"Leroo, ku kumtah to?!" The mistress frowned. "Ku ledug o bihah o otohali Kipa to?!!"
The lady in red snorted and simply repeated the question.
[What?! What does she want from me?] Han didn't know what to answer. He looked at the crowd with despair. His gaze landed on the girl with the Purple Bow.
[Is her name Moyi? She rushed to protect the Yellow Scarfkin, didn't she? I... I... don't know what to say! I don't fully understand the situation at all! Please give me a sign!]
Moyi caught Han's expression. The girl stared back blankly. [God, I'm not in control of the situation! A-a-a-a! One damn clue! Help me! I will help you and your friend! You remember that moment in the hallway, right? Not be stupid!!!]
Suddenly, a faint smile appeared on the girl's face, as if a wonderful idea had dawned on her.
Swallowing in her throat, Moyi was about to say something to Han, but the witch in red hood a firm hand on the girl's shoulder.
And she did dare to say no word.
[Damn witch! I literally just got into your world yesterday! And now you're asking me to answer a question in a language that I never knew?!! Wow! So, anger can not help. Come on, my brain, you're a smart guy... come on! Think!
Yellow Scarf asked the witch for something, didn't she? Maybe I should repeat one part of her request? Which one exactly? At this table, when tiny and Moya asked for a spider-like creature, they all pronounced "Ulimu" (or a similar "Ulimihu") and "Pekha", also "Ulimu" was pronounced by a Yellow Scarf. It seems that she often shouted the last part of "Hagehu". And she would shout "Hagehu" before "Ulimu" or a similar word. "Ulimi". And then near the window, and here, when she angered the witch again.
Phe! A similar word, "dad" and "dead" are also similar words, damn it! Goddammit! But their meaning is radically different… But there is nothing else to do. I'll try, who knows how much more the witch's patience will last. And suddenly my guess will help the poor thing.]
"Ulimu Hagehu!" Han shouted loudly. [Bozhechki, at least it would work!]
The child girl, eating transparent balls, put down the treat.
"Kipa negih to? Kipa negih! Negih! Negih! Negih-sha!" The little girl laughed, loudly slapping her sleeve against her sleeve. "Ulimu, Akh Pehha, hehakhu jilzidhi ..." the spider was not going to move from his place, "U-u-u?! Akh Pehha-sha! U-u-u-u! Yaro hehakhu yare-mra!" the little girl reached across the table to the pale turnips with roots.
"Kegu! Yaro kar chah ke hehakh jilzidhi!" the mistress pulled the crumb away from the pale turnips. The child girl was waving her long sleeves trying fight back the woman.
But this woman was smiling as the lady in red hood. Moyi cannot hide a sweet smile. [Kipa pe kumtah to? Yaroi limih...]
Meanwhile, the bully man finished sucking on a turnip root and moved on to another one.
The lady in red hood dismissed the Yellow Scarfkin and watched Han with laughing. This witch asked again. "Bihahet ovo lih-meh odo to? Ulimu, nigeh, Kipa!"