Isaiah quickly locks eyes with his attacker and uses his telekinesis to lift him off of the ground, choking him in the process.
Before Isaiah's attacker had time to react, Isaiah pulled him forward with intense speed and held him in the air by his throat.
"Is there a reason why you're trying to kill me?" Isaiah said, looking into his attacker's eyes.
Isaiah's attacker looked back at him; he could tell that Isaiah would kill him with remorse.
"Let him go!" A voice shouted. It came from a girl with short blond hair and glasses.
"Should I show him the same mercy he showed me?" Isaiah shouted back, tightening his grip on the attacker's throat.
Isaiah's attacker was fighting to loosen his grip, but Isaiah wasn't budging an inch.
"RELEASE HIM" shouted a voice in the doorway.
As Isaiah turned around to see the voice, he felt like he was looking at certain death.
Isaiah could feel his heart skip a beat; he was looking into the eyes of an animal that he knew would devour him the first chance they got if he didn't listen to their words.
Isaiah immediately drops his attacker on the ground and faces the person walking in the room.
The person looked like a man in his early 30s. He had black hair with tan skin and a 5 o'clock shadow. His name tag read: Mr.De Rossi
Mr. De Rossi walked past Isaiah and went directly to his attacker, who was now sitting up next to him, trying to catch his breath.
"Why is Mr.Greenwood mire moments away from taking your life when it's only his first day of school? Asked Mr.De Rossi to Isaiah's attacker.
"I was just testing out the waters to see if he's really the son of one of the 7," said Isaiah's attacker.
Mr.De Rossi squats down in front of Isaiah's attacker and shows him his animal eyes again.
"Titus … little brother". Mr.De Rossi puts his hands on Titus' shoulder
"Don't ever embarrass our family or provoke a direct descendant of the 7 again."
The look on Titus's face was far more fearful now than when Isaiah was only seconds away from taking his life.
Titus knew that Mr. De Rossi would deliver more pain than a merciful death.
"Anyways, sorry for the awkward introduction." Mr. De Rossi said, standing up smiling in Isaiah's directions.
Mr. De Rossi stretches out his hand for Isaiah to shake while introducing himself.
"Hello, my name is Von De Rossi, the Hybrid and also your homeroom teacher."
"Hybrid?" Isaiah says, shaking his hand back.
"Like werewolf and Vampire?" Isaiah asked
"The one and only," Mr. De Rossi said, showing his fangs smiling.