'The New Gods - paving way for humanity.'
The forte of the new gods grew year on year, earthly green lands, vastly occupied forests, clear blue skies and rivers flowing with crystal clear water. The kingdom of Asim flourished marvelously, Ertha become unassaible with a powerful protector sat in the Golden throne of Zilarennua and all threat that dared to oppose or threaten the safety of the planet were vanquished trivially. The cosmos became a safe haven, and all life sheltered within it - atleast for those under the watch of Asim. Verdenselven also known as 'The World River' connected seven realms together, flowing in multiple directions and connecting each of them with a stream, all under Asim and Ertha's gaze.
Although they were relatively far from each other, travel was still possible, especially for the more advanced planets like Ertha and Berhova, who were mainly seen as facilitators and protectors within the streams of the river. Many believed Verdenselven's streams were only a figurative expression of the way the seven realms were linked together, but others believed that a literal gape of water existed in space, reaching out to seven realms with it's streams enabling travel between them.
None of this ever worried Asim, only the convergence which would occur every five thousand years, a universal phenomena were all seven realms would align, breaking dimensional barriers as the planets mirrored over one another opening doorways to each planet at random intervals but also causing an upsurge in physical and hyper dimensional annomolies.
Swift changes in time would occur as well as shifts in gravity... Among the biggest problems was the increased number of spatial intrusions which occurred during this time. It was commonly then when Asim faced off with stronger adversaries and this time around would be no different, a firey foe with a burning desire of using the sun to destroy all life on the face of Velversden and create whole new worlds of life centered around them, suitable only for their species. They went by the name Brannkoloss - The fire colossus, the intense face off prompted the Star Crusaders - protectors of galaxy to help out on Ertha... the fighting particulary taking place on the planet because of the The Book of Silver thoughts being placed there. The firey foes could not achieve their goal outside of the book, they had to use it to destroy life at such a large scale within a small time period, but they also planned to destroy it afterwards, aware of how it could take away what they had as fast as it gave it to them. With almost half the planet burnt to ash, Akim tasks the Star Crusaders - inadvertently revived, previously the greatest hunters of the book...
-'Hold up, there's a page missing here, a fair few of them infact. Darn it! ... Just when things were hotting up.' Elsie exclaims silently as she puts down the book which had firmly held her interest for most of the day, gradually rising from her seat in the corner of the local library away from all the crowded tables, she then slowly approaches the librarian's front desk;
'Excuse me, this book has a few pages missing, have you any idea where I could find the others?'
'No.' the librarian bluntly responds.
'Oh, well are there any other copies of this book here in the library?'
'No.' the librarian again responding swiftly without even lifting her eyes to meet Elsie's curious stare. With a now clear view to bargain Elsie questions again,
'Okay, then do you atleast know any other places I could find this book? I was really invested in the stor-'
'Shh!' The librarian seemingly agitated cuts her off with a loud hush, pretty much indicating that she won't be entertaining any more questions. Elsie leaves promptly, with an agitated look of her own, she silently marches away and leaves the library.
'Maan! what a way a to bum me out, I was really enjoying my day up till this point.' She turns her attention to the large infrastructure of the city with a searching look, her wide hazel brown eyes thoroughly scanning around and her thickly coiled afro tied into two buns dramatically blowing in the wind as she stood in deep thought and assessment of her surrounding, remaining in the same position for atleast 5 minutes in search of any other libraries nearby. 'The closest library is probably upstate and that's a good 2 hour drive away.' She thinks to herself, 'Maybe I'll just try a bookstore, they might have something.' So she travels to the local bookstore... a 15 minute walk from the library, but only 5 minutes by bicycle. She arrives and has a detailed look around before approaching the clerk,
'Hi, do you have any Historical books in your collection?' she enquires, The clerk responds enthusiastically,
'Nope! Unfortunately we've run out of those this very morning, some shady looking tall fella in a wind breaker walked right in here and requested all of them, even paid upfront!'
'Bummer... well among those, did you have a book by the title 'The book of silver thoughts?' The clerk maintaining her enthusiasm responds,
'Sure did! The best of the lot apparently, our sales of the book have peaked quite drastically in the past week.'
'Oh? Interesting... any idea where I could get it?' enquires Elsie, the clerk responds...
'You could try the national library in the city capital or you could go upstate, they've got quite the selection there.' 'Alright, thank you.' Elsie replies as she begins to leave the bookstore.
'Hey, before you leave...' the clerk calls out 'I've got one question... Why the sudden craze?' Elsie pauses for a bit, almost trying to process the question, she then turns and responds,
'I've always been fond of stories about the past, they give me a sense of adventure, take me on a journey like no other genre could, sort of like an escape.'
'And what is that you are running from?' the clerk enquires, Elsie then pauses shortly and busts a smug coupled with a sharp nose exhale 'Have a good day ma'am.' She boldy replies. As soon as she leaves the store, she utters to herself 'A craze? That's odd, no one ever read history, the library and bookstore shelves were always filled with history books, why would anyone start reading them now?' she thinks to herself briefly before noticing the time, 'It's getting late I should probably head home now.' Elsie then mounts her bicycle and heads home, she arrives home and goes straight to her bedroom, hurdling herself onto her bed and laying in the exact same position for a whole thirty minutes, 'Hhhhh' she sighs and eventually flips over onto her back and stares reminiscently at the wall, deep in her thoughts she begins to playback old memories 'So this is what it's like being alone with your thoughts huh?... I haven't been here in a while feels awful. I can see you... I can hear you... but I can't touch you...' she thinks to herself as she turns to her side and looks to the drawer adjacent to her bed, picking up a framed portrait and staring at it with sorrow filled eyes before uttering 'Life's been so bleak since you left, my days are all the same and I'm constantly thinking about you... I'd do anything to have you back with me again.' She then leans the portrait against her heart and looks over to the empty bed beside hers, with eyes already filled with tears, and heart getting heavier with each passing second, the nostalgic feeling begins to overwhelm her. Her hands trembling at this point, and so too her voice as she softly utters 'I miss you, now more than ever.' A stream of tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she continues to stare, trying to contain herself she mutters another sentence, more audibly this time, 'I tried to be strong for you, I tried to move on... But I can't, I really can't, please come back, pleasee.' She then clenches onto the portrait tighter and breaks down, throwing it to the ground and stuffing her face into her pillow, sobbing hysterically for hours on end, until she eventually passes out.
'Time for Breakfast!' a beautiful voice calls from the kitchen, the first sound Elsie hears as she begins to awake from her nap, she checks the time and notices it is '8:00 a.m' a bit puzzled she softly says to herself 'I feel like I've been asleep for only two hours.' She then raises her head and looks to the door with swollen eyes... realising that everything infront of her is blurred, she grabs her spectacles and gets up and sits on the edge of her bed, her vision now crystal clear. With a bit of hope she turns and has a look over to the other bed again, but the situation remains the same, the bed still empty much to her dissapointment... She then cups her face with her hands and begins to take it all in, 'Knock, knock.' Someone calls out at her bedroom door.