The glowing and multi-colored jewels lit up the crown with energy, giving out the type of message that Youden sought. Power. The power to control everything and obtain everything was only within his grasp Even though that's not the real truth, but something the people could conceptualize for whatever meaning or symbolism they wished for.
Youden was among his aides and coronation designers, finishing the final touches on his current attire. Wearing a simple black suit and a dark red tie, his hands were raised as they fitted onto him a Persueval fur cloak, with its hide made from such an endangered creature that only twenty have been seen within the last five years. Now, if Youden really wanted to, perhaps with a multitude of powers and research, could he boost those numbers up with cloning or other measures, but that topic wasn't even a concern or care for him within the next couple of months, let alone years.
"Sir, you are good to go." an aide did a final check on his checklist, "And we have five more minutes before our Emperor has to move, let's go folks!"
Youden remained silent, as a last look at himself could see faint bags under his eyes from the intense leadership against multiple nations. A brief pulse of energy, and the wrinkled skin faded away with ease and a satisfied smile came with it.
"Are you ready, our savior?" an aide reminded him to turn and leave the room, with the past staying inside forever.
The streets of Youdenia City were filled to the brim with citizens and supporters alike, as the upcoming coronation had been the talk of the metropolis for some weeks now. There was no school, most places of work canceled, and little reason to stay home, as all ages wished to take a glance at their newfound king. Cameras and select news crews from different regions of the nation, as well as a few from supporting nations were here to witness the event, all barricaded behind cover on the sidewalk and Reserve Guard maintaining control on the designated pathway. Not a single slip-up could occur, as every type of detail or situation was prepared for, from being late to possible assassination attempts, was assured through the thousands of soldiers patrolling the city. It was going to be a day that would change it all.
"He's here!" a loud cry from the crowd turned many heads, as they witnessed an incoming procession of carrs.
Leading the way were multiple military vehicles driven in a straight line, and soldiers stuck their bodies from the roof and held salutes. All in witness could only stare in awe with the line continuing onward towards the former Saputa Palace, just waiting to see their leader. A man willing to bring change and hope to all that cross his way.
"I see him!" one woman stretched her hand out with excitement, "Oh Youden!"
In the middle of the convoy, their soon-to-be emperor stood straight and absorbed the crowd's energy with a smile. Even Youden wasn't expecting this much support coming from such a controversial figure, as the Reserve Guards had to stop those from pushing and preventing them from making their way through. Youden could envision these animals loosening up before being let free like a newfound stray. All the man had to do was stay patient and likely never see many of them again.
The journey continued onward, as the flames and booms of the newest Ariocasters soared forth, flexing the nation's mighty air force. The crowds only grew larger as the vehicles were closer to the former Saputa Palace, cleaned up from prior battles and decorated with large portraits of Youden himself. The spectacle practically made him a god among these people, as the man remained stoic throughout.
Eventually, the carrs made their way through the final street in front of the majestic building, as they slowed down through a small road that led to the back of the building. Once adjusted and the perimeter truly secured, all hands were on deck to bring Youden inside the facility. His cloak swayed against the cool winds, as his guards swarmed around him and into the building.
"Alright, let's give the people what they want." Youden turned in the direction that went upstairs.
No more words had to follow as they swiftly moved through the building, composed of quartz and other speck-free minerals, and to the balcony facing the audience awaiting them. The streets broke into more cheers as soon as the world's strongest leader appeared back into vision. Following their energy, Youden raised his arms in delight, head held high with all praise. The god of his people was within their presence, as the aides by his side quickly placed the microphone that would project his message across the entire nation.
"People of Youdenia!" the man announced to his citizens with a sense of pride, bringing his loyal followers into a frenzy. "Our time has finally arrived, to establish a new world order! A world order on equality, fairness, dignity, and most importantly, justice!"
Right behind him, the shining bejeweled crown was brought forth for the world to see, its value well over three hundred million Youds, and probably, if not, one of the most expensive things in all of existence. No one could comprehend such a milestone of wealth that could have been worn, but there it was.
"It is truly an honor for all here live and around the world to hear and witness the new World Emperor of Destinies, Youden Qey, who will diligently uphold his promise for a brighter, better, and desired future for all! Youden Qey, Oh Glorious Emperor, will you guarantee that you will ensure the prosperity for all citizens within the newfound Empire?" an official proceeding the event took to the mike saying, with a multitude of armed guards covering the flank of the procession.
"I do," Youden answered with a grin, the crowd in an uproar.
"Very well. It is with my honor and the transitional Imperial Council, that we can officially declare you Emperor of the newly named nation, The Empire Of Youdenia, and your subjects admit absolute loyalty to you."
With those parting words, the aides lifted the somewhat heavy crown off the plush pillow it was stationed on and over Youden's head. The jewels continued to glisten with a bright shine, as the man stood tall with his new figure piece crowned. Almost instinctively, people below began to bow their heads in respect or cheer even louder at such a sight. Ariocasters just on queue soared overhead, colored contrails with the iconic red and black that made up the nation's flag. Youden couldn't have been happier to see the amount of people who practically worshipped him. After everything he had done, and his power stood on the top, keeping everyone in check. Absolute control was now finally his, and for the first time in forever, his actions could have no rebuttal or input that could be rejected. The goals that had been in the decades of the making could finally come forth, and those thoughts that the world had yet to see could only grow a big smile from Youden. The time to celebrate this new world had finally arrived.