Chereads / Memoirs of a distant persona / Chapter 6 - Chapter Two part 1/5

Chapter 6 - Chapter Two part 1/5

I awoke slowly to the sound of soft whimpering. I had passed out from the pain and spontaneous convulsions which had caused me to damn near puke my guts out.


I opened my eyes slowly, getting my bearings and trying to figure which way was up.

The strange darkness had gone and now the sun had risen the early morning cold needling at my skin. The pain from before had also gone and so had the nausea for the most part.

I blinked and then blinked again trying to get rid of my post sleep grogginess.

One of the small white animals had entered and made its way to me it's tiny hands on my forearm and it's beady eyes peering up at me.

Now don't get me wrong, I have a greater love for animals more so than the other person and in any other situation I'd have probably been more composed and less apprehensive about the whole ordeal. This time however, I freaked, big time.


I yelped surprise and rolled to get away from the small animal then jumped up flailing my arms,

I know...

Yes it's pathetic and yes it was probably just concerned about me just laying on the ground not moving.

But it scared me and I'm pretty sure I scared it because it also jumped back and hissed baring sharp pointed teeth.

This new fact scared the living shit out of me.

The creature looked, for all intents and purposes like a small white furry and cute monkey just like always however the fact that it had such sharp teeth and so many at that that it made me categorize it very differently.

Carnivorous, and in my book carnivores eat meat which made me, what... food?

I stepped back slowly trying to put more space between me and it.

It was dangerous and not to mention it could climb.

It calmed down briefly upon noticing my retreat before eyeing me then advancing cautiously.

"S-stay back! Please, don't hurt me!"

It advanced anyway.

"Don't! I'll step on you and it'll hurt!"

It payed no heed to my threats.

Of course.

Trying to reason with something that can't understand you is and will always be a fruitless endeavor.

For a mutual understanding action was needed, more precisely, force.

I grabbed my pointy wooden stick which was hardly a spear but it was sharp enough to give the comfort a weapon should.

i pointed it at the small monkey animal, which prodded towards it before smelling then licking the tip.


The creature looked at me expectantly.

"You don't want to hurt me?"

I stooped and reached out to pet it and it sniffed my hand before allowing me to pet it.

It's fur was really soft and the small animal half purred it's fur making my fingertips tingly.

It was surprisingly comfortable.


Suddenly it climbed up my arm and perched on my shoulder.

It's fur very tingly and me being very ticklish I burst out in laughing fit.

This alleviated my loneliness a little.

This was better and although I had no idea what caused the strange almost tangible darkness I found respite in the fact that at least I wasn't alone anymore.

You know, maybe the blackness was only in my mind.

Maybe I was only interpreting something else as the blackness something my mind couldn't really comprehend. Maybe the fire had just went out a little before I had awoken. Yeah.

I hoped that was the case.

I really did.


The day had progressed a lot and after I had cleaned myself up I came to the realization that the little creature had stayed with me for the entire time only leaving to gather berries and that fruit from before every now and then. but the others never really came back with him. I wrote this off as something they did naturally after all they were animals. Maybe they migrated and he was the only one that was left behind?

I'm not sure, what I do know is he's grown incredibly attached to me and while I don't mind the company I'm left wondering.

Did something happen?

Was it related to what happened last night?


A few minutes had passed and I realized something which bore into my mind like a revelation I had been suppressing. I cant stay in one place, if I wanna survive here waiting around isn't an option.

I need resources, food and as good as it is now, the 'nest', wont be the best place to stay forever especially if it starts raining.

I thought about what happened the night before and a small shiver went down my spine, I was afraid of it, the darkness.

I sighed before getting up, I still had a few hours before the sun would set again. exactly how many I wasn't sure but what I know was that I needed to start now.

The cool wind by the river made me not want to leave but I was getting hungry again. I picked up my spear and the small white animal climbed up on my shoulder.

"You know, I think I should give you a name. How's monkey?" It looked me over indifferent to what I had said. "hmm whitey?"

It looked away. "come on you have to give me a clue you know. hmm how about pokomon? its a from a popular game where I come from." still no response.

"then, hmm.. poko?" the small animal turned and licked my face. "woah, um ok poko it is." I smiled and patted its head a little.

We were at the edge of the dark forest now.

I hadn't done much in the way of preparation but this is something I have to do. Not to mention I had company now and a weapon.

"I can do this!"

I looked at the spear which in truth wasn't very sharp.

Sighing again I caress poko's fur.

"Ok.. lets go...".

Before I could take a single step though.

"Well well, it appears I missed one."

The voice had come from behind me and I quickly spun around to see the person who spoke.

"Its honestly a surprise you lived through the night without the protection of a spirit beast, but I suppose that thing on your shoulder is to blame for that." The lady who now stood before me had long black hair tied back into a flawless ponytail and bangs that almost hid the most scary thing about her. She was also well dressed her style of clothing something I'd never seen before. Honestly she seemed a little too refined for someone residing on an island.

She inhaled a little her eyes not leaving me for a second.

"So you're vehatra of the void, its nice to finally meet you in person." she looked down at my 'spear' and smiled a little, "Ahh, if it wasn't for the monarch's order not to hurt you or intervene in your trial I would have cleansed the sanctum of your primitive stain long ago." her annoyance becoming apparent from her tone.

"Who is vehatra and who are you?" I asked finally taking my eyes from her forehead.

she smiled again.

"I supposed you'd be curious, but you see while the others may believe in fate and legends, I-" suddenly she was over me and had pinned me down to the ground her hand gripping my neck with painful force, she was ridiculously strong and I couldn't get away no matter how hard I tried, "- I do not and MY name is not meant for YOU to utter from your disgusting lips, vehatra!" she tossed me aside with surprising ease and I rolled to a stop a few feet from her my whole body screaming pain at me as I tried to catch my breath.

She stood again and rearranged her hair and bangs so that her small horns which protruded from her forehead wouldn't be hidden. Compared to my spear which was now a few feet away from me on the ground and out of reach her horns were genuinely sharp.

Poko hissed loudly from somewhere behind me, i was completely unaware of when he'd leapt from my shoulder.

I slowly got to my knees and tried to stand but my body wouldn't listen and I simply fell on my butt. I stuck my hand out between poko and the lay ushering him directly behind me. He stopped and licked my hand.

"That wasn't supposed to happen and due to my mistake it was allowed to bond with you." she continued with a sadistic smile "congrats you've gotten your first spirit beast, it wont help you any though!" she turned to leave "OH before I forget." she tossed a large bag to the ground before me.

Something I hadn't seen her carrying before.

"You're gonna need this." she turned and started walking away muttering "damn those bastards making me do delivery work!"