The girls had forced me to go get ready instead of helping at the tea time rush. Mr. Wellsew had brought the dress this morning, and instructed me to wear a special under garment. A wide leg, short trousers and a band of fabric that fit snugly against my chest and stomach, without having straps. I trusted his decision and after his keen eye and fine taste in fashion looked at me in it, he gave it a nod of approval. I love the dress. It's wide hemmed, off the shoulder, ball gown made of dark blue satin, light silver charmeuse and and white lace edging and embroidery dotted with tiny oval mirrors was stunning. The embroidered lace adorned with mirrors sat at my cinched waist sides, the focal point of my bodices abdominal area from the bottom to just under my chest like a tear drop. The hem of the satin and charmeuse skirt was done up with lace with a focal piece, once more in the center of my dress.
I kept my face simple, just a little blackened gel on my eyelashes and the corners of my eyes, and a dab of rouge on my lips to give them some color. I pulled the jewelry that Doris had left me, finding the gold and emerald set to compliment my skin tone the best. Black lace gloves with the silver rings graced my hands that checked the pins in my hair that held my unruly curls up. I had used my scented oils, smelling of lilies, to help tame my hair and scent my skin.
At four Maraquette and Elaine came up to look me over. They squealed in delight and gushed about how beautiful I was. They wished me to have the best night ever and left for the day. The clock read four thirty and my heart was thumping worse than the freight trains with a heavy load. I fanned myself as I paced, waiting for Mr. Fairchild to arrive. The butterflies were making me giddy and shaky with excitement.
'Oh this has got to stop, Rakara.' I scold myself, enter my office and grab my bottle of cherry wine. It's strong but I only pour a night caps worth to settle my nerves. Putting the bottle away, I grab my water glass and drink it down. I go to the kitchen and chew on a piece of ginger that I had used in my tea earlier to cleanse my breath and palette.
I took a seat at one of the tables and opened today's paper, which I hardly ever read. I was just looking over something about the trading with the other worlds inhabitants that would be starting when a soft knocking came at the door. Standing, forgetting about the paper, I go and open the door for Mr. Fairchild.
"Good evening, Mr. Fairchild." I curtsy as he stands there a large smile plastered across his face as he takes me in.
"It most certainly is, Ms. Langridge. You look absolutely ...." He pauses blinking his eyes, " I'm at a loss of words to eloquently describe how beautiful you are. May I come in for a moment?" He bows taking my hand, kissing it slightly.
"Alright, I just need to grab my shawl." I step back and let him come in."I'll just be a moment." I tread quickly to retrieve it from my office chair when I had drank the cherry wine. Wrapping it around my shoulders, I approach Mr. Fairchild.
"There we go, I am now, ready." I smiled and flashed my eyes at Mr. Fairchild.
His dark blue silk suit with matching vest and hat made him look like a prince in a story. He flashed a dazzling princely smile and was quick to state, "Not quite yet I believe. While the jewelry you're wearing is beautiful, I thought that these would better suit you."
He lifts a box that I had not noticed before, opening it to reveal a sapphire and diamond choker with matching earrings and bracelet.
"OH! Mr. Fairchild! They're beautiful! I can not wear something as priceless as this!" I exclaimed, taking a step back but still admiring the set.
"Please, I insist." His eyes look at me, imploring me to indulge him.
"Let me put these away." I say removing the necklace and earrings I had on to put them into my office. I lock them in a drawer for now and turn to find Mr. Fairchild at my office door.
"I thought you'd like to see your self in the mirror before we leave." He motions towards the box in his hands and I nod, biting my lower lip.
His eyes widen, a fraction of a second before he sets the box down and places the necklace around my throat. I swallow audibly, even though my mouth feels dry. His fingers linger on my shoulders before reaching for the earrings and wrapping them around my ear like cuffs. The bracelet he still stands behind me and takes my arm to latch it on, letting his breath fall on my skin as he concentrated on the latch.
"There you are my dear, Ms. Langridge." He looks over my shoulder into the mirror and directly into my heated gaze. "Perfect. We should get going now, Ms. Langridge." He takes a step back and offers me his arm. His motor buggy takes us to the main lift, the only lift that goes all the way to the Gilded district.
I ask as we bob around in the bouncy thing, "Do you enjoy these motor buggies?"
"No, actually, they're rather uncomfortable."
"I agree."
Mr. Fairchild calls out to his buggy driver to stop. He helps me down and dismisses the driver. Waving at a pony driven carriage driver, he motions the taxi driver over.
"We are in need of a ride to the central lift, kind sir." Mr. Fairchild hands him a few silver coins and the driver helps us up the awkward stairs.
"That's so much better, don't you agree?" He nudges his shoulder against my own, making my face twitch up on one side in pleasant surprise that this man knows how to be somewhat casual.
"Quite, So do you care to tell me more of your business associates or what it is you trade in? If anyone asks, I'd like to be able to hold a conversation at least for a moment." I ask.
"My business associates are Archibald Porter, for wine and spirits, Vincent Stargo for graphemenium, and then Mr. Wellsew for my personal textiles and garments." He stops and makes a small o sound and adding, " Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Gilbert Nortle for rare elements." He smiles and the wheels in my head are going crazy.
'Gilbert Nortle! The head of rare elements department for the government! I'm going to be speaking with these people!'
Steeling my might and features I make the statement of fact. "You certainly know some well known names of our city, Mr. Fairchild."
"Please, call me Bavarthos, or if you prefer an abbreviated version, I don't mind that either."
"Bavarthos....?" I roll his name over my tongue a few time before deciding, "Bav."(Ba-ah-v) I turn to scan his reaction and he merely seems amused and delighted to hear me saying his name the way his eyes are closed and twitch when I say his little nickname. "Bav. I think that will do, you seem to enjoy it already." I pull out my hand fan to cool my skin threatening to try and start blushing on me.
"I do. May I be so bold as to ask if I may use your first name in our conversations?"
"Um... okay... what were you thinking of for Rakara? As long as it's not Karie, please."
He strokes his chin in thought, "Ara. (R-uh) Yes, or Kara(Car-uh)?"
"I'm okay with either of those." I blush looking at the central lift that now looms high above. We'll be arriving at the lift any minute.
"Is there a reason for your request of using an intimate way of addressing one another?" I turn my attention back to him as he sits up closer to me.
"I would like to make a statement, with out having to outright say it to those who will be in attendance. By doing that, I can shield you from these smiling snakes who would love to devour you whole, given the chance. I also would like to ..."
"We're here good sir, Madam." The driver helps us down and we head for the guarded lift.
"Mr. Fairchild, Good day. Who is this with you?" They ask, not letting us through.
"Rakara Langridge. I take my identification papers out form my small pouch concealed in the folds of my ball gowns skirt.
"Everything is in order, enjoy your evening Ms. Langridge, Mr. Fairchild." They let us pass and enter the lift. This lift has windows for a view, padded seats to lounge and ride comfortably on, easily fitting ten people sitting on just the seats. I take a seat next to a window, never having got the opportunity to witness what going up this high looked like.
"Kara?" Mr. Fairchild pleads an inquiry.
"Yes, Mr....Bav."
"Would you allow me to court you, officially? We can take all the time you need, before things progress, I don't have to have an answer tonight..."
"Yes." It flowed naturally out of my mouth, my stomach was doing back flips and flip flops from the butterflies and my heart was almost visibly beating in my chest. Shocked at my quick response, I cover my mouth with the tips of my fingers, blushing.
He smiles so genuinely, eyes lighting up with sparks, as he pulls my hand up to lay a kiss on my glove. I've never felt so jealous of a piece of fabric.
"Thank you, Kara." I blush into a deeper shade and look back out the window, trying to fan my self, so we don't arrive looking like we were doing anything scandalous. When I see how high we are, I grip on to his hand though, as my breathing changes into struggling gasps.
"Kara? What's wrong?" He pulls me from the window and looks out.
"First time seeing how high up you are?"
I nod unable to speak, still scared to death at how high we were going.
"Are we almost there? I need some fresh air." I say fanning myself some more.
That's when the lift slowed down and came to a halt, opening up the doors.
Mr. Fairchild stands, holding a hand out to help me up, that I take with a different feeling of breathlessness than what I was feeling moments before.
"Good evening Mr. Fairchild." The guards outside the lift, greeted him letting walk past with no issues.
Outside of the lift building had me pausing, in awe. I had never seen so much green and sunshine my whole life!
"Oh my elements! Bav, it's beautiful!" I exclaim.
"It most certainly is."
I turn still smiling in delight to see him staring intensely at me, making me blush and my heart pitter-patter.
Mrs. Vathy's voice comes to mind saying, "When they make your heart pitter-patter, be careful Rakara, it will only shatter."
I look away from his gaze, reminding myself, all men will use and abuse a woman, there are no exceptions for a girl, like me, from the undercarriage. Fairy tales are not real, there are no princes to come, to live happily and raise a family with, with no cares or concerns. It's a painful thought process, not realizing it showed on my face, Mr. Fairchild gripped my hand firmer.
"Kara, is everything alright?"
"Yes, Mr. .. Bav, I appreciate your compliments, but you make me feel embarrassed at the same time. I feel they are too much, some times."
"Kara," he says soft and gently, "the simple fact that you believe me stating a truth is too much, tells me you don't believe you are worthy of the compliments. I can assure you, you are. I will spend as much time as it takes to see to it, that you believe it too."
My heart stops. I blink and nod. Not sure how to process his words.
"Come now, we don't want to be late for our evening meal, or the theater."
I take his arm and we stroll through the spotless sidewalks of white and glass buildings, green parks and ponds with fountains, and so a rainbow of flowers. He takes me to a place that says, The Fork's desire. A man in a pressed white doublet jacket and black trousers bows to us and ushers us in to a table.
The restaurant is opulent and clean, not a single stain or speck of dust could I see. A band of stringed instruments and piano was in one corner, playing beautifully. However, there are no other patrons in the restaurant though. We are seated and Bav orders us some drinks.
"What do they serve here?" I ask keeping my voice low.
"This is a chef's choice restaurant. The chef cooks what he decided to today and that is it. Drinks are the only thing you can choose, but I ordered a variety of options so you may find what is to your liking. You may find the knowledge resourceful, later at the soiree."
"What else should I be aware of, at the soiree?" I ask as the waiter brings us the bottles and glasses of wine to sample them. After we picked two, the waiter left.
"To answer your question, just pay attention to the names of the people you meet. They expect you to know who you are speaking to after the first introduction. At least the women do, the men will not be so easily offended. You know about the ever changing fashion trends, so honestly, be yourself. You outright own your tea shop, so even if they were to say something, I believe you are fully capable of putting them in their place, respectfully of course. If you can do it with a smile on your face and your head held high, I believe they'll treat you cordially. If not..."
Dinner comes out and it's all items I can not identify. "Bav? What is this?" I ask lifting the spoon to point at a mound of creamy white, drizzled with a dark brown sauce, sitting atop a golden breaded ball, sitting in a hard piece of cup shaped, flat bread.
Bav smiles, taking his spoon and cutting into the golden ball to reveal a white interior that he scoops up with some of the white and brown topping. "It's called, 'fried' ice cream. It's a dish from another world. Try it, it's delicious." He offers me his spoonful and I hesitantly look around.
"No one is here to see, go on try it. That way if you don't like it, I can send it back and some lucky employee will get to eat it."
"Oh,... I guess that would be alright then. This sounds ludicrous though... How do you fry ice, it would melt.... " Bav still holds the spoon out for me patiently.
'I can't believe I'm going to let him be so intimate with me in public!'
I blush as I open my mouth slightly to lean forward. He gently places the spoon into my mouth and I get a rush of cold, than sweet and creamy delight. The flavor turns savory, as I begin chewing on the crunchy breading. My eyes light up in sudden awe.
"Oh my goodness! It's amazing! I've never had something cold that was so enjoyable! I wonder how they make this?!"
A twittered lighthearted chuckle escapes from Bav. "I thought you would enjoy this. It brings me great joy to see my intuition was correct."
"I thought this restaurant was chef's choice?" I mention as I begin to dig into my own 'fried ice cream'.
"Yes, but you're able to call ahead to check what is being prepared." He says.
"Call? Like a ring on the tubes?" I ask perplexed at his use of the word.
"Yes, my apologies, I spoke wrong, ring not call."
We had two more items come our way, before Bav asked for the bill. I was able to take a quick glance when he opened it and wanted to gasp.
'1,298 gold! That's how much our meal cost! No wonder this place can afford to be empty at a meal time!'
"Shall we?" Bav extends his hand out and I take it to stand adjusting my dress and then taking the arm he offered. As we strolled through the streets, I noticed that even with all this green open space, there were hardly any people about.
I gather my courage and ask the question that is nagging me in the back of my mind.
"Why is there hardly a soul in sight? Even the restaurant was empty, except for the servers."
Bav gazes out over the green areas and pats my hand that's on his arm.
"They are getting ready to go to the theater. They all do this little show between themselves, to see who's who and who's new idea might take off. It can take the ladies hours to get ready, so I am told. It's all to fill their time, because their little bored minds can't imagine doing anything actually productive, unlike you."
"Unlike me?" I grimace, unaware of how to absorb that statement.
"Yes. I truly admire the fact that you are willing to work hard for your shop and are not afraid to get dirty for it either. Mr. Wellsew has told me that, not only are you a clever and intelligent business partner, you have a high work ethic and a moral standard you do not lower to suit others."
"He said all that about me? I'm flattered." I lower my gaze heat filling up my cheeks.
'I swear I have never blushed so much in my whole life as what I've done this past month with this man!'
"Oh that's not all he said." Bav chuckled as we started seeing more people out walking, in carriages, and in motor cars.
"What else did he say?" I was curious, chewing on my bottom lip in thought.
Bav stopped and taking his free hand, gently used his thumb to pull my lip from my teeth.
I searched his eyes, falling deeply into their dark and endless pool of mysterious night.
"I was warned, no that's putting it mildly... I was promised, that if my intentions were anything but honorable with you, I'd have hell to pay from your family."