Chereads / Powers Against The World / Chapter 338 - The Last Ditch Effort Between Life & Death

Chapter 338 - The Last Ditch Effort Between Life & Death

Ears were still ringing, as Leon looked around at all the fallen bodies among him. Even from such a distance, the explosion knocked over just about everyone with no effort, and few words could describe what they witnessed. Even in the man's blue state, Leon knew that Jamal had some capacity to control his actions and limit the true amount of destruction he wished upon his threat. But this, no, there was no control here. His energy was nowhere near stable and it was clear from the jump. So why couldn't they have predicted this before such an event happened, Leon wanted to find the answer eventually.

That was until a sharp tug made him look back, seeing all the Viligantes excluding Alice and Lero up and facing his general direction. He had actually noticed Sera attempting to speak to him, mouthing some words as if she was screaming it out. Leon didn't want to even try to play any guessing games as to what she wanted to inform them, as he pointed towards his ear. Shouldn't they all have been borderline deaf like him?

A look of concern spread across her face, as Sera turned towards the others and began making expressions with her hands. Quick adaptation would be needed with the whole scene in chaos, as the large plumes of smoke and debris still rose where the city was, or what was probably left of it. Taking a peek, Leon could see her motioning toward the city grounds while signaling several more expressions. His best guess was to go into that disaster zone and search for what?

With the dots starting to connect, Leon could see Sera turn to him and grab his hand. Letting her do her things, she lifted it up until his index finger was pointing towards the debris-filled sector. Yeah, his suspicions were right from the get-go.

"Jamal?" he mouthed at the group, to which those who could understand nodded their head in agreement. 

Welp, Leon turned towards the destruction awaiting them. Here goes nothing, for such an operation to take place. A man who likely killed thousands in mere seconds was somewhere in that mess, and his true condition was something that not a soul knew about. All according to plan, one couldn't be grateful that their own lives were at stake. Yeah, this is what they all wanted since getting here, Leon sarcastically knew as the group started to make their way towards whatever awaited them.


The silence had greeted Jamal once again, as its pitch-black background kept him in suspense. For some reason, he could barely recall what happened since he woke up in that abandoned building surrounded by all his friends. Being trapped with that damn general just gave him the sickest of thoughts, and him getting away too did little favors. 

But in his current state, the man couldn't be upset and simply accepted that he was in no position to fight. Speaking of which, how did he get knocked out again, Jamal couldn't even recall, let alone move as it felt as if he was floating through the air. There was nothing else for him to do but wait patiently, for death's grasp on him must have been over his body by now.


The debris-filled air was still thick even after several minutes after the initial explosion, and yet no Viligantes complained. The streets were littered with chunks of concrete, bricks, building materials, and strewn body parts where buildings used to be. Foundations were barely visible and the whole surrounding area could truly be described as someone that just deleted a portion of the world at will. They all understood this magnitude of power was possible, but its willingness from someone like Jamal in this setting was uncalled.

"Can anyone hear me?" Heskins chimed in, with only Leon turning his way.

"Barely, but I can," the man looked back forward towards a thicker section of smoke, "We'll have to get checked up on for sure, but I think it's best if I clear this real quick."

Nodding, Heskins moved in front of everyone as he quickly began signaling erratically with gestures. Leon could only watch as the rest of the group got an idea of what the other was trying to convey before they began clearing out a way for him to do his thing. All that was now in front of them was the thick layer of smoke that remained in their way and to Jamal's whereabouts.

Stretching out his arms, Leon could feel his energy amplifying through him, as a red aura began to cover his body. It only took a few more seconds, but once Leon reached the point equal to five times his normal strength, he pressed his hands together and expelled the air forward.

A loud whoosh overcame the space, as the smoke and debris was quick to get blasted away from their direction. Clear view now in sight, the Viligantes were greeted with undescribable destruction of the eastern portion of Appleridge, with the shells of brick and reinforced concrete buildings the only thing surviving both attacks. 

"Shit." Sera muttered, in shock at what she was witnessing.

"I'm at a loss of words too," Hops replied as well, his hearing starting to come back.

"Looks like most of our hearing is coming back, so I'm just gonna say let's find Jamal while we still can." Leon turned to Fonda and Brat, who both had yet to speak, "You two, follow us."

Watching his hand motions, the pair understood what he was trying to say, as the entire group moved through the mostly silent space, except for the wind blowing through the blowout windows and holes of the former buildings. No words were said for minutes, as their search continued onward. No sign of life, no sign of any hope in this sector, and no amount of hope could convince any of them that Jamal had the true capacity to do this or was able to take all the damage that he released himself. Those burning thoughts remained in their heads still, even after witnessing it firsthand.

"Over there!" Hops was leaping through the air as were moving forward, until he pointed something out.

Up ahead and lying on the street, was a crumbled-up figure with no sign of movement. If it wasn't for the amount of injuries sustained on their body, no one could have predicted it was Jamal, even though to be fair, only he would be someone to survive an attack like that.

"Move!" Leon rushed towards the naked man as he got a closer look, "We gotta get him back to some healers, and fast!"

The group approached Jamal's fallen body with urgency, as the sight was clear for them to grasp the severity of the injuries. His body was stained in scarring, cuts, scrapes, pieces of material stuck within him, and even what looked like a bone or two poking out of him. Most people would have been sick in disgust, but the Viligantes had to stay focused, as Leon heaved Jamal up. 

"He's still breathing, but barely. Hops, now you can bring him back to the other soldiers and healers back by those fields. We'll catch up right behind you." Leon handed him the disheveled figure, "Be careful."

"For sure." Hops took a quick peek at the sky, "Say, we got one last thing after us, so I'm gonna get a move before anything else goes down."

Turning back around, the remaining members could see a lone object flying overhead and towards their direction.

"Oh, they still have Ariocasters in the air?" Heskins grumbled as he could see flames coming from behind. "And it's one of the newer ones."

"You all go on, I'll take care of it quickly." Leon flexed his arms, winching slightly.

"You've been pushing your body for too long," Heskins could notice the heavily-darkened skin and pain etched across the man's face, "Move out too, we can outrun it."

"That's a lie," Sera chimed in again, removing her blade from its sheath in one flicking motion, "Just watch and learn."

Before anyone could object, the Ariocaster began to descend at a steep angle and speed even faster than before, as a cloud of vapor followed suit. The woman stood her ground, as the sword's aura began to appear and engulfed her with her energy. No one really could guess as to how effective the blade would do, but they all had full confidence at Sera's willingness to take down this modern threat.


The cooler air above always felt good after a long and exhausting battle, but Hops was focused on the incoming aircraft toward where he had just jumped from. Jamal's body was being held tightly against his arms, as Hops could feel the drips of blood leaking over his outfit and behind in the wind.

"Just how," Hops muttered, with no response to Jamal followed, "How could you willingly do this to yourself?"

Shaking his head, Hops realized that he was closer to those fields then he thought, as the residential debris was quick to change into fallen timber and grasslands. If only Alice was doing alright, he would have trusted her to fix him up a lot more than the healers that came alongside them, but even Jamal wouldn't complain on who was trying to save him. 

With one last look behind, Hops could see with nothing blocking his way the aircraft firing its taboons onto the spot where his friends were, covering the section in dust. His heart rate fell temporarily until three streaks of light phased through and sliced through the machine's metal with ease. The man didn't even need to continue to stare as a soft explosion ruptured behind him, just as the Port-O-Bea survivors began to come underview from below. 

Those beneath him could spot the incoming man preparing to brace for impact, as the soldiers moved as fast as they possibly could. With just a couple of yards of open space, Hops held a tight breath and brought Jamal closer to his chest, just as his feet slammed into the earth. The ground ruptured around him with large cracks but maintained it's form as Hops remained focused on the task at hand.

"Move! Jamal Wrint is dying!" Hops lifted himself up before dashing towards the spot where Alice and Lero were last located. "Get me a healer, now!"

The journey to the weakened pair was short, as the crowd held a mixed reaction at Jamal's return. On one hand, he practically destroyed the enemy holding out and gave them the opportunity to liberate the intact sections of Appleridge and form it into an additional supply hub. But, on the other, many of the Port-O-Bea people lost loved ones and friends they made with their bodies likely evaporated or buried deep among the rubble. It didn't even help that some even thought that if Jamal could have used this power earlier, they would not have lost all those people against the Reserve Guard. They would have to save those arguments for another time, as Hops had no choice but to shove anyone that refused to move out of the way.

"Alice! Alice!" he cried out, as the remaining personnel in his way cleared the space between Hops and the pair that lent their energy to safety.

Alice and Lero were both knocked out, heads laying comfortably against the grass surface. Placing Jamal down, Hops rushed to the woman's side, as a quick budge relieved his worst assumption. Despite the constant lending of stamina and energy, once that consistent source was no longer supplying her, did the hours needed for recovery finally catch up. Meaning that at best, Alice was going to be asleep for a couple of days.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Hops gripped his head in surprise, "Where is a healer!"

Footsteps coming his way, Hops could see multiple people with a cross badge rushing towards his way holding bags full of equipment. Backing up, Hops kept his mouth shut, as he began staring at their efforts. 

"Was he like this when you found him?" one of the healers closest to him asked, "Cause this is really, really bad."

"Yeah, we did." Hops solemnly answered, "We weren't late, were we?"

"It's not looking good, I'm gonna be honest." another one lifted himself up, "We've spent a lot of our serious and most powerful equipment among the many injured soldiers from the last few days alone. The next shipment doesn't come in for another three days."

"We don't have that much time! You gotta heal him! You only have one job!" Hops started to get pissed.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down. We're only Level II healers."

"What? Level two?" Hops stood in silence for a second processing what they had just said, "What the fuck does that even mean!"

"Sir, prior to Port-O-Bea being freed, under Yodenian control, healers and medical professionals were labeled under four categories: Level I, Level II, Level III, and non-powered. Level III and non-powered professionals can heal minor injuries or need to be in assistance among side of other Level III's. Level II's like us, are meant for mass injury events and situations, where we have the ability to heal up to moderate injuries with equipment. Only Level I professionals can heal something like this without equipment, and they're all in Port-O-Bea."

"So why don't we have one here with us?"

"Because, we only have three designated ones registered in all of the territory we occupy, and they are pre-occupied in Port-O-Bea, at least is what the advisors told us."

Hops was at a lost of words, as he looked towards the blue sky in pure silence. There was no response or thought that went through his mind, as more footsteps came his way.

"Hops, what is he doing here!" he tilted his face slightly to see Heskins staring at the ground. "He needs more equipment than this."

"They have none." the words were followed with silence from the group, as the murmurs of the surrounding soldiers continued. 

"Every other soldier here, follow what your current command leaders tell you, but I suggest you move into the city now. There's still plenty of buildings to control and no enemy in sight. Our chance is now!" Leon pointed towards the smoky sector, "Now!"

The shuffling towards the opposite direction began to make way, as most of the healers gotten up after attending to their fallen comrade. They were barely here for a minute or so, and it was done like that? Those that just came didn't know, but Hops did.

"We gave him about another day or so to live, but we don't think he'll wake up again. If there's anything else we can do-" a healer near them started to explain.

"Not another word, you all tried." Hops raised a finger, although it was trembling, "Thank you." 

Nodding, the healers were about to finally leave the group in silence, until a loud cough disrupted their saddened thoughts. Turning to the noise, everyone looked to see Lero with both eyes open, looking at both sides.

"I bloomin' heard all that, and no one thought about flying him back?" the man looked at them as if they were stupid.

"What?" Brat couldn't understand what he was trying to imply.

"Fly back?" Fonda was curious herself.

"Yeah, it should be a few hours back to that rockin'-watershore city by air. You guys have pilots, right?"

A quick look showed that none of them had any idea or knowledge that Port-O-Bea had any Ariocasters within their armies, with just about their entire force comprised of land units. 

"Well then, we best looked for an intact or crashed one, and runny nose now." Lero lifted himself up, although uneasy. "While I was locked in them apartments, I know for a fact that several of them vehicles got downed. I'm sure one of them at least in working condition."

"You heard him, start searching!" Heskins turned to see hundreds of Port-O-Bea guards still around, "Split up and let us know when you find one! The quicker the better!"


Two hours had passed by, and the only aircraft any of the searching army found were three wrecked Ariocasters, needing several weeks at best of repairs. Something they had no time being able to do. The Viligantes of Powers had split their efforts in half, one group focusing on the southern outskirts and the other north of them. The beating sun was starting to set west, with nightfall approaching in another three hours, as the southern group was following a treeline a few miles away from the standing buildings of the city. 

"No new sightings?" Leon approached a solider, as they lifted a log over their heads.

"None yet," the man answered, "Even through all this vegetation, all we've found have been pieces of metal and such from other vehicles."

Leon watched as they grabbed a piece of what was once tarr armor, before discarding it back from its original resting spot. No use staying put, Leon began to continue making his way forward, until loud shouting erupted a couple hundred feet away.

"Huh?" Heskins came to his side, "Could that be-"

"We found one! We really did!" a voice cried out, with more cheers coming in.


"No bloomin' ways." Port-O-Bea's only pilot in Appleridge, Lero Bentom sighed, "Another wrecker."

Laid out in front of him was another one of those older Ariocasters that were first used in the bombing campaigns to take over the former Saputa government. Similar to the one Lero once had, but still a bit more intricate with the many wires needed for the bomb mechanism.

"You probably could fly it, could you?" Sera banged against the cool metal, as the trees surrounding it kept it cool, with most of the northern woods avoiding the damage that Jamal's final attack brought.

"Would have been a simple thing to figure out, yeah." a quick look inside provided its ancient history. "Even if this bird has been down for a bunja-ganger five or so years, I'll bet with the right parts she could fly."

"This isn't doing anything really, is it though?" Fonda had her back turned, starting at what was left of Appleridge, smouldering even hours after the explosion.

"Of course it is." Brat was next to her, a hand on her shoulder, "We're not giving up yet. So much time is left."

Lero stared at the preteens, who held a mixed bag of emotions. For their age, they had been through so much chaos and destruction, it was a miracle that neither of them had the mental damage that Jamal had. He could only suppose that their youth kept some of that innocence still intact, for now.

"Guys, we've got news from the other side!" a soldier came into their sight, with several more behind, "A functioning Ariocaster has been found!"

"Wait, already?" Sera had to admit was unexpected, "I mean, we'll go there, like, right now."

"Alright then, you don't even have to break it bloody down for me," Lero cracked a small smile, "Just make sure the bugger can still get up."


There it was, among the tall grass and the last trees within the line of trees. As old as it was, this Ariocaster appeared to have made quite the crash landing to where most of the damage was against the back of the tail. Years of being stuck in the ground meant the wheels were covered by dirt, but nothing that a few carrs couldn't pull out.

"This, this is incredible." Heskins held a sigh of relief but lost in words, "I never thought it would be possible, let alone in this timespan."

"I agree, one hundred percent." Leon followed suit, as the machine was forming quite the crowd.

This Ariocaster model was much larger than the other ones of the earlier days, as its long wings and sleek design showed otherwise. Its propellers were a dull black, and the vehicle's body spotty with rust made it appear barely airworthy, but the chance was still there. Hope was still alive not just between each other, but the world.

More footsteps crunched against the grass, as everyone turned to see Lero leading the newcomers. The only one truly capable of flying such a thing was here to change everything.

"Oh bloody goodness! A transport bugger. I always wanted one of them." Lero practically licked his lips, feeling the machine, "Oh yeah, this an upgrade for me."

"Say, how do you even know how to fly these things?" Heskins held his uneasiness, but asked anyway.

"You wouldn't know," Lero held a smile, until he saw who spoke, "You."

"Enough with this nonsense!" Hops walked passed both men, "We gotta save Jamal, don't you forget. If he says it can fly, we need to get it out now, right?"

"Well," Lero begin to say, as he walked around it, "We got some lil' ol' damage under me tail here, a couple of holes there and that, rusting propel-"

"Can it fly?" Leon stared the man down, tired of the antics.

"With some small and quick repairs, she'll make it to the city y'all need me to make it. We gon' need some of them carrs first though and a dirt runway."

"Already here." Sera nodded behind, as a convoy of the ground vehicles sped towards them.

No more words were needed to be said, as everyone got to work on their current two objectives: setting up the Ariocaster into working condition, while also ensuring that it had enough room to take off. The carrs themselves didn't have much horsepower, but once united by chains, they began to make progress. Alongside several people pushing the aircraft out of position, including Leon and Hops, the carrs roared in struggle as the first wheels began to shift forward.

"Just a lil' more!" Lero could see it working, "We're gonna get you up and going!"

It was a tedious process, for it took several minutes to get it finally rolled out of the earth below and onto the grass, but it was done. The final push was exhausting, with a loud groan signaling that the ground had no more fight in it.

"Finally." Hops could take a breath, legs quivering ever so slightly. "Lemme get a minute."

"Not yet, we gotta get this hunk of junk going," Heskins spoke up, before eying a cautious Lero staring him down, "This machine, rather, in the air in the next hour or so."

"Bloody better." Lero closed in eyes and concentrated in thought, "I should do a pre-flight check now, while I still have a chance. I'll be inside 'til it's time to jumpin' and going."


The orange sky was no longer colored as so due to the fading smoke, but the setting sun, as a sole black carr with a painted-on red cross, was awaiting its two passengers. Protected by additional carrs and modified vehicles with select troops with all sorts of weaponry, the sole vehicle had its back doors opened at once, and seats pulled down. From there, two stretchers lifted their occupants up and made their way toward the vehicle. Leading the way was the first victim, was the feared Jamal Wrint, covering his bare and nearly-destroyed body with a blanket, barely breathing and conscious. Following behind, was Alice Serona, who still had her dirt-caked clothes on, but the toll of consistent energy use would have it be best for her to return and recover. The two people were quickly placed and secured inside the vehicle, before having the doors closed and given the signal to move. 

Every surrounding carr made a beeline among the pre-made dirt path, forming a long procession of vehicles towards their final destination. The drive only took five minutes, but it would have given any that were interested a clear view of the partially non-existent city of Appleridge. Even from a distance, one could see the small fires still sporadically spread about, as their men milled around the ruined and standing structures, still clearing out sections of any holdouts or resistance. Youden could literally have told some of his most die-hard followers to retreat and live another day, but few would give it their all for him, as the sounds of shots proved that point to be right.

Regardless, that view was being replaced by green trees that avoided the direction of Jamal's final attack and the grass ground switching into a smooth dirt lining. Just a couple thousand yards away, stood the Ariocaster in all it's airworthy glory, with groups of people doing final checks. The convoy spread out once it was closing in on the side with the vehicle's door, as a path was created for the main vehicle to move through.

"They're here! We got two more minutes!" a lead supervisor alerted those in the vicinity to be finishing up, "Make sure everything is as ready to go as it will possibly be!"

Within the cockpit, Lero was sitting in the dusted-off seat, checking through all the controls one last time. Standing in the doorway, were the rest of the Viligantes of Power, with Leon and Hops closest to the pilot.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Hops looked at the dozens of buttons. "I mean-"

"Don't worry, mate. It's just a few more than the one I had back in them cold, frozen-blunder mountains." Lero took a quick look outside, before pressing one of them.

"That being?" Brat asked from behind.

"Oh, I don't know? I think around seventy more?"

"Holy powers, we're holding too much faith in this man's hands." Leon covered his head, "But we don't have a choice."

"Jamal, Jamal doesn't have a choice. Alice definitely does." Heskins stared at the incoming carrs, "Speaking of which, they're here."

Taking a look outside, they could see a set of makeshift stairs coming up against the door, with Lero getting a signal to start the engines.

"Welp, here goes nothing." Lero was about to flip a switch.

"Wait, you don't even know if it works?" Sera was shocked at the lack of preparation, "I know we're in a rush, but really?" 

"Oh, bloody thanks!" Lero gotten up from the city, before cracking open one of the front windows, "I need y'all to push them propellers down, like, three times! Should be good to go after that!"

"What?" Fonda was observing everything going on, but couldn't understand as to why?

"Gotta make sure that we got no blockages and we got oil going through." Lero watched them spin it a few times, before a thumbs up was given from outside.

"We're all good?" a new voice came into focus, as those inside turned to face one of the advisors still in Appleridge.

"Yessir, should be good to goes now. Gotta wait for everyone to leave first though." Lero sighed, "I missed doing this."

"And you're fully awake?" 

"Yea, nothing like a quick drop of energy won't fix." the man held up a can of some type, "Your boys taking care of me."

"Very well, you all heard him." the advisor turned to face the rest of the team, "Let him do what he knows what to do, and we'll work on what we can. I'm assuming Leon's taking Jamal's place, regardless what happens."

"Um, I suppose so?" he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really mind leading, I've gotten a knack for it."

Before the conversation could wrap up, more footsteps were brought to their attention, with the stretchers waiting to come inside. Everyone in the way had their back against the wall, as the people from outside came inside to place the bodies against the walls of the aircraft. Unlike regular seats like in most models, this appeared to have been used more for cargo, as they had flat sections made to place long boxes and other equipment in place. It was, also, a perfect fit for the stretchers to be placed and secured, which was done quickly with all the pieces still intact to strap Jamal and Alice up.

"That's it. Have your final goodbyes, and we gotta go in another minute." the advisor gave them a final wave, "Our current plans will be discussed in the morning."

The group nodded, as they were finally left alone with two of their comrades. Who knew if one of them would make it, even though it wasn't up to them to decide. The Port-O-Bea doctors would have to give it their all, and give them something to work with. The world needed them.

"I'll see you soon." Hops got on his knees, as he wrapped his hands against hers, "Don't worry."

"Huh?" they could hear Alice mutter, but her eyes still closed. "What are you talking about?"

"You'll be heading back to the city, and have so much rest, okay?" Hops continued, "No more powers for you."

"Oh, I can't complain. Don't die on me." she briefly opened her eyes to see them all, "I'll make sure Jamal doesn't fall."

"They'll have people for that." Leon looked at Jamal's still body, no sign of life coming from him, "Never stop believing."

"Damn right," Alice took a deep breath, "I can't wait, but I'll miss you all, and you the most, Ryan."

"It's fine-" Hops was about to serenade to her some more.

"Time to go!" the advisor shouted from outside.

"Alright, Alice you take care. We'll catch up with you in no time!" Fonda gave her a smile.

"We'll hold it down." Brat added.

"I would hope not, but yeah, don't need to worry about us. We women gotta to rest, no matter how bad it gets." Even Sera had to admit, reminding her of their first encounter, "Looks like we're somewhat even now."

"I suppose." Alice chuckled, as Leon didn't have anymore to add and already exited, "You all be careful."

"Same to you," Heskins nodded from the exit, before leaving as well, with everyone following behind except Hops.

"I still love you, you know that right?" Hops gripped her hand tighter.

"Ryan, I know, I'll be fine. Worry about Jamal more. He needs your support more than I ever will." She was starting to mumble off, the lack of energy starting to take over.

"Alright, rest up baby." Hops lowered himself to be able to kiss her for a brief moment.

Just as he parted and began making his way to the exit one last time, Hops took a look at their strongest member, who was as limp as before and no changes throughout the entire time.

"Alice, make sure you tell Jamal that we're going to finish this, so we can all get a happy ending, okay?"

"Yea, I would like that." she muttered one last time, before dozing off.

With that, Hops was finally able to leave the aircraft at last, jumping down from the top and catching up with the rest of his team. Clear to proceed, the lead signalmen gave the sign for Lero to start the propellers, as within one click, a loud shudder came, before the blades began to churn. A quick cry of excitement filled the air, as those able to witness such a testament to their efforts could stand proud. 

Lero stayed comfortable from within, as the automatic doors managed to close on their own and ensured that no objects were obstructing his way. With clearance, the man began to slowly propel the vehicle forward and onto the dirt runway built for this moment. Usually, such a vehicle was meant to be flown on smooth pavement, but the pressed dirt was the best alternative they were going to get. 

Once lined up, Lero held the brakes tightly and began pressing the throttle forward as he took one last look at the two passengers, who made no sounds since the group had left. They looked secure to him, as a quick look outside had a signalman directing his hand forward, before giving him a salute. Lero returned the favor, before letting go of the brakes and letting the machine give him lift.


Watching with eager, the Viligantes of Power stared at the Ariocaster in front of them, as it began to quickly pick up speed, surprising them considering the condition and size it was in from earlier. I guess Lero truly knew what he was doing.

"He does have enough fuel to make it, right?" Leon turned to Heskins while asking.

"They found enough scattered within the remaining warehouses to at least land back in Port-O-Bea. He should be fine." Heskins responded with the best he could give.

"He better, or else." Hops looked at the aircraft, which was beginning to reach the speeds needed to lift up.

No one else responded as the machine was only a few hundreds of feet away from overruning the space provided, before the lift under the wings allowed it to finally push off the ground. A final cheer came from the crowds witnessing the history, as Port-O-Bea finally had an aircraft of their own. But for the Viligantes of Power, this was just the beginning. Either the beginning for a renewed hope towards ending Youden with no more delays or setbacks, or the ending without some of the best firepower the world had ever seen. Only time could truly tell what would happen next.