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The Reletrona

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“Stay away from me,” I faked a whimper while taking slow and steady steps towards the exit. He seemed to buy it because a wide smirk grew on his face. Men. I have to get to that exit or I’ll be stuck in here forever. Not to mention that my mum would kill me if she found out I came out here. Literally. It’s getting dark and everyone knows what comes out after the sun is gone. Just thinking about it scared me. “Stupid, stupid, stupid. I knew this was a bad idea, I’m blaming this on you Snow,” I say, knowing very well that this was my idea. “No way are you blaming this on me. It was your idea,” she replied “Then why didn’t you stop me then!” There’s a pause before she responses “Good point” Suddenly I feel myself being pushed onto something hard. Pain spreads all over my back and I can’t help the hiss that escapes my lips. “Mother fucker that was uncalled for,” I say as I glare up into those black eyes. This dude is really starting to piss me off. “You know princess, you really shouldn’t swear,” he says as he pins my arms above my head “Although I wouldn’t mind it when I have you bare and under me” WTF? Is this dude psycho or something? “Who are you?” I ask him “Darling, I’m your worst nightmare come true” he whispers into my ear My eyes widen in realization as I finally notice the mark on his shoulder. The mark of a wolf with a sword pierced through his head. His mark. Its him. It’s the Reletrona.

Chapter 1 - CHAPTER ONE - MOM

"Sam! Sam! Sam!" yells a voice on the other side of my bedroom door.

"What?" I reply while picking up the mess on my floor. I'm not that clean type of person but it's the Alpha's orders that everyone cleans their room and that the pack house is cleaned from inside out. Little too much right? Like it's not as if people will be going into our bedrooms. Will they?

"I need you to go pick up some berries for the pie I'm making for tonight," yells the voice again which I now recognize as my mum's.


I hear a gasp before my door suddenly bursts open and my mum steps into the room.

"Sam don't tell me you forgot that the alphas son is coming back today!" she basically shouts

"Uhhh well you see, it's not like I totally forgot," I say "It was somewhere in the back of my mind"

My mother sighs while looking at me with a look of disappointment

"We are celebrating his arrival with a party tonight where every pack member or family is requested to bring a dish" she says while looking in my room as if she was checking that I'm doing everything right. "Not only that but with him is coming another pack which will be here for a few weeks or so until further notice hence if our extra space is not enough then a few of them might be assigned to other pack members rooms"

"Oooh so that's why I suddenly have to clean my room," I say as I dramatically rub my chin. Wait, did she just say I might share a room with someone? No way is that happening.

"Actually Mum you can tell the Alpha that I don't want to share my room with anyone"

"Sam," she starts "It didn't come as a request, the Alpha commanded everyone to make their houses as well as rooms presentable.

I roll my eyes as I throw the clothes into the hamper at the far end of the room. I grab the vacuum cleaner and start cleaning the carpet that's at the foot of my bed.

"Did you hear what I just said?" my mum tries shouting over the sound of the vacuum.

"What? I can't hear you!" I shout back. Lie. I can hear her perfectly because of my werewolf hearing but I just honestly don't have the energy to argue today. She switches the vacuum off before I can protest.

"Sam? Berries? Now?" she says while tapping her watch.

"But it's only 9am"

"And I also have other things to do, so chop-chop"

Great. Not that I have anything to do but come to think of it I was planning of going into the forest later anyway so might as well go now. "Okay, I'll go. Just let me shower first," I say as she walks out of my room.

Well, there goes my plans so sleep all day. I dump the rest of the clothes into the hamper before opening the door connected to my bedroom. Thank the goddess that they decided to put bathrooms and toilets in each room. I cringle a little as I picture myself walking in the corridor with a towel only. Wouldn't work. Too many perve's here, both boys and girls included.

I turn on the shower to let the water warm up. Come to think of it I really want a hot smoothing bubble bath. I mentally sigh at the thought. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth before stepping into the now hot steaming shower. I adjust it to the temperature I like and grab my body wash. My body wash has always smelt of strawberry's. I used to use it as a kid and since then I never stopped loving it. I grab my shampoo and put some into my hand before rubbing it all over my hair. I love that its brown and super long. I mean, who wouldn't? Some people spend almost all their life trying to grow long hair and never really make it there. Me? Mine grows super long super-fast.

Knock knock

The knock makes me jump a bit and in result I slip on a slippery spot and my knee hits the wall.


Ugh, great my brother is here. I wonder what he wants.

Knock knock

"Sam? Look its fine if you don't want to answer. Mum just sent me to tell you to hurry up," he says before I hear him leave the room.

Why is she so paranoid today? I wash off all the soap before grabbing the towel on the rank and wrapping it around me. What to wear today I think to myself as I exit the bathroom and back into my bedroom.

"How about some sweat pants and a t-shirt," says Snow

"What would I do without you," I reply as I go into my closet and grab the closet pair of sweat pants and t-shirt that I find.

"Probably stay in your room and rot"

I chuckle at her response. She isn't lying. Even I think I would be like that if I didn't have her. You see, Snow is my wolf. She's like the other part of me. The wolf part of me. Basically she's an annoying voice in my head.

"I heard that"

And I love her to bits.

"That's better"

I've had snow ever since I was born. Everyone thought I'd be special because of it. You see, a normal werewolf shifts at the age of 18 and receives they're wolf. The way Snow is to me. So getting your wolf at birth was shocking news to the alpha and the pack. Its unheard of. But when I turned 18 last month, nothing happened…I didn't shift. I tried asking snow about it but whenever I do all she says is it's not time yet. I mean, hello? I'm 18, obviously its time.

I quickly put on the clothes before grabbing some sports shoes and putting them on. I brushed my hair and tied it into a high ponytail quickly grabbing my phone before heading out my door and down the stairs into the kitchen where my mother was.

"All done mum," I say while grabbing an apple and biting into it. "Finally, what took you so long?" she says while grabbing a basket "Well I ne-" she cuts me off before I can finish.

"It's fine just hurry up with the berries, I really need to get started with the pies"

Next thing I know a basket has been shoved into my arms and I've been pushed all the way outside.

"I love you too mum!" I shout before taking off into the forest.

I inhale deeply and sigh in content as I enter the trees behind our house. As a werewolf the forest always seems to make us feel like peace. Well at least me, I don't know about my mother since she's always cranky most of the time.

"Hey Sam!"

I turn to my right to see a tall guy walking towards me with blankets in his arms. The pile was so high I couldn't see his face but I didn't need to. I could already tell who it was by the sweet smell of honey and wood.

"Danny!" I yell before running and launching myself onto my best friend.

We collapse to the floor sending all the blankets flying in the air and scattering all over the ground.

"Saaaaaam! That took me forever to fold and stack up" he whines while pushing me off before standing up and brushing the dirt off his jeans with his hands.

I ignore his whining and grin up at him from the floor as he sends glares my way.

"I missed you" I tell him as I stand up while smiling up at him. I hate that he's so tall.

"I was with you since yesterday till 7am today idiot," he says while he starts to pick up the blankets from the ground "I wasn't gone for that long"

"But you were," I pout "now my mum has sent me to pick berries"

"Ha! Good luck on that most of the berries were already picked yesterday, I doubt there's much left"

"Come with me? Please?" I plead "You know no one is supposed to go that deep into the forest alone"

"I have to give these blankets to your mum then help my mum fix the leak in one of our guest rooms" "Please?" I plead again.

If there's one thing that Dan can't stand it's my puppy dog eye's. "No, not happening," he says as he picks up the last blanket from the floor and starts to walk in the direction I just came from.

"I'll tell the alpha that you've been hitting on his daughter!" I shout after him.

Next thing I know he's right in front of me with his hands covering my mouth.

"Keep it down will you," he whispers with his eyes wide as he removes his hands "Are you crazy? He would kill me if he found out"

"Then come with me and I won't tell" I smirk evilly as he glares at me.

"How do you even know about that?" he asks nervously.

"I have my sources, now do we have a deal or not pretty boy"

He scrunches up his eye brows at the nickname before nodding his head.

"Sure, whatever" he says with an eye roll Did he just roll his eyes at me!!?

"hey I saw that you know," I say while throwing him a glare.

He ignores me and starts picking up the blankets again. Clumsy boy.

"So let's go then," I say while throwing him a wide smile.

"Saaaam," he says. More like whines. I swear he's like a baby in a grown man's body sometimes. I wonder if he will always be like that. What will he be like when he picks a ma-

"Sam!" he shouts. What's his problem?

"What?" I shout back. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I've been calling your name for a few minute's dummy, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing? What? What are we even talking about?" I ramble. I'm a terrible liar.

"Just tell me dude"

Hey beautiful, I know what you need

My African queen, I'll take you to Malawi

I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw my mums ID flashing on the screen. With furrowed eyebrows I answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hey mom"

"I need those berries Samantha" Why is she so worked up about this?

"I'm on it mom, I'll get the berr-"

TF? Why did she cut the call? Suddenly I hear I thud. I spin around to find my best friend rolling on the ground clutching his stomach and the blankets on the ground…. again.

"What's so funny," I ask him

"Your…mum…. cut…. should have seen…. your face" he says while still laughing unable to even form words.


"Hey! It's not my fault," I say with a glare "it's like she's on her period or something" I mumble.

"Your mom is just something else Sam"

"Yeah, yeah she is"

"Well," he says while picking himself up and dusting himself off "Lets deliver these blankets and get those berries"