"Do something?" I am unaware of what we could possibly do at this time of the night.
He taps the drivers bell. "This is fine, you may stop here." He jumps from the carriage and helps me down.
After the carriage has left, I look around and see we are at one of the parks that has a lake and falls cascading from it's edge to a lower ledge of the gilded district. Lit up by the moonlight, and the soft glow of lights around the walk ways, makes it all serene as if it was pulled out of a romantic novel.
Taking my hand Bav pulls me towards the lake. "Come on, I think you'll love this place."
Laughing at how adorable he is behaving like an excited child, I go with him. He takes me to the walkway that goes right by the falls.
I'm still in awe at so much green, clean space. The air is sweeter, with no human excrement or garbage. Even thought the works was more sanitary than the undercarriage, the smell was there in places where things would accumulate before being removed.
My thoughts had distracted me until cool water sprinkled on my skin.
"Where are we going? I asked.
"You'll see." He snaps his fingers and the water above the falls bounces off an invisible barrier keeping Bav, completely dry.
My free hand flies to my mouth. "How are you doing that?" I ask amazed.
He smiles and winks, "I have a few tricks up my sleeves."
I follow him behind the water fall to see a cave filled with stones worn smooth and hollowed out to form pools. Once inside the cave, he pulls me to an area that has moss growing on the ground and snapping his fingers a large picnic blanket appears with food and more drinks.
"A picnic? At midnight? Behind a waterfall?" I ask him, loving the strangeness of it.
His excited look quickly starts to fade and I throw my hands on top of his shoulders to emphasize my enthusiasm. "I LOVE THIS! It's a little odd, I was definitely not expecting it, but this is the most considerate and spontaneous thing, I have ever heard of. I think it's wonderful!"
He instantly perks back up and puts his hands on my waist. Suddenly, I realize our very close proximity. His scent invades each breath I take, intoxicating me more than wine has ever.
My heartbeat pounds in my ears as we silently smile staring into each others eyes. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much right now.
The butterflies start to flutter all over my body, and I find myself leaning towards him of my own accord. He lays a chaste kiss on my lips and takes a step back.
I can't help but feel abandoned for a moment. Clearing his throat, "I'm sorry Rakara, I think I need to hop in the water and cool down."
"You'll get all wet though!" I exclaim.
He just gives me a playful grin and begins to undo the laces on his shoes.
"You're serious?" I ask him.
"I sure am." He stands and unbuttons his vest and then his shirt. I'm just shocked standing there gawking awkwardly, until my jaw drops, and I feel ravenous.
He removes his shirt to reveal a well sculpted chest and arms. His gaze watches my own as he drops his clothing to the side. When his fingers go for his waist and begin to remove his belt, I squeal and turn around making him laugh.
"I'm in what I call a bathing suit, they are shorts." He says coming up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "You have one on too, I asked Mr. Wellsew to make you one just in case."
He whispers against my flesh making ripples of shivers run down my body.
"What are you doing to me, Mr. Fairchild?" I ask, curiously as the sensations in my body intensify. This must be what they mean by seduction.
"What do you mean?" He asks turning me around.
I blush so badly, my face feels like it will catch on fire. Avoiding his gaze, I hesitate, "The butterflies and the tingling in my body all over, it makes me feel anxious."
Bavarthos laughs, making me pull away from him. "It's not funny."
"I'm sorry, you're right. I forget, you are not taught these things. You, my dear, will feel better after getting into the water, I promise." He gives me a warm smile and seeing him standing in his... bathing shorts, is a sin that I am contemplating on committing.
I groan, "Elements forgive me for such impropriety." I turn back around. "I will require your assistance to undo my laces. If you would be so kind to help me, please." I ask looking over my shoulder.
Now it's his turn to turn red, all across his cheeks and I see his eyes have turned black. Shocked, I turn back around, "I didn't mean to anger you."
He pauses and smirks, "I'm not angry. I'm just having trouble containing my emotions."
"Oh..." I whisper, turning back around so he can undo the laces.
"So why will the water help me with this anxiety?" I ask as he starts to loosen the laces of my bodice and soon I can breathe freely.
His breath falls on my neck, my loose curls tickling as they move.
"Does your body become warm?"
"Yes." I say breathless, even if it tickles, I like the feeling.
"Then the cool water will help." He's pulled away and leaves me to removing the bodice and skirts.
Standing in just a bathing suit, I feel absolutely naked. I'm covering up my chest with my arms before I turn around and see Bav already in the water.
Once I start walking to the water, he dunks his head under.
'He's under!'
I move quickly into the water, gasping as the cold water laps at my calves, thighs and then stomach. Standing there shivering, he pops up from the water.
"Well you're right, my body is not warm anymore." I tell him.
Laughing he holds his hand out. "Well right there with water from the waterfall falling in, it will be. Come, it's not deep."
Tentatively, taking his hand, I let him pull me closer to him. Sure enough the water is much warmer, the farther from the entrance we are.
"Oh this is lovely!" I look around and notice the piping that has been filling this pool with hot water, while the waterfall fills it with cold, balancing the temperatures out for a comfortable warmth. Of course, as I look back to Bav, his eyes are still all black.
"I'm curious, are you emotional right now, or are you being natural because I like you?" I ask him as I play with a loose curl around my neck and he pulls me closer to him.
"Could you please repeat that?" His husky voice makes my breath hitch and the heat all over me can not be blamed on the water alone.
"I'm curious if you are emotional right now..."
"No the last part." He shakes his head, his eyes never leaving my face.
"because I like you?" I mumble, looking at him from under my eyes, starting to turn my face away.
He grabs my chin, pointing me back to his face, and his voice ,warm and inviting, pulls me in closer. "It makes me very happy to hear you say you like me, and it's partly because I am emotional. I'm emotional because I like you too."
I start to shiver, but I'm not cold. He pulls us closer to the back of the pool, where it's warmer. He keeps me close wrapped up in his arms.
"Is it warmer over here?"
Nodding, I find my words are lost to me. The little bit of light coming in from the full moons outside and the lamps by the walkway, are just enough for me to get lost in his eyes. I raise a trembling hand to his long wet hair, running my fingers along its length.
I push a few strands back behind his ear, gently gracing my fingers along the tip of it.
Remembering that I am touching another person, I take my hand back and see his eyes are closed, pinched in pain.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think, are they sensitive?" Guilt tugs at my heart, as I ask him concerned, until he opens his hungry eyes.
"Oh.." Is all I can get out before his mouth is on mine, devouring me in it's entirety. His canines grazing my lips, making me moan into his kiss.
"Very sensitive." He growls, across my lips before adding, "I liked it though, just as much as those lips of yours." He descends upon my lips again, making grow weak from lack of air, in his arms.
He chuckles, pulling back. "I think you like my kisses too." He whispers against my lips.
'It's my turn.' is all I think as I find the strength to hop up wrapping my arms around his neck, as I kiss him back, just as feverish as he did to me.
Now we're both moaning into each others mouth's as his hands go up and down my back, holding me close against him. I feel a hardness between us and break apart.
"There's a stick in the water." I mutter reaching for it, and his grunt has me squealing and jumping back to go under the water.
I come up coughing up the lung full of water. Him laughing and patting my back as it all comes out of my air ways.
"I AM SO SORRY! I truly thought it was a stick." I'm shedding tears not just from coughing and the burning pain in my lungs but also from the burning pain of shame.
"It's okay, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you now. Come on, we should dry off and eat something before I take you home." He guides me to the edge of the pool, and grabs two large blankets that are on the picnic blanket.
I'm too embarrassed to glance longer than a second at him.
'I just grabbed his manhood! I can't believe I did that!'
"Kara, it's alright. You didn't hurt me, really." He scoots closer and puts his head down to catch my gaze.
I give him a forced smile, still feeling rather ashamed. Reaching for a scone, he grabs my hand.
"Kara, please look at me."The pleading in his voice makes me acquiesce.
"It's okay to make mistakes, you don't need to feel ashamed because you were unaware of my arousal."
"Arousal? What does that word mean?" I have never heard of such a term.
"Well.... it means... that you were making me feel in such a way that my body wanted to copulate with you. Don't misunderstand me please, it's like a reflex, I would never do anything to you that either of us might regret. I'm perfectly happy taking it slow, with you. Although I do admit, I rather did enjoy you stroking my hair and ear. It was soothing as well as stimulating."
"Oh, well. .. okay. I think I'd be alright with stroking your hair, in private of course."
"Of course. A kiss or two would be alright with me too." He grins.
"A kiss or two?!" I feign being offended, "What if I said, I wanted three or four? What would you say then?" I tease him leaning forward, only to be caught in his arms as he spins me to cradle me in my blanket, against his chest under his blanket with him.
"Then I would willingly give them all to you." He nuzzles my face, kissing me again.
His lips slowly caress my own, feathering them as my own find his rhythm. The tingling sensation rises up in me, making me squirm. I pull back from those amazing lips of his, leaving us both looking lost.
"You're making me feel like I should head back into the water and stay there." I whisper against those lips, that I can't seem to get enough of.
His moan that leaves him, makes me blush at my forwardness. As I shift in his arms, I feel the slickness that I felt earlier today at the theater. Knowing now what it means, I look away, feeling overwhelmed by everything all at once.
"I really like you, Kara. You don't need to be embarrassed around me about anything. I hope you will feel comfortable enough one day to know you can trust me in such a manner." Bav caresses my chin as I feel as though my face will melt off if he continues to stare at me so intensely. MY heart aches and swells with awe at him.
"Bav, you turn me speechless. I don't know what I could say right now."
"That's alright. I'm in no hurry, you have time to form a response to anything I tell you or you may choose to not respond at all. However, it is becoming late in the night now." He lets me sit up on my own.
"Let me take you home." He snaps his fingers, and we're suddenly in my shop, on the floor.
"Why are we in my shop on the floor?" I ask looking around at the cloth covered tables and chairs.
"I've never seen your bedroom. So I couldn't take us there. I have to know where I'm going or at least seen it to get it right." He shrugs.
"The dress!" I almost sit up, when he tells me, "It's over there. Along with my things as well."
"Oh, alright. Well, shall I show you something?" I ask him shyly. 'I hope I'm not being too bold.'
He helps me up and I grab his hand pulling him up the stairs quickly. Once in my apartment, he takes a look around and smiles. I keep pulling him, into my bedroom.
This is where he stops himself. "Oh... Kara. I don't think this is a good idea. You still need to call Mr. Wellsew and let him know you're home."
"I will, but you and I both need a bath, and I want to enjoy myself in your arms. Nothing more though.." I bat my eyes at him and he snaps his fingers for both of our clothes to appear.
"Call Mr. Wellsew, I shall bathe first, if it pleases you."
I nod agreeing with him. Pointing to my copper tub in the corner of the room, I grab the talking tube and ring up Mr. Wellsew. I light my candle at the table and play with the flame, making it dance around my fingertips and leave it alone as the tube can be heard ringing on his side.
I try not to look, but I steal a glance of his backside as he hops into the filling tub.
"Hello? Rakara?" Are you home?"
"I am, I'm running a bath and going to bed, I'm dreadfully tired. I had so much fun though. I'll tell you about it later. Good night, Mr. Wellsew."
"Good night Rakara." His sleepy voice let me go and I turned to see Bav, relaxing with his head back against the rim.
"I'll go make us some tea and bring it up. I'll be back shortly." I mention to Bav, stealing quick glances his way before I grab the door handle to leave the room.
"I shall make sure I am out and have a new bath started for you by the time you come back then." Bav leans an arm over the edge of the tub to rest his head on, as his lips continue to move entrancing my eyes as they form his next words.
"Even though I'm warm enough, tea is a better idea than wine right now."
I suck my lips flat, before releasing them to bit my lower lip. Stupefied, I merely nod and hurry out, hoping the sound of my heart can't be heard like the pitter patter of my feet down the stairs.