Chereads / Remnant: A Rwby Story / Chapter 35 - E4 C3: A Dose of Fear

Chapter 35 - E4 C3: A Dose of Fear

Carter stared at the masked man before him in horror. No, not horror. Anger. Deep and visceral. The kind that someone only feels with the intent for revenge.

Or in this case. The intent at taking a life.

Carter had left his old life behind him, and now. Here it was, back in front of him as clear as day.

He didn't exactly know what was going on, or understand it. But all he did know, was that if there was someway for this guy to be involved. He most definitely was.

"What's the matter Carter? Don't miss an old friend?" The man in the mask questioned, walking a small circle around him.

"Who in their right mind would miss someone like you Raesh!" Carter yelled at the masked man.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I don't go by that name anymore. You can call me Reaper." Reaper spoke giving a twisted smile from behind the mask. "You should've stayed Carter, you would've definitely became apart of something far better than whatever this is."

"This is me attempting to undo my wrongs!" Carter yelled flicking his wrist sending a card flying at Reaper teleporting as it just about hit him. Using the newly gained momentum to send himself crashing into Reaper.

[Lilac's World]

Lilac gasped in pain as she felt the blade of the knife, as it was slowly pushed into her flesh. The pain of it was unimaginable, to the point it threatened to drive her insane.

She continued to stare at the face she had missed so much, for so long. Watching as he slowly aimed to kill her.

That was however until a most unexpected person showed up to stop this torture, this hell.

Cayde popped into a familiar room that, yet at the same time was unfamiliar to him. Not taking much time to get a bearing of his surroundings had quickly zeroed in on the sight of Lilac. With a knife being plunged into her chest.

Quickly jumping into gear he didn't think of some strategy, or anything as time consuming as that. He instead acted, with precision and speed.

Quickly drawing the pistol holstered on his left hip and aiming it before pulling the trigger and sending a dust propelled bullet into the head of the man that was making slow work of killing Lilac.

Instead it wasn't a man. It was something much, much different.

It was a monster unlike anything he had seen before. With the distorted shape of a man, followed by what looked like black solidified tar wrapping around the creature almost as if it were skin.

"I would like to know how on earth we ended up here in Atlas, but currently it seems like we have worse things to worry about." Cayde said in a low tone keeping his gun aimed at the creature in front of him.

Finally able to move, the pain throbbing through her body. Lilac quickly pushed herself up, adjusting the hospital gown to fit better on her body. She would look at Cayde with an almost violent look of insanity, madness, and pain.

"I...I have no clue what's going on here...It's.." Lilacs voice broke as tears threatened to break as she thought the urge.

"Well that makes both of us." Cayde said pulling her out of the way mere moments before the creature flew passed them, slamming hard into the wall. Quickly he aimed at the window. Shooting it out, keeping his hold tight on Lilac, he pulled her towards the window before pushing her out the window before quickly dropping two grenades into the room before following behind her out the window.

[Rose's world]

Standing in complete horror as the creature edged ever closer to her. The only thing that went through her mind was racing, urging, begging her to move. To react. It was all she wanted to do yet, she couldn't do the simple act of moving. Of running,.

Her muscles, her body. Were no longer under her control, instead, it was almost like the creature had complete control over her.

As the creature pressed closer, Rose soon found herself muttering the words "Please, I don't want to die." incessantly, and repeatedly. 

"Rose!" The voice of Violet yelled taking her attention away from the terror of the inevitable as the creature was then promptly hit by a car. "Get in the car!"

Staring with a mix of shock and relief, Rose hurried as she ran towards the car, just barely catching the creature from the corner of her eye as it lunged at her.

Even after getting hit by a vehicle it was still able to move so fast?!

As Rose reached for the door handle. She knew that it would reach her before she could reach safety. She would die again, it was a thought that settled in moments before the creature reached her with its outstretched hands.

Only it never had the chance to touch her Loki landed on the creatures back slamming two knives into the sides of its head. Clicking a button on the knives before hopping off peppering it with a quick volley of pistol fire. All six shots hitting the creatures back. Successfully earning its attention.

As the creature went to lunge at Loki. It was met with a violently explosive death, as the knife in its head finally triggered a massive explosion that shook the ground, and even broke the windows of the car Violet had been driving.

"That's what you get for fucking killing me." Loki would spit on the ground in front of the creature before looking at the others. "It is time we find a way out of this hell hole."