Chereads / The Beast and the Sword / Chapter 39 - A Good Day To Be Sick

Chapter 39 - A Good Day To Be Sick

The morning had come as it always did. The birds had sung their songs as even the plants had started to awaken, as the grass had its morning dew as usual everything had been lively in the Black Bulls base as it normally had been; except a certain someone had still been in bed trying to do nothing more but get some sleep.

Prism would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for two kids that had managed to open her room door with the help of a key. Jubei quickly rushed to the window as she opened it with a turn of a knob.

"Hey Prism!" Jubei yelled, "Come on girl, time to wake up!"

"Up and at 'em! It's morning!" Vandy said, pulling away the sheets.

Prism had opened her eyes with a tired smile as the little spirits that slept by her bed had awoken. With a groan she managed to sit herself up, though she appeared to have had a drowsy look on her face. "Don't worry about Adrien today, Pluck and the Triple A's are taking care of his morning routine since he's still recovering." Vandy said.

"Though you gotta get your butt in gear since it's triple the chores today!" Jubei said, "Uncle Yami's got a list for you and--Huh?"

Jubei lost her train of thought when she noticed the expression Prism gave, not to mention--Her cheeks looked to be flushed with red; Vandy seemed to notice this as well as he hopped onto the bed. Even a couple of the spirits looked a bit off as well.

"Hey--Are you okay?" Vandy asked.

"You look like death caught a hold of you." Jubei commented.

"... I feel really light headed…" Prism groaned.

"Light headed?" Vandy and Jubei said in unison.

Jubei soon hopped onto the bed before she placed her hand on her forehead; immediately she pulled her hand away. "Bime i elena, you're burning up hotter than Magna!" Jubei exclaimed fearfully.

"That's pretty bad, even by our standards." Vandy said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"... I'm fine." Prism replied.

She soon got out of bed but they even noticed her body posture had been off as she looked to be slouching slightly even though she stood up straight.

"Uh--Maybe you should call in sick today, and stay in bed!" Vandy said nervously.

"Ye-Yeah!" Jubei added, "I'm sure Uncle Yami would understand if you need to sleep it off! We'll even have ma cook you some soup later!"

Prism only let out a slight groan, "Huh… But--I promised him I would do them to make up for causing all that trouble. I need to hurry and…"

The moment Prism took her second step towards the dresser she started to wobble before falling forward. Vandy and Jubei were quick to act on their part as well as the spirits that didn't look off as they managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Get a grip--!" Jubei said.

"Hang in there!" Vandy added.

"... Thank you…" Prism groaned tiredly to the kids and the little spirits.


-Kitchen Area-

As usual, a couple of the new rookies had been assigned to kitchen duties to prepare for the morning meal, big enough to feed the equivalent of bulls. Karasu had been in charge of the cooking for the day as Sachiko had been assisting him in the endeavor, as well as the magic he casted on most of the tools to help him mince the vegetables. However he would have an easier time if he could have some peace if it weren't for all the noise from two of the only rookies available in the whole damn base to help him in peeling the potatoes.

"For the last time Drama-Llama---" Feodora argued as she had finished peeling the potato in her hand while tossing it in a pot, "--You can NOT name a bird Silvantus Schnauzer! That name is too complex, not to mention I spent the last eighteen minutes trying to pronounce the damn thing in my head!"

"Why not?!" Noelle asked, "It's a perfect name for a bird. Besides, it's better than calling her something ridiculous like, 'Addeline Jr'."

"At least I don't give a tongue twister name on a small animal like this!" Feodora said, gesturing to the Little Miss that had been watching them cook, "What, you never had a pet before or something?"

Noelle said as she puffed her cheeks towards her, "W-What?! Why would you ask that?! I-I don't have time for things like that. I'm Royalty!"


"Remind me--" Karasu said as he casted some magic spoon to stir sauce within the pot that was boiling over the stove, "--Why is this an important conversation to have while we're in the middle of cooking duty?"

"Hey, Pri can't go calling this bird Little Miss forever if she's gonna be sticking to her and Asta like glue." Feodora said, "The least we can do is give her a name. And for the record Asta isn't good at giving names. He's fine with nicknames but naming them not so much."

Noelle added, "And a bird like herself deserves a name of royalty unlike a certain boy."

"I don't even know why I asked you in the first place." Feodora mumbled as Noelle gave her a look.

"Seriously there's a thing a time and a place, and right now we gotta focus on feeding our whole squad, so save the conversation after breakfast--" Karasu said as he put in some spices in the pot, "--Also Silvantus Schnauzer--Not a good name."

Noelle shouted as she slammed her hands on the table, "EXCUSE YOU! IT'S A GOOD NAME!"

"Not to quote the Stuck up but-" Feodora said "--I rather name Little Miss a simpler name rather than that complex one."

Noelle screeches as she soon turns her head with a huff, "You just don't appreciate good things when you see them."

"Yeah, yeah--" Feodora said before handing her a carrot and a knife, "--Just shut up and peel."

Noelle said with a huff, "Fine!"

"Aniki!" Sachiko said, as she had taken out what looked be watching the oven, "It's burning!"

"Got it!" Karasu said. With a snap of his fingers the oven and it opened up while the flames cooled down. Sachiko got on a set of oven mitts before she had taken out a casserole with bacon bits. "Do I put these with the others?"

"Yeah, make sure Charmy doesn't eat it this time."

"Kay aniki."

She soon took the container before heading into the dining area as Yoshi followed close behind, since he wanted to be ready in case she dropped it.

"She's really getting a hang of the language." Feodora said, "And with only a few weeks of lessons too."

"Sachiko was always a quick learner." Karasu said as he tasted the sauce adding one more spice, "Aunt used to say she was the child prodigy back at home."

Noelle said, "Incredible."

"By the way, what are you even making here as a final dish?" Feodora asked.

"A breakfast curry." Karasu replied, "My uncle taught me how to make it. It's not gonna have all the ingredients but I'll work with what we got. Could use just a pinch of salt."

Just as a container of salt came floating towards Karasu with a simple movement from his hand, Yami and Yukiko soon stepped into the kitchen and saw that most of the kitchen tools had been working through the kitchen itself. Though Yukiko couldn't help but have a look of awe, Yami couldn't help but look livid by this sort of thing. "Hey bad luck boy, what are you doing?"

Karasu flinched at his tone before he turned to Yami, "I'm cooking like you told me to?"

Karasu had soon been taken back when he grabbed his head. Yami soon said as he had a threatening aura coming off of him, "with your mana? Your multitasking may have worked in the slums but not here, buddy. Save your mana for the most important stuff like your missions."

"You're better off listening to him." Yukiko said.

"Bu-But--" Karasu started to argue, "If I do this my bad luck is less likely to affect anything else! Rather not wreck up your kitchen and you know--!" He grunted trying to get out of his grip, "--Burn everyone alive!"

"Yeah and?" Yami asked. "Reserve your mana, unless you wanna die."

Karasu couldn't help but pale as he said with a gulp, "Ye-Yes sir."

Yami soon dropped him to the floor before he took his grimoire as he said, "And to make sure you don't sneak behind, I'll be taking this and giving it to you when we come back."

Karasu clicked his tongue as many of the objects fell with a clutter, "Just my luck."

Yukiko had said as she shook her head, "You know taking the easy route won't be effective in the near future."

"I kind of figured.." He said, "Still it's handy."

"Anyway--" Yami said, setting Karasu's grimoire in place, "--Keep an eye on the place, we're taking Brenin over to the grimoire tower."

"Why would you do that?" Noelle asked curiously.

"If Brenin is gonna be a part of this squad he needs to have his own grimoire to handle his magic better." Yukiko explained, "He's long overdue for one anyway."

"Shouldn't he eat something first?" Feodora asked.

Yami replied nonchalantly, "we'll buy something for him on the way back."

Yukiko had said, "Come now, we should get moving. Brenin is waiting for us outside."

Yami had said with a wave of his hand, "Got it. Don't wreck the base while we're out."

"Yes sir." Karasu, Feodora and Noelle said just as they made their exit. "You know--" Karasu said, "--Sometimes I wonder how the Barbados Family manage to put up with this for a whole year."

Noelle said, "I wonder about that, myself."

Soon enough they were a bit taken back when a familiar silver-haired girl came into the room; her ponytail looked to be a bit sloppy as she stepped in fully dressed while she had been slouching a bit. "... Morning." She said tiredly as a familiar light lemur sat on her head.

"About time you woke up short stack." Feodora said.

Noelle said as she brushed back some of her hair, "Honestly, how can someone like you wake up so late. You're royalty after all."

"Again, what does that have to do with anything?" Feodora asked her.


"HEY!" Noelle shouted before she looked down to see Addeline who held her stick.

"QUACK!" Addeline said to Noelle as she walked to get Pluck's breakfast. "HEY!" Karasu shouted while smacking her wing, right when she was about to take some of the curry he was setting up, "Not yet! Your friends gonna have to wait!"

"Quack.." Addeline said with a pout.

Prism rubbed her eyes as she coughed a little, before she sat down in the chair provided, as she rested her head in her arms, "Addi… Be nice…"

Feodora, Karasu and Noelle immediately noticed how Prism was acting, not to mention how flushed her face looked. The Little Miss hopped over to her as she let out a couple of tweets towards her. Prism couldn't help but smile as she scratched at her little cheek, "... Hi Little Miss… Good morning."

"What's the matter with you?" Feodora asked, "Your face is all red."

"Are you alright?" Noelle asked as she went over to her.

"I'm okay…" She replied with a reassuring smile, "... My head is a little fuzzy that's all…"

"Fuzzy?" Karasu said.

He had stopped what he was doing before he went over to Prism; he placed his hand against her forehead as he could feel how warm it had been. "You're burning up." Karasu said.

"You're sick!?" Noelle exclaimed with worry.

Prism immediately shushed Noelle which had shocked her. "Please… Don't say anything to the others…" Prism said, "...Especially Yami and Plu-Plu."

"Even Pluck?" Feodora said, surprised.

"Considering how overprotective Barbados can be, it's understandable." Noelle said with a huff.

"That's not a good idea Tater-Tot." Karasu told her, "The Cap is supposed to be keeping an eye on you and--I think I a sick princess is gonna raise some red flags more so then someone trying to either kidnap you or kill you and believe you me that is saying a WHOLE lot. Not to mention when he finds out it's gonna be ALL of our heads on a silver platter."

"... But… They're all going to have missions today right…?" Prism said, "... If they heard I'm sick while they're out there… They could end up hurt… Or worse…"

"But even Asta of all people?" Feodora said, "One time when we were kids I was doing my best to keep a cold from him and Yuno. The second he found out, not only did he have me practically strapped to the bed, but he gave me a damn lecture. Despite that he was really upset at the fact I didn't say anything. Believe me when I say keeping this from him isn't a way to go."

"... But Asta is only gonna have his thoughts on me otherwise…" Prism explained, "... The last thing I want to do is put him in a position where--" She coughed a little, "--He's put in danger in case he's put on a mission that could kill him…"

Noelle's face turned red at this while Feodora and Karasu looked at one another before they each let out their own sigh. "Okay Pri--" Feodora said, "--If you think it's for the best."

"Though for the record--We're not gonna cover you in case we're caught, got it?" Karasu told her as he gave her a pat on the head.

"... Thank you." Prism said with a tired smile.

"E-Eh?! Dorksta's more concerned about her?!" Noelle exclaimed in her thought, "B-But he's a peasant and she's royalty! How-- Wait, why is this bothering me?!"

Sachiko soon walked back into the room as she noticed how red Noelle's face had gotten. "Is something wrong?" Sachiko asked curiously.

Noelle immediately shouted in denial as she was peeling the potato in a nervou manner "O-Oh No! Not at all! Nothing at all!"

Feodora and Karasu soon noticed how fast she had been peeling her carrots. "Uhh you're not supposed to peel that fast." Karasu pointed.

"Noelle…?" Prism said, as Noelle froze up, "... Is everything alright?"

Noelle turned even redder as she couldn't help but have Asta in her head again. She suddenly picked up the pace as she yelled, "Yep! Totally fine!"

"Stop it, you already peeled it off!" Feodora shouted, as she tried to stop her.

"Hey, if you keep up that pace your gonna--!" Karasu started to say.

The four of them froze up when Noelle's face paled as the knife came in contact with the skin as they saw a familiar red color. "Yeah--Do that." Karasu said awkwardly. Noelle took a deep breath before she let out a shriek.


-Kitchen Area-

As usual, a couple of the new rookies had been assigned to kitchen duties to prepare for the morning meal, big enough to feed the equivalent of bulls. Karasu had been in charge of the cooking for the day as Sachiko had been assisting him in the endeavor, as well as the magic he casted on most of the tools to help him mince the vegetables. However he would have an easier time if he could have some peace if it weren't for all the noise from two of the only rookies available in the whole damn base to help him in peeling the potatoes.

"For the last time Drama-Llama---" Feodora argued as she had finished peeling the potato in her hand while tossing it in a pot, "--You can NOT name a bird Silvantus Schnauzer! That name is too complex, not to mention I spent the last eighteen minutes trying to pronounce the damn thing in my head!"

"Why not?!" Noelle asked, "It's a perfect name for a bird. Besides, it's better than calling her something ridiculous like, 'Addeline Jr'."

"At least I don't give a tongue twister name on a small animal like this!" Feodora said, gesturing to the Little Miss that had been watching them cook, "What, you never had a pet before or something?"

Noelle said as she puffed her cheeks towards her, "W-What?! Why would you ask that?! I-I don't have time for things like that. I'm Royalty!"


"Remind me--" Karasu said as he casted some magic spoon to stir sauce within the pot that was boiling over the stove, "--Why is this an important conversation to have while we're in the middle of cooking duty?"

"Hey, Pri can't go calling this bird Little Miss forever if she's gonna be sticking to her and Asta like glue." Feodora said, "The least we can do is give her a name. And for the record Asta isn't good at giving names. He's fine with nicknames but naming them not so much."

Noelle added, "And a bird like herself deserves a name of royalty unlike a certain boy."

"I don't even know why I asked you in the first place." Feodora mumbled as Noelle gave her a look.

"Seriously there's a thing a time and a place, and right now we gotta focus on feeding our whole squad, so save the conversation after breakfast--" Karasu said as he put in some spices in the pot, "--Also Silvantus Schnauzer--Not a good name."

Noelle shouted as she slammed her hands on the table, "EXCUSE YOU! IT'S A GOOD NAME!"

"Not to quote the Stuck up but-" Feodora said "--I rather name Little Miss a simpler name rather than that complex one."

Noelle screeches as she soon turns her head with a huff, "You just don't appreciate good things when you see them."

"Yeah, yeah--" Feodora said before handing her a carrot and a knife, "--Just shut up and peel."

Noelle said with a huff, "Fine!"

"Aniki!" Sachiko said, as she had taken out what looked be watching the oven, "It's burning!"

"Got it!" Karasu said. With a snap of his fingers the oven and it opened up while the flames cooled down. Sachiko got on a set of oven mitts before she had taken out a casserole with bacon bits. "Do I put these with the others?"

"Yeah, make sure Charmy doesn't eat it this time."

"Kay aniki."

She soon took the container before heading into the dining area as Yoshi followed close behind, since he wanted to be ready in case she dropped it.

"She's really getting a hang of the language." Feodora said, "And with only a few weeks of lessons too."

"Sachiko was always a quick learner." Karasu said as he tasted the sauce adding one more spice, "Aunt used to say she was the child prodigy back at home."

Noelle said, "Incredible."

"By the way, what are you even making here as a final dish?" Feodora asked.

"A breakfast curry." Karasu replied, "My uncle taught me how to make it. It's not gonna have all the ingredients but I'll work with what we got. Could use just a pinch of salt."

Just as a container of salt came floating towards Karasu with a simple movement from his hand, Yami and Yukiko soon stepped into the kitchen and saw that most of the kitchen tools had been working through the kitchen itself. Though Yukiko couldn't help but have a look of awe, Yami couldn't help but look livid by this sort of thing. "Hey bad luck boy, what are you doing?"

Karasu flinched at his tone before he turned to Yami, "I'm cooking like you told me to?"

Karasu had soon been taken back when he grabbed his head. Yami soon said as he had a threatening aura coming off of him, "with your mana? Your multitasking may have worked in the slums but not here, buddy. Save your mana for the most important stuff like your missions."

"You're better off listening to him." Yukiko said.

"Bu-But--" Karasu started to argue, "If I do this my bad luck is less likely to affect anything else! Rather not wreck up your kitchen and you know--!" He grunted trying to get out of his grip, "--Burn everyone alive!"

"Yeah and?" Yami asked. "Reserve your mana, unless you wanna die."

Karasu couldn't help but pale as he said with a gulp, "Ye-Yes sir."

Yami soon dropped him to the floor before he took his grimoire as he said, "And to make sure you don't sneak behind, I'll be taking this and giving it to you when we come back."

Karasu clicked his tongue as many of the objects fell with a clutter, "Just my luck."

Yukiko had said as she shook her head, "You know taking the easy route won't be effective in the near future."

"I kind of figured.." He said, "Still it's handy."

"Anyway--" Yami said, setting Karasu's grimoire in place, "--Keep an eye on the place, we're taking Brenin over to the grimoire tower."

"Why would you do that?" Noelle asked curiously.

"If Brenin is gonna be a part of this squad he needs to have his own grimoire to handle his magic better." Yukiko explained, "He's long overdue for one anyway."

"Shouldn't he eat something first?" Feodora asked.

Yami replied nonchalantly, "we'll buy something for him on the way back."

Yukiko had said, "Come now, we should get moving. Brenin is waiting for us outside."

Yami had said with a wave of his hand, "Got it. Don't wreck the base while we're out."

"Yes sir." Karasu, Feodora and Noelle said just as they made their exit. "You know--" Karasu said, "--Sometimes I wonder how the Barbados Family manage to put up with this for a whole year."

Noelle said, "I wonder about that, myself."

Soon enough they were a bit taken back when a familiar silver-haired girl came into the room; her ponytail looked to be a bit sloppy as she stepped in fully dressed while she had been slouching a bit. "... Morning." She said tiredly as a familiar light lemur sat on her head.

"About time you woke up short stack." Feodora said.

Noelle said as she brushed back some of her hair, "Honestly, how can someone like you wake up so late. You're royalty after all."

"Again, what does that have to do with anything?" Feodora asked her.


"HEY!" Noelle shouted before she looked down to see Addeline who held her stick.

"QUACK!" Addeline said to Noelle as she walked to get Pluck's breakfast. "HEY!" Karasu shouted while smacking her wing, right when she was about to take some of the curry he was setting up, "Not yet! Your friends gonna have to wait!"

"Quack.." Addeline said with a pout.

Prism rubbed her eyes as she coughed a little, before she sat down in the chair provided, as she rested her head in her arms, "Addi… Be nice…"

Feodora, Karasu and Noelle immediately noticed how Prism was acting, not to mention how flushed her face looked. The Little Miss hopped over to her as she let out a couple of tweets towards her. Prism couldn't help but smile as she scratched at her little cheek, "... Hi Little Miss… Good morning."

"What's the matter with you?" Feodora asked, "Your face is all red."

"Are you alright?" Noelle asked as she went over to her.

"I'm okay…" She replied with a reassuring smile, "... My head is a little fuzzy that's all…"

"Fuzzy?" Karasu said.

He had stopped what he was doing before he went over to Prism; he placed his hand against her forehead as he could feel how warm it had been. "You're burning up." Karasu said.

"You're sick!?" Noelle exclaimed with worry.

Prism immediately shushed Noelle which had shocked her. "Please… Don't say anything to the others…" Prism said, "...Especially Yami and Plu-Plu."

"Even Pluck?" Feodora said, surprised.

"Considering how overprotective Barbados can be, it's understandable." Noelle said with a huff.

"That's not a good idea Tater-Tot." Karasu told her, "The Cap is supposed to be keeping an eye on you and--I think I a sick princess is gonna raise some red flags more so then someone trying to either kidnap you or kill you and believe you me that is saying a WHOLE lot. Not to mention when he finds out it's gonna be ALL of our heads on a silver platter."

"... But… They're all going to have missions today right…?" Prism said, "... If they heard I'm sick while they're out there… They could end up hurt… Or worse…"

"But even Asta of all people?" Feodora said, "One time when we were kids I was doing my best to keep a cold from him and Yuno. The second he found out, not only did he have me practically strapped to the bed, but he gave me a damn lecture. Despite that he was really upset at the fact I didn't say anything. Believe me when I say keeping this from him isn't a way to go."

"... But Asta is only gonna have his thoughts on me otherwise…" Prism explained, "... The last thing I want to do is put him in a position where--" She coughed a little, "--He's put in danger in case he's put on a mission that could kill him…"

Noelle's face turned red at this while Feodora and Karasu looked at one another before they each let out their own sigh. "Okay Pri--" Feodora said, "--If you think it's for the best."

"Though for the record--We're not gonna cover you in case we're caught, got it?" Karasu told her as he gave her a pat on the head.

"... Thank you." Prism said with a tired smile.

"E-Eh?! Dorksta's more concerned about her?!" Noelle exclaimed in her thought, "B-But he's a peasant and she's royalty! How-- Wait, why is this bothering me?!"

Sachiko soon walked back into the room as she noticed how red Noelle's face had gotten. "Is something wrong?" Sachiko asked curiously.

Noelle immediately shouted in denial as she was peeling the potato in a nervou manner "O-Oh No! Not at all! Nothing at all!"

Feodora and Karasu soon noticed how fast she had been peeling her carrots. "Uhh you're not supposed to peel that fast." Karasu pointed.

"Noelle…?" Prism said, as Noelle froze up, "... Is everything alright?"

Noelle turned even redder as she couldn't help but have Asta in her head again. She suddenly picked up the pace as she yelled, "Yep! Totally fine!"

"Stop it, you already peeled it off!" Feodora shouted, as she tried to stop her.

"Hey, if you keep up that pace your gonna--!" Karasu started to say.

The four of them froze up when Noelle's face paled as the knife came in contact with the skin as they saw a familiar red color. "Yeah--Do that." Karasu said awkwardly. Noelle took a deep breath before she let out a shriek.


-Common Area-

As usual, everyone had had their breakfast as they had gone about their daily routines. Though most were a bit confused as they saw tha Noelle's left hand was bandaged up as she couldn't help but whimper slightly as she sat on the couch, while Asta had been doing push-ups as the Little Miss was sitting on his head and Magna had been on his back.

"So--" Aisling said as she had been assisting with changing Adrien's bandages, with Aine, Aidan and Pluck, "--I take it you never peeled a vegetable before? Not even once?'

Noelle replied as she sniffled, "Never in my life. I had servants do it for me."

"Well you gotta start learning somewhere Drama Llama." Feodora said.

Pluck rolled his eyes as he just turned away while thinking "Typical Royal. Never knowing the value of hardwork."

"I know that look." Aine said to her big brother. "I'm telling ma and dad."

"Hey! I didn't even say anything!" Pluck shouted at her.

"But you were thinking about it." Aidan told him.

Pluck gave a look as he stuffed their heads with their hats. "Focus on bandaging Adrien."

Asta couldn't help but let out a screech making them jump and freeze in place. "PLUCK YOU MADE ME LOSE MY NUMBER COUNT!"

Pluck immediately yelled as he was panicking a little, "O-OH SO-SORRY!"

"Really bro?" Aidan said, "You got startled by that? The hardcore guy who wouldn't think twice about going into a haunted forest?"

Pluck once again placed his hat over his head as he said, "Again focus."

"AH! TOO DARK! I CAN'T SEE!" Aidan exclaimed before he accidentally ran into Pluck knocking them both through.

"Didn't think that one through huh?" Magna said while eating from a plate of pudding.

"Shut up." Pluck groaned.

"So how's Adrien doing?" Asta asked as he started up again.

"Thankfully the cuts weren't too deep, and there's no permanent damage as far as we can see--" Aisling replied as she had applied a new set of bandages on her, "--With another few days of rest he'll be back to his old self."

"Still that was reckless even for you Adrien." Pluck said as he dusted himself. "She may not show it but Addi was really worried about you."

Adrien looked over to Addeline as she was eating her breakfast before she turned to Adrien and said "Quack!".

"Sounds like Addeline is our version of Noelle." Aine said with a teasing smile.

Pluck placed her hat over her head as he said, "never say that again."

"CAN'T SEE CAN'T SEE!!" Aine yelled as she ran around in circles, before she ran into Pluck knocking him over--Again. Or so she did as Pluck used Aidan as a shield.

"Not a second time." Pluck said, before he found himself tipping over. Pluck immediately yelled, "OH COME ON!" The three of them soon hit the ground hard making most of them jump.

Luck couldn't help but say with a laugh, "You're as funny as ever Plucky!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" Pluck yelled.

"By the way--" Asta said as he looked over to Prism, "--You thought of a name for the Little Miss right?"

Prism looked to be in a daze as she didn't appear to have heard him; Asta seemed to have noticed a squirrel that looked to have vines around its paw and arms as she was scratching its ears.

"Pri?" Asta said, as she flinched a little, "Did you hear me?"

"Ye-yeah." Prism said as she tried to retain her composure while the little squirrel crawled up on her shoulder, "Sorry, I was--In my thoughts again."

"You doing alright sweetie?" Vanessa asked as she hiccuped a little, "You don't seem as cheerful today."

Prism shook her head as she held her smile despite the flush of red, "I'm alright! Just a little tired, that's all."

"Really?" Asta asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Nah, I was just reading a really good book that I got from Mr. Vangance." Prism replied, "I think it was called, Thumbalina."

"Oh that's understandable." Pluck said. "Although, you're not the 'read till she sleeps' kind of girl. You're the kind that reads till she's done."

"I can't help it if--" She coughed a bit, "--I get invested."

"So--" Asta soon said, as he gestured to the little bird on his head, "--Did you think of a name for the Little Miss? Because I was thinking of the name Toritaro!"

Everyone couldn't help but give Asta a look which made him flinch. "What?!" Asta asked, "Is it bad?" The Little Miss soon answered their question as she started to peck at his head, "OW! OW! OW! WHAT THE HECK TORITARO?!"

"You weren't kidding about the name business." Karasu said, looking at Feodora who only gave him a shrug.

"Well at least it's better than what the stupid Silva was gonna name it, whatever it was gonna be." Pluck said.

"I'll have you know Silvantus Schnauzer is a great name for the Little Miss!" Noelle argued.

"That's a tongue twister!" The Triple A's exclaimed.

Pluck only gave her a look before he said, "Exactly my point."

"Well who names their duck, Addeline?!" Noelle argued.

"I'll have you know Addeeline is a beautiful name, and simplistic too, unless your over the top narcissistic one." Pluck said to Nolle, hearing her a growl.

"Then what do you have to suggest for the Little Miss?" Feodora asked.

Pluck said with a confident smile, "Simple, why not Classem?"

Almost immediately afterwards the Little Miss started to pull on his cheek as she was stretching it out a bit painfully.

"I don't think she likes that name Plu-Plu." Prism said awkwardly as she coughed again.


"Oh That's it!" Noelle shouted as she got her Grimore "You're gonna regret insulting Silvantus Sch--"

"NOPE!" Feodora yelled as she quickly froze both of their legs before they could start anything, "No wrecking the damn base today! I ain't looking to clean it up for the fifteenth time." She soon whispered to Noelle, "And remember who's under the weather today Drama-Llama."

Noelle said softly as she shivered, "Ri-Right, so-sorry."

Pluck said as he shivered, "B-But i wasn't even gonna hit her!"

"Uh--" Aine said as she took a familiar wooden sword from Pluck making him pale, "--I'm DEFINITELY telling mom and dad."

Pluck immediately placed her hat over her head--Or so he thought before he was met with a set of sparks and pops around the hat. "OW!" Pluck shouted "AISLING!"

"Not this time bro." Aisling said with a devious smile as she had her grimoire open.

Pluck said with a growl, "Honestly."

The Little Miss soon flew over to Prism as she opened her palm allowing her to sit. "... What should we call you Little Miss?" Prism pondered aloud, "It has to be unique, something--Special."

"Well no pressure." Karasu said.

Prism pondered and pondered as she went through every name she could come up with in her head. "Abigail?" She said, "Hmm no, it doesn't fit right. Emma?" The Little Miss only gave Prism a look as she couldn't help but laugh softly, "Right--That doesn't fit you either."

"How about Wine?" Vanessa suggested.

"Wine?" The group was a bit shocked.

"Auntie Vanessa--" Jubei said as she lightly bonked her head, "--Go to sleep, you're drunk."

"Why are you even drinking in the morning anyway?" Vandy asked.

Vanessa replied with a hiccup, "You'll understand when you're older kiddies."

Pluck told Vanessa, giving her a smack on the head, "No we won't."

"You oughta name the Little Miss something cool--" Magna said, "--Like--" Magna pondered and pondered before he thought of it, "MAGNUM FIRE!"

"Lame." Pluck, Noelle and Karasu said nonchalantly.


"CAN WE NAME HER KNIFE?!" Jubei shouted, making everyone look at her awkwardly. "Hey!" Juebi said, "If I can't have a Magical Beast Partner at my age, I might as well get in on the pet naming!"

"We're not naming her after your obsession." Aidan said, "Which by the way, we still gotta talk about!"

"Speaking of which—" Pluck said as he motioned his hands. "Give them here."

"What are you talking about?" Jubei asked.

"Jubei." Pluck asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jubei let out a grumble before she pulled out a set of knives out of her sleeve and handed them to Pluck. "He means all of them." Aidan said sternly. Jubei groaned again before she opened her mouth and pulled out a dagger, handing it over to Pluck.

"Was that a dagger?" Karasu asked.

Pluck did a double take as he shouted, "YOU TOOK MY DAGGER FROM MY THIRD MISSION LAST YEAR!?"

"That's what bothers you?" Sachiko asked, surprised.

"It was pretty and shiny!" Juebi argued.

"Just for that no candy wonderland for two weeks!" Pluck told her.

Feodora soon said, "This kid's dangerous."

Prism continued to ponder as she looked at the little spirits. "What do you think we should call her?" Prism asked them. The little spirits started to speak to her as they could each hear the sound of bells coming from them.

"How about we call her Mochi?" Sachiko suggested.

"Why that one?" Aine asked.

"It's because she looks like a Mochi, doesn't she?" Sachiko clarified, "Look how round she is."

Karasu had chuckled as the Little Miss traded spots from Prism's hand towards Sachiko as she sat on her head making her giggle. "It's a cute name--" Karasu said, while giving the bird a couple of pats, "--But not the best name for a pretty bird like her."

"Munchy, munchy--" Charmy said, "--Can I fatten the little birdie up? She looks really yummy!"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Noelle and Feodora yelled.

Pluck yelled as he bonked her head, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"Does she lay eggs?" Charmy asked, ignoring the bonks.



"Then can I fatten your duck?" Charmy asked.

Pluck immediately let out a shriek as did Addeline; he quickly hugged her as he said, "NO! WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO COOK MY PARTNER?!"

Addeline shouted as she waved her stick, "QUACK! QUACK QUACK QUACK! QUA-QUACK!"

"You're lucky Saorise isn't here to hear your potty mouth." Aidan said, "I know that tone!"

Addeline said with a huff, "Quack!"

Charmy said with a pout, "Aww, you're no fun."

"If you're having trouble I'll allow you to borrow a single letter from the name of my little sister goddess Marie." Gauche said as he held the photo of his sister.

"Really Gauche?" Prism said, relieved, "That's so sweet! Which one did you have in--"

"The letter M." Gauche said, causing Prism to look at him awkwardly.

"O-Oh." Prism said with an awkward look.

Pluck immediately shouted "NO! NO M! WE ALL KNOW WHERE IT LEADS!"

"Shut up! You would do the same for your siblings!" Gauche shouted.

"NO HE WOULDN'T!" The Triple A's, Vandy and Jubei yelled.



"You have a HUGE problem." Feodora told Gauche, "Get some help you sicko sister lover!"

Karasu added as he held Sachiko close, "Look I love my sister, but you have an unhealthy obsession."

"Oh, I think I got one!" Luck said, "Why don't we name the Little Miss Nero?"

Everyone looked to Luck as they each couldn't help but help but wonder. Though the Little Miss herself gave a salute of some kind as she made a grunt sound. "Nero huh?" Prism said.

"What made you come up with that one?" Asta asked.

"That's easy--" Luck said, "--Nero means black and we're the Black Bulls so--Nero!"

"That's--" Feodora started to say, "--Actually not bad."

"It does have a nice ring to it." Karasu said.

Pluck looked to Luck as he said, "Huh, you said something useful and smart that doesn't involve battles for once."

"Hey thanks Plucky!" Luck said as he was seen eating a pudding cup.

"HEY! THAT'S MY PUDDING BUDDY!" Magna yelled as they saw his hands were empty.

"And there it is." The triple A's said.

"I spoke too soon." Pluck said with a sigh.

Luck laughed as he said, "Wanna fight me for it Magna?"

Magna yelled as his hands sparked with flames, "BRING IT!"

"Nero--" Prism said as she coughed a little, "--I really like that name, and the Little Miss seems to like it too." She soon said with a smile as Luck had been seen laughing and dodging attacks from Magna, "Thanks a lot Luck."

"No problem!" Luck said, "Wanna fight later?!"

"Maybe some other time." Prism said with a casual wave.

Asta couldn't help but flinch when Prism coughed again, as he had a look of worry. Though right when he was about to ask, a portal soon appeared as a familiar set of people stepped through as only one of them looked especially nervous.

"Brenin?" Prism said, noticing how his tail fidgeted as he bit his nails, "What's wrong?"

"Prism--" Brenin said going over to her, "--It's Liam and Saorise they--"

"Hey, that took way too long for you guys to get a grimoire." Feodora said, "Did you get a detour or something?"

"We had to meet up with the Wizard King." Finral said.

"The Wizard King?" Asta said as he sat on his knees, "What were guys doing there?"

Pluck asked, "was it important?"

"It's because a dungeon was discovered--" Yami told them, "--Though it's more complicated than that."

"What do you mean?" Aine asked.

"Remember how I told you, Liam, Saorise and I were forced to become prisoners in a dungeon?" Brenin asked Prism in particular.

Prism only nodded her head in reply. "The one we were in--" Brenin said, "--It emerged early." Her eyes widened in shock as she stood, "What?!"

"Wait a minute--" Asta exclaimed, "--But you said it was supposed to emerge in seven days!?"

"I did--" Brenin told him, "--But I also said that the dungeons were unpredictable! I honestly didn't expect it to emerge so soon, and now we only have a few hours to get in and get them out!"

"WHAT?!" Asta and Feodora shouted.

"Ehh?!" Pluck exclaimed.

"Hang on, wait a second--!" Karasu said, "--What do you mean we only have a few hours?"

"You mean you don't know?" Magna asked, "Dungeons are not only dangerous with the traps, but they'll only be open for a few hours before it vanishes."

"Okay that part I didn't know." Feodora said awkwardly.

"WE DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TIME THEN!!!" Asta exclaimed fearfully.

"We have to hurry!" Pluck said "if we don't make it Saorise will be lost to us forever!"

Aidan said with puppy dog eyes "Aww you do care!"

"What about Liam?" Aisling asked, making Pluck flinch, "You forgot to mention him."

"Him too, I suppose." Pluck said as he waved about.

"Talk about a mood change." Noelle said.

"You're not still mad at him for those times he tried to kill you right honey?" Yukiko asked her son.

Pluck replied, "That's an understatement, Ma,"

Brenin couldn't help but bite his nails again as his tail started to move nervously, "We don't have time to prepare a search and rescue, and if we don't find them before the time ends, we'll lose them forever! What the hell are we going to do?!"

"I-I don't know!" Prism said before she coughed, "There has to be something we can do! I don't want to lose them, not after I just found out they're still alive!"

"Okay okay, quit worrying." Yami said with a sigh, as everyone stopped their arguing, "Look--We got orders straight from the top. Not only do we have to take the treasures, but we're also ordered to find Lizard Girl's other two Familiars and bring them home, by any means necessary."

"Easier said than done.." Finral said, "And I'm afraid the rescue is the least of our worries."

"What do you mean?" Prism asked.

"The dungeon that had Brenin and the others in the first place appeared near the Diamond border." Yukiko explained, "Meaning--They're going to send their own team to steal the treasure and most likely find them. And if they discover that they're Familiars they'll trace it back to Prism and if they find out Prism is alive and that she's the true heir to the Clover Kingdom--"

Prism's look softened as she had come into realization, "...There's going to be a war, everyone in this kingdom no, everyone everywhere, will die---Just get to me…"

The group's looks were shocked while Pluck and his family's faces softened; Prism couldn't help but think of the worst case scenario as her hands couldn't help but shake.

"Pri--" Asta said as he took her hand, "--That's not going to happen. We're going to bring them back home."

"He's right--" Feodora said, as she placed her hand on her own, "--There's no way in hell I'm letting my family get to them."

"Asta… Feo…" She said as her look softened.

"Well--" Karasu said as he had gotten his sword in place, "--It's not like I haven't done jobs under pressure before. Doing something like this will be a snap."


Pluck sighed before he said, "The last thing I want is for you to get in trouble again, so I'll go with you too. Besides, Ma and Dad will force me either way."

"Of course you're going--" Yami told him as he grabbed his head, "--I was gonna assign you to work with Noelle anyway Sword Boy."


"That can be arranged." Yami told him in a death threatening tone, "NOW QUIT COMPLAINING OR DIE."

Pluck paled as he said while he shook, "Y-Yes sir,"

Vandy sighed as he said, "I can already smell a bad idea. What if those two start to fight?"

"He won't--" Yami said, "--Which is why--" He soon turned over to Yukiko, "--She volunteered to go with."

"WHAT!?" Pluck yelled.

Noelle exclaimed "Bu-But doesn't she have her own job?!" she turned as she said in her usual tone. "N-Not that I care for a Barbados or anything."

Yukiko said with a smug smile, "You kiddies ain't killing each other on my watch--And you Pluck, you take your punishments way too far even by my standards! Your father and I are worried you're gonna accidentally kill someone!"

Pluck had argued as he had stammered, "But she's a Silva! Who cares--"

"DON'T YOU START WITH YOUR EXCUSES!!" Yukiko shouted, making Pluck freeze up and pale, "It's been five hundred years, and your father, your siblings and I have learned it's better to forgive then it is to hate someone! Now, either you start to learn to get over your silly feud OR--We're gonna start taking your pay, starting at the end of this month!!"

Pluck's jaw dropped as he exclaimed "YOU MONSTERS!"

"Hey--You're lucky Cadfan and I don't burn your books." Yukiko said.

"To be fair, you were asking for it, bro." Aisling said.

"Yeah and she is right--You were complaining a whole year after we made friends with Uncle Nozel." Vandy said.

"HE'S NOT YOUR UNCLE!" Pluck shouted as he ruffled his hair.

"AH! MAD BRO ON THE ATTACK!" Vandy screeched

"Plu-Plu--" Prism said as she coughed, "--That seems childish even for you."

Pluck turned as said with a groan, "Hmph, I'll go but I won't like it."

"Keep talking like that and we WILL burn your books." Yukiko said, giving him a look.

Pluck immediately said as he stammered as he turned to Noelle while bowing his head, "I'm sorry for my comment earlier! So sorry!"

"Uh--Okay…?" Noelle said, just shivering from his mother's aura.

"Yeah that's what I thought." Yukiko said while tapping her foot and giving her son a look.

"Wow--" Karasu said amazed, "--Now I see why she volunteered."

Yami said with a confident smile, "see?"

Pluck said as he still shieverd while turning his head away, "Why me?"

"Brenin--" Yami said, turning to him, "--You're going with the Kid, Noelle, Ice Girl, Crow and Sword Boy. Since you can help find them with that holly branch thing you got on your wrist."

"But I just got my grimoire today--" Brenin said as he showed it off as the cover had thorn designs on it, "--I'll still be new to it. Won't I be a burden?"

Yami merely told him, as he gave him a pat on the head, "Not really, if you died then it would really be a burden."

"Yami!" Yukiko said in a scolding manner.

"What? I'm encouraging him." He said before he turned back to Brenin, "Besides--You'll learn more by doing. It's time for you to surpass your limits."

Brenin sighed as he couldn't help but whimper, "I have a REALLY bad feeling about this."

"That's the spirit." Yami said, "You guys will go to the dungeon, grab the treasure, and grab Lizard Girl's Familiars and--"

"Wait!" Prism said, "What about me? Do I go with them?"

"Hmm?" Yami asked. "You want to go already?"

"I feel like I have a right to." Prism said, "Liam and Saorise are more than my Familiars and friends; they're family and we--Or I don't leave family behind!"

Pluck soon argued, "Prism you got back from a risky mission in which those two creeps tried to kidnap you and nearly killed a Nun and Feodora..Well not that I wasn't concerned but still!"

"And I'm telling you I don't even remember most of that--" Prism said, "--But I made a promise to them, I have to be there to help them if they're hurt or scared!"

"I have to agree with her!" Asta said, "They're her family, and she can give us back up!"

Yami soon told Prism, "Well..Knowing you, you want to go in but my consideration is that you'll go into the fire again."

"Yami--" Prism soon said with pleading eyes as the spirits colors started to shift around her, "--Those two--They're important to me. I love them as if they were my own blood… Wouldn't you do the same for someone like that?"

Yami flinched before he sighed, "You got me there...fine. But don't take unnecessary risks, right?"

Prism nodded as she replied, "I won't." Feodora, Karasu and even Noelle each had a look of worry after Prism coughed again.

Hr turned to Pluck and Noelle as he said "And as for you two, none of your stupid arguements!" he looked at Pluck especially, "especially your truth bombs!"

Pluck sighed as he said "Yes sir.."

"Oh--" Yami said, "--And one more thing--" He soon pointed over to Luck, "--He's leading this mission."

Everyone in the group slowly turned to Luck as he gave a smile and laughed. "WHAT!?" Everyone except Prism, and Yukiko had exclaimed. "EHHH?!" Pluck said before he started to walk away, "THAT'S IT, I'M OUT!"

Pluck began to speed walk away as he grumbled "first the stupid Silva and now Luck. Nope Nope nope!"

Pluck soon felt a threatening aura come over him as he froze up. He turned around as he saw Yami with his cigarette as he asked. "What? You're backing out now? I thought you said you didn't had a choice?"

Pluck soon made a break for it as Yami gave chase . All the while he yelled as he ran, "WHY ME?!"