Chereads / Druidic Reincarnation / Chapter 1 - Boob-Punched into the Afterlife ( ╥ ﹏╥ )

Druidic Reincarnation

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Chapter 1 - Boob-Punched into the Afterlife ( ╥ ﹏╥ )

Max glared death rays at her bestie.

"Really, Arin? Why would you do that to me?" She asked in disbelief, hands on each side of her friend, caging her against the wall. Arin ducked her head demurely. "I am so sorry, but you were never there and I- "

Max's eyes widened comically. "What do you mean I wasn't there? I was only gone for 15 minutes, and this is what I come back to?" Max's eyes glinted in anguish as she stared at Arin. "Why? Why would you do that?"

"Because Max," Arin responded, as she straightened her posture, all hints of her previous demurity gone, "It was amusing." If Arin had simply reverted to her normal apathy, there wouldn't have been a problem. However! There was a tiny smirk on her soon-to-be ex-best friend's face. Max felt a snap somewhere inside her mind and the next thing she knew, she was on top of her of the other girl. "You little poop, I'm going to beat you!" and in a calculated move, she boob-punched the girl.

Arin cried out and maneuvered Max in a one-armed hold and jerked the taller girl off her feet and flopped on top of her. Max gasped as all the air vacated her body while Arin smirked like some annoying sadistic mc in a teen romance. Max's lungs remembered what it was like to breathe. She attempted to wriggle out from under the little barbarian, but Arin would not let go. If this was how it was going to be, so be it! Max's eyes narrowed, and she went for Arin's weakness.

"This is what you get and until you apologize, I won't stop!" Max's fingers danced across her nemesis' ribs and Arin squealed in a stuttering laugh. Max pressed her advantage and rolled her over and continued to torment her.

"THIS IS FOR SAGE! THIS IS FOR ME! THIS? THIS IS BECAUSE YOU WERE BEING AN ASSHAT! Ahh!" Max screamed she as toppled over, clutching her stomach from a sucker punch to the gut. "You deserved it, you little twat waffle. You murdered, Sage! It took me years, years, just to develop and level him. I leave you in charge for fifteen minutes and you let that idiotic Dungeon Master kill him off like some flea! Now I have to start all over again!" Max ended on a wail. As soon as she could, Max caught her breath and took a commanding position.

"As compensation, I demand that Neith sacrifice herself upon the "Altar of I Am Sorry I Fucked Up and I Am a Toe Rag' to resurrect Sage!" Max declared heroically.

Arin leveled Max with a frosty stare. "Excuse me, I don't believe I heard you say that right." She serenely picked a bit of wax, if there was any, out of her ear. "Could you repeat that, please?"

Max hardened herself against her turning gut and stated her terms once more.

"Neith, 'Altar of I Am Sorry I Fucked Up and I Am a Toe Rag' and gimme back my Sage," she hesitated for a moment, but ultimately added, "you bitch." Might as well go all the way if she was going to jump into a frying pan.

Arin got to her knees and gave Max a look that promised an eternity of pain and suffering. "So you wish to die today with your character, huh?"

Max scrambled up. "Yes, give me Sage or give me death." She declared theatrically, her fist thumping against her chest valiantly. While Max knew she was not as strong as her friend, she was scrappy and while she may not win in a brief bout, if Max could drag it out, she'd get her victory and vengeance.

Arin cracked her knuckles, and Max gulped in fear. She'd fight to win, but heaven help her. This was going to hurt.

"Max." Arin snickered as her lips twisted into a sneer. "You seem to have forgotten, haven't you? You cannot defeat me."

Max quirked her perfectly (yes, perfectly) sculpted eyebrow at the insult. Max's back straightened as she prepared herself. So Arin wanted to play this the hard way, huh? Fine, don't blame her for being brutal!

"Funnel Cake," Max stated imperiously. The sheer enjoyment she got from watching Arin's sneer disappear was glorious. Max never got tired of throwing that incident in Arin's face. Goals.

"MAX!" Arin gasped as she stared at her friend with wounded eyes. "Why did you bring that up? You promised you would never bring that up!" Arin's dark skin paled and her fists clenched as she recalled the horror of the Funnel Cake. A grin that had been forming on Max's lips disappeared when her friend did something new. Instead of the flummoxed behaviors she was used to, Arin took a deep breath and glared at Max. Now Max could be foolish, but that did not mean that she could not sense danger. Max backed up as her inner warning bells squealed in emergency.

"Why do you keep throwing it in my face!!!!!" Arin ended in a roar, launching herself from her kneeling position at Max. The scariest part of it all is that Arin tackled Max off the ground from five feet away, using just the power of her thighs. If you're thinking that Arin is some stunningly amazon-esque warrior, you'd be wrong. All this power happened just to be compacted in a 149 cm frame. Basically, a honey badger in human form.

"AAAAHHHH!!!! DON'T KILLLLL MEEEEE!" Max yelled as the both of them went flying. Arin wrapped her legs around Max's waist, trapping her arms at her sides, gripped with arm, and pulled up both hands. Max quaked in terror as she watched Arin's fists form a conflagration of death and despair, filled with all the rage that short people somehow magically contained within their short selves.

Max knew that her demise- erm, defeat was imminent, but for Sage, she would fight beyond the bitter end! Just as Arin's hit landed shocking, stunting, and then killing any potential growth that Max's poor boobs may ever have, Max bit Arin's arm. She would never give up! For Sage she gamed, warred, and made mischief, eh-hm, made merry through many a DnD session. Their adventures were not over and so she would pull through...


Max opened her eyes. When she had closed them, she didn't know, but for one, she had a feeling in her chest, which was a shocker. Arin was not one to hold back once she unleashed the rage held within her tiny frame of holding. There was nothing. Around her. It's not like it was pitch black or anything, it's just the light seemed to go on forever and she just floated over what looked like a mirror lake. There was nothing but a hovering azure-colored blob there to see. So might as well keep going.

Wait... Hover?

A blob of colored light?

You know. You can't knock the rage of a short person. They hit hard, and maybe this time the rest of Max's senses went flying with her chance of being anything other than flat-chested. Max looked down once again to confirm.

Nope. Mirror-like lake and a reflection of a floating blob of azure-colored light.

Max exploded.

Not literally. Ball-shaped Max went from a smooth ball to a boom-like comic book speech bubble. While internally she went "Aaaahhhh!". While she was "AAAAAHH-ING!" on the inside, the azure blob turned into a static-y prickle ball. Freakin' Arin! That bitch legit boob-punched Max out of her body! That twat waffle! This proves Max's theory. Short people are holdings of rage from another dimension and shouldn't be underestimated.

Wait a minute. The blob froze. What about Arin? The floating azure blob smoothed out and folded slightly, mimicking a sitting position. Something felt off. Which was odd to say, given Max's new blobbish perspective. The blob turned this way and that way, trying to get comfy. The discomfort grew worse, and the round blob shivered.

Whatever it was, it couldn't be worse than her best friend kill-punching her. Max knew she should be concerned with the situation, but if Arin could channel her interdimensional rage and punch her best friend out of their world, or perhaps dimension, then Max had complete faith that she could fix it.

Does that make complete sense? No, but does this situation have any form of logic? Nope. Interdimensional skills should come with interdimensional fixes. Right? The blob nodded to herself as she wriggled happily over her perfectly if somewhat nonsensical conclusion. Max shifted restlessly, she felt… Weird. No, it was not due to her new blobbish state of being. She had already acknowledged, accepted, and transcended that hiccup already. No, this was a different sort of discomfort. One would think if one became a floating blob of light, then physical discomfort would be a thing of the past. Wrong.

Fine, Max huffed with a blob-wide wiggle. If this was how it was going to be, might as well see if she can upchuck whatever was making her feel like Arin and the funnel-cake round three. The blob twitched left, right, and then turned over itself. Zipped up. Zipped down. A cool thing that Max discovered was that she could fly almost fifty meters upwards and then gently fall like one of those perfect snowflake commercials to about half a meter above the mirror lake. Aside from that nifty tidbit, she got nothing.


The azure blob turned a dozen shades of blue and a tiny blob of light shot out. Max could feel herself turn prickle-ball again. Did she have a baby? Immaculate conception!

The blob thwacked itself with a blobbish tendril. Ooh, she could make tendrils! Max gawked at the azure appendage and then slapped herself. Later, deal with that later. She floated gently over to the marble-sized blob. Unlike Max, who was very much in control of her blob-self, aside from her prickle-ball tendencies, this golden blob looked ragged.

Max stared at the golden blob for a moment while she processed. Wait a minute. DING! It was like a light bulb clicked. That golden-colored rag of a blob was Arin! Or rather... A part of Arin.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Once again Max screamed internally as the blob prickled erratically. She'd bitten a chunk off her friend! Arin was going to kill her! It took a long time before Max stopped prickling. To be fair, Arin would be... displeased. She cringed at the thought before slapping herself. Get it together! This means that even if Arin's pissed off, she will find you.

Max scolded herself. Arin was ridiculously self-contained most of the time, practically stone-faced, barring Max provoking or doing anything on their personalized 'Dwarin's Theory of Evolution' List, which is a list of if you do this, you die,' Think dodo bird. Lack of intelligence there. The point was, Arin did not share. Ever. Not even her food. Which Max thought was ridiculous, but- No, no, no. Focus Max, focus.

Max's blob shined brightly as she fluttered back and forth lazily. This is a good thing, she decided. At least, this will speed up the process of Arin getting Max the heck outta' this place. Max shimmered at the thought. So all is well, right?

Out of nowhere, a gentle gust of wind caressed Max's perfectly smooth and rounded surface.

'That's not good.' Max thought as the azure blob turned around to see what might be near. She stopped her rotation when she noticed a blur walking toward her. Don't ask how she can see. Max didn't know the physiology of light blobs. The figure drew closer and closer. Max squinted and floated to get a better look. It wasn't like she couldn't zip away if need be, but whatever this was, it may have some answers. Besides, something about whoever it seemed familiar. Might as well go check it out. Right? Not like curiosity ever killed the blob, right?