Chereads / Eternal Regalia Original / Chapter 65 - Chapter 63 Neytriel

Chapter 65 - Chapter 63 Neytriel

For many, the rumours of Lanthim's formative years were well known. From his first sparring with Rieflin. Which was seen by many different individuals. The question of how powerful he was could only be guessed at but never fully realized. That being said, when Mynrea gave a full account of the things she had seen the child Lanthim perform. The look of disbelieving glances from the three sisters made Mynrea feel very small.

Trying to explain the existence of higher-order beings had exhibited resentment from all three. In the past, she had been hostile towards the idea. Trying as hard as she could to keep her position over her husband secure. This failed with Lanthim positioning himself at the top of the clan with the rest following after him. With such a powerful husband, Mynrea did not constantly feel. That her position within dragon society was threatened. With both male and female dragons having an appreciation for power and strength.

Proving this truth, however, was difficult. Yes, if Lanthim removed the limiter, he could perform some powerful magic. But would that be enough? No one living had ever seen higher-order magic For over ten thousand years. So there would be no way to prove it except for the restraining spell he used on Fremlita at the welcoming party. Still, there were so few people all that would have gotten out would have been rumours.

"While what you have reported is a good tale. I am not convinced that his abilities require him to take two dragon wives. It is not likely that he will cause a great stir amongst our people for even the slightest recognition." [Caltyen]

Feeling sullen, Leinea sat further away from Mynrea, not trying to distance herself but reduce the number of negative emotions being sent to Lanthim. At present, Lanthim seemed agitated by the amount of negativity coming from both of them. Adding that if Mynrea and Leinea were within a certain distance of, each all their emotions would saturate Lanthim.

"I would not wish my husband's anger to be brought down upon us sister. I think we should find a different topic to talk about." [Mynrea]

Sensing that Lanthim was moving in their direction, changing topics was in her view better. Then having to be looked down upon by Lanthim as he always did when he was ever questioned. Leinea could be seen shivering as Lanthim's presence disappeared.

A fearful silence filed the bathhouse as all five women felt Lanthim disappear.

"I do not understand." [Tayrie]

"He is still there. This is what happens when the limiter is removed." [Leinea]

Preparing herself for Lanthim to arrive, Leinea left the bath, entering the changing room.

"He just disappeared. How can you know he is still there?" [Caltyen]

The building anxiety that could be heard in the older women's voice brought a slight grin to Leinea.

"You should have lived here in the early days. He would just pop up where ever he wished. Now I think this bath is now over, we must prepare for the master's arrival." [Mynrea]

Standing outside of the bathhouse, the five dragons waited for Lanthim to arrive. With what felt like ages for the three sisters, Leinea stood patiently with her grandmother. When

Lanthim arrived putting, on an obedient face would reduce the scolding. For all his kindness and love, one never questioned his authority or power.

Coming up one open corridor, he neither looked angry or intent on punishing anyone. That being said he, did bear the expression that said: "I am not pleased."

"Husband, may I ask what brings you to my territory this time of the day you are usually training now." [Mynrea]

Greeting her husband with the greatest of respect, Mynrea bowed before him, to which her sisters looked on with shocked expressions.

"I sensed a disturbance and thought I should see what was going on." [Lanthim]

His words were carefully chosen insinuating, that he had left his training over the disturbance caused due to their conversation. Meaning that this man was likely very angry, right now just hiding it extremely well.

"You will all follow me." [Lanthim]

Turning away, Lanthim proceeded down the mountain again. Intrigued by the sudden instruction Mynrea and Leinea were almost right behind him with, the rest following. Waving his hand a portal opened to where none could see the portal faced towards the forest. Walking through as if the action was second nature everyone, but the three sisters questioned what had just happened.

"Before we go any further, Palrena, can you tell me what a Neytriel is?" [Lanthim]

Looking offended by the question, Palrena turned away from him. Only to see where he had brought them.

"A Neytriel is tangible regalia that forms when individuals purge the mana network within their bodies. Due to the forever expanding and coiling tendrils. Become too much for the body to handle. Once this is finished, the network begins to reform. However, the purity of mana is increased thousandfold." [Palrena]

"It is at that point that one becomes second-order not only does the mana increase in purity but the quality." [Lanthim]

Hearing the sudden sound of stone grinding on stone everyone, covered their ears except for Lanthim. Looking behind themselves, the movement of two great stone gates brought fear to the heart of even Mynrea. Having never seen magic move such a large structure before.

With the gate, open Lanthim prepared a second portal that reached deep into the mountain. On the other side, a door that bore a strange seal.

Interested in this door Tayrie entered the portal without being told her other sister just watched with confused expressions.

It was only once Lanthim made his way through that the rest followed. Behind them, the portal closed leaving, no way out but a long hike through the caves.

Putting his hand on the door, Lanthim spoke nothing but the door reacted to his touch glowing bright blue. Watching carefully, one could see the seal on the door slowly rewriting itself until the door opened before them.

"Before we enter. I must warn you not to touch anything. While templar level Neytriel may not kill you, the high templar will." [Lanthim]

Opening the door, Mynrea fell to the floor looking, at the sight that was before her.

"Are all of these your students, Neytriel?" [Mynrea]

Upon closer inspection, the number of Neytriel could have been over seven thousand all second order and up. Feeling incredibly small, Mynrea felt, she was about to cry. Never had she felt so insignificant in her life.

"If this is what happens when you see some second-order Neytriel, then I will have to be careful when letting you see mine." [Lanthim]

'Is that why he brought us here to show that he is no fake.' [Mynrea]

Taking a hand that Lanthim offered to her Mynrea, stood on her feet again.

"Let us continue. I have wished for this a long time." [Mynrea]

Giving a bright smile Lanthim lead the group on to another door at the furthest part of the chamber.

'On the other side of this door is the truth." [Caltyen]

There was no seal or locking mechanism on this door. Placing his, hand on the knob Lanthim, opened the door presenting the article that was inside. On a pedestal in the center of the room sat underneath a black covering was the prize that everyone wished to see.

"Once I reveal This Neytriel, you must not touch it no matter what. You will be completely destroyed, to the point even I will not be able to bring you back." [Lanthim]

His words of caution made the entire group almost leave the room. While the desire to know what was under the covering made them stay.

Slowly he withdrew the covering presenting his Neytriel. The look on his three sister-in-law's faces was that of fear and dread. While both Mynrea and Leinea seemed more reassured by what they were seeing. While still fearful and surprised.

"I remember when I first came to live with my grandmother. That she told me about the seal on your back and what it was used for. When I looked for that seal when we were together. I found a different seal than the one she spoke of. Is this limiter to bring you down to a fifth-order position." [Leinea]

Nodding to his wife, Lanthim smiled turning his attention to the three sisters.

"There is no one living in this world that can contend with me, sisters. I hope this little bit of proof can bring to a better understanding of me." [Lanthim]

Looking back to the Neytriel, the number of strands indicating the number of times Lanthim's mana network. Had been purged from his body was Thirty-seven, making him a Thirty-seventh order being. Placing the covering back over the pedestal, Lanthim left the room, followed by the rest but Mynrea, who would not stop looking at the pedestal.

"Mynrea we, must go now Melfsol will notice we are down here and will seal the door to this chamber before we can leave." [Lanthim]

Turning away from the Neytriel, The dragonness had a smile on her face that intrigued Lanthim.

'From my body shall come those that will remake the world.' [Mynrea]