Chereads / The Elements of Fury / Chapter 54 - 53 W+H+At

Chapter 54 - 53 W+H+At

I hated this, I felt sick to my stomach as I smile and talk pleasantries with the woman that was now my fathers wife. She didn't make me sick though. I made myself sick. How could I be so manipulative and use this time to find ways that would ultimately destroy her and her sons life, my little brother. Their pain and loss ... It would be on my hands. Worst part of all.... I really liked her. She was sweet and kind to everyone in the household, especially to the servants and her son was her little prince as she described him.

We would discuss normal pleasantries we enjoyed, foods, music and the weather. Iris loved flowers and used to garden herself all the time, but when she became pregnant her health deteriorated and has never recovered.

"So, Rakara. How did you and Mr Fairchild meet?" Iris inquires with a shy grin before taking a drink of her tea.

I chuckle, "He enjoyed my tea and kept coming back to my shop."

Humming Iris adds, "Sounds like he enjoyed more than just the tea...." she teases.

We giggle together before I ask her the same question. "So Iris how did you meet Mr. Thorn?"

She sighs, "Alas I do not have the same kind of meeting like you and Mr Fairchild." She sets her tea down on the porch table between us as she looks at Mathias running around in the backyard of her home with the nanny.

Continuing, "My parents betrothed me to him when I was still only seventeen. They saw that he was being elevated to the Gilded district and made the arrangements with him. Apparently, he saw me at one of our parties. I used to live in the Works district on Level one, but he saw me and told my parents I was beautiful." She blushed but continues, "I was not informed of the arrangement until my wedding day." She teared up at this and pulled a handkerchief to dab her eyes.

"I wish I had known, so I could have enjoyed myself somewhat. I was so scared when I was awoken and forced into the bridal gown and none of the servants would tell me anything. My mother came in when I became hysterical trying to find out why I was being done up as a bride. She slapped me and told me because I was a bride and that I would be marrying Mr. Elias Thorn. That I would become a lady of the Gilded district to help raise our family up in status. She told the servants to place a cold cloth on my face and redo my hair and makeup. That I was to look like the perfect vision of a bride in two hours."

"OH IRIS! That is so cruel!" I reach over and grip her hand as she begins to shake her head.

"I know. However, Once Elias and me were left alone that night, he's proven to be very kind and patient with me. He did not intend for me not to ever be told about it. He was rather appalled that my parents had not spoken a word to me and ruined my special day for me. He lets them visit me once in a while since they are my parents, but he refuses to let them stay longer than a few hours so they do not get the idea that they can rise to the Gilded district on his tailcoat." She sighs again and motions the maid to come forward, who sprays her breathing mist for her to breathe in.

"Well, I am glad that he's been good to you.... I hope you do not mind, but may I inquire what your illness entails?"

She takes a moment after breathing in her medicine. "It's fine, it was bound to come up eventually. Shallow and rapid breaths, weakened stature, fluid retention, erratic heartbeat, fatigue, stomach and chest pains, discoloration in my feet and the list goes on, honestly. They think it is my heart, but they are not sure. I take a five different elixirs and several different herbs rolled tightly to swallow everyday twice a day for some." She shrugs seeing my alarmed look.

"That is quite a bit of medicine. Do you think it helps?" I ask her opinion.

Once again she shrugs, "I am still alive when before I was on my death bed, I was given less than a month to live. Elias called for a physician from Dartershire, who are renown for their medical knowledge and he prescribed me the medicine. I have experienced my sons life growing into his own person, and for that I am grateful taking as many medicines as possible to ensure I continue to watch him."

I nod agreeing with her thoughts. "You are very lucky to have such a doting husband. It must have cost a fortune to pay for the doctor to come all the way here from Dartershire."

Iris blushes, avoiding my gaze from embarrassment. "Yes, I suppose so." She looks up and stares off into space and sighs sadly.

"Iris? What is the matter?" I lean toward her and place my hand on hers, "You look so forlorn."

She smiles weakly and shakes her head, "It is nothing, I just wish that Elias would spend some time here with us. Work has been keeping him busy lately and requires him devoting more time to checking his accounts and seeing what is going on."

My ears perk up at this, "What is the matter at his work?"

She covers her mouth as her eyes go wide, "I was not supposed to say anything, I'm sorry."

I wave my hand in annoyance at her words, "I will tell no one, but if I can help alleviate your mind of stress by you talking about it, I am willing to listen."

She looks around at the servants nearby and shoos them away from the area, the maid leaves her spray on the table and steps about twenty feet away.

Iris leans closer to me and whispers, "Some one is stealing the funds designated for the poor, the money has not been getting to the poor houses like it should. However, he can not figure out who it is. He is trying to figure out how to make the funds traceable to find out who may be stealing. He is hoping to find out who is the thief without having to involve the governing council."

"Why not though? They could help aid him in catching whoever is behind this."

"He is afraid they will find him incompetent of his job and lose everything. If he can find out who it is before involving them, they will praise him instead." She whispered in response.

I lean back nodding, "I hope everything works out for the best and the truth is revealed." I glance at the time and see I should be leaving soon. I would need to leave now to avoid Mr. Thorn, my 'dead' father, from coming home for supper.

"I'm dreadfully sorry Iris, but I just realized the time. I need to get going to meet with Mr. Fairchild for dinner. I'll get in touch with you soon for another visit." I stand and bend over to kiss her cheeks in parting.

"Will you not stay and invite Mr. Fairchild over for dinner? I'm sure Elias would be delighted. He has yet to meet you." She asks hopefully.

I pause, "Oh, Iris. I would if it was not for Bav, Mr Fairchild, and I already had plans to have dinner with the contractor of my shop, to go over the plans before he continues with the renovation." I quickly make something up that is believable.

Her lips twitch into a frown at the corners but she forces a smile through her disappointment. "Alright, another time. We can plan for it, so it works out in our favor."

I smile, "Of course. Good day, Iris." I wave and head from the patio to the front door, escorted by the butler. I make my way down the street when a sudden overwhelming feeling to change my normal course fills me. Trusting my instinct I follow it and turn to go a different way than normal.

Halfway down the road, I hear some one whistling a lazy and merry tune. I glance over my shoulder to see my father walking up the way I normally would have gone. I continue to walk on, getting out of his visual range and do my best not to look over my shoulder. I reach a street I can turn to go back in the direction I need to and glance to check.

He's not there, so I run down so I can circle back to see if he in fact went home. Panting, I take a few gasps of air in, trying to relax my breathing and poke my head around the corner of the fence and building to check. I hear his whistling which is not far away at first, spotting him, I see he is heading up the stairs of his home. The second he's inside, I head quickly back to Bav's.

Once inside the house, I notice laughter ringing out from the music room. Curious, I make my way down the hall and recognize Bav, Viekar and Viekar's mothers voice. I hear another woman speak who sounds young and hear her distinctly say, "My Bav, I love you. I have missed you."

My eyes go wide as I think to myself, 'WHAT?!'