Chapter 19 - Rebellion of Nubians and the Semites
Just a few days later or after our win and this news was expected as a rebellion in Nubia had taken place and the tribes of Nubia had gather again to rebel against us and they started against us and we faced the call and head out against them.
And as the call came we left and marched into Nubia and other neighboring tribes to gather for a rebellion and it went underway in Thebes in south and we rode there only to see burning houses and peasants looted and river water red with blood, it's something even bigger now and we told the officers of it and spies informed that the Assyrians, Hyksos, Scythians and Nubians are under the command of Sargon the 15th a descendent of Sargon the 1st of Akkad and first recognized emperor in history and that he planned his move in secrets and shifted his capital away in secret and was planning this for a long time and we returned at dusk and for extra coin I worked in the construction of pyramid and as for bonus was paid in food, wine, beer among perks being a soldier I was strong and healthy compared to other workers so I earned extra coins for extra or more time and I ended the day on barracks and as I slept I heard voices and I got up startled and I looked another extermination happened but this time Carthage and Phoenician peoples did it and Thutmose the 3rd is going to another campaign and is conquering of Assyrian and Babylonian Kingdom plus a voyage to Indus Valley united under a king with help of foreign outsiders called Aryans and Keltoy (Celtic) tribes and some of them settled there and of the danger they have as the new king had killed some of their children and planned a rebellion but I doubt he will be successful anyways I took cover in a shed with and hid myself somehow so it's an all-out war against Egypt as the Horusian Kingdom as out true name is had multiple enemies like Nubians, Assyrians, Hyksos, Hattie, Arabs, Akkad, Babylonians, Carthage, Persians and the Mongols among more and the Hebrew people (first half of all our enemies) rebelled and how they mercilessly slaughtered my people and a pyramid fell down and the turmoil began.
The Egyptians charged and I slowly took out and with an axe I grabbed and killed the nearest rebel, and then I took my bow and started shooting from a distance and this may be the end of Egypt I feared but fear is what killed people and frightens people from taking a leap my great grandmother married a Roman and my grandmother married a Greek and my father was an Armenian, I had the blood of Rome and Greeks and Armenians among Egyptians, I didn't fear my ancestors were brave and now was my turn and I threw a spear into what was a Nubian and killed him I wasn't brutal or cruel like the Assyrians but I wasn't happy watching my city fall and I took another Nubian out and watched the city burn and I took some survivors and into a shelter house and another ambush happened and then I took my sword and hit the Assyrian and kicked him into the wall and then raised my shield and pushed another rebel into a room and went in, killed him and came out taking other rebels and I took discs and started throwing them and broke a shield I had by hitting them again and again with it and more law enforcers came in aiding against the rebels and by dawn break and most rebels were killed and another campaign n=but against Assyrians was launched and we marched towards the combined force of Akkad, Assyria and Arabs with Africans soldiers too and we marched against them and their stronghold they had accumulated Africans in their support against us as well as Arabs and Acadians and we had a force of at least 70,000 against 120,000 and we marched and we needed a better diversion and we decided send in scouts and spies and I knew that the Assyrian king is playing a long game and we heard that a boat of African soldiers are coming to Assyria for reinforcements and we made a plan and that was and an untimely attack was planned and we called for back the greedy romans and Persian empire which started rising again and then sudden an unexpected help from the Hattie Empire which is only helping us for our mutual hatred for the Assyrians and Babylonians and then a scout spotted a camp which was completely grounded or unprotected from one side and at dusk we decided to march there and attack from a distance and then suddenly a messenger of the Hittites came and called a meeting with commanders and generals as more camps with Assyrians Soldiers spotted and at dusk we will march side by side there and then some soldiers drew march at the first camp spotted and I was drafted to follow the Hittite and Persian Soldiers against Assyrian and Acadian camps with soldiers left completely ungrounded and as dusk hit and I was waken up and then we marched together and it's like an intermediate going on and we marched quickly leaving our shields behind and marched and during the march Hyksos Tribes came in too and we followed the Hyksos joined us against Assyrians and Acadians as they were humiliated too by them as Assyrians have this old habit of treating their enemies and prisoners badly and among more like torture and stuff anyways as we marched towards their stronghold I had a feeling of being watched and after a long pass we saw the Assyrian Acadian camp and some soldiers on a bonfire eating something and the army broke into pieces and then I along with some broke and got behind the camps and then I drew closer and knife ready and I aimed and fired, killing a soldier and Hattie ambushed and Egyptians attacked the camps and we put Assyrian Acadians to sword and fire and during the ambush I took a spear and threw it into 4 of the Assyrians and burned the flags down and large number of them were enslaved and executed unto slavery and divided between us allies and we checked for any remaining survivors and there were none and then we returned back to camp and we found the Mongols were waiting for us and they will help against Akkad and Arabs and pillage Assyria for a mutual advantage and assist in their down fall and another campaign began but later our prince had to go back and we were all left to combat and another ambush followed and Assyrian king and emperor of Akkad had another counterattack in mind and they led us to a barren land and ambushed but unknown to them we just diverted their forces away from the capital where our Roman and Greek and Mongol allies just raided and ravages their capital city and villages, taking slaves and captives plus burning their cities down and Nubian tribes were massacred by the Mongols no survivors standing and we faced the final frontiers in the war against the Assyrians and we saw them marched in and then we made another master plan and lured them against some romans and Greeks went back, we had the romans meet them and fight and after another hour, the ambush will happen and the Assyrians and Babylonians will have lost then and as usual a large number will be gone and then the romans went upfront and we and Hittites stayed back and waited