Chapter 12 - GROWING DOOM

I was taking a nice sunbath in space it has been some time I learned the full story of heroes of DC in the universe, Flash, Starfire, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Women also existence of Greek Gods with Themiscyra existing, if Zeus is the asshole I know I will kill him even if I have to kill all the Greek gods slowly and painfully.

Bruce Had been intent on watching me and my growth judging if I am a threat or not. I have nothing to fear as my doomsday transformation emerged in this years, gotta say it is badass.


We were celebrating the harvest festival which happens every spring, with all the camps, singers and cowboys (literally cowboys with the explosive muscular body with cow head). Milo was having a blast in her cow girl uniform with the horn and tail due her transformation quirk, my heart melts due to her petite cowgirl cutesiness.

Christopher: Hey Yonah is it not your birthday next week what will you do this time, probably a fail attempt to fly and fall face first on the ground.

Jimmy: Pfft! exactly really hilarious Yonah!, kids don't fly dragons do.

Yonah: You realize we all are kids.

I take a stake a relish the amazing taste! of sausages from the barbecue , all those Brussel sprouts for tying to fly and scare mom has made my taste buds go numb now she put sensors on my window damn it!.

We were having a barbecue party with all their parents invited, miss Sophie seems to have free time after dealing with villain group " DOOM INSURGENCE" scoff! what a farce! using my nameplate! prepare for the original Doomsday as I am going to clap you nights out I thought.

Before I know my body heated up and hunched over and the heat grew on a tremendous rate with Christopher and Jimmy flinching away!.

Christopher: Bro!! what the hell!! you alright sparks seem to surround and the summer heat is already killing me! and you are adding oil to it.

Jimmy: Woah!!! man even I feel hot even though I have a flame meta ability, wanna fight already! I am getting heated up.

Milo: Ar-e you alright!!, aunty!!!! yonah has having a bad tummmy!!!.

I give no reply and move backward with super speed and blast off toward the sky!!! startling everyone in the party.

Martha: Yonah!!! where are you going!!! it's morning and you are already trying to fly!!!. Get back here!!!.

But it felt deaf to Yonah as he was panicking with the growing energy in his body, he needs to leave fast to sky no!! to space!!.

Milo: Aunty!!! yonah seems to be in pain!!, we need to help.

Jimmy: Yeahhh!! his heat was going crazy!!!.

Christopher: His quirk awakened already and why is his meta ability acting up?

Martha had a panicked face and went to Jonathan to ask for help and make a call.

These days green lantern visited for a cup of coffee to check up and relayed the situation to them in a mild manner to sink in. Telling that their son might have a cold fusion or energy manipulation quirk and the satellite capturing the energy signature. Jonathan was brushing his hands on his face thinking his suspicion was true and had a chat privately with what to do and how to cover up, Bruce Wayne a big name called and offered to help in silence which alleviated Jonathan and Martha's worries that their son might attract wrong attention also the second one too.

Yonah was making double time to the sky with the rate of absorbing and multiplying energy increasing at a rapid rate, without realizing himself his body was growing taller and a golden bony amour starting covering him.

[Yonah: Shit! Shit!! Shit!! I am transforming to doomsday gotta warp the light rays to cover my trump card from Bruce].

Sonic Booms at epic proportion's leaving trail and moved to space and here his outburst which was growing like a miniature golden sun could be releases. With nothing holding him back Yonah transformed into the monstrosity first time giving a powerful energy blast knocking out the satellites like an EMP.

At a certain location in a dark cave Bruce was startled with his satellite going offline!, how! did someone crashed the systems he thought, but to his confusion every country just entered radio silence.

There at the expanse of space with golden bony wings sprouted with a golden streamlined bony armor covering his body an angel of doom looking down on earth.


Yonah looked at himself and damn did he look good but the strange thing was the wings behind his back and the color of his appearance of gold.


Yonah quickly concentrated and slowly but surely he held in the rampaging energy and the madness, then returned to his child like appearance with no clothes.

"Damn! what a blunder PRESENCE should warn me of this stuff Haaaa! cranky old men and their attitude"

I quickly descend from space and realize that I can breathe not oxygen bot the cosmic solar energy.

" Am I in a cultivation world Nah! it must be superman's unknowing overpowered ability to breathe energy, what an Idiot such amazing potential inly to waste it also I won't be facing COSMIC ARMOUR SUPERMAN SOON RIGHT?".

I make my decent like a meteor but with quick control with energy manipulation and it was all right. Man what a day and I thought I will escape the routine of Brussel sprouts, but a small price to pay for overwhelming power!.

I use my supervision woah! did my power increase! I can see at at atomic level so let me adjust it. I fix my vision and quickly saw the approaching landscape with a huge hoard of people looking at the sky.

"Shit did I cause a huge scene I know I did an energy discharge!, the green lantern Alan Scott is not going to like this! at all!.

When I go close to ground I see mommy crying, haa! looks like I scared her goddam it!.

I quickly do a normal landing under shocked gaze of everyone with my mom running close to me!.

Also Jonathan and Clark quickly come and hug me with Milo and Sophie following in tow.

Sophie: What just Happened!!!! that was over the top Jonathan! it was like a nuke went off in the sky!!, I could see the flash even from here!!.

Jonathan: Lets cancel the party and also I need to make some calls.

Sophie: What about the crowd! there are eyewitnesses Jonathan.

Jonathan: Let them be I will make sure to clean this up. Yonah you have caused trouble enough I am going to make sure you have enough test to know what is happening in your body.

Sophie: Does he have a cold fusion Meta Ability!, you know the government is not going to like this!.

Jonathan: I know and I will make sure we have a new country to move to.

Sophie: Where is that maybe I- Island to make sure he is safe!.

Jonathan: No! with the trinity group on us I will move to a place with a great hiding spot!.

Sophie: You know that will complicate the relation between you and them!.

Jonathan: Better than taking away MY SON! from me!.

Martha: Sniff! Sniff! You Idiot! why did you have to scare me every time, can't you see I am tying my best to raise you! and why do you have to make it harder. sniff!.

Clark: Big Brother are you all right!, here is some cotton candy it will help you calm down!.

[ Ah shit I messed up!, Trinity huh with queens, Wayne and Luthor in tow. Well not a problem the government taking me away! boy you better posses a dark matter bomb or it is your head I am taking if you threaten me, the justice society without superman is a joke and green lantern facing the fear of justice league the Doomsday! Bruh! you better have a white lantern ring!].

Sophie: Going to another country is all right to cover up, but you can ask people to be quiet so that justice society can't make it complicated!.

Jonathan: Look around you do you think they will, they are panicked with this development and I am pretty sure the heroes are coming after this commotion.

!!!!!Meanwhile in lantern castle!!!!!

Alan Scott was having a normal day relaxing after a day of crime fighting, he was getting ready for his date but was interrupted by a not so pleasant ringtone.

Alan: Haa! what a drag! why does Bruce have to call this hour.

"Alan speaking! what is the emergency for you to use the green lantern communication line I have you"

Bruce: We have a problem! and a big one ay that!, all satellites was knocked out by an EMP. No calls and the WEB is down! also it will take time to boot up. The government thinks it is a terrorist attack by villains or another country!, quickly check what is wrong with your palace!. Damien is already rebooting the systems.

Alan: Hmm! this is concerning my palace did not detect any intrusion from an alien, but I will check for the source also did you know who can cause this wide distortion of network. Someone with a quirk and fusion of meta ability to create distortion in network.

Bruce: No I will know after I have the data on my hands when satellite reboots if it still can that is.

Alan: Okay hold tight I am making my way there now!, the villains will exploit this if they know this and mobilize the force of justice league we got quiet the troublemaker at hand.

{Later did Bruce know due to his satellite being the one close to the source the data packs got fried to smithereens with Luthor having the same headache having huge money to repair saving Yonah from the charges the government may exploit to close him in a cage which would have caused a disaster in the future}.

!!!!! Lex Industries!!!!

Luthor: Strange hmm! a villain attack with the backup data fried haa! looks like quiet the money I have to spend to repair the satellites. I wonder if it is related with the energy discharge which I did not have time to investigate as it is Bruce's problem-.

Someone barged in his office a little girl same age as Yonah with red fiery hair and petite figure.

!!!!????!!!: Grandpa! my online meeting with the scientists of I-Island was disrupted Mou! did the system crash.

"My Alexis come here give grandpa a hug".

Alexis: No! I am a big girl now! I must behave in an elegant manner.

Luthor: Not a little!

Alexis: No! please fix the problem it is of utmost Importance that I finish this business venture for support equipment.

Luthor: Ho! my little princess has already becoming a business lady.

Alexis: Hmph! I am smarter than the rest of my peers!, no one can match my talent.

Luthor: I am sure they won't be able to, you are my little prodigy after all.

[ Later did he know a behemoth just entered the competition]

!!!!! Back to Kent Farm!!!!

Sophie: Strange I cannot get any signal what is with the network!.

Jonathan: The pulse released by Yonah might have scrambled the satellites, this might have fried the circuits with EMP.

Sophie: Dear Lord how powerful is your son to cause this massive blackout, you know lot of people is going to me pissed about this.

Jonathan: Not if they can recover the data and I am sure the backup servers are fried, deleting the evidence giving enough time for me to run away.

Sophie: Yeah quiet the luck as I can't hear sirens approaching us, I'll help cover the track just make sure your son does not do this or there is no second time.

Jonathan: Thanks Haa! I can't go to I-Island, their tech will capture the energy signature so there is only one choice I can go to.

Sophie: Where is that?

Jonathan: Where people won't look twice a place where the most prominent her came from.

Sophie: You can't mean!!.

Jonathan: Yes! Japan.

While the debate was going on Yonah was hacking every cell phone in the vicinity adjusting the signal amplifier in the garage to match the cellphones frequency.

"Shit! I knocked away the satellites! and if I got found out Tartarus is the least of my concern!. I don't know myxyptlk is here to bend reality with star and stripes, but as I am doomsday I can beat the shit out of him as I can just copy his reality bending. I have to make New Order if government tries to keep me in a cage and I swear if the hero association tries to make me their lackey, All for One is the least of their concern, scoff! controlling me I will skewer you Bastards! of highest order worse than villains. Thank God Dad has amazing tech I can erase the photos and videos and with my mind control and telepathy I developed erasing the incident is nothing!"

"God it is a pain to have power and not have power at the same time, I shown my birthday suit in front of my friends with Milo and Isabella blushing and ran away also the boys typical screaming weiner! weiner!. Damn no police sirens? haa with my super hearing I am sure dad is going to bolt!. No pressure now Japan the true hellhole of problems!, if the government do follows they won't be able to do jacks shit!. Fighting a kryptonian in power bruh call the PRESENCE or Darkseid only they can stop me!."

" I wonder how sushi tastes! here"

Martha: Yonah you daredevil wear some clothes!, I know you are scared but don't worry daddy will call in a few favors. I am sure people are not scared of you it is just they have never seen anything like it. The looks they gave you is just of surprise and curiosity, they are scared of what they do not understand and your power is a gift not a curse, I know you can hear and see well as you know when to run and where to sneak in to steal a cookie and fly away, you think I won't know your abilities. I have seen how you keep Clark with you and easily search him in the field using hide and seek and I know you can do more than fly and cause explosion. I-t t-ruly make me scared what you could do, promise me you won't do anything scary if you gain power beyond your measure sniff! sniff!. With power comes huge responsibility never run away from it!.

[If only you know I was capable of haa! but if they dare to lay hands on you or any other group you can't blame giving them the most painful death! though I won't hurt innocents].

Yonah: Alright Ma! I won't.

Clark: Brother wear some clothes! everyone saw you naked. Now they are going to make fun off me too.

Yoanh: I know Clark, I know.

[Japan here I come! looks like a dodged a bullet here but I need to make sure this does not happen again, I am going to get a lecture now from Jonathan an enlightening lecture he gave to clark at 13 yearof age and I am only 8. ]