Chereads / Memoirs of a distant persona / Chapter 9 - Chapter 2 part 4/5

Chapter 9 - Chapter 2 part 4/5

Chapter 2 part 4/5

The needling cold had subsided and the temperature had risen again.


It became warmer by a lot, so much so that we had to leave the sleeping bag and despite us being naked it wasn't awkward anymore and we even played around a little.

Afterward, it became apparent that my clothes weren't gonna be dry anytime soon. I took them up to inspect them and cast a nervous smile at Jiya who had been silently observing me with a proud smile.

"They're still wet." I couldn't wear them anymore nor would I try to.

"It's ok I have extra clothes. It pays to be prepared "there are certain parts that may be a bit ... loose fitting though." She laughed it was obvious that she was having fun at my expense.

I glared playfully at her, feigning anger.

"Oh come on we both know it's true." She brandished her weapons er... breasts, flaunting her endowment.

"Ok ok you can stop now." I said a little more seriously. She noticed my change in mood and approached caressing my cheek and kissing me lightly. That's when I noticed the necklace she wore, it glowed an ambient and captivating purple.

"What's that?" I pointed at the object resting in her cleavage.

"Oh right." This is a sub space storage device.

I cast her a glance that basically said 'really now?' In a mostly disbelieving manner.

"Maybe it's better if I just show you." She added seeming more than a little amused by my mannerism.

She concentrated a little closing her eyes. Suddenly the air twisted and crumpled around the small jewel projecting a ghostly tear in front of her, one from which she pulled neatly folded clothes handing some of them to me. While taking some more for herself. The hole subsequently grew smaller and smaller before disappearing completely leaving a small ember like glow in the oval shaped jewel that faded with time.

The whole spectacle both terrified and amazed me.

"W...what was that?" I stuttered.

She smiled before taking my hand and resting it on the jewel.

It was warm.

"An old relic, to be honest and probably the last of its kind." She took a deep breath before continuing "it's very precious to me and part of the reason vehatra must succeed in her trials," she sighed a little before adding "I know you're not vehatra." She smiled but I couldn't help but noticed a sliver of sadness in her eyes.

"But I'd hope that my people's suffering could be alleviated even by a little."

This type of direct honesty was rarely seen coming from Jiya who often referred to herself as 'this queen.' It was definitely a side I hadn't seen her show before.

"Jiya, how about we talk about it, I wasn't really ready to listen to your story before but with what you've just shown me... I'd be stupid not to listen now wouldn't I?" true that was part of the reason but truthfully it was mainly because I wanted to know more about her and that distant sadness isn't really something I wanted to see in her eyes again.


We had gotten dressed.

The clothes Jiya had given me were really elegant and not very different from clothes worn generally.

Except it was severely outdated.

"This is... " I started.

"-formal wear for this queen, prepared to be used in the event the monarch decided to grace us with their presence. I've never actually worn it but I did think it was pretty."

She smiled a little blushing again "it looks good on you."

"Thanks," I replied generally happy with the complement "if Jiya says so then It must be true."

I t-posed looking over my shoulder to make sure my cloths were ok, letting the long flowing sleeves fall downward my fingers barely poking out the ends. The design was ingenious though as the fabric itself had an extra parts that doubled as a belt of sorts which allowed it to be mostly form fitting only leaving the sleeves loose while the rest folded neatly into a small bow on my side hanging loosely over comfortable pink denim shorts.

And finally! Shoes! I had begun to feel like a savage going everywhere without any foot ware. I couldn't help doing a twirl so Jiya could see me and perhaps praise me even more.

She had already gotten dressed. Her clothes were more refined as usual and she looked as cool as ever.

It was getting dark again and Jiya decided that we should stay for the night and leave early in the morning. once again she told me to stay and not go anywhere while she went for fire wood. she hadn't explained anything to me yet but she seemed intent on it and honestly I couldn't wait.

While she waited I slowly piled the remaining wood on the fire to keep it going.

It painted a luminescent orange on the trees surrounding us and the small plants and broken branches that seem to litter the forest floor. The trees stood tall and and the trunks showed signs plant like wisdom. Probably being older than me and all.

I placed a hand on the trunk, its rough and cracked exterior somehow familiar and yet not.

The gentle smell of the bonfire slowly caring me back to a time similar to this where my family and I had spent the night camping in the forest near to the place my grandparents lived.

the night had been cold and the smoke from the fire caused me to have a runny nose the whole time. I remembered that I hated every minute of it and yelled at my mom for bringing us into the forest to die, an overstatement of course but you know how it is. My brother's love of stories and humor got us through the night thought.

My brother...

"huh? that's strange."

What was his name again? Then mom.. "why cant I remember their names?"

My train of thought was broken again by the sound of snapping branches being broken underfoot.

I quickly turned my attention only to realize "Jiya!"

she had collected many pieces of sticks and branches for the fire.


After we had eaten, I sat beside Jiya who noticed my impatience before smiling and starting.

"This queen feels you should know that many things I'm about to tell you are secrets bestowed unto me by the monarch in their abundant wisdom and I'm sworn to secrecy not to tell 'the one who comes' or vehatra as it will probably ruin their plans but maybe that's a good thing." she looked away for a minute and the silence was only broken by the fire's spontaneous crackle every now and then.

"I am, no... my people are vlagos, the decedents of the antient dragons," she noticed my smile and rolled her eyes "I know its hard to believe after all humans have been kept in the dark about many other civilizations and while I can't prove it to you I will." I held up both hands gesturing 'ok ok'.

She then stood with her hands out stretched her back to the fire, facing me and a proud smile "also this isn't an island, this is the sanctuary, a place between those human born and the dragon realm."