*Beep Beep beep beep*
"Aaaaahh ... is it morning already .. I just got to rest for the first time .. ever since I came to this world" he said in a sleepy voice getting off the bed .. he rubbed his eyes going into the bathroom taking his hot bath before the test he had yet to take today ..
After a long time he had spent in the bath .. he started emerging from the steam with a bright smile .. and shiny hair .. "Hmm .. yeah .. my hair is cooler when it's cleaned" he brushed his teeth with another hair brush in his other hand .. brushing his hair back ..
"Oh yeah .. Theo is back .. with his nice clean body" he added hair moisture and a few hair gels on his hair "Ooh boy .. " he shouted in joy .. when he saw his hair getting more shinier as he brushed it back repeatedly simply not getting enough of the 'hair'
When he finished with everything he made himself some breakfast .. and surprisingly enough he didn't make a feast out of it .. instead he had made just enough for him .. after the many days he had spent without food was making him crazy but he was no ordinary human .. at least not comparable to the average human ..
He dug in his nice tasty meaty breakfast before taking off ... "Ah , teleport" he vanished from his spot and materialized just infront of the entrance .. "Huh? what time is it?" he couldn't see commander Britt outside the entrance when he went to meet her just infront of it .. "Huh .. weird .. it's already 7 o'clock .." then just as he said that .. the commander was seen running at him "You woke up early than I had expected " she looked at him with a different gaze today .. "Wow you look clean" and when he heard her say that he was flattered and at the same time offended .. but in an idiotic way ..
"Let's go .. I've already informed the other lieutenants and head generals .. and of course the commanders .." she then told Theo to follow her ..
Still even after seeing Theo the other people looked in his direction weirdly .. and their talking didn't stop .. there .. but Theo didn't pay attention to what they were saying and paid attention to where he was going .. after walking for what felt like an eternity but literally having walked for 30 minutes commander Britt stopped infront of a large door .. and just like usual her DNA was needed .. she proceeded leading him inside the place ..
'Hmm .. this is ..' Theo looked at the spacious place they had entered .. it was the size of an Arena .. "This is the place where soldiers take their tests .. I don't have much time to explain to you the rules of this test .. all I can say is do your best" she then hopped onto a flat like board thing .. making her hover all the way over to the spectators seats .. "So what kind of a new recruit have you brought today ..?"
"I bet it's going to be like one of those useless recruits of her's she brought from last time"
the other female and male commanders started to bomb her with insults and mocking expressions .. she fumed with anger but she knew better not to fight any commander .. because with her current power .. she wouldn't dare to fight them .. as their power was way beyond her's .. and because she couldn't do anything .. she just sighed deeply and watched what was going to happen today ..
'Lets hope head general was right about him ..' she thought as the other soldiers started taking their places in the middle of the Arena .. "Hmm ? who's he .. I didn't see him when we got recruited .. or is he prolly a late recruit ?" the girl standing beside Theo nudged the guy on her other side ..
"I don't know .. Cynthia .. " the boy responded .. with a calm nonchalant expression
After waiting for a while an announcer hovered before them .. in his robotic suit that had fire boosters on his back .. "Soldiers .. today you've come to play your part In the military .. although this will be your first time doing this .. in the future you will grow stronger and who knows .. you might become commanders" he then chuckled in a deep voice .. "Now the rules are simple .. in the first test .. you're going to have to choose a partner to complete a relay run .. the second test will be about strength and agility but one must not continue if they have seen that their opponents have given up , third test will be about accuracy .. fourth test will be about your knowledge as a soldier .. and finally the fifth test will be about endurance .." the announcer then hovered high in the air and his voice resounded "Now let the test begin" after saying what he needed to say .. the arena started to shake .. and on their sides glass materialized and the glass showed trees and clouds .. "An illusion" Cynthia mumbled with a smile on her face .. "I guess today is our lucky day" when they were picking up partners .. the others ignored Theo and walked past him like he didn't even exist .. that's when a skinny boy with glasses came over to him with a nervous expression "Uhm .. H .. He .. Hey there .. I was wondering if you need a ..." before the boy could finish Theo wrapped his hand around the boy's neck .. "I'm Theo and you are ..?" the boy looked at Theo gulping .. thinking that maybe he was going to tell him to never ever approach him .. not now and not ever .. "S .. Si .. Simon Galahad .." Theo chuckled a bit "Are you still using those kinds of old last names ..?" he raised an eyebrow but was still laughing at him ..
"Alright Simon ... let's be partners shall we .. let's show them .. the power of new friendship .." he held his hand in the air .. shaped it like a v .. Simon took it with a nervous smile "Okay .."