Rez opened his eyes to one of his roommates, Glint, getting ready while being serviced by two other roommates. After stretching, Rez showered before putting on his uniform. He then quietly exited his dorm room heading to the cafeteria. After grabbing his lunc,h he took a seat at one of the empty tables near the door. After a while Tiaw, the one roommate that wasn't in his room when he woke up, sat next to him.
"Sup, are you excited for the combat class like I am?" Tiaw began to munch on the salad he ordered while waiting for a response from Rez. "Yep, I want to see how I fare against the current freshman class." Rez said while finishing his food.
Tiaw gives a playful snicker, "Just you wait for me to blow everyone away with my ability."
Rez gave a chuckle, "Well let's hope we're in the same combat class so that we can at least see each others capabilities."
"The whole freshman class is split into four groups for combat class. Students will stick with this group for everything. The group will be for close combat, ranged, hybrid, or support. Students are allowed to change if they show why they need to change or is recommended by a teacher."
On the screen behind the freshman supervisor, was screen showing the class location for all four groups.
Rez after seeing the room number for hybrid start to walk there. On the way he met Silv who appears to also be going to hybrid. Walking while talking to her, Rez made it to the combat classroom.
After looking around he found Tiaw who also saw him and started to approach him.
"Hey, I guess we are in the same class. Oh, and who are you?"
"Silv," Silv answered before she started to read a book she took out of her bookbag.
After almost thirty minutes a teacher appeared from the door.
he was on the lean side for a trained body and had black hair with hazel eyes.
"Welcome to hybrid training, here we will be doing a combination of close combat, range, and support training."
"Now the school likes to do ranking for these types of classes so you all will be sparring against someone I pick randomly to determine where everyone is at in combat."
Out of the 10 fights about to take place, Rez was the fourth fight to take place.
Looking at the previous fights most students were Tier 9 with only two so far being Tier 8.
Stepping onto the fighting platform, Rez saw his opponent. he was one of Glint's.
'He is probably an ability user that doesn't use his body to fight so I should be expecting a ranged attacks.' Rez quickly analyzed his opponent before preparing his body.
"Annnnd start!" The instructor shouted.
neon purple energy quickly curled around Rez's opponent's arms before shooting off.
Rez quickly dashed to the left while being grazed by one of the purple springs.
'Luckily, I expected a ranged attack. So six points in Agi can just barely let me dodge a tier 9 attack.'
Rez quickly used this opportunity to fire the same gigantic fireball he used at his opponent. Unexpectedly, only a flame the size of a lighter's flame.
'What why can't I make it bigger. I was easily able to do more.'
Quickly dodging another spring, Rez fired his mini fireball. After traveling for a while it quickly disperse before reaching his opponent.
Rez frown before taking his opponent brief confusion from the result of his fireball as a way to get closer.
'Guess I will just rely on my body as usual to fight.'
Rez quickly closed in to his opponent before attempting to send a punch to his head. Seeing the attack Rez's opponent conjured springs onto his legs before bouncing out the way. He then quickly bounce back at Rez, hitting him with a fist enforced with his neon purple spring.
Rez was quickly blown away and was almost blown off the platform.
'I need to be faster.' Quickly thinking that, Rez set off a tiny blast to the floor beneath him causing him to approach his opponent, but he was rolling on the floor after losing his balance.
Now having a feel for how to kinda of control his flames, Rez rolled to dodged a spring attack, and began to approach his enemy while dodging more springs.
His opponent then sent a spring fist to Rez's head. Covering his hand in the tiny weak layer of flames, Rez grabbed his opponent arm, breaking the energy spring on it. Then he sent a fist to his opponent's stomach, causing him to recoil from the pain he felt. Rez then lifted him up and slammed him into the ground.
"That is enough," the instructor said.
Rez quickly got off the platform before immediately collapsing onto the chair close to Silv.
'Me scrambling around while using my flames really drained my stamina. I need to better manage my energy so that I can fight longer.'
After Rez fight was Tiaw's fight.
Right when the fight start, Tiaw's body then began to tremble like there is a huge earthquake only he is affected by. He then kicked off the ground towards his opponent before punching him in the chest. A boom was heard before his opponent was sent flying. He almost crashed into the students watching, but was caught by the instructor. After being sent to the clinic with Rez's opponent the next fights start.
"Bet you didn't expect that, huh, Rez." Tiaw says while taking a seat next to Rez.
"Man you totally beat me on my performance, man, I was expecting to instantly blast my opponent off once I knew he was a tier 9, but it seems that my ability isn't as strong compared to the last time I used it." Rez then looked at the ring to see that the fight was over before looking at Silv
"Silv, you need to beat him for me pleease."
Silv stood up and walked onto the platform.
When the fight start ink started to flow out of Silv's sleeve and rotated around her. It quickly broke into four pieces and three of them shot straight at her opponent. He quickly blocked the first one with his Tier 8 shield ability that he focused onto his palm. He then formed another shield onto his other hand to block the next attack. He was fast enough to block the first two, but not the third blast of ink.
Quickly recovering from the attack, he approach Silv. He then sends a punch reinforced with his shield aiming at Silv's stomach. The fourth piece of ink that was floating around her quickly approach the area where her opponent's attack will hit, blocking it. She then conjured more ink and shaped it into a staff that she sent to quickly hit his head, knocking him out.
After the fights the instructor had everyone line up and he began to walk back and forth while looking at his clip board.
"Out of 20 students, six are already tier 8. Not bad for the first day of class."
He then began to tell everyone what he got from their fight. He then got to Rez.
"Let see... Rez looking at your fight you were doing things that looked like you was just trying them out like you fireball and when you caused that explosion at your feet to try to gain speed. Did you just recently come to use this ability."
Rez gave a nod
"Well looking at this you need to better familiarize yourself with it and you need to better manage your stamina seeing as you were panting after that short fight." He then moved to Rez's opponent.
"Your ability is a mostly range ability one that focuses on speed and send opponents away. It would be best to trying to have it gain new forms. An example would trying to use it as something like a whip. He then went to Tiaw.
"your ability has a lot of power to it...hmmmm. I couldn't really find any immediate flaws in it as the duration was to short." He then moved on to the next fighters and not Tiaw's opponent as they had to stay longer than Rez's opponent as they were hurt more. He then eventually reached Silv.
"Your control on your ability is superb. It wasn't glaringly obvious, but your ink seems to not contain as much power as a tier 8 ability usually does."
The instructor then began to critic the rest of the student fights before he fiddled with his watch. This caused a hologram of a list to appear.
"This is going to show everyone's ranking based off what I see in spars during the year. You will only be ranked against people in this class and with the same tier you are in."
Rez looked at the screen seeing Silv in 2nd place with Tiaw in 4th on the tier 8 list. Looking for himself in the tier 9, Rez found himself in 8th on the list.
Rez then gave a sigh
'I really was expecting to at least be tier 8, but who knew that the power I displayed back then was only temporary.'
At that time
[combat complete
stage progression increase by 5%
one stat point has been added]