Chereads / What if and Change Your View / Chapter 56 - Vexed 21

Chapter 56 - Vexed 21

"It's unusual, but I can see it being handy.. anyways.. This instrument is amazing. I've never seen the like." Snow said.

"It's a Saung. You can play the harp, yes? It's like that, except it sits in your lap." I said.

"Care to demonstrate?" Snow asked.

"Uh.. s-sure. I am not skilled with it, though." I said. I accepted the instrument from her and showed her the correct positioning. Then played the only melody I remembered. One I half remembered my mother playing. One I'd rehearsed a hundred times. Once I concluded it, I passed it back to her.

"You're not skilled?" Snow asked, appearing baffled.

"Sounded wonderful to me." Dirthin said. "I may be biased, though."

"I am not biased." Isarial said. "That was a fine demonstration."

"Thanks.." I said. I stretched a little, then looked at Dirthin, "I am glad you enjoyed the Night Market."

"It was so vast, I'm sure we still have many places to see." Dirthin said.

"Most certainly. Chihul's shop wasn't even there anymore. Oh, right. He'll likely set it up over here." I said.

"What does he sell?" James asked.

"Herbs, potions, and a variety of magic items he's collected over the half century he's been alive." I said.

"An arch druid shop sounds like a good idea to visit." James said.

I nodded. "If you annoy him, he won't sell, or do deals, though. Try to talk to Traxigor instead."

"Is Traxigor his emotional support otter?" Dirthin asked.

I stared at him, processing what he said. Then burst into laughter, nodding, "Yes. Yes, you could say so."

"James you should go to the Night Market, it is filled with amazing things." Dirthin said.

"I might." James said.

"It's five miles long, by one and half mile wide." I informed them.

"That is indeed a large market." James said.

I nodded, sighing. "I should go back to the castle. Sangir is probably fit to be tied."

"Oh, fine. Let's go see how much of a panic he's in." Dirthin said.

"If you want to. It's not mandatory." I said.

"I am your champion. I can be there to punch him if he gets too uppity." He said.

I chuckled and said, "Ok, but don't forget to relax. That's more important."

He looked at his brother, "Yes. Maybe I should relax. For two weeks."

"Alright." James said. "No jobs. For two weeks."

"Alright. Think I won't relax." Dirthin retorted.

"I am telling you to relax." James said.

"Alright, I will." Dirthin said.

"No, he won't." Isarial commented, still fiddling with the new contraption.

"Betrayer!" Dirthin said, joking.

The boy looked up at his adoptive Uncle. "Sometimes, yes. My own wrongs against you are stacked on my conscience." He blinked slowly. "But I appreciate that you've never held it against me. And I am enjoying this gift."

"Ah, there's no point in holding grudges against things I don't remember." Dirthin said.

The conversation seemed to be over, and after proper greetings, we returned to the castle, with myself in the orange disguise. Which I dropped in private. Sangir had nothing to say to us. I just looked over the papers on my desk, briefly and decided I could deal with it the next day. We instead went to my rooms for cuddles and relaxation.

The next morning after breakfast the Sultan contacted me to inform me that the revived citizens had pretty much been handled. Some would be settled in temporary places, and others would be transferred to the North to help out failing villages, Bibs' suggestion.

The next two weeks were pretty similar, I began talking with the Sultan regularly, planning our wedding, and checking in with eachother about other things going on to prepare for the merge. I also cuddled and trained daily with Dirthin, in addition to doing all paperwork involved for the North and Isla. Dirthin had taken to rubbing my belly and mumbling to his cub while I did paperwork.

Though, some stand out events were the bandits that tried to hassle the King's road, which hindered my pavement orders. Which I sent Dirthin to handle since he was having trouble being still while I had to do my paperwork. I also began the hiring process for secretaries.

Two men applied from the North, and one from my homeland. And an urchin from the Empire who'd visited my Isla when I sent the order. I hired all three, and soon caught word about a Dungeon forming just a couple miles from the Capital. I set the Guild to guard against any monster escapees.

Dirthin was pretty ok with going back to work for his brother when the time came. It was a shame, in a way. We were incredibly compatible in many ways, especially in bed, but I could see that the lifestyle necessary for the two of us would prevent us.from being longer term. He'd move on, probably when our cub could talk.

I figured most of his affection and concern was because of our cub. And the rest of it was probably friendship. Even if he'd grown to love me, even if he could, I simply didn't love him. I supposed that I could eventually. As I said, we were very compatible.. but for our cub, a friends with benefits relationship would be best.

Thinking of his relief of having a job to do, while I was being fitted for a dress with a sari, I was sure it would be better to make him as free as possible. Then later in the day, I noticed the cub seemed more restless without Dirthin rubbing my belly. It was odd to me, I hadn't thought it mattered. The next day I realized I was more stressed without him rubbing my belly.

Disgruntled with the realization, but powerless to do anything about it. Grumpy, I continued about my business. Dirthin returned briefly the next day. Just to rest and check on me before heading out again. I spoke with the Sultan, deciding on the official day for our wedding. It would be in a short two weeks and held in Valor's Crest.

Which was turned into a declaration and mass wedding invites, which included the Isla's people and the Emporer. Though I recieved word that Raiden would attend for the Emporer, which was fine by me. A full five days later, and decorations began being put up in the Capital.

Dirthin's mood did sour a bit when he came to check on me. Still, he spoke gently to his cub. This I appreciated. He seemed conflicted, but didn't talk with me about it. He spent a couple of days with me, talking to his son, rubbing my belly, and helping keep me physically active. Then he was off again.

With one week left till the wedding, things were getting busier. I approved all necessary things, gifts were being organized and the final touches were being put on our outfits. A maid made a joke with another about how it'd be too difficult to back out of the wedding now. I didn't really care about their opinions, they were simply staff.

I found a spot to perch while listening to the servants speak. There was a group of them. It was a good way to learn secrets and plots against you. Everyone seemed pretty confident that the wedding was just a political move. A few wondered if the Sultan and I were marrying because I was pregnant with his child. Others rightly guessed, or assumed, that Dirthin is the father.

I certainly couldn't hide my belly anyways now. Even with the weight loss from being so busy. They were incorrect about the length of time I had been pregnant, but that wasn't my problem. I rubbed my belly as they started discussing my policies and how I had been doing things. They didn't want the Sultan to take over and change things.

Growing bored with listening to them, I decided to pass them on the way to the kitchen. It gave them a spook, which was what I was after. I went and ate, then turned in for bed. With full expectation of potential assassination, I reached out to the adventurers who'd guarded me before, and Raiden to double up my security.

They were posted about my rooms, and any other room I was occupying. Just a call away. With everything organized, decided on, paid for and prepped, my work load returned to normal. My appetite and energy did not. Sangir started going out of his way to bring only snack type foods to me. After Sangir communicated with Raiden, Raiden brought me snacks from my homeland.

With that meddling, my appetite wasn't an issue anymore. By the time there was two days left before the wedding, I had issues a declaration that Adventurers needed to submit proof to guilds that a 'monstrous' race was acting in threatening or illegal manners before killing them. Within my examples, I included vampires, goblins, ettons and any other humanoid that can be communicated with.

The penalties against murdering sentient monsters would be a duel with the Queen or King's Champion. The victor will be declared right. Multiple complaints would lead to revoking adventurer licenses. Adventurer's were also to not haggle in a threatening manner, nor are shop keeps to submit false reports on harassment.

The fine for doing so on either part was 25% of the adventuring groups wealth, and the same of the merchants group. This was all I could figure to do, and I sent notices to the Guild Master's and all merchants of the new declaration being placed into affect immediately. I half wondered how James would feel about that.

The next morning is when Dirthin returned to me. "How are you feeling, Vexie?" He asked.

"Exhausted. You?" I replied.

"Conflicted really. I'm trying to convince myself to be in the room during the ceremony tomorrow." Dirthin said.

"The better show will be from the roof of the castle, towards the desert." I said.

"Right the blessing of the gods. That will be a good show. I don't want to be to far though, just in case someone does something idiotic." Dirthin said.

I offered him my Port Key. "Well, you can borrow this. It's similar to what allows Raiden to teleport everywhere like he does."

"That is handy. Alright I'll use this Port Key to pop in and out. Keep an eye on things." He said.

"It may make you feel tired if you use it a lot." I warned. "Like if you're bodies been ran over by a few carts."

"How much is alot? I feel that might be an important detail." Dirthin said.

"I'm not sure. It is just what Raiden told me." I said.

"It uses your magic or energy to teleport you instantly to who or where you want to go. My brother used to only use it twice a day. He is up to eight times a day before his body begins to ache. But he has been using it for years. Think of it as running a three thousand mile race in a second." Sangir attempted to explain.

Dirthin appeared to go into deep thought. "I must test this." He decided.

"It gets worse if you take people with you." Sangir pointed out.

"Can't risk that yet. I'll need to test my limits first." Dirthin said.

"Chicken." Sangir replied.

"There is a difference between being a chicken and choosing to not be reckless. Like calling me a chicken." Dirthin said, warning him gently.

"It's fine to be scared. Many are." Sangir said. Actively provoking him.

"Sangir, do shut up. It's hard to focus over the sounds of a bitch." I said in an off hand matter. A few servants snorted and tried to hide laughter.

Dirthin openly laughed. Sangir didn't respond. Instead, he asked for snacks to be brought. And they were. Sliced fruits, veggies, cheeses, meats and breads. This time they brought some pickles, too.

"Well, with all this, you could make a sandwich." Dirthin said.

"Her Majesty has not been eating well." Sangir commented, ratting me out, "So a multitude of things she can snack on at her leisure has been provided."

Dirthin looked at me, "You have not been eating well? Such as you are not eating actual meals?"

"I have not been very hungry." I said. "I've just been tired and busy."

"I am unsure on how to help with that situation. I wish I did." Dirthin said.

"Appetite changes are normal during pregnancy. It's only if the cub stops growing that it becomes a bad thing. And obviously, he is growing." I said, pointing out my belly.

"At quite the rate." Dirthin said.

"It's only about three months now, and already I can't hide it." I sighed.

"Maybe he'll be a little slow boater." Dirthin said.

I chuckled, "With you for a father, I'd say he has a right to be." I placed a hand on my belly, where the cub was kicking and said, "He's noticed you're here, I'd say."

"Well, I'd say he keeps track of his surroundings very well, then." Dirthin said.

"You'll want to feel, of course?" I asked.

He placed a hand on me, "Of course."

I guided his hand to where his son was playing the most, in time for one of the stronger movements he'd given so far. "He is most certainly as lively as you thought."

"Aye, yes, yes. He is going to be a fighter for sure." Dirthin said, grinning.

I smiled at him, offering him. Strawberry with cheese. "Excited to see your son? Half the time has gone already."

"It does seem to be flying by, doesn't it?" Dirthin asked. "But of course I am." He accepted the snack.

I let him pay attention to his son while continuing my paperwork. By noon was when I had visiters. Gregor and the Capital's Guild Master came to visit. I allowed them to enter my office before I said anything to them. I smiled pleasantly as they were introduced by Ulrin. The other guild masters name was a Dwarf named Randy.

"Greetings, Guild Masters." I said. "Ulrin, from this point forward, unless the Sultan says otherwise, I will be approached by appointment only. This will be the last of my visiters to freely walk into the castle and get to see me. I am far too busy for it."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ulrin said.

I dismissed my servants, Ulrin and Sangir. Then looked at the men. "So, what can I do for you?"

Gregor gave a slight bow. "I have simply come for clarification, Your Majesty."

"Gregor, no one important is here. You may use my name, as does Kershka." I said. "Wjat is the confusion?"

"Simply put, the adventurers are causing a lot of ruckus because I believe there is a lot of misunderstanding with your new law. They are under the impression that they need to clarify with every creature that they go to fight whether they are sentient or chaotic." Gregor said. "My interpretation is, if they try to kill you, kill them back."

"It means, if you see Bibs, or someone similar, don't try to kill him. I will never outlaw self defense. But shifters, lycanthropes, goblins, dragons, vampires and the like aren't all your enemy." I said. "Oft times adventurers have to be cautioned against doing as they please when they please. I am looking into making it more difficult for people to get in."

"Good, good. Alright. Glad I was not insane with my interpretation." Gregor said.

"If they are still confused once you explain, tell them murder hobos and assholes are not going to be tolerated anymore. They'll have to learn to do proper reconnaissance before they murder a town of goblins or whatever else." I said. "I will say vampire spawns are open season, though. As well as Skinwalkers and Wendigos."

"Now that you've said that, some wendigo somewhere is going to get it into their heads to be sentient." Gregor said.

"And I'll send Dirthin to end it with prejudice." I said. "They are sentient, though. They just use it to lure and eat people."

"Well, as long as it's dealt with. Those things still give me the creeps." Gregor said.

I nodded. "Any other questions?"

"Is there a particular like surface level here? Cause once you go just so far down, everything just wants to kill you." Randy asked.

"I don't follow." I said.

"I'm talking about the Underdark." Randy said.

"As far as I am aware my laws are not applicable to the Underdark. However, I would say it is still a good rule of thumb to not kill everyone and every thing in sight. Unless it is attempting to end you. And I am coming from a place of needing little provocation to kill another. Restraint is a good practice." I explained.

"It does stand to mention that Tibin is very happy with your law." Gregor said.

"I can understand so. But I do know he hasn't had much problems, unlike other in Dueling Rivers, he has handled the hassle well." I replied.

"Not many dare to tussle with Tibin." Gregor said.

"Do either of you have any laws you'd like me to look at?" I asked.

"I do not have any. I do not get into that. That's too much thinking." Gregor said.

"Alright." I said, noting no one had anything to say. "Is Tilton a good lord?"

"Tilton is still very much Tilton.. so, yes." Gregor said.

I chuckled. "I hope your wife has an easy delivery, Gregor."

"I hope for an easy delivery for yourself." He replied.

With thanks, I sent them along their way. Shortly after, Archimedes literally popped in. "I can't do that. Whoever would end up with my money, it'd have to be in a safe spot." He said.

".... Hullo, Archimedes. What are we talking about?" I asked.

"If we are allowed to pick what we transfer for that 25% it would be the living gold from me, and thats not safe." Archimedes said. "And not to mention, how would you know if it's twenty five percent. I could give you a stick."

"Ok. Before I answer anything, I must ask, Archimedes, do you plan to falsely accuse anyone of harassing you or haggling while threatening you?" I asked.

"Falsely accusing? No. Even accusing, no." He said.

"Good. Then, what do I owe you for the dome and protections of Wellspring?" I asked.

"One free pass." He said.

"Free pass?" I asked.

"Just the one." He said. "I can't tell you what it's for. Defeats the purpose."

"That's difficult to agree to, then." I commented. "How about, as long as you cause no harm that wasn't due as a stipulation?"

"Well that takes some of the mystery out of it, but fine." He said.

"Sorry, it's the best I can do while being responsible." I sighed.

"Oh, fine. If that isnthe best you can do, it's the best you can do." Archimedes said.

"Incidentally, Archimedes, do you know Traxigor?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. Because all great wizards know each other." Archimedes said.

"I assumed because he said you are the 'nearly great' Archimedes." I replied. He stared at me, so I continued, "It was just a cat's curiosity, since Traxigor mentioned you and knew Phintias. D'you know that he's an otter?"

"And he wants to call me, 'nearly' great. Next time I'll have to call him nearly two feet." Archimedes mumbled.

"Are you friendly rivals?" I asked.

"I suppose you could call us that." Archimedes said.

"Would you like a pound of Residuum, Archimedes?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes I would." Archimedes said.

I took a bag of it out, and offered it him."There will be a show in the desert tomorrow."

"Oh, I thought the show was supposed to be here." Archimedes said.

"Mm. I organized it just the same." I said.

"Alright. I'll just have to keep an eye out." Archimedes said.

"Thank you for your work on my home." I said.

"Thank you for giving me a brand new reality to think of." Archimedes said.

"Er.. You're welcome?" I said.

"Wonderful. I will see you again." He said, poofing.

"How eventful." I commented.

"He always is an event all to himself." Dirthin said.

There was a knock on the door, and Ulrin came inside, "You're Majesty, I do know that you have just said that people must make appointments to see you.. but James Hearthry has asked to see you."

"Haah. Trying to break the rules already." Dirthin said.

I chuckled. And stroked Dirthin's cheek. "Good job, Ulrin. I'll see James, of only because Dirthin didn't tell me otherwise."

He grumped and said, "I wonder what this could be about."

"I don't know. But I wanna sit on the couch instead of here." I said, acting cute and twisting a little to loop my arms around his shoulders.

"As you command." He said, picking me up and taking me over to it.

By the time James was let into the room, I was curled up on the couch with Dirthin next to me. "Welcome, James." I greeted him, gesturing for him to have a seat.

"Hello. I have come with results." James said, sitting in an armchair.

I blinked, trying to think if I asked him for anything. "Alright. What are your findings?"

"Well, I wanted to test the abilities of.some aspiring alchemists, I did not inform them on what the residuum could do. And in the three weeks they were allotted, they came up with everything you had told me. So now I am having them experiment in other ways to use it." James explained.

"Alright. And what ways do you plan on doing so?" I asked.

"All that I can say is I believe it will be a very potent source of energy." James said. "And the way people deal with their day to day will be very different."

"Alright. So why are you bringing this to my attention?" I asked.

"In case things go horribly, horribly wrong. But it should go fine." James said.

"Ok. Then do you want to make a deal?" I asked.

"Yes. I had come to secure a supply of residuum." James said.

"Gotta admit, I am curious to see how you planned to do so." I said.

"I have thought of it. And what does one offer to one who can have anything?" James replied. "The answer is something that doesn't exist."

"How do you know it doesn't exist?" I asked.

"According to my sources, in this world it does not exist." James said.

I placed my hand on Dirthin's leg. "I'm not interested, unfortunately."

"Then unfortunately, I have nothing to offer. Is there anything on your mind that I may offer?" James asked.

"I want to try and annoy you as much as possible with this.. It does seem I am about too fatigued to think of it though. So here is the deal I wanted to offer.. You select one of your men to guard my refinery. In exchange, I will allot a payment of one pound of Residuum a month." I said.

"Alright. That's something I can agree to. Should I send them here or somewhere else?" James asked.

"Because you are my cubs uncle and have not been hostile towards me. I will provide you the coordinates. I understand your son can send your man along. I also will trust you to see to the collection of a years worth of your allotment." I said, taking some papers out of my bag and offering them to him. "Dirthin assured me you'd take my deal, so I have written the contract already."

"Well, then, I am glad my brother knows me to not be a fool." James said, accepting the papers to look over.

"This contract is the best I can do until after the cub is born. If I die everything of mine will be left to my cub. I don't think Dirthin would like to, so I'll ask that you be in charge of managing our son's things, if I pass. If I live, we can renegotiate, and you can always ask favors." I said. "Just don't hurt the boy."

"I do not know what you take me for, but I do not harm children unless it's to save my own." James said.

"Trauma is what it is." I said, shrugging. "In fact, we do not know each other. It bore worth saying due to my life experience."

"To minding my nephews things, should the worse come to pass, I will do so. I will also say that I will not try and influence him against your wishes of freedom." James said.

I felt myself physically relax. "I do understand it's a lot to ask. I am more than open towards being generous towards your family. You may take advantage of it just for agreeing to my unreasonable request."

"We have no need of special treatment. Although, my son, Isarial may need it at some point." James said.

I considered that. "I could write up an official pardon for future use."

"I will accept that." James said. "Like I said, I am sure Isarial will have use of it. I am not sure when or why, but I am sure he will."

I nodded, then said, "Are there any laws you'd like me to look at?"

"It is not a necessary change, but there is a law preventing me from having a larger standing group." James said.

I knew which he referred to. "That can be handled with a special permit, because changing it would allow Nobles to attempt to have their own combat force against the royalty. Are you in any sort of business towards property or personal protections? Or are you willing to claim such?"

"Most assuredly we are in property protection." James said.

"One moment, then." I said, getting up and going to my desk. I wrote the pardon for him, then wrote a permit to allow the gathering and training of personnel for property defense. Then I brought them to James.

"Hmm.. I can understand where your concern is coming from now. The cub has grown a fair bit. He will probably tower over all of us by the time he turns ten." James said.

"Yeah, all us minis and he's gonna be normal sized for our kinds." I said.

"Indeed." He looked at his brother. "Do try to keep in mind he will be your son, not a sparring partner."

"Of course, he is my son first. I don't even know if he will want to be a fighter." Dirthin said.

"I noticed Isarial seems to have a strong interest in medicines and the like. Hearthstone is heavily invested in non-magic healings." I commented. "Is there a reason for that?"

"I will simply stay that something in his past forced him to do a lot of non magical healing. But he has a wide range of interests." James said.

"Alright. Well, I was considering handing over research materials related to the advancement of medicine. So far, the Empire has still relied on magic for healing, and it stuck with me when someone called it a missed opportunity." I said.

"Isarial may officially lose his mind with that. If you could do that, I may actually have to accept you as a friend." James commented.

I laughed lightly, "You needn't." I took some books and manuals out of my bag and offered it to him. "Try as I may, I keep circling back to either handing things to your family to see what you all accomplish with it, or find someone mediocre in comparison."

"Who else have you handed things to that disappointed you so much?" James asked.

"No one on this continent. But I have been told several times that I may want to speak to the 'Hearthry boy' or inform Isarial. He has an astounding reputation for his age." I said.

"And who is talking about my son?" James asked.

"From the citizens of his town all the way up to Phintias and the Sultan." I said.

"That is far too many people to silence. Alright. I suppose I will have to hope that it is all good things." James said.

"I don't think anyone will dare to speak ill of any Hearthry to me. I've not exactly hidden my relationship with Dirthin." I said.

"This is true. You'd have to be living under a rock or just not care." James said.

"Oddly, there are actually people who think the Sultan fathered my cub. Perhaps it's just because of tomorrow." I said.

"I could see that being a rumor. An idiotic one, but still." James said.

"Indeed. We've made it pretty obvious." Dirthin said.

"We do have a method of checking paternity." I said with a shrug.

"Is there a reason to? Was it ever up for debate?" James asked.

"Mm. Reason to? Not really. Dirthin said he wanted a relationship, so I kept to that. But it will be up to debate in the future." I said.

"Not after he's born." Dirthin said.

"We don't even know what he'll look like." I said, amused.

"We know he has a tail." Dirthin said.

"Well, yes. He does have a tail. And a tendency to be very active." I replied.

"See? Right there just screams our kid." Dirthin said.

I laughed, "You're so cute."

"I know you are." Dirthin replied.

I leaned against Dirthin, figuring James wouldn't judge me for it. "Once I can get ahold of some more advanced documents, I'll send it to you, James."

"Alright. That will be appreciated. I will take what I have now to Isarial and see his reaction." James said.

"Yes. Thank you for the pleasant visit." I said, "Be safe on your way home, and look to the desert tomorrow for a good show."