The thundering paws, frantically rushing forward, became louder, like the death throes of the heart.
But suddenly the roar was interrupted. The mushroom, weakened by the poison, fell down without tasting the defeated human flesh. The girl shouted a victory cry.
"Karen yaro tsong-sha!"
Fate chose her side, giving her life and victory.
The tiny miss kissed her favorite pendant and crawled to the trio of mushrooms, because hunger was eating out her guts.
A trembling and emaciated hand took a whitish mushroom, and broke it into two pieces, and handed it to the figure that stood in front of her.
An entity whose pallor is comparable to purity, and whose posture is comparable to the directness of pride. The three legs stood firmly on the firmament; the three hands clung to the slender, elegant body.
The essence took half of the mushroom and, shaking off the dust from the stone, sat down next to it. While eating a mushroom, the girl looked with a grin at the transparent forehead, behind which white clumps of light floated like bubbles in black wine.
She couldn't help but smile broadly:
"Treegh, yaroi treegh."
However, it was too early to celebrate. Having strengthened her strength with a whitish mushroom, the girl took the remaining ones: a short purple and a long pink one-and stretched out her hand to the essence, this time asking for help to get up.
Snow-white Trig lifted her muzzle. Her trinity of eyes even disdained to look.
The girl pouted and coughed, wasting her patience, from the vessel that was violently emptying.
Trig just raised her chin higher, crossed her legs, crossed her arms – and looked like she was expressing the defiance that flowed in her veins.