Name(s): Colo-Colo, Wind, Tick, Tock
Bio: Colo-Colo (Clockwork Series)
Contracted by: Rentaro Eccel
Grade: Legendary
Cultivation Stage: Affinity Foundation - Stage 6
Elemental Affinities:
• Time - Paragon Stage
Innate Talents:
• Three Souls — The Colo-Colo is made up of three separate entities, each possessing their own soul. Splitting apart, they will each take on their own form as a fish, mouse, and owl. Each form specializes in a specific area.
• Wind — In the form of a fish, Wind excels in the water.
• Tick — In the form of a mouse, Tick excels on the earth.
• Tock — In the form of an owl, Tock excels in the sky.
• Colo-Colo Fusion — When all three souls and bodies combine, they take on the form of the Colo-Colo, becoming a mouse covered protectively in the scales of a fish, sprouting the wings of an own owl from its back. The Colo-Colo possesses all-rounded strengths.