"Please call me Rae. That's how all my friends call me"
He was everywhere! Whenever she wanted to go swimming, gardening or just take a walk through the forest, he was there, joining her during all her activities.
"Sure" she shrugged "You can call me Lisa then"
She thought that as long as it stays a strictly holiday relationship it wouldn't hurt to have a friend. Especially that she knew he wouldn't leave her alone if she doesn't give up. He basically wore her out to friendship. He wasn't a creep though. She actually has had some very interesting conversations with him about art, culture and business. She couldn't help it, he knew everything about her favourite topics.
The trip became much more enjoyable when her father claimed that he has work to do and went back home, promising to go back for them in two weeks time. He didn't know that she was going to use that time against him.
"Mom, if you could do anything, what would be your dream job?" Lisa inquired innocently while washing the dishes after they baked brownies.
"You know I can't work. Your father says that a working wife is an affront for a husband"
"But if you could? You didn't always plan on marrying dad right?" she persisted. A look of regret flashed through Ines face.
"I... always wanted to have a bakery joined with flower shop"
Lisa's eyes almost filled up with tears. Her mother gave up so much just so she could have a "whole family".
"Mom... could we do it?" her mother was ready to protest but she continued "I've read that if a young girl has a good role model in her mother she can go way further in life. I really regret not spending enough time with you, and, just maybe, we could get closer like this?"
She hesitated.
"Let me think ok? I'll look into it this evening and see what we can do"
That was all Elisa needed to hear.
This afternoon Rae joined her on her walk. She no longer tried to find out how did he knew where she was going. His mysterious knowing smirk irritated the hell out of her. Today she was too happy to let him spoil it. He seemed to notice she was in high spirits.
"Something good happened?"
"I don't want to jinx it but... I think my mom will open up a little business with me"
"Oh? What kind of business?" He seemed sincerely interested, so she could share some information with him.
"We were thinking about a bakery and a flower shop. My mother is a terrific baker and has a green thumb. If I get a chance I would love to put my artwork there..." she paused. Not much people knew about her love for creating. She couldn't make a living for herself and her mother that way, so she just gave up. Maybe this time she will find some time to really pursue her goal...
"I'd love to see your paintings" he gently smiled at her. Something in her heart moved slightly. His eyes were glued to hers. The distance between them started to disappear when...
"Lisa! Are you there?" Her mother's voice pulled her out of the trance.
"Maybe next time I'll show them to you" she blurted out and came running to her house. Damn his eyes and his perfect face!
"Run little Wolf girl. I can wait for you" he said with a half smile , but she was already long gone.