Chereads / TEENAGERS / Chapter 34 - PTSD

Chapter 34 - PTSD

After recess, Cleave Hills High.

"Damn! Can't believe I've forgotten it! Oh God, I'm running late for algebra, why did I leave my books in here?"

ERIC: Uhm, who's that? Is everything okay?

Walking into the lockers to get his books, he hears a girl's complaining voice and the sound of a locker being slammed. He traces the sound to a section to see what's going on. There, he finds the girl looking frustrated, struggling with her locker.

"Yeah, everything is... everything is fine"

ERIC: You don't have to lie. (Approaching her) What's wrong with your locker?

Leaning against the locker, she lets off a sigh of defeat. "Can't remember my password"

ERIC: Your own password? How?

"It was disorganized when I found it yesterday, seems like someone's been messing with my stuff. So during recess today, I changed the password. But I did it in a hurry because I had other things to do, now I can't remember it. I've got an algebra make-up test right now and my textbook is still in there, without it, I won't be allowed to write the test... I'm doomed"

ERIC: No you're not.

"It's not like there's anything you can do to help"

ERIC: There might be.

"Really?" Brightening up.

ERIC: If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

"Uhm, are you gonna show me your badge or what? You just sounded like a cop"

ERIC: Oh my goodness (laughing) I just wanna know some minor personal details.

"Okay. Ask"

ERIC: What's your favorite number and favorite hour of the day?

"How does this get-to-know-me interview help my situation?"

ERIC: Are you gonna answer my questions or do you wanna be doomed for real?

"I'll go with the former"

ERIC: Good choice.

"Well, I think I like seven, people say seven is a lucky number and it stands for perfection. And... I prefer evenings, like 7pm thereabout. I'm always busy doing my thing around that time"

ERIC: Hmm, seven seven it is.

"I still don't get the importance of this"

ERIC: Leave that to me, you won't understand. Do you remember at least one digit from your password?


ERIC: Okay. (He takes out a pocket jotter and a pen) 7 multiplied by 4, raised to power 7, divided by... oh sorry, one third of 7 multiplied by...

After almost a minute of calculation...

ERIC: Here you go, your password is 5407, try it on the locker, let's see if it works.

She tries the password and it unlocks.

ERIC: Open sesame! (Gesturing with his palms)

"What manner of sorcery is this? You literally calculated my password"

Eric smirks.

"Thanks a lot! But... but I still don't get it"

ERIC: Haha, forget about it, and you're welcome.

"Thanks again... (she smiles) ...I'm Gwen"

ERIC: Eric.

GWEN: Nice to meet you, Eric. So... I'll see you around... in a less messy situation than this, I hope. (Grabbing her textbook from the locker, locking it and rushing off) Thank you so much!

Last period. Evans High School clinic.

ANDERSON: Where am I? (Opening his eyes, coughing)

LOUIS: He's awake! Finally. (Getting everyone's attention)

BONNIE: Anderson! You got me worried. (Going close to the bed and resting her head on his chest as he lays down)

Laura smiles, giving her this 'I thought you didn't wanna see him' kind of look.

ANDERSON: Uhh... why's everyone worried? (Having no cognizance of why he's laying on the bed or how he even got to the clinic)

ADRIAN: You passed out, man. You've been unconscious for more than three hours.

A moment later.

The room goes silent briefly, Anderson seizes the opportunity to apologize to Bonnie again, while Adrian and Louis explain to her what's been going on with him.

BONNIE: Oh em gee. (Covering her mouth with one hand)

ANDERSON: I lost my family almost a year ago... gas explosion, we were trapped inside our house... unable to get out, every escape route suddenly turned out to be jammed... even the goddamn attic!

He takes a slow deep breath to calm himself, looking distantly, Bonnie and Laura's eyes are fixed on him attentively.

ANDERSON: I watched them die, I wish I had died in the fire too. There was no one to help us, our closest neighbors were on vacation at that time. It was just us... slowly perishing in a house caught up in flames. We struggled... came up with a couple of improvised batting rams... but the fire was so freaking fast. By the time the fire service arrived, my dad, mom and two kid sisters had burned to death already. (A teardrop trickles down his cheek as he narrates)

BONNIE: That's horrible! No one deserves to go through that. I'm so sorry. At least you survived.

ANDERSON: Yeah... I survived. I survived! Why?! I don't get it. Why didn't I die? I wasn't even burnt.

BONNIE: Wait, what?

LAURA: How's that possible?

ANDERSON: I dunno! (he pauses) I can still hear my sisters' voices in my head right now, how they kept screaming 'fire!!', choking on the smoke until they drew their last breath. (He breaks down, crying)

LOUIS: Come on man, a grown ass dude crying is the last thing anyone wants to see right now.

BONNIE: Allow him let out his emotions. If it's gonna make you feel better then do it.

ANDERSON: I couldn't save them... I couldn't save my family... I couldn't save my princesses...

LAURA: Stop. (She looks him directly in the eyes) stop saying all these. You'd bring nothing but pain to yourself.

ADRIAN: She's right. Get yourself together, man. It's not easy, I know. I don't even think I'm strong enough to go through what you've gone through. But get yourself together... for yourself... and for us.

ANDERSON: Ever since that happened, I go haywire whenever I come across a fire, be it in reality or a picture. I start having memories of my family burning to death... it drives me nuts, that's why I started using.

BONNIE: Oh my god, I never even knew you used to use drugs. (Her mouth is slightly hung open)

ANDERSON: I did that to help me forget my past, to help me stay sane, to help me stay happy. But I guess I'm not exactly built for a junkie's lifestyle because the drugs started having its effects on me. I can't do things in moderation. When I'm happy, I play like a toddler, taking pictures here and there with my camera. And when I'm angry... it's terrible. That explains why I beat up Tyler that way, it wasn't intentional. Please forgi—

BONNIE: Shh... (placing her index across his lips)'ve said enough. Actually, it's you who should forgive me, for avoiding you, ignorant of what you're going through. I'm sorry. (Caressing his cheek with her palm and enjoying the image of his facial features before kissing him)

Adrian and Louis stand there, smiling like idiots, watching the moment.

LAURA: Hmph! (Feigning tears) so touching, I might... (sniff) ...I might cry.

LOUIS: Anderson must never find out that we arranged this. (Whispering into Adrian's ear)

ADRIAN: Taking this secret to the grave.

ANDERSON: What you two gossiping 'bout?

LOUIS: Err... we don't gossip! We were just remembering the look on the chef's face when he rushed out with the fire extinguisher. (They share a laugh)

After school hours.

Bonnie, Laura, Tyler, Octavio and Carl are in front of their homeroom, catching up when a distorted sound from the wall microphones interrupt, followed by a buzzing voice...

"Tyler Holmes, report to the principal's office. Tyler Holmes, report to the principal's office"

The five of them share a look.

BONNIE: What did you do this time? (She makes a face)

TYLER: Nothing! I swear. (He adjusts his letterman jacket) I'll be back, lemme go find out what I'm being accused of.

He swaggers off, limping slightly. The four of them go on talking while awaiting him. It doesn't take long before he returns, his mood is ruined.

OCTAVIO: Why the long face?

He stays mute, brows furrowed, fixing his gaze distantly on the floor while trying to process his thoughts.

BONNIE: Why did principal Gaisford send for you?

His head still down, he parts his lips like he's about to speak but still says nothing.

LAURA: Are you in trouble?

TYLER: I... (He raises his head and shares a look with them) ...I've just been suspended.