Chereads / Let Me Love you (Until you love me again) / Chapter 12 - His so handsome

Chapter 12 - His so handsome

The fresh air gently embraced the bustling streets of the Capital city of Euthopia, carrying the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and blossoming trees.

Another enchanting Spring had gracefully descended upon the beautiful city in the south, painting it with hues of renewal and vitality.

In the heart of the vibrant capital stood a newly acquired building, a beacon of anticipation and excitement.

The employees and esteemed shareholders eagerly congregated at the grand entrance of what would soon be the largest mall in the country.

Rumors swirled about its acquisition by a renowned multi-billionaire businessman, known globally for his exceptional prowess in overseeing his vast business empire.

As the sun cast its golden rays upon the gathering, a sense of awe and wonder filled the air. The building stood as a testament to ambition and success, a symbol of prosperity in the cityscape.

The air buzzed with anticipation, whispers of the businessman's legendary achievements adding an air of mystique to the unfolding narrative.

Amidst the blooming flowers and the murmurs of the crowd, a new chapter in the city's story was about to be written. What tales of grandeur and ambition would unfold within the walls of this prestigious establishment?

The shareholders wait in excitement! they had been waiting for this day to come, to meet this mysterious business man that had come to their country and even started a business,

It has been a few months since this man came in the country and he started buying skyscrapers such as The Sunshine entertainment who is now leading the country in entertainment world!

it was really extraordinary phenomena of the century, because Sunshine Entertainment was nearly on bankruptcy but when it was acquired by this man within a few months he had made it to top two entertainment industries!

Rumors had it that he was an old ugly man and he has no mercy on people who doesn't benefit him!,

it was rumored that he was ruthless but despite that everyone still wanted to collaborate or even be notice by him!

Even all the employees were very curious to see who is this new president! because there was a time that someone says she saw their boss and according to her he was very handsome!

but of course they wouldn't believe in such a rumored because a lot of people had said that he was awfully unpleasant to look at!

Ever since the owner of the Bai corporations left the country, with all of it's subsidiary businesses, there has not even a single one who made another phenomena in the world of business and entertainment!

"sir, we have arrived!" assistant Lu said, looking back at her boss in the backseat,

Lee Yue Jin opened his eye's that was close, tilting his head looking at the people inside waiting for him, He showed no signs of emotions! He wants to see how the departments were doing as this Mall is very important for him!, He had even name it himself..

Assistant Lu went to open the door for him,

All the eyes were on the car, as if they had been waiting for a king to ascend! Yue jin fixing his tie he step down from the car, ..

Everyone was in awe! The boards of directors couldn't believe what they were seeing right now! Yue jin slowly entered while his assistant and a four body guards follows behind him,

"Good morning mr.president!" all of the board of directors, bowed to him respectively, The employees who were waiting to see him were all speechless!

Lee Yue Jin stood tall, his fine jawline chiseled like a work of art, adding a touch of regal elegance to his demeanor.

His flawless nose accentuated his features, a mark of refinement that hinted at his attention to detail.

Broad shoulders exuded strength and authority, commanding respect with every movement he made.

His neatly combed hair framed his face with precision, a perfect complement to his striking features.

As he surveyed the scene before him, an aura of confidence and charisma enveloped him, elevating his presence to a level that surpassed mere mortal beauty.

Lee Yue Jin was not just handsome; he was a vision of perfection, a figure that could rival even the most revered idols in the eyes of those who beheld him.

Yue Jin, just nodded at them before he went ahead, the board of directors also followed behind him, he inspected every floor as well as saying what he wants to add or what she wants to remove from every department! The assistant and others were taking note of every important things he said,

the mall were so big and it's impossible for one to inspect everything in one day but yue jin kept on walking and stopping at every stores he wants to have improvements on!

the board of directors has been struggling to keep up with him as most of them were already in his fifties!

but they still tried their best to show him that they are operating the mall carefully!

all the stores that Yue Jin went in we're all in awe, they were so happy they manage to see their new CEO!

"Oh my God! is he our new CEO? oh my, oh my Im already in love with him!" one of the female receptionist said as she hold her voice to not scream!

even the female sales lady couldn't help but stare at him!

"If i could see our boss everyday, I can work everyday without any day off " one of the sales lady uttered,

"ah!! I want to marry him and strip him!" a sales lady said as she giggles, but she had said it with a loud voice and Yue Jin and together with the others who follows him had heard it! this girl is bold enough to say that,!

The board of directors were waiting on what their new boss would say about the lady in front of them who boldly says that she wants to stripped him! but he shows no emotions!

He plainly smiled at her before He just pass by at the sales lady and the others just followed him, the sales lady smiled as if she just won his heart! she couldn't believe that their boss would smiled back at her!

Just when the people behind thinks that, that lady is lucky because she was notice, Yue Jin suddenly halted, looking back at the people behind him he uttered, "Fire her, I don't need a flirty people in my company!" You jin plainly said before he continued to walk away.

"but... sir... please don't.. I really need this job please...," the sales lady was so shocked at the sudden loss of job!

she tried to run to pleaded forgiveness but she was stopped by the two body guards as they dragged her out of the building!

Why did she forgot about the rumor that the new CEO is ruthless and has no conscience with people who doesn't benefit him!! the sales lady could only cry as she left....


sunshine entertainment,

holding a cup of wine in his fingers, Yue Jin is standing in front of the big glass window in his office, as he stares at the view of the capital city of euthopia, twirling his cup of wine his mind where busy thinking of the past!

"was I too late? sunny... where are you now?" he said in his deep voice, memories of her face flash through his mind, ...

He has been in euthopia for quite a while now but the investigation of sunny's where about where still negative!

A knocked on his door was heard,

"come in," he said as he sat back on his chair,

Assistant Lu came in with a document in his hands, handing out the document to his boss, he said, "I'm so sorry sir, everything is negative! we didn't manage to find the nuns who lived in that orphanage your talking about! it was not even a registered foundation, it didn't exist at all," assistant Lu said in a low voice,