Chereads / The Human Dragon / Chapter 7 - Ch 7 Boom

Chapter 7 - Ch 7 Boom

Rez's breathed out the vestige of winter on his way out of class. The planet that Rex lives on is pretty similar to earth, but it's naturally colder and winter and fall is slightly shorter. So even though he started the school year in fall, it is already the end of winter when the second semester starts.

Now it was exam time. He just finished his cultivation class where the only task was to have reached 8th tier to get a 100. All he had to do was attack a device multiple times to show his tier. Now the only class he had for the day was his combat class.

"Expedition, that is what the midterm exam is going to be about. You have 3 days to prepare everything for this. You will be graded on this part too so make sure you grab the essentials and only the essential. Now, everything you need can be obtained for free, but better supplies can be bought at the store along with weapons students can own. Now that you have no classes, all year 1 classes will be used for this. Each class will have a specific item in it that a student can grab for the expedition. After that we will depart to York Mine. Students can form groups if they want, but your group, or yourself if you want to go alone, has to come to us to have a number assigned to your group"

After that all students left to find people to team up with or to go get supplies, Rez met up with Tiaw and Silv.

"Alright so we need rations, water, emergency kit, something to notify others of our location for help, probably tools to help us move around, and something to use when going to sleep."

Tiaw listed everything he believed they needed for this expidition.

"Don't forget weapons," Silv interjected, "So how about we each search different parts of the year 1 area classes."

Rez got all 5 combat rooms as they were close together. Reaching the room for support students Rez opened the door. In the room there was a teacher with a clipboard and near her was multiple black boxes with a brown diagonal line on it.

Rez approach it and read the words ration on it.

Taking three of the boxes Rez approached the teacher and had her write his group number down. After leaving he searched in the rest of the combat rooms seeing raincoats, a portable carrier, an umbrella, and a inflatable raft.

Taking note of the raft and the raincoats, Rez left to meet up with the others by passing through the park to reach the other part of the school.

"Silv, you have researched the place we are going to hunt right so what is the place like."

"Well, it a desert canyon. with the main beast being mostly tier 8 rock salamanders and tier 7 small crag tortoises."

Rez sat down on the floor near the nurse office.

"Then my side is clear as everything else there isn't useful. Alright so what is the characteristics of these creatures."

Silv popped a piece of gum in her mouth before beginning to talk.

"Well usually earth related beast have a high defense. The salamanders have slightly weaker defense comparatively, but they can be hard to spot in the rocky terrain and they can be found in groups from 3-7, but the average is usually 4."

"Let me explain the tortoise," Tiaw interrupted, "These tortoises have the usual defense of an earth tier 7 beast, but also have a strong bite force and can quickly bite someone head off in a snap if not prepared. Another thing to mention is a mutated version of this beast called a small molten crag tortoise. They have the same power as the regular tortoise, but it's rock shell, blood, and saliva has a substance that has the characteristics of lava, but with a slightly more survivable heat, to it. So a Tier 7 hand might not be completely burnt off if they touch it, but a new arm would have to be regrown after it is amputated. If we get attacked by one then Silv will try to hit its face with ink to blind it and then we run. Two tier 7 and a tier 8 is not enough to defeat a mutated tier 7 beast."

"Alright, so in my section of the school, the only thing of value I found was rations." Rez replied before looking at Tiaw.

"I found flares and supplies for a tent."

"I got water and emergency aid." Silv added before continuing, "That should be everything we need. Rez you should be able to help start a fire with your ability, I think it would be best if you could create something to act as a flare so that we have one less thing to bring with us though."

"Alright I guess I can go to the park and train now then." With that the group split up to do their own thing.


In the park, a ball a fire shoots into the sky before fizzling out.

"How can I make something that can draw attention... and what exactly happens when this reaches 100%" Rez looks at his stats that has been slowly growing since the first couple of weeks at school.








Persona:(15.834%) fire

Fire:Mederin:lvl 2->3 Racn:lvl 2 Lopi:lvl 1

Harn:(inner)lvl 2-> 4]

Rez started focusing on his stamina to last longer in a fight and on spirit to reduce the energy drain of his fire along with increasing how much he can release and control. He spent his skill training time on trying to increase his harn and his mederin.

"If I was still getting the same percentage for fighting opponents as I was at the beginning of the year then I would have been past this stage 0." Rez noticed that as he increased his percentage the less it would grow in a fight. Another thing he noticed is the increase in the boost his skills get when they level up. They do in return take a lot longer to level up.

"Alright forget about my stats for a minute to think. Lets fire is not like normal fire. It more like a mixture between a solid and a liquid kind if like jello. Its because of that It can enhance my punches. If I wanted to I can make it behave like actual fire. If I burn something it will just be a normal flame and I can't control it.

First lets think what can fire do? It can brighten an area, warm something, and destroy. What have people used fire for? all of the first question, to create smoke, and explosives. I can do everything, but smoke. My fire doesn't produce smoke (the fire he controls, so the jello like fire). I did do a tiny explosion at my feet to get some mobility during a fight, but I only know how do it at my feet and only when they are touching a surface."

After thinking some more, Rez thought of something.

"Gunpowder! when its just out in the open in a line or piled up it just burns like anything flammable, but its when its contained in something it will cause an explosion to do something like shoot a gun. Since the spot I try to conjure fire at is pretty contained with not many places to go then that is why it can cause an explosion. Combine that with my resistance to fire then I can go move quickly.

So for that move I should reduce the amount I make so the explosion is not as strong." Rez stopped this thought.

"I got sidetracked. Alright so the explosion can help give the flare the oomph it needs to get attention. I just got to figure out how to have it make it up to an height where it can be seen and how to have it explode in general and when it get there. Normal fire can't do this so I have to turn to what my fires can do that normal can't. I can control it, its like a mixture between a liquid and a solid, and that is all I know so far."

Rez pondered some more before getting an Idea. "What if I treat it like a grenade...well it will be more like a missile actually. Anyway, I could try making the hottest flame I can. Since my flames act wildly the hotter it is then it can act as an explosive payload. That won't help much as it would be a normal flame....Ah, what if I contain it in a tamer ball of fire."

Rez notice a while ago that he can have his flames take varying properties. he can make them pretty solid to help with blocking and make them elastic to be something like a whip. Well he can't exactly do this yet where its pretty noticably as his control isn't strong enough, so if he did something like a fire wall it would be more like a bog to slow down weapons than a wall to block weapons.

There wasn't any real benefits to this yet as his control needed more work, but now might be a time for this to actually be useful.

Rez first made a wrinkly ball. It was pretty solid, but the strength of the wall was like paper.

"So If I make this like a balloon then add what I'm going to call volatile fire to the inside slowly while helping the balloon to not pop..." A bright fire appeared in the dim balloon. It first expanded, taking up the balloons space. Now Rez started trying to push more into the balloon. Slowly the balloon became brighter and brighter as more of his flames were added to the balloon.

After a couple of seconds Rez stopped as he couldn't add more.

"Alright, lets test it."

He position his body before using his control over his fire to blast it up. Sensing the ball, he gradually made it slow down before it reached the point where he couldn't control it at all. Right now he could only hold it up in the air.

"Now what? I need to have something to happen to break the covering."

Rez snapped his finger.

"I filled the inside with as much volatile fire as I can. So if I can produce even a tiny spark then it should be enough to break it."

During his time at school, Rez realized he can produce fire a distance away from him depending on his racn. He can't produce or control as much the further away and even if he does it takes longer, as he has to concentrate to conjure fire at a spot he wants.

"Even though the flare is at my maximum range, I can still produce a spark to break the balance."

Rez stood still spending his concentration on holding the flare up and producing a spark.


The fire flare exploded sending a sizable explosion about twice the size of the balloon.

[Racn lvled up to 4]


In the security room of the school an officer is looking at the screen that shows the area of the park Rez is in.

"All clear just a kid trying something," he radios in. After that he gets a call from his phone.

"Ok sure." He then messes around in the room a bit. After he does that, he gets up and leaves the room. He then locks the security room before talking to himself.

"Lets see a hour break doesn't sound so bad." He gives a smirk before walking to the break room.


"Uh, should dial down the size of the balloon. I don't need an explosion that big and it will be quicker for me to make it, send it into the air, and active it."

Rez smiles before plopping onto the sand that covers the training area he frequents. Looking down from the sky, Rez frowned. Standing before him where the training area meets the trees stood Glint with his lackeys.

(Wow this one was long :) and yay 10k words. I do want to say that this volume would be about 1/2 done when this test is over and after volume 1 ends I want to make a couple chapters of Hunter Market and I might make another book. To give an idea I would say its something like a Mob Psycho mixed with Eleceed [If you know this manhwa] with Eleceed influencing a lot more to it.

So hope you enjoy the two novels I have made now and hopefully the third one I want to make)