"Elias Thorn?!" I grit out through clenched teeth. Trying to keep my emotions under control.
"Did you ask him why?" Why would he be here? I have no business with him.
"He mentioned it had to do with the fundraiser and left it at that, sir."
"How long has he been here?" I ask.
"Ten minutes." Viekar says quietly.
"Did he hear...?" I motion to the bathroom, and he understands my concern.
"I do not know for a fact if he did, but thank fully mother was singing in the kitchen making things for dinner." Viekar adds.
"Very well, tell him I'm on a phone call, that I will be down in another ten to fifteen minutes. I'll talk to her, make sure she stays out of sight." I whisper and close the door, dashing into the shower to see my beautiful star, eyes brightly shining with her glorious smile.
"What's the matter?" Her smile drops, my anxiety must have still been written all over my face.
"Kara, Viekar just told me Elias Thorn is here, wanting to talk to me about the fundraiser. I know you do not wish to see him. So Viekar is going to make sure you stay out of sight and if you want to leave, he'll take you home. You just let him know. I have to hurry and get down there and see what this is all about." I quickly run around getting dressed and ready, just like Kara.
Before I head downstairs, I take her in my arms and kiss her gently on the forehead, I can sense her high stressed state without even looking at her. "I will see you later once he leaves, no matter if you choose to stay or go home."
She nods and gives me a weak but a smile none the less. She is attempting to be stronger and I beam proudly at her, she is trying and that's the only way to do things sometimes.
I pass Viekar going up as I'm passing the second floor landing. "He is still here?"
"Yes, Master Bavarthos. He's been served some tea and biscuits in the study. " Viekar nods in the direction the study is.
"Very well. She's upstairs, what ever she decides to do, she may. Just do not let him see her." I instruct him.
"Yes, Master Bavarthos."
We part ways and I take a deep breath before opening up the study door and walk in.
"Mr. Thorn? Apologies, I was on the tube, discussing some contract negotiations, otherwise I would have been down here sooner. My aide told me you were here about the fundraiser?" I don't bother with normal pleasantries, of how do you do's or shaking hands. I just take a seat behind my desk, pouring a glass of tea, that I do not drink from.
I look over at the man, the monster who hurt my Kara and killed her mother. His face, wrinkled and dry, with redness over his nose and bloated cheeks, are set with red rimmed eyes that offer a big warm smile do him nothing with how disingenuous his aura is.
"My apologies Mr. Fairchild, I understand you are a busy man. I'm here because you won a prize from the ticket drawing, but you were not present at Mrs. Sawyers to pick it up. My department accidentally packed it up with a few other items and I took it upon my self to bring it to you personally." He smiled a cheery, pleased with himself, tooth filled grin, pulling out a small box marked with one of the tickets from the event with my name written on it.
Confused even further, I look at the box, curiously, "I did not purchase tickets for this fundraiser event sir. I do not know how I could have won anything." I slide the box towards him.
"Yes, Mrs. Sawyer called, mentioning the prize, saying your fiance bought the ticket and put your name on it. She also told me your fiance became ill, suddenly at the fundraiser and that was the reason for not being present and taking your prizes. So, naturally, I told Mrs. Sawyer, I would find the item and bring it to you, personally." He informs me, hiding something behind his fake smile and too bright eyes.
"Yes, well than, a thank you is owed than, Mr. Thorn." I go to move to stand and he is quick to lengthen his visit.
"I was telling Mrs. Sawyer how much I loved the tea at her tea social. I wanted to find some to gift my wife at home. She has unfortunately been ill ever since our son was born and doesn't get to get out much, you see. Mrs. Sawyer explained that, it is your fiance who runs her own tea business and makes these. That is who's tea you have served me right now, yes?" He lifts the cup up as if to toast me before continuing, "They truly are delicious, do you think that I could get her to deliver a box, one that contains an assortment of flavors?" His words make my skin prickle and crawl, but I stone my facial features as I let him know.
"I'm sure that can be arranged, her delivery man can drop it off with his daily orders tomorrow. No need to worry about the bill, I'll handle it as my thank you for bringing me the prize here." I stand before he can say something else and inform him. "My apologies for cutting this short, Mr. Thorn but I do need to get back on the tube and finish my contract negotiations sir." I straighten my vest and jacket as I stand up and he sets the tea cup down.
"OF course, Of course! Where are my manners! I'll get out of your hair, Mr. Fairchild. Please give my well wishes to your fiance, if she is not feeling better by now. Maybe the next fundraiser she can supply the tea again? Just something to mention!" He stands, knees making a popping sound as he did so.
I motion him towards the door, "I'll at least walk you out, Mr. Thorn."
"Oh, you are too kind Mr. Fairchild! You have a lovely home, by the way. Is that influenced by your fiance?" He asks, seemingly jovial as we walk to the front door.
"No, this is my aesthetic. She appreciates it though." I try to politely smile as we move to the foyer.
"Well are you not a lucky guy, my wife changed the majority of the house, except my study and office. She loves pretty, delicate things, with flowers, and birds and so forth. Piece of advice from a man with some marriage experience, Mr. Fairchild." He says as we get to the front door.
"What would that be, Mr. Thorn?" I ask opening the door, still politely smiling.
His tone suddenly becomes serious with his eyes, even though his lips still hold a smile. "Keep your wife happy, otherwise life is rather non existent, if you understand my meaning. Good day, Mr. Fairchild. I hope to see you around soon!" He gives me a light bow and turns to walk to his carriage at the foot of the stairs.
I nod my head and shut the door. Breathing in deeply, letting out a shuddering breath that empties my lungs completely, I calm myself.
The nerve! Keep my wife happy or life is non existent? Sounds like a damn threat, which is rich coming from the bastard who beat his wife to death and beat his daughter!
I snap up to the room and see Viekar and Rakara, playing a game of cards.
"What are you playing?" I ask them, pulling a seat closer to Kara.
"Cribbage. I have never heard of it before." Kara mentions as she looks at her cards, pulling out two from her deck, indecisively. She puts them in Viekar's crib and they start throwing their cards down.
I go to help her and she covers her cards, "No helping me, that's cheating. I will not become better if you tell me." She laughs it off, making me shrug, sit back and watch her play a fairly good game with Viekar, but still loses.
"Good game, Viekar. We should play again sometime." Rakara smiled warmly as Viekar, bowed.
"Of course, Ms. Langridge." He turned to leave when Rakara stopped him with her words.
"Viekar, please call me Rakara." Viekar pauses, looking towards me for confirmation first. My thin lips twist but I nod my approval to her request.
"Very well, Rakara. If that is what you prefer." He quickly left after that, closing the door behind him.
"So. Why was he here?" She turns to me, a fire burning in her eyes that I did not know she had.
"Did you purchase a ticket and put my name on it for the fundraiser?" I ask her.
"No... Wait, yes. Why? Did you win it? I only bought one." She looks dazed for a moment as I nod to answer her question.
"That was it?" More confusion fills her face.
I suck a breath in between my teeth. "He asked for YOU to deliver a box of the varieties of teas your shop offers. As a gift for his wife, you since she gave birth to their son, is supposedly ill and doesn't get out much."
Her indignation bursts forth, "HE WANTS ME TO WHAT?!"
I grip her arms and pull her towards me. "Don't fret. I told him, your delivery man would do it tomorrow and I would take care of the bill as a thank you for going out of his way to bring me the prize. He was putting on airs until I was showing out the door." I hummed thinking about what he said.
"What happened at the door?" She's still fuming but I'm starting to soothe her.
"He offered me some marriage advice. Keep your wife happy, otherwise your life is non-existent. If one didn't know the whole story they would think it was honest advice. I could understand his veiled threat though." I scoffed at the thought that he would think I would be intimidated by him.
"THE NERVE!" She stands up and starts to pace. I let her knowing that she needs to vent off some steam.
"Can you make sure of when he would be out of the house tomorrow?" She finally stops after about fifteen minutes of pacing in frustration. Looking hopeful towards me.
"Of course, I'll ring Viekar. He will have all that information. May I ask why you want to know when he will be out of his house?" She has something up her sleeve, I can feel it.
Giving me a wicked smile, she informs me, "Because I'm going to meet my half brother and step mother and find out some more information."