Chereads / The Drako Files / Chapter 54 - My Hero Academia: Deku's Hero Costumes Ranked Part 2

Chapter 54 - My Hero Academia: Deku's Hero Costumes Ranked Part 2

#5: Final Suit 

I'm going to keep this segment even briefer since, unfortunately, this suit gets like two panels of screen time. With My Hero Academia being over, I think a part of me is always going to be a little mixed on Deku ending quirkless in the end. With how integral the quirk has been to Deku's life and us never seeing the peak of the power a part of me will always get mad at that dangled thread. 

This doesn't completely eliminate my thoughts on the suit itself, though. From what little we see (no official coloring), I do like how the final suit looks similar to Endeavor's flashback. I'm still on the fence about the cape for Deku, but its longer and more form-fitting helps the more mechanized suit. 

Again, limited screen time means we'll always theorize over what it could do, but it has to be hella strong if it's anything like Armored All Might. That 2-month rush job was strong enough to, at the very least, clash with Child All For One several times. With Melissa getting extra time alongside Hatsume, we can at least theorize this suit will, at a bare minimum, replicate the OFA quirks in some capacity. 

And for all the slander and memes this suit has started I do still like what it represents. We don't know what OFA was used for last or why Deku gave up the tights, but having his friends pour in all their efforts to have Izuku continue his dream is sweet. It's the perfect way of showing that Izuku created a world that doesn't need OFA, a world where anyone can be a hero. If there's ever an MHA sequel, I at least hope we get an opportunity to see what it can do. 

#4: Beta 

Huh, this may be the only time I've used Beta in a positive context. It may not be the flashiest or most practical suit, but Beta deserves its props. It's essentially the Deku suit that all the others borrow from design-wise. Much like Deku himself during the arc introduced in this, it feels like Deku is coming into his own. 

This suit is the one where he unlocks a full cowl, which also pairs well with the new suit. The darker green, pronounced gloves, and more significant inclusion of black help this suit out a lot. Beta also gets a bit more shoutout for being plastered across many of MHA's posters at the time and being the first to market the One's Justice video game, giving it a bit more iconography. The beta could've gotten a bit higher, but its lack of proper showings in the series and functionality hold it back from the podium. 

#3: World's Heroes Mission suit. 

WHY. WASN'T THIS SUIT? USED MORE?! I don't fucking care how petty and superficial this ranking it is. The stealth suit is sooooo good. While World's Heroes Mission gets much less love than other movies, marketing doesn't help. When the first posters came out alongside the first title, 3 Musketeers, I assumed it would be a Bakugou, Izuku, and Todoroki move with the stealth suits used in the climax. 

Instead, we got an excellent Deku-centric movie that didn't even have beautiful suits, which brought more than 5 minutes of screen time. Unlike Delta and, to some extent, Beta, the stealth suits trim down many of Deku's usual timebombs and streamline them with beautiful neon green and black aesthetics. Alongside airforce gaunlets, it's also convenient to walk these city streets. Not like that.

This also marks probably the best use of Deku's cowl. It gives up the mask properly to be a fun hoodie that could sell hella well. Unfortunately, design can only take you so far when you have less time than most of Class 1-A. 


Now we've officially gone from cooking to a 5-star Michelin meal. Reigning in the silver medal is arguably Deku's most iconic suit and probably one of the most important overall. We are serving as the perfect midway point of the leading suits. Debuting fresh off All Might's retirement and Provisional License Exam, Gamma marks the more severe tone shift. 

Shoot style may be somewhat obsolete in the final arc, but right alongside Deku's other quirks and Full cowling as one of Deku's most significant evolutions. Focusing on greater mobility and enchanting the power of 5% anyway was a great way of having him overcome his past weaknesses. More than that, though, much like Shoot style, Gamma represents his divorce away from strictly copying All Might. 

A mindset that would not only save Deku physically with the constant evolution of his fighting style. But also a mindset that can spread around the place in a way that will save those who fall through the cracks in the future. Regardless, Gamma is cool af, and I think it deserves a spot here for how long the base design sticks around. 

#1: Epilson 

Whether through the process of elimination or simply the logic of "no, duh, "Epilson reigns supreme. It may not have lasted as long as the other suits on the list, but it greatly impacted so many people at the time. Having the image of Deku standing on top of the building fresh off the electric war arc is probably one of the last times I saw EVERYONE lock into MHA. 

From the Rizzlante memes, the Vigilante Deky songs, and just bomb-ass edits, we were eating well. One should look at the costume and see why. With society under collapse, Epilson brings this back to basics by adding makeshift items alongside his old suit. I admittedly shamed Zeta for these same features, but I think Epilson gets away with this due to the setting. 

In a Japan devoid of faith in heroes and Deku having a massive target on his back, his lack of resources and need for anonymity close in a spiffy fit for the newly christened hobo. The Faded green ripped sleeves for the red gauntlets and dark mask all work wonders to show Deku, even in the least likely scenarios, can still fight. Midoryia's old-school bag being added to the list is also a great call to give the roaming vibe and show how school is out for this spring. 

Or at least, I hope it's Spring. During that timeframe, I sometimes get the series dates mixed up. Regardless, this kind of bleeds into, in my opinion, why I love Epislon more than any other suit. Because I feel like it manages to tell a story visually more than any other suit. While the anime conveys this well enough, Horikoshi's pen couldn't be beat in the story department. 

More than every other suit, there's a story to tell with this suit, one of self-destruction and the need to break the cycle. The same mask we see used to imitate his idol's smile has now transformed into a mask used to stitch together Izuku's shattered mental state after the war. A visage that only grows more ruined under the constant back-to-back battles he maintains. To the point where he looks unrecognizable to even the people he's trying to protect. 

As stated by the OFA users, Izuku's goal is still noble even during his worst state. He is fully carrying on his role as an OFA holder while holding onto his ideal of saving villains well. Epilson's degradation, though, highlights his inability to have the dream match up with reality as he falls into the same downward spiral as his predecessors, who have allowed AFO an advantage for so long. 

In some ways, Deku was right in saying the story was a battle between OFA and AFO, but it's a conflict that still affects everyone, and everyone should be involved in it. Something hero society learns to take in when they see Deku's tears amidst the ruined and battered suit. Not only is Epilson a perfect encapsulation of Deku's character, but also the change he inspired in the overall story. 


And that's my list! I hope you all enjoy it and the blogs I make in the future because I don't tend to stop the My Hero love anytime soon, even after the ride is long over.