"Jamal?" Ula asked when she saw him approaching her.
"He's up already?" Hops pointed out, "I almost thought he died, for like the fifth time here."
"Yeah, sorry about that?" he shrugged, as Ula rushed up and hugged him. "But I feel okay though, I think."
Ula just smiled at him, as they kissed for a good minute, with Hops just staring at the floor waiting for the moment to end.
"You're always getting yourself in these situations," she said once they parted.
"Well, I try not to." he chuckled off.
"Anyway, while you've been out recovering, we found out when we can reach Suruthum. Only three more months." Hops casually popped into the conversation and told him like that was normal.
"Three months? Why so long?" Jamal blurted out.
"Beats me, but we're leaving sometime in November, I forget the day. Ula help me out."
"November 16th?"
"Sometime around there. As for why I don't know but that'll give you plenty of time to rest and prepare. We aren't in a rush."
"Unless their army gets here before that, then what?" Jamal questioned, as you never know what could happen.
"Let's just hope that doesn't happen. You tryna eat?"
Jamal nodded with delight, as he was finally going to get something to actually eat. Following Ula and Hops, they reached the kitchen where Jamal took a seat. Watching as they took out food and his stomach grumbling from not having a proper meal in a few weeks, he stared outdoors through a window that showed the view of parts of a bustling city and the ocean as far as one could see, with boats traveling through this segment.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Ula said, standing next to him.
"It's incredible, what a view," he said with amazement.
They just stared in awe for a few minutes while Hops finished preparing the meal.
"We got some takeout for the day. Hope it tastes good. I'll see if Brat and Fonda are nearby." he said, placing the meals in front of them.
Jamal gave him his thanks before he quickly dug into the meal. Not eating in weeks makes one do so, and he finished it quicker before Ula was even halfway there.
"Someone looks like they could have seconds." she joked.
With that, she just laughed at him while Hops returned with Brat and Fonda. They greeted Fonda's return as they sat down to eat too. It was nice, with them all there together again, just like old times. Life for them for the moment was nice.
"Jamal, I think it's time I finally tell you something," Ula spoke up.
"Yeah, what is it?" he wanted to know with interest.
"Well, while you were gone, I went to find out that I was pregnant," she said, causing gasps to appear and Brat to spit out the water he was drinking in shock.