Jamal stood there, watching Leon getting carted away. His back was aching from those attacks, as the smoke lifted off it above him. He limped his way out of the crater, to see Ula breathing lightly. He grabbed her over his shoulder, and placed her outside the clearing, taking her out of the tournament, but no longer in harm's way.
He looked around the space, bits of rocks everywhere, cracks covering the entire field, and a few craters laying around. He was surprised that the roof hadn't collapsed on them. It was a miracle. He heard a shuffle, and saw two teen girls that looked alike moving around a rock. How were they still in this?
"Are you serious?" he muttered, one of his eyes closed shut, blood dripping from his fingers and leaning forward.
"You thought you could get all the attention, and forget about us? Cause now, it's our turn!" they said in unison.
He didn't have the energy to even take them both out, as they began to walk towards him. He lifted his hand up, and fired a weak fireball towards them. They hopped out the way, and continued in his direction. He cursed himself for getting into this position, as he tried getting into his "sparking" form. Flames licked at his feet, before disappearing moments later. He was truly tired, the heavy smoke on his back still rising. He panted in the air, as he could do nothing, but wait for them to get closer.
The girls picked up their pace, and began kicking him. Jamal could barely lift his arms to block, as he staggered back. He tried firing a few fireballs towards them, but they were easily avoidable. He would have to come up with a different solution, if he wanted to come out the victor. Backing into a rock, he climbed the top of it, and sucked in a deep breath, ignoring the pain. Aiming at the girls with two hands, he slowly created a decently-sized fireball and shot it towards them. They tripped to avoid it, and Jamal used the opportunity to scurry behind another rock several yards away.
He heard them puffing in excitement, as they looked behind each of the rocks in the area. The smoke off his back had died down, but he was struggling to stay awake. That was the longest he maintained that form, and he knew what it could do to his body in a few seconds alone. It would only be a matter of time, before he collapsed from exhaustion. Clutching his chest, he fired fireballs in their general direction, and rushed across to another rock, as fast as he could.
They swiftly dodged his last-effort attacks and moved towards him. This would be it. He had no more options. Jamal trembled as he got back up. No, he refused to lose like this. Despite being in so much pain, he took another deep breath. The girls were just about to punch him at the same time, when he crouched down and swept them off their feet. Stepping back, flames slowly began to swirl around him, not as strong as before, but a weaker "sparking" form.
The girls hopped back up, and continued to attack together, almost as one. Jamal launched himself into the air, only a few feet, and discharged a blast towards them. They screamed, as one of them got hit, and her clothes lit on fire in an instant and began rolling on the floor in pain.
Falling back down, he lit his hand on fire and fired multiple fireballs in their direction. One of the girls dodged it, while the girl on the floor got hit by the brunt of it. She pushed herself back on her feet and nodded at the other girl, despite the flames still on her clothes. The other nodded and looked at Jamal, smiling.
"You've done this to us! Now, watch as we pass your limits with ease!" they announced again in unison.
Jamal's face was expressed with confusion, as they rushed towards each other and grabbed a hand. A white light illuminated between them, as they were pushed together, until blinding light forced him to look away. When it had dimmed down, only one person was standing, a slightly taller girl, with a much sharper appearance.
"Together as one, fused as twins, I, Ayla, will take you out and get the grand prize!" the voice said, a blend of the two.
"Are you serious? I didn't even get your names." he mentioned. He could not get a break.
Ayla sped towards him, as Jamal began to step back. He barely had time, as she began to barrage him with punches. They definitely stung harder, he noted, as he was getting pushed back. He fell back from exhaustion, and got kicked into the last remaining rock, falling to its side. He had to figure out a way to overpower them, but he knew he didn't have the energy to do so.
He tried crawling around it, but Ayla had grabbed his leg and began to pull him back. He twisted it around, trying to shake her off, but her grip remained firm. Sucking in a deep breath, he kicked her arm with his free foot, causing her grip to loosen slightly in pain. Jamal then quickly produced a large, but lack-luster fireball right into her face. She let go of him, as she cried out in agony, and he hobbled away.
"Where do you think you're going!" she yelled, speeding towards his direction.
He sped-walked faster to the edge, collapsing to the ground. Jamal was so close as he moved towards it.
"You've done all the work for us, but now you shall receive its reward!" Ayla screamed, preparing to kick him.
With a weak grin, he rolled across, causing her to stumble to avoid getting out the ring. They weren't aware, but Jamal was creating a small blast to push them out of it. With the little energy he had left, he fired it upon them, pushing them towards the wall.
"No!" Ayla cried, as she smashed face first into it.
Jamal sighed with relief. No more opponents were in the space, at least he assumed. He won it. The world around him was getting dark, as he heard people shuffle towards his way.