessary to use your funds." The Sultan said.
I shrugged. "As you please. Anyways, what did that 'noble' choose?"
"To fight in the Arena." Phintias said.
"Perfect. I think I'll be joining your arena." Dirthin said.
"You are most welcome to join the Arena." The Sultan replied.
I frowned, when someone knocked. "What is it?"
A servant entered, "Your Majesty, religious emissaries have arrived."
"Ah. Send them in." I said, rubbing my brow briefly.
"Right away," the Servant said.
She had just left, when I made a face. "I forgot about the emissary from Winter's Halt." I looked at Sangir, "What are they doing?"
"Visiting daily, getting more angry by the day. Your last order was that you wouldn't be seeing them." Sangir answered.
"Your ability to pout and mope is astounding." I said in a manner that was clear this was not a compliment. Sangir chose to remain silent as the emissaries were brought in. "Has Pelor's people come today?"
"No, Your Majesty." The servant answered.
"Call them here." I said, "The rest of you may sit, I have no intentions of standing."
The emissaries listened. Thanking me for reaching out. I told them to speak freely, then clarified that the Sultan allowed me to reach out and invite more religions to this continent that we're uniting. The priestess of Ilmater smiled at the revelation.
"How wonderful! The last unification I witnessed was exceptionally bloody. I am glad this one will not be." The human Priestess said. "Thank you forgiving us permission, Your Majesty!"
The Elven High Priestess of Dian Cecht said, "I believe touring around would be best for a year or two, to meet everyone around and help people."
A few more priests stayed quite, but one of Pyreleos' Elven priests said, "I don't mean to be rude, but should a Pelor emissary really be brought before you?"
"We are trying to be accepting of all religions. I would certainly hope that the gesture does not go unreciprocated." The Sultan said.
"And should it not, I have my champion here, and plenty of fine priests." I said.
"Then you were aware of the potential for issue." The priest sighed in relief.
The servant returned then, with a priest of Heironeous and a nervous looking priest of Pelor. "Greetings Your Majesty."
The servant gave an offended expression, "This is the remaining priest of Pelor, Your Majesties. Yeol, a priest of Heironeous has also come."
"The remaining priest of Pelor? A nearly full contingent of Pelor left. Where are the rest?" The Sultan wanted to know.
"I..I'm not really sure. They just told me to stay and greet her Majesty." The priest answered.
I laughed lightly, "I know what happened. One or all of them saw the broadcast I did to make the announcement pertaining to hunting and unifying the continent."
"Well, I can answer some questions... if you wish..?" The priest said.
"Your church dares to insult my soon to be wife? I would recommend you leave, and I will be heading to Winter's Halt for a discussion." The Sultan said.
"I.. I will take my leave now." The priest said.
As soon as he left the room, the servant excused herself, too. I was thinking over the situation. "If it wasn't more of a slight on you bu this point, I would offer to handle it. Having announced unification through marriage.."
"Do not worry, I will have it handled. It has been a long time coming." The Sultan said.
I nodded. As soon as the contact ended, I became anxious. "I don't think that's going to go well."
"Hm, probably not. There are a lot of them over there." Dirthin said.
"The Sultan will handle it." Sangir said firmly.
"Well, that settles it, doesn't it?" I asked, standing up.
"Do you want me to go take a look and make sure he is alright? I am your, champion, I am at your command." Dirthin said, comfortingly.
I took his hand. "You know, I feel just like if it's gonna rain."
"Well, that really is concerning. I was kidding, but I might really need to go check that out." Dirthin said.
I hummed, looking at the priests and priestess' briefly. Then I took our my black stone. "Bibs, sorry to bother you.. Can you tell me how the Sultan confronting the Pelor Church would go?"
"Oh, probably a crusade, why? Oh, don't tell me that's about to happen." Bibs said.
"It is." I said firmly. "Thank you, I will send priests and aid."
"Kershka and I will head that way as well." Bibs informed me.
I ended the contact, telling them to be safe. "It will be a crusade, is what Bibs said, he is heading there. But Dirthin, it feels worse than a petty religious squabble."
"I will head home, get suited up just in case. I'll probably beat the Sultan to Winter's Halt." Dirthin said.
I sighed. Casting Lesser Restoration on him, "I am sorry to ask it of you."
He stood, leaned down and kissed my head, "Who am I if not your husband's savior.. maybe."
I said, "Thank you, I'll see you when you get back."
He gave a big smile, "Yep. You stay safe until I get back."
I nodded, "I'll keep us safe."
He headed out, then. I asked the priests if they would go and tend any injured, should a crusade truly occur. Once they agreed to go, I arranged for the Rangers who had applied for my ranger job to go as well. I felt like I'd done what I could for now. There was no reason for this to stress me out so much, but it did.
I couldn't focus on my paperwork at all, so I contacted Plight. "Hello, Plight. It's Vexie."
"Hello, Vexie. What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Mm.. I am looking for a distraction. I am very anxious, and that isn't good for my cub." I told him.
"Um, well.. I, I wasn't aware. Congratulations. Would you like us to come over? Where are you?" Plight asked.
"I am in the castle at the capital. I kinda killed the King two weeks ago and took over. I'll be marrying the Sultan soon, and currently the Sultan is heading to deal with an insult the church of Pelor paid me, which is gonna lead to a holy crusade." I explained.
"What happened to Dirthin? Know what? Not my business.. we can be there shortly." Plight said.
"Is my Uncle there?" I asked. "I haven't seen him since I last spoke to you."
"I believe he is." Plight said.
"That's comforting." I sighed.
"He has been doing quite well." Plight said.
"Alright. Can you come? I can tell you and Nia some good things and make some snacks." I said.
"Sounds like a lovely time, we'll be there soon." Plight said.
"Thank you." I told him. Meaning it. I let someone know that Plight and Nia were coming to visit me, and to bring them to me right away.
The next two hours were entirely anxiety filled. I'd order led a tigrine team to go, and keep our people hidden unless necessary. And then Nia and Plight were announced, getting let into the office with me.
Plight gave an awkward bow, "You weren't kidding."
"I was not." I agreed. Sangir excused himself. "I forgot about snacks."
"Well, you did mention that you were pretty anxious." Plight said.
"Dirthin should have came back by now, right? If nothing happened?" I asked.
"Could just still be talks. Dirthin is thorough, he'd wait for the end." Plight said.
I nodded. "Yes, that makes sense. My cub will be born in four months." I told them.
"Well. How are you feeling? Hopefully no issues gave happened." Plight said.
"Just super anxious. A little scared." I said.
"That can just be because you aren't facing the problem head on. Would you like us to check on you?" Nia asked.
".. Alright, that will probably be a good idea." I agreed.
Nia guided Plight through divination magic, then used her own druidic magics to check on my cub. They determined the cub was very healthy, but a little large. There was only one, and it was a boy. Plight's sister had taught him to use divination magic to determine gender, and now Nia had taught him divination magic to determine health.
I appreciated them finding out. We were in the middle of a discussion about the cub, and my plans for him when the communication table activated, showing the Sultan had contacted me. "Hello, Vexie, I have some news." He said.
"A crusade attempt?" I asked.
"Indeed. I have been declared a heretic." He replied.
"I sent the priests of Ilmater, Pyreleos, and Dian Cecht to Winter's Halt, along with Dirthin and some rangers. Bibs and Kershka should reached, too." I told him. "I've had a nasty feeling I can't shake."
"Well, a full blown crusade from them should be put to rest rather quickly. It will be alright." The Sultan said.
"I hope you are right, and it will be resolved. Ilmater's people would easily be accepted there." I said.
"Yes, I believe they can. I will contact you again once I have this under control." The Sultan said.
"I would advise against that. Stay here, and I will gather the people and send them on their way." Phintias interjected.
"I should be leading the charge against them." The Sultan said.
"You should be staying safe, you have too much to do." Phintias said.
I cleared my throat. "Ideally one of us would be able to go for this strike.. However, you do not have an heir currently. You may not go, that is your current duty, my Lord."
He sighed, "Make sure it gets done, quickly."
"If it is any consolation, it chafes me as well." I said.
"I do not enjoy leading fights from the back. But it is what it is." The Sultan said.
"I can give you some more bad news." I offered.
"Lay it on." He said, "What else could be possibly going wrong?"
"Plight says my cub is a son." I replied.
"The gender of your child will not change anything that we have already determined." The Sultan said.
"I am aware, I trusted that you wouldn't revoke your word on it. It's just a complication." I said.
"It will lead to further talks, yes." He said.
"On both.." My words trailed off as I heard Vern, one of my rangers speak.
"Vexie, there's a dead moving dragon. And undead surging this way. What is your orders?" She asked.
I placed my hand over my mouth. "Right. The Undead were supposed to be a threat to this continents survival. It would appear that Winter's Halt is under siege."
"Well, it would seem I don't have much of a choice then. I will be taking put the private reserves and heading out." The Sultan said.
I stood up. "I will be sending aid."
"That would be much appreciated." The Sultan said.
I nodded, ending the contact, telling Vern I was sending aid. Then I contacted Raiden. While I was telling him my needs, I heard Nia and Plight speaking. Then I my talk with Raiden and spoke to James briefly.
"James, Dirthin is in Winter's Halt, there is an army of undead about to strike. I am sending reinforcements, as is the Sultan." I said.
"Then I will do the same, I have a few adventurers who need to pay off debts as well.." James replied.
I ended the contact with him, "So you both are undead?"
"Yes, yes we are." Plight said. "I do hope that's not a problem."
Raiden arrived, and I took the items he offered and said, "Get an army together. I have to save my people in the South from undead hordes." Raiden bowed slightly, leaving the room to do so. I looked at Plight and Nia, offering them coat of arms patches. "Fight with me?"
"Well, I suppose that answers that question." Plight said taking the patch. Nia was a little more hesitant, but did take the patch as well.
"Attacking either of you will be an act of disloyalty as long as you wear those. I need to get to Dirthin. If I can for even a moment, I can bolster him through the Champion's Vow and Monarch's Faith." I told them. "Once I ordain him, I can retreat."
"Well, as long as you're willing to have an earful." Plight said.
"I'm not entirely helpless." I smiled. "The surprise for Nia was that a divine tree is being planted. A new Druid settlement is being formed."
"That is good news. I will have to hear more later." Nia said.
Raiden came in, "I have the people organized. What is your.. you intend to go."
I watched his mood change in an instant. "Yes. I need to bolster my champion and people."
He revealed a snarl-like expression of distaste. "Fine. Get ready."
I nodded, getting my sword. And what I could to protect against attack. Then I went to where the small army had gathered, which included many human soldiers of the North. I had servants pass out patches, then I contacted Traxigor to have him teleport us all there.
The 'crusade' had been squelched and everyone was preparing for the next battle there. The sudden extra four hundred people were a welcome start that drew eyes to us immediately, even as the prepped the walls for the oncoming assault.
"Do you think Chihul may help?" I asked Traxigor.
"Perhaps." He replied.
I spotted Dirthin at this time. He ran up and said, "Okay, so things have escalated. You can't be here it's way to dangerous for you and our cub."
"I am fully away, Dirthin, I am going back, I just need to do this first." I said, showing him the Champion's ring, cloak and sword tassle. "I can't help you in this fight, but I can bolster you. It is a quick ceremony."
"Alright what do I need to do?" Dirthin asked.
"Just follow along." I said, ordering everyone to take up places they'd suit the most. The Sultan and his men arrived as I began the ceremonial rite. I went through the empowering, asking the gods who witness to strengthen my Chosen and raise him into a Champion.
As I spoke, a magic circle appeared around us, lighting us up. Which drew the Dracolich's attention. It wasn't my concern. Once my part was done, and Dirthin swore to defend me, the light swirled and settled onto him, just as the Dracolich swooped closer and I finalized the ceremony.
As the magic was concluded, I saw Dirthin shift, and reacted to it, ducking under him and moving forward as the Dracolich snapped at people nearby. Dirthin struck the dragolich at the same time as Raiden did. However, Dirthin's strike bore his Oath's might, adding a massive smite to it. Raiden caused the dracolich to be flung back.
With everyone else's combined attack on it, it expired quickly. Raiden looked at me expectantly. I gave a quick word to the soldiers who bore a royal symbol, blessing their strength. Before informing Dirthin and the Sultan that it was all I could do for them. I was then taken back to the castle.
I suggested Raiden could blow off some steam by going back to fight if he'd like. I had his brother to watch me, after all. He sighed and went back to assist in the quick end of the battle. I managed to get some more work done while the battle was occurring. I was frustrated with my lack of ability to do anything.
By nightfall, the battle was still not over. I was eventually convinced to go to bed, for my cubs health. Didn't that sound so silly? But I was tired enough to listen. The next day the fight was still ongoing. So assumed because no one contacted me, or came to see me. That was fine, I organized more papers and finished reviewing more papers.
The next day was when the battle ended. Just after noon. I only knew this because Vern contacted me and told me. She wanted to know if they could all rest before heading into assignment. I agreed to allow them to rest before going to their assignments.
It was about an hour after Vern contacted me that Dirthin arrived. His armor was damaged, and he'd taken on a few wounds. The worst of which was obviously only half healed. He waved at me.
"So, what have you been up to?" Dirthin asked.
"Worrying and handling papers. The cub is a healthy son, by the way." I told him, approaching him.
"Well, that's fantastic news. I am glad he is healthy. I am glad your safe as well." He said. "I can now.. heal people.. apparently. It's rather odd."
"It's your oath. It'll let you get far stronger." I said. "It doesn't always manifest as paladin like abilities. My father's champion developed monk for example."
"Interesting. It is certainly a different level of power." Dirthin said. "I think.. I would like.. a nap."
"Mm. Of course." I said, hugging him. "You can sleep in my bed."
He chuckled. "With you in it?"
"Alright. I can simply get up if there is any need for it." I said, going to my room with him.
"Surely people can figure things out.. for two hours." Dirthin said.
I started stripping his armor from him, noticing that he smelled horrendously. I cringed at it and began using Prestidigitation to clean him, while I removed the armor. After he was undressed enough, we got into bed together, and he crashed.
I pet him while he slept, for a few hours. The light knocked on the door didn't even wake him, he was so exhausted. I slipped gently out if his arms, placing my pillow where I'd been. And went out of my room to see what they wanted. They informed me the Sultan had come.
I headed to the room they'd left the Sultan and his advisor in. "I apologize for the wait." I told them, showing unnecessary people out.
"That's alright, I was informed you were tending to the champion." The Sultan said.
"Mm. He kinda just passed out when he got here." I shrugged. "Was there casualties on our side?"
"Unfortunately, quite a few." The Sultan said. "Would have been far worse if the dracolich hadn't been dealt with so quickly."
"That was a surprised. I dislike that I wasn't able to do more." I said.
"Well, let's discuss what you did do." The Sultan said. "You.. enchanted Dirthin and our troops? What was that?"
"No. I did not." I said. "Unfortunately, it was very limited. What you saw was like a Knight's rally or a paladin boosting their people. It was the Champion's Vow ceremony and Monarch's Faith."
"Where did you learn these rituals?" He asked.
"I read about them in my father's books before they were destroyed as punishment. I learned how to rule from those books." I said.
"I feel like you've put your own personal twist on it. I wish I could read that book." The Sultan said.
"I can teach you the rite. You're better known anyways, so it would do more in your hands." I said. "I will warn that the Champion's Vow is finicky."
"How is a rite finicky?" He asked.
"It's more of the result. My father's champion had monk-like capabilities after, and my grandfather's was barbarian. Dirthin had gained paladin like abilities." I shrugged. "The Monarch's Faith boosts troops and warriors above their usual capabilities, based on their faith in the Monarch."
"Ah, well, that could be handy in days to come." The Sultan said.
"Ideally, I should have remained nearby to continue bolstering them.." I sighed. "Trial by fire can do a lot for morale, you know?"
"Yes, I suppose it could." The Sultan said. "But you are not in the ideal condition to do so."
"Not dealing with undead for sure." I replied.
"Yes, that could have led to quite the terrible outcome." The Sultan said.
I nodded. "Alright.. can you cast magic personally?"
"Unfortunately, no." The Sultan answered.
"I see. I don't know if the rite would work then. But you can still learn it." I commented. "Particularly if the coat of arms has magical properties. It's not really my magic that went into it, after all." I shrugged.
"Well, then I would say it is indeed worth trying." He said.
I nodded and began teaching him the words of the rite to declare a champion. Then I explained the intricacies of the coat of arms I'd passed out that allowed me to boost them, too, and the words necessary to activate it. Then a furry animal popped in next to me, spooking me, I bopped it reflexively before realizing it was Traxigor.
"I refuse to apologize." I told him, crossing my arms, embarrassed, and turning my head away from the men.
"Distance next time. Understood." Traxigor said, rubbing his head.
"Traxigor, I presume?" The Sultan asked.
"Indeed, Sultan. Did you forget already?" Traxigor asked.
"No, I had not forgotten, but I hadn't known there was even one magical otter, so didn't want to mix anyone up." The Sultan said.
"I am the only wizard who is also an otter." Traxigor said. "Though there are otterfolk in the Empire. Very different from me."
"Different in what ways?" The Sultan asked.
"Otterfolk are humanoid otters. Not otters that can speak. Like the Lionfolk or Tigerfolk." Traxigor responded.
I was still sulking. "To be fair, lionfolk freak everyone out with their human features."
"Hmm.. there are certainly many species that are new to me from this other continent." The Sultan said.
"Of course. More threats as well. But more to the point, beware the Empire." Traxigor said. "There are talks of expanding."
"As I understand it, we do not have remotely enough man power to stop them if they came here." The Sultan said.
"Yes." Traxigor said. "The ratio is around one to five."
"Yes, that would be a bit overwhelming." The Sultan said.
"The other continents have had no interest in this place." I said. "Why would they start?"
"The queen of a very expensive material up and decided to take a fancy to this place. Why wouldn't that take notice?" Traxigor replied.
"He brings a valid point." The Sultan said.
"Well, it won't really matter, will it? The Empire is the largest organization that I have encountered." I said.
"Well, since you already plan to take it over, I suppose it wouldn't matter." The Sultan said casually.
"Going to form an Empire?" Traxigor asked. "That would be most bold."
"Well, she won't being doing it alone." The Sultan said.
"Well, doing it smart would be better. What if I were a spy? She certainly has Empire spies here." Traxigor said. "That Raiden is a problem."
"Raiden will be distracted by Phintias, as he offered to do." I said. "I will have hammered out a plan with the Sultan and Phintias before enacting it."
"Indeed. We will have this well in hand before we begin." The Sultan said.
"Anyways, I did come for a purpose." Traxigor said, changing the subject. "I am going to help Chihul. If you need anything, just call."
Rather than waiting for a response, he left. Teleporting to do so. "And they call me vexing." I sighed.
"Wizards do have that affect on people." The Sultan said.
"Bibs and Kershka were fine, right?" I asked suddenly.
"Yes. They both made it out just fine." The Sultan said.
"I'll have to check on Plight and Nia." I said.
"Alright. I don't know much about your condition, but I am sure they are fine." The Sultan said.
"Oh, you know them?" I asked.
"Met them briefly." He said.
"I like them. As I said before, Nia helped me grow the jungle trees and Plight helped me bury the skeletons at Wellspring." I said.
"Yes, I remember you telling me of Nia before." The Sultan said.
I sighed a little. "So is it a lich problem?"
"Yes, there was a lich involved." The Sultan acknowledged.
"Mm. Do we know where the Phylactery is?" I asked.
"If we knew where the phylactery is, then he wouldn't be coming back." Phintias said.
"I see." I said. "Fair enough. Is there anytjing else you want to talk about?"
"No, I should be getting back. This was more of an educational visit." The Sultan said.
"Thanks for the visit, then. Be safe on your way back." I said.
"You stay safe as well. Apparently they had infiltrated Winter's Halt. You may want to have people checked." The Sultan said.
I nodded. "I can see to that. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"No, I'm quite alright. We will be on our way. It was nice seeing you." The Sultan said.
"Likewise. See you again, soon." I said, seeing them off.
I returned to Dirthin, then. He was still sleeping soundly. I moved the pillow, placing myself back into his arms. This is how I stayed for the next three hours, lightly napping, before Dirthin woke.
His entire body stiffened the moment he woke. Which I trilled in response to, as he looked around. He relaxed at my noise, "Ah, right. I made it back to the castle. Hello."
"Good evening. Are you hungry, Kitten?" I asked.
He chuckled. "Absolutely famished. From eating gruel and trail rations for a day. Miserable."
I laughed, petting him. "At least you don't reek anymore.. let's gonget some supper in you."
"Sorry, I shoulda bathed before I stopped by." He said.
"I don't mind. It'd given me a reprieve from my mountains of paperwork. Do you remember what I told you?" I asked.
"Sorry, when I first got here.. it's kind of a blur." Dirthin said.
"Your son is healthy." I said, smiling and starting to get up.
"Right! A son! Haha! I told ya!" He said, seeming overjoyed.
"You said you'd be happy with either." I pointed out, poking his nose.
"Eh, I was hoping. I woulda been, but I was hoping." Dirthin said.
I took advantage of him still being laid back, to pounce him. "So you're a fibber, huh?" I joked. Pretending like if my body on his could pin him down.
He gave a big grin. "Maybe. You have no proof."
"I can fabricate it." I replied, nuzzling him, and feeling our cub moving on the right side. I moved his hand to feel him. "There's your boy."
He kept his hand still, feeling his son's movements. "He's going to be fiesty."
"He'll be part you and I, so I would say so." I said, petting him. "I am sorry I scared you by going there. I was scared for you."
"About that, what did you do to me, precisely?" He asked.
"Nothing. I just did the ceremony to make you my Champion officially. It gave you a power boost. Mm. I'll explain it this way, you know how when you're training, you tend to hit a plateau and nothing you do seems to make you stronger?" I asked.