Chereads / TEENAGERS / Chapter 39 - It’s High Time

Chapter 39 - It’s High Time

Sunday evening. Brady is already at the police station, walking to the sheriff's office and yelling his name.

BRADY: Sheriff Garcia! Sheriff Garcia!!

GORDON: Yeah?! What's going on? (Coming out of his office)

BRADY: What else could be going on? You told me to report here after 48 hours if I don't see my son... here I am! Do something!

GORDON: Alright, please come in. (Signaling him into the office with his hands). Mr Holmes, right?

BRADY: Yeah, please do something fast.

GORDON: You'll need to write a statement of what happened, indicating the time he left. We'll print posters of your son and paste them at strategic points, declaring him missing. If there's any other piece of information you have, don't hesitate to tell us. And please keep your phone within reach.

BRADY: Of course.

The following day, Cleave Hills High.

Third period. Eric is at the lockers, sorting books and stuff in preparation for class.

"Yo, Eric"

ERIC: Hey, Gustavo. (He turns around, greeting the guy walking towards him)

Gustavo is 5 ft 8 inches in height, dark eyes, black unkept hair. Stereotype aside, you can tell by his dressing and countenance that he's unserious with studies.

GUSTAVO: What are you doing?

ERIC: Getting ready for class as you can see. Aren't you going to the lab for chemistry?

GUSTAVO: Nay, I'm cutting class, ain't in the mood.

ERIC: Some days are like that. Sorry, gotta go. I've got Literature. (Walking away)

GUSTAVO: Wait up, have you met the new girl? She's a freshman.

ERIC: Talking about Gwen?

GUSTAVO: You know her name already?

ERIC: Sure. We talk, we chat on C.C too.

GUSTAVO: You mean that cute girl gave someone like you her Cool.Chat ID?

ERIC: Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?

GUSTAVO: Hey, sorry, I'm just surprised. How the hell did you do it, man?

ERIC: You offend me and amuse me at the same time. (He scoffs) Talk later, bro. I don't wanna be late for Literature. (He leaves Gustavo standing there with his mouth hung open)

GUSTAVO: The hell? That geek is already playing a fast one on my dream girl, no fucking way.

Fourth period, Evans High.

At the senior library. Matilda's former minion walks in like she's looking for someone.

"Psssst! Hey!... Over here" A guy signals her and she walks up to him.

BELLA: Alright, you asked me to meet you here. You have ten seconds to tell me who you are and what you want before I walk away.

"You don't need to raise your voice. I'm Dylan"

BELLA: Okay, Dylan. What do you want from me?

DYLAN: I don't want anything from you. I'll cut to the chase. On Tuesday while heading to class, I spotted you with two other girls, kinda arguing, I wasn't really in the mood for class so I got closer to eavesdrop.

BELLA: State your point, stalker.

DYLAN: I wasn't stalking you. (Bella makes a face). While watching you three, one of the other two girls started yelling, I think her name is Ma—

BELLA: Matilda.

DYLAN: Yeah, Matilda. You got mad, yelled back at her and walked away. And honestly, I was proud of you.

Bella smiles briefly then maintains a poker face.

DYLAN: I'm guessing you ain't hanging out with her anymore.

BELLA: Good guess. Why would I? The girl's a mess. She dumped her boyfriend last session, he's moved on and has eyes for a new girl and now she's trying to get him back. I only advised her to move on just like he did, and she called me stupid. Like seriously? I can't stand her.

DYLAN: I know how you feel. Did she actually think she and Anderson could get back together?

BELLA: You know him?

DYLAN: Who doesn't?

BELLA: Yeah, he's a little popular.

DYLAN: We were in detention together on Wednesday. He told me about his 'bitchy ex'.

BELLA: He's right, she's bitchy... (she pauses momentarily) ...Dylan, what's this conversation about?

DYLAN: I called you here to tell you something. That Wednesday afternoon, before the detention, I overheard Matilda planning something terrible with a guy in my grade, his name is Bob.

BELLA: That's Matilda's errand boy.

DYLAN: They were talking about the same guy who Anderson beat up.

BELLA: Tyler.

DYLAN: They mentioned framing him up and getting him suspended.

BELLA: I knew it. I knew she had something to do with 69's suspension... it's a good thing I recorded her conversation with Prudencia. I'll use it against her.

DYLAN: You've got a record? Cool. I've got some pictures that would make a solid evidence that Tyler is innocent.

BELLA: What pictures?

DYLAN: On the night of the detention...

BELLA: Night? You did night detention? So principal Gaisford wasn't kidding about this severe detention stuff?

DYLAN: Apparently not.

BELLA: Is it even legal?

DYLAN: I dunno, Bella. Can you let me say what I wanna say?

BELLA: My bad, please carry on.

DYLAN: How many seconds do I have left?

BELLA: Dude... your ten seconds was over ten minutes ago. (They share a laugh)

DYLAN: As I was saying, on the night of the detention when Anderson had slept, I sneaked out of the basement because it was fucking freezing in there.

BELLA: How did you manage to sneak out of the basement? I'm sure it was locked.

DYLAN: Yeah, it was. And a janitor was assigned to monitor us, but I picked the locks and the janitor who was supposed to stand guard wasn't exactly 'standing'. Dude had his head buried in he desk he sat on and was snoring. But that's not my point, is it? Why do you always have to interrupt?

BELLA: Sorry! Continue.

DYLAN: While I was outside, I noticed a male figure in the shadows moving suspiciously so I followed it stealthily till I got close enough. It was a dude dressed in a black hoodie, he was heading to the principal's office. He almost caught me when he turned around, sensing that he was being followed. I hid, but I saw his face, it was Bob. He picked the locks and broke in. I tiptoed back to the basement to fetch Anderson's camera so I could take some shots.

BELLA: Tell me you have those pictures with you!

DYLAN: Here they are. (Handing them to her). She loves using people as pawns, huh? Not anymore, because these pictures together with your recording... what do we call that in chess?

BELLA: Checkmate.

DYLAN: That's right. Make her pay for insulting you. Make her pay for the terrible things she's done to the students in Evans High.

BELLA: I'm meeting you for the first time, Dylan, but I gotta say this... you're a darling. (She glances at the pics). It's over, Matilda.

DYLAN: It's high time.