Chereads / The Invincible Doomsday in MHA(My Hero Academia) / Chapter 11 - DREAM AND THE WILL TO ?

Chapter 11 - DREAM AND THE WILL TO ?

I was having a dream or a roleplay in a memory of my past life, I was walking in the garden Avalon personally made by my wife in the space colony Julia Minrovsky. She was an amazing women no doubt , the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she was the one and together we accomplished wonders . It was 2309 year at least in my universe of earth space technology has reached further die my warp space technology it was a grand accomplishment for both of us ever since we discovered the particles (Phion) we were able to make crystals out of them to held psionic based information truly a wonder and even let us see the fabrics of space and time. We made a drive with them able to warp space and same time store energy from the roots of space cosmic energy of different proportions.

Discovery of similar particles were easier as it helped us to analyze the root information more efficiently. Ah Good Memories maybe I spent too much time in the lab after this amazing revelations I could not give the proper time to my children, maybe that is why they were rebellious what a foolish man I am , for the thirst of unending knowledge I lost the most precious thing in my life (Family). Greed leaves no man at all anyways I would be damned for all eternity. well what were we talking about let me see what this past memory shows me what I forgot my memories are blurry even after reincarnation what did THE PRESENCE do to not properly give me my memories though most are intact the last parts are blurry as hell I need to talk when we meet.

Julia: Dear are you still upset the government shut down your program of humanitarian relief due to resource management going awry as they give excuse they do not have enough to supply as space colony project is making it dry.

???Andrew???: They always have an excuse even during Climate change they did not bat an eye to the responsibilities to the world , look where this got us only speeches and promises do not change anything only action which they are lazy to do. Now look at the earth it was green and blue now it is on the verge of dying World War 3 did the most due to lack of food resources and now ignorance is doing the rest. Haaaa! all this could be avoided if the people were more responsible. Now instead of fixing the problem the are choosing to run away from it! , how audacious! . This will make the people harbor grudge as time passes and when the time comes they will bare there fangs!. They think budding every problem is the only solution, but ending the cycle of despair is the only solution, the situation can be salvaged as long as they have HOPE!. My father always said in the darkest time one must rise to blaze the night , he said making people coming together and working together with the belief of a better tomorrow will bring fruit. If only it was that simple but it did inspire to people pass through the harsh time.

Julia: Well as several countries declared New World Order they did come together to Tackle the problems though not perfect it is a start . Yes there were set backs but we made it through, it was also hard for me to pass those times . Let us not talk about it Look at the Chrysanthemum is not radiant it represents life will it not be the same again like the time before the climate change.

???Andrew???: Yes it will but I am not sure how the future is going to tackle the karma gained by the world leaders . Like People say karmas a Bitch you never know when it will strike you better repent before its too lat-




Julia: Eva status report what is happening did something malfunction.

EVA(HOUSE AI ): It seems someone infiltrated the colony and is doing damage to the structural integrity . Further analysis has shown that they are the same group EDEN who stole the opladite metal at the military base at Alaska of the UNSA group of the old war era.

???Andrew???: Just me and my mouth chaos just before our retirement , we need to go to the bunker and EVA activate security protocol F-121 . There may be a reason they are attacking we have THAT in here after all My favorite creations the GN drive from the anime Gundam 00.

Julia : It's not time to be an otaku dear I know how amazed you were when you discoverd the particle that absorbs solar wind and radiation, we need to leave NOW!.

??? Andrew ???: They are coming here I know it as this is not our first rodeo is it dear ?

Julia rolls her eyes now lets go we do not have time at all .


Shit they are close we need to bail . EVA is it ready

EVA : yes sir it is prepped .

Good lets show who these people do not mess with.

If only I had enough time this people would have not chosen violence , they are the victim after all and we are by default oppressors , The rich , The gifted and The chosen to enjoy the luxury. Bullshit I had my fare share of hardships, huh if only those asshole higher ups did not make it too complicated with politics things would not have been the same.


I woke up damn what a nightmare remembering it gives me a tinge in my heart , I had to activated my spartan androids to subdue them and killing the suicide bomber still haunts me to this day and this life, he was reciting his sutra or what that he will go to Eden to carry out the justice for the innocent souls that has perished and we the sinners standing on the graves enjoying the glory. Situations like this want me to puke out of guilt . If What If! hah I have no words .

I floated up and did a quick spin to take away the nostalgia, hah what a drag well it's a new day and everything is in the past I did it to stop the situation to develop into a clusterfuck , if the got their hands on it hah, I am Yonah Jonathan Kent this is my sutra not Andrew Nolan who has passed away in a different universe now I am in the universe of My hero Academia or Dc or bit of both universe Unbelievable A reincarnation like those shitty comics in my fathers backward a memento from our ancestors though they do not exist here I will make sure to recreate them to the best of my memory , I wonder why I cannot remember my last bit of memory did I not Assimilate properly?. Huh first thing first gotta wash my face and take in the morning sun .

I went to the window after washing my face and opened it but where is the light ah I didn't check the time what time is it , I went to the All might clock and viola its 4 30 in the morning so it is going to come out soon huh one day I will eat a sun.

Big Brother why did you open the window? it is very cold.

Ah! Clark I woke you up sorry about it I had a bad dream.


A dream is when a person goes to wonderland of fairies and a bad dream is where you see monsters that haunt you.

Clark: Then let me Blow them away mom taught me a magic spell, Boogity Boogity Pop Pop Whoosh go away .

I roll my eyes yes my mom which I learned later is a certified magic user wow! Well Sazam exists at least and Zatanna also maybe Donna troy?. Well I am still researching but dad takes thde computer away saying too much of something is not good . After 2050 when quirk spread throughout the world the meta humans and magicians came together to stop them all with the like mindness of other heroic quirk users, Lex Luthor did the most selling weaponry my god what a blood bath his name is notorious even in this world . I will kill him if he gets out of hand as he is too much a threat to Clark and the universe with his intellect god knows what he will do after he finds kryptonite and the sunstone not the mention volatile promethium but I can make better. Though Reverse flash or Eobard Thawne did a number to amplify quirks and harbor meta abilities can he time travel or did the presence block from any further disruption as the end of universe was pretty messed up which he showed me if he did not boy you pray you run fast as if not copying speed force will be a cinch.

I officially stated my meta ability as kinetic and thermal control but dad knew my ability is beyond that as my ability to absorb and release huge energy also flying gave him concern that my power is beyond Alpha level to the omega controlling, Absorbing, multiplying energy as he seen when I drooped from flying I absorbed the residual energy of sound and impact what a blunder as it is parents and child's duty to figure out quirk we went with safest option. My father was panicked at the realization that I could have absorbed Clarks spaceship Radiation so he tried to take my blood but no avail the need le would not pierce and the harsh realization whatever the radiation did give me enormous power close to indestructibility, he was worried got to give it to him he is a family man a good person at that like my father in the previous universe.

Brother look space fortress! , I looked through the window and Damn the green lantern castle looked good Alan Scott and Hal Jordan must have a good view from there one day I am going to fly to space now lets go to the sky and take my first flight, I don't care if I fall from the high I want to reach the SUN . I pop out the window and float away from the ledge, Big Brother where are you going? mom will get mad again remember she got very angry for falling from the sky! and we had to eat Brussel Sprouts! I will tell mommy!

Ok calm down little devil I know , if you keep quiet I will give you the All might cookie which mom hid in the shelves.

Really okey be careful if mom catches you leaving from window again we will have to eat brussel sprouts again.

I will little superbaby.

Humph! I am not a baby.

I ruffle his hair and face myself towards the sun and todays the day I will fly , I practiced a lot in this two years with Elaine chasing me and Milo going unconscious every time I go a certain height level in my training the boys loved it ,my best bud John Stewart a new friend with telepathic ability quirk gave me a new door to open the ability to copy ability of doomsday when hit or influenced by it, so I did a few rodeo with the heroes who could fly to get the influence, What was the presence thinking I am broken as hell I know Doomsday has adaptability but damn this is overkill 1. Anyways I let my body feel the magnetic field the fundamental forces and then than with the belief I could accomplish anything went on out with a sonic boom! , I don't care if mom is awake due to this blunder I want to feel free. First Flight at age of six not Bad at all Clark did it at 18 maybe in the comics but damn feels good , I release sonic booms one after another with each interval my speed increases no fear no hesitation just being free. I put both my hands forward I reach towards the sky like classic superman reaching the heavens to the beyond my bioelectric field in full functionality don't want my pants fall of the sky do I?.

The morning sun recognizes my presence and bathes me in it's radiance fully charging my cells to the brim. Viola what a sight whoooooooo! hoooooooooooo! even the Virtual Reality device in my old world which has accomplished full dive does not give such freedom even the jetpacks!. Damn I feel freer than ever above the sky overlooking Kansas . I let all thoughts go looks like my adaptability has me growing at a faster rate than superman I mean come on Doomsday could clap superman in various ways in the comics Telekinesis, Heat Ray , strength, Speed and what not. But the problem is the mind though I could block Johns telepathy but with beings of high-powered mind control this is tough.

I kept enjoying the sun by staying stasis in one position but was soon interrupted by the damned palace in the sky , haa is it too much too ask for peace this reminds me Lantern War Ugh! looks like green and red had a slugfest did quiet the damage in several places of planet Africa, Russia, and of course United States of America all thanks to Idiot Hal Jordan . But the most concerning is superboy prime here no we would be dead I would be never able to beat him in this state and sinestro and which universe am I in Damned sinestro I will have to take care of stuff in the future mainly superboy prime his balant disregard for human life has continued far enough Haa! I hold my head Damn why am I not in heaven why did Presence drop me here .

I would go home soon or every minute I spend here will double the months of Brussel sprouts for me and clark, he must be panicking right now looks like I am going to loose my share of cookies also. Wait the year is 2210 and the lantern war happened in 2117 but other details are omitted or hidden which are usually classified . I need to do some hacking also Oh! damn I forgot about the plot of my hero academia I read long time ago Maybe I should meet STAR and STRIPES and Captain Celebrity and what is the plot , let me remember hah what is the plot damn it! it looks like I was reading it at the end of my lifetime so it is too blurry damn it!. Okay First Season (Introduction of the League of Villians) , Second season (Sports festival and Noumus and stain analogy), Third season ( summer camp and ALL FOR ONE VS ALL MIGHT more like all might gets his cheeks clapped) , Fourth Season ( Shie Hassaika with his drip gang , Gentle Criminal ,man I am going to enjoy grinding bones of those people who hurt girls just you wait death will be a luxury) , Fifth season (Class A vs Class B and villian academia I must kill doctor garaki or destroy his mind and research if possible) . Sixth season ( Well shit hit the fan bud shigaraki amd machia with the drip ),and the last huh Star and Stripes can remember the last but the Movies I must make sure to meet Melissa and Dave They are going to like what I am selling well if the have Nth metal I have something better. I must plan the routes for a proper end fast ,Killing All for one will be troublesome as the hero society is too willy wally but BUT! I maybe wrong as the plot may have changed lots of factors like Gods Existing, Magic and Atlantis hah what a problem. Am I in the timeline of the sob shounen main character . Who knows I did not see such news as dad always sets the TV and the computer child friendly huh damn it and here I am Cursing!.




Then she threw a pan on me and down goes ICARUS well I could at least gain sympathy by crashing.

Woah there hold on bud the hero is here,


Someone grabbed me from behind and look who is there Hal Fucking Jordan

[SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! why is he here if he finds out clark we are doomed ]

Well look we have here a snot nosed brat already trying to sprout hid wings, I have sure you heard about ICARUS how he flew closer to the sun and fell to become paste I still see him crying in the corner of Olympus.

Lets get down looks like mom is gonna give you brussel sprouts.

[Wow he took the words out of my head]

Hello madam that was some scary thing you did back there to your child , what would have happened if he fell.

Well my parents do not have the mind capacity to answer those questions as they are too surprised to answer. Can you put me down.

All right you have a point , all that time around orbit of Jupiter and Oa and my first mission on earth before I head home is to look after the energy anamoly in Kansas and the one responsible is a kid haha!, gotta say you have quiet the power in your disposal are you 10 gotta say you are talented.

He puts me down and messes with my hair.

My mom comes quickly takes me and gives a smack in the buttocks though it did not do a thing unless you have a nuke.

Sorry for disturbing your morning Mr. Green lantern this is not the first time he has done it.

Oh quiet the daredevil already growing out of your pants I see , well this is not my first time dealing with children like this they will always be a rowdy bunch. As you know using quirks is illegal only if used for self defense in dire need will it be excused, as I am feeling generous today I will leave it at that and plus I just got back I don't want to create any circumstances which will put you in a precarious situation.

Piece of Advice Kid I know it feels relieving and free without restraints going through the sky , the more you go up the freer you feel but beware too much need for freedom always leads to trouble you do not want to venture.

Martha: I will make sure to drill this words surely in his head , and thankyou soo much for the generosity do you want to have breakfast , I want to thankyou for letting him out of trouble and saving him and I am sure you are famished .

Jordan: Thank you for the offer madam but I have to meet up with old friends , maybe next time.

Martha: I am sure you could spare some time I have prepared apple pie with apples taken fresh from the farm.

Jordan: Well can't say no do that do I .

Martha: Come in and you Yonah no apple pies for you Brussel Sprouts for a whole year for the scare you gave us

HAHAHAHA! well I cannot save you from this one little guy you are on your own.

Intercom: Jordan come in did you discover the anomaly there were reports of varying energy levels in that for a area so small .Status report

Jordan: Calm down Bruce this is too much paranoia from you an old guy you should relax even though you have immortality it does not mean age does not catch up.

Intercom: Status report.

[Same as ever no wonder cat woman cusses every time I meet her]

It's a small boy bruce believe me his power is off the charts even my lanten ring rang up, and the speed at which he was flying was on another level

Bruce: You must be Joking

Uh no I was there and I could send the video feed from the scanner.

Send It.

All Right.

[Ah fuck I messed up big time , Thank god Daddy Hid The ship with Nth metal or CLARK would have gotten into problem with us included. If he make a move I swear Justice League is going to be in a worse Nightmare then it has already faced].

!!!!!!Meanwhile in a cave!!!!!!

Hmmm strange I have already done a satellite Imaging in the area it shows nothing out of place, also I have already got their Identity checked nothing out of place only the child adoption out of no where an abandoned child? hmm it is rare this days or I am not aware of the news lately. Three years ago there was an energy spike at an unprecedented level .

Did Jonathan Kent do something new like making a more powerful solar capacitor to store more energy , No! that can't be it am I missing something I know he does research and the huge shipment of Nth metal would have related to it. But the spike was close to a Nuclear Bomb and this child , Let's see Yonah Jonathan Kent hmm interesting his power he was releasing was beyond a nuclear bomb , I am not sure if he is aware but this needs more investigation and locked in secret.

Intercom: Hal I want to hide everything that happened here today and no word to anyone about this, I want to assign a protection team hidden from the eyes of public.

Hal Jordan: Why the protection detail are you going way over the top.

Bruce : You Have no Idea how Powerful he is , I want to keep this between us not a word.

Hal: And How much is that.

Enough to send you to the Infirmary.

Hal: Now you are joking right .


Hal: Ok now you are making me uncomfortable accepting this dinner.

!!!!!!Meanwhile with Yonah!!!!

[Great just great now Big bat is hot on my tail and me having enough power to send a lantern in the infirmary , when did he have a satellite on top of my head, oh I forgot his second power id being superrich aside being Immortal . Looks like this was a huge blunder looks like becoming a child has regressed my IQ , but the suspicion is off Clark and unto me nothing I can Tackle. I will have to thread carefully from now on.]

Big Daddy why are you here daddy does not like seeing you working , he says you are old.

Everyone says that sweetie come here give your great grandfather a hug.

Whose That he looks like ICARUS with golden eyes he looks pretty.

Already interested in boys do you want him to be your friend.

Hmph! stop teasing me I am not like big sister who flirts with boys.

Also it won't be bad if he be my friend I wonder if he wants to be a hero just like All might.

I really Hope he wants to be a hero he could quiet the side kick and be a close friend to you and the people around him and not fall to a dark path like ICARUS who lost his wings going close to the sun as his wings were made up of wax [I wish his mind is not like those snot brats who call themselves here only for fame].

Why would he fall Big Daddy it does not looks like he will fall but will fly much higher, I can see he enjoys it like me sneaking in your cave hehe.

Oh my how naughty , well I do hope he stays like this eyes full of light and wonder.

yes I also Hope he becomes my friend,

yes let us keep the hope alive , Big daddy needs to make some big calls and call in some favours.

[Later did bruce know his decision will pave a path for both great heroes whose name will be forever etched in the history not on only earth but throughout the multiverse , but one hero will go more realistic than the other, a decision which the other will not be willing to make which will save lives of quintillion people throughout the Omniverse].