Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Damian's POV

I was in my Office completely all the pending work, when my phone ringed. I picked it up and answered without looking at a the screen "Hello" I said.

"Hey babe, let's go on a date" and I regretted answering. I had yet to complete my work and I didn't want to go out with her. She was being very clingy lately. Honestly I never even wanted to be with her.

When me and my friends were on the way to our destination, we saw Emma and her friends asking for lift since their car broke down. My friends decided to help them and found the girls hot. After a few hours, Emma started hitting on me but when I didn't react, she persuaded my friends to make me go out with her and promised to help them in pursuing her friends. I had to agree seeing that our friends liked each other so genuinely. I will eventually breakup with her.

"Babe? You there?" "Uh Yes"

"Ohk so as I was saying, I always wanted to go to Geremio, can we please go, pleasee" she said in a sickly sweet voice making me cringe.

"Not now Emma, I'm busy" I replied. "You never give me time, come on" she started whining. I just wanted to hang up but she wouldn't stop complaining so I agreed reluctantly.

I grabbed my keys and exited the building. I entered my car and drove to Geremio. Geremio is an expensive restaurant, I had been there quite a number of times to attend meetings. Once I reached, I exited my car and entered the restaurant. The staff guided me towards a table, I sat down and waited for her to arrive. I wanted it to over as quickly as possible.

She arrived and waved at me once she saw me. She stood in front of me, I raised my eyebrow at her silently asking 'what did she want'. She huffed and asked "How am I looking babe" She was wearing a red culotte dress with matching earrings and she was wearing her hair down.

"Good" was all she got from me.

She looked like she wanted to say something but decided to sit down instead. The waiter came "Would you like to start with a drink?"

I nodded and asked her what she wanted, she replied "I would like red wine" I turned to the waiter "Bring me your finest red wine" He nodded and arrived with a bottle of red wine and glasses. He poured us the wine and went away.

She tasted the wine and judging from her reaction, I assumed she liked it. She started talking about her day and how she couldn't buy a dress she wanted. At some point I stopped listening. I couldn't help but want to be with Ethan. Even if he would ramble on about something and I would not even stop him and listen to every word he says, hell I could probably look at him all day and wouldn't get bored. He is just too cute.

I had never felt this way before. Sure I had girlfriends and boyfriends before but I've never really felt anything for them. With Ethan it feels different. Heck I even feel what they call butterflies in my stomach. I think I like him.

I like him. I want him to be mine.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the waiter said "Can I take your order?" I nodded and we gave our orders. She started to talk my head off and I wasn't listening as usual.

Our orders arrived and I was very thankful for that. We started eating, me enjoying the silence while it lasts. After we were finished, she ordered some desert for herself.

Once she was done I called the waiter with our bills. She just smiled at me while I paid our bills. I remembered when I met Ethan at the café. He was insisting on paying himself. Glaring at me, when I didn't let him but I wasn't intimidated. He looked like an angry kitten. A cute angry kitten. I almost cooed at him. He is just so cute.

When we exited the restaurant she asked me to drop her off and I sighed in relief, a few more minutes. When we arrived at her house and she got out. I was hoping to see Ethan but was disappointed when I couldn't.

I would see him tomorrow, I thought and drove towards my house. I didn't go to my parents house. My parents house wasn't far from mine so I could go there whenever I wanted. I rang the doorbell, one of the maids opened the door. I headed towards my bedroom. I wanted to shower, so I went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I dressed up in comfortable clothes and went in my study. I still had work left. It would have been completed by now if she wouldn't have called. I sighed, and started doing my work. I was able to manage both the teacher's work and office work at the same time. Speaking of teacher, I had to prepare worksheets for them, I sighed.

I completed my work and started setting the questions for my students. Once I was done, I printed the copies. I looked at the time, it was seven pm. I didn't feel like eating anything so I headed towards my bedroom. I made myself comfortable and switched on the TV.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone ringed. I groaned, and this time I checked the screen before answering, it was a call from my manager. I answered.

"Sir, we have a problem" he said panicked.

"What happened" He explained me how a client wasn't cooperating and causing a big scene.

"Be there in a few" I said. I changed quickly, grabbing my phone and keys as I headed out. I entered my car and drove towards my company.