I wake up to the big bed all to myself. My boys are in the kitchen by the sounds of it. Something smells good and my stomach begins to rumble. My mouth feels as dry as a desert, and I have a tiny headache from all of the alcohol I consumed last night.
I grab out a pair of pyjama shorts and matching cami and throw them on and pad down the hallway, following the delicious smell. I stand in the doorway, an occupy myself taking in the view. They both have their backs to me, Jimin is making coffee and it looks like Namjoon is making an omelette. I clear my throat, getting their attention. They spin round and look a little disappointed. "Oh, not happy to see me this morning" I say feigning upset and popping my bottom lip out with a pretend quiver.
"We wanted to bring you breakfast in bed" Jimin says passing me a cup of coffee. "What a lovely thought, but i'm happy to eat here with you both" I say. Namjoon plates my omelette and pushes it over to me and tells me to enjoy. He walks around behind me and starts to rub my shoulders and my neck. His hands are firm but his grip is light and gentle.
"What do you want to do today?" I ask them tucking in to the omelette. "I need to catch up with Lori at some point, and i'm sure you want to catch up with Yoongi to talk about last night. Maybe we could all do something simple?" I say.
I pick up my phone and send Lori a quick text.
-Hey gorgeous, hope you are ok. Let me know when you 2 are up and about and we can have a chat about your night. I can't wait for the gossip. I've not got much to tell you myself ЁЯШЬ x-
"How about a gallery?" Namjoon says. "That's a lovely idea" I reply. "What about the National portrait gallery" I ask him. "Perfect" he says kissing the top of my head. My phone buzzes.
-Morning honey, i'm great. We are up, just having breakfast. We definitely need to discuss last night. I have lots of gossip. I think you have just as much as me, if not slightly more. What's the plan for us all today?-
I finish eating my food and down my coffee. "Right, let's get moving, we need to get washed and dressed and get to mine to meet Yoongi and Lori and then we can make moves from there". I put my plate and cup in the sink and head down to the bathroom. They both follow me and we all shower together. It's nice and chilled. Lots of touching and kissing, but we manage to not get carried away. When we get out I fire off a text to Lori.
-Hey, we are just getting ourselves together and will come to you in just over an hour. Then we can decide what we want to do from then. I think Namjoon might want to go to a gallery. X-
In about an hour we are all dressed ready for the day. I've decided to wear a baggy hoodie and jeans with my Fila disruptors and my hair in a ponytail. Namjoon is wearing jeans and a shirt with a bomber jacket and trainers and Jimin is in combats and a jumper with his army boots. It's amazing how hot they can look in comfy casuals as well as dressed up like last night. To be honest, they look hot clothed and unclothed, it really doesn't matter which.
We decide to walk the 10 minutes down the road to my flat from Lori's and set off. I want to hold their hands, but it will look a little weird so we just walk. It's a warm day, not brilliant sunshine but thankfully not raining which is often the case in England. We get to mine and I let us in, announcing ourselves as we go through the door. Yoongi pokes his head round the door of the living room and shoots us a gummy smile. "Hey guys" he says. "Aimee, Lori is in your room, she says to go in there whilst she gets ready". I nod and the boys wander through to Yoongi. No doubt eager to talk about his night with his friends.
I walk into my room after tapping on the door, Lori is sitting crossed legged on my bed putting on a little make up. She is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. She pats the bed beside her and I sit down. She exhales loudly and says "who is going first then?"
I laugh and say that I want to hear about her night. We can talk about me later. I want her to know her happiness is important to me. If I had said I would go first it would be selfish. I look around the room for Louis and she clocks me. "He is in the front room with Yoongs" she says "Louis won't leave him alone. It's like they are kindred spirits or something". She laughs. We had to lock him out of the room last night because he kept getting in the way.
"Come on then you, spill. Every detail" I say. I get comfortable and she begins.