From that day onwards, I carried the Raiden Shogun's insignia on the back of my left hand. If you're wondering… no, I didn't get any superpowers from it. Not immediately, at least. It was just a cool tattoo.
I wasn't complaining though. That mark was a symbol of the Raiden Shogun's approval and a step in the right direction. I mean, wouldn't it be perfect if she came to like me?
… Oh, you're saying I should snap back to reality? Yeah, maybe. But a man should be able to dream.
Although I had no idea how I'd go about doing it, I was determined to get Raiden Shogun a body. She alone would no diff obliterate the Night King, solving the biggest problem I could ever have. But… Mr Targaryen wouldn't make it that easy, would he? With the way that he talks, resurrecting her would only be a possibility AFTER I somehow beat the Night King. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more it looks like I have to be the hero to save the day.
Me… the hero, though? There's a 99.99% chance everyone is fucked.
I can't even get some kids on my side, how can I rally everyone to one single cause?
"You needed me?"
I approached Cortnay Penrose after the hunt. As usual, he was doing his castellan duties. From putting numbers together to sorting out local problems, he was the man in Storm's End.
"Did you enjoy your hunt?" Cortnay Penrose questioned, putting his pen down and leaving a letter unfinished.
"Yeah… it was exciting."
"I heard you hit a rabbit from seventy paces."
"It was more like fifty." I corrected, scratching my hair.
"Impressive, nonetheless. If you can hit a rabbit, then larger prey will be even simpler to hunt."
"Won't they be able to take more arrows, though?"
"Aye, but a wounded animal can only go so far. It will tire in due time while leaving a trail of blood that you can follow. Regardless… Renly wants to take a more martial tone to your education. From what I've heard, you too, wish to walk this path."
For a knight, he did not have the most approving tone.
"Well… yes, I do. I want to learn skills that would aid me in the future."
"Believe it or not, books do grant great insight and knowledge. Everything you learn is important for your future, even if it may seem insignificant at first. Balance… is important. If you are well-balanced in your education, you can adapt to any situation. Or is an archer all you wish to be?"
"... I'm not sure. Well, truthfully, no."
I have bigger shoes to fill, apparently.
"You do not have to be." He chuckled, shaking his head. "You are still a child, with time to discover what it is you wish to be. It is my duty to prepare you for anything."
He stood up, patting my head.
"You are a clever boy, so make use of your wits. You wish to be a true knight, is that not right? They have their own men at arms which they train, provide for and lead alongside other companions. Landed knights have their lands which they protect and rule over. There are some knights who are lord in all but name, some of which have more power and responsibility than lesser lords… and you wish to be a great knight, correct?"
"The finest I could be." I nodded.
"Then everything you learn is relevant to you, is it not?"
"Yes… I suppose so."
"Good. You are a swift learner, Edric. Soon it will be time for you to study stewardship and finances. As for Renly… I must admit, there are things you can learn from him. But remember, balance is important. Do not sacrifice one thing for the other. When you are grown… you can make your own decisions. Understood?"
"Yeah, I get it." I nodded. "Balance is of paramount importance."
"Now, you did miss out on quite the amount of reading… I want you caught up before we proceed." Cortnay Penrose smiled slightly. "You do not want to leave maester Jurne waiting."
"I'll get right to it."
Books… I love books.
Ever since then, I put more trust in Cortnay Penrose's methods. I also began to work even harder at everything I did. The fact that I had a deadline of what… ten years, at the most? It hung over me all the time. I'm not the type of guy to be stressed about things I can't control but it did really start affecting me bit by bit. The more time passed, the more helpless I felt.
"Why do you look so concerned all the time?" Raiden Shogun questioned one night.
"It's… nothing." I shook my head. 'Why am I lying?'
"It must be something. Before, concern was the last thing that crossed your eyes. You were always optimistic." She refuted, staring into my eyes. It was a little bit creepy.
"It's just… I've sort of seen the future." I admitted, sort of, twisting the truth. "As foolish as it may sound, I saw myself as the only person who could save this world from an apocalypse. Remember that book I read of old legends… about the Long Night? The Others never vanished, they've been growing ever since their defeat. I've seen them return in this age."
"And so, you see your current self as incapable?" She remarked, tilting her head.
"Well… obviously. I don't want to be that guy, the one who carries the weight of the world. I just want to live my life. I'm… not meant to be him."
"What makes you so convinced that you are the only one?" Raiden Shogun questioned.
"The person…" Ah, fuck it. "The person who sent me here said it was so."
"The silver deity?" Her eyes suddenly widened, as if she remembered something she'd forgotten.
My eyes widened. "You know him?"
On a dark night, the Inazuma City came under attack by a single person wielding a magnificent halberd and sword. He was a giant amongst men, crushing everything in his path to the Raiden Shogun's palace. Once he reached the main hall, the trembling earth awakened her.
With a display of excellent skill, he violated the guards within and cut them down.
"You dare desecrate my palace?"
The Raiden Shogun stepped down, drawing her sword. Meanwhile, the fully black armoured individual chuckled, stabbing his halberd into the ground. The only part of his true appearance that was present was the long silver hair from under his helmet.
"You should be honoured that I've descended upon this lowly world, woman. Mayhaps 'tool' is the more accurate way of addressing you? Do tell-"
As swift as lightning, she charged towards him but he blocked with ease.
"Ah, don't be so hasty. Your time will come."
Clang, clang, clang.
"Such disappointing display of swordsmanship… I've seen mortals with finer skills."
Despite following her strikes with devastating power, speed and technique, the individual blocked every blow with clear ease.
"As a ruler, how could you take away the brilliance and ambition of your own people? All in the name of a notion as idiotic as eternity… ah, but, in the end, you're just an easily manipulatable puppet, aren't you? I can almost pity you, Maiden Shogun."
"As for your master… she is far too careless for allowing a thing as idiotic as you to rule over her country. She may even be more at fault than you."
With each taunt, the Raiden Shogun struck harder but it was all for nought. With a swift parry, he sent her sword to the side and kicked her to the opposite side. She crashed into the wall with a thunderous impact.
"Where is your eternity now? It seems to have hit a wall." He questioned, chuckling with amusement as he looked down. "I'd love to lecture you in depth about how a true sovereign should be but such an act would incur quite the jealousy amongst my pantheon… especially since you have quite the appearance. You know how women can be."
She recovered from her dazed state, throwing a storm of lightning his way but he slapped it to the side and kicked her deeper down into the wall.
"Alas, I am not interested in you nor your master. But… someone else is. As such, this God will be kind enough to grant you a purpose. Or rather, an opportunity. What you make of it is up to you."
He closed the short gap between them, raising her by the neck.
"One last thing… a true sovereign protects his people and makes use of their talents to bring times of prosperity. He fosters their talents, if anything, to benefit the individuals alongside his cause. It is the sovereign who shoulders the hopes and dreams of his people. You are no more than a tyrant who takes from her people without the slightest care… so, I will take something from you. Your purpose."
"Swift travels, to the both of you."
With a stab in the chest, she was no longer of the world.
"Yes… he defeated me." She replied, frowning slightly. "I see now."
"See what?"
"Keep your eyes on the present." She advised, taking the tone of a teacher. "Do not worry about matters that are out of your control. Although it may seem that you cannot face the challenges ahead, that is only your current self. You have time to grow… have more faith in both yourself and the blessing that I've given you."
Hearing something like that from her had a special effect… every word hit harder than it should've.
"... Yeah, I've been worrying too much." I nodded. "I can only do my best, at the end of the day."
"That is all that can be asked of you." She nodded. "You have the talent and work ethic to succeed in any trial that may stand in your way. You know that… and so do I."
'Yeah, Night King ain't shit. I'll kick his ass right back to whatever cave he came from. Know why? Because I'm THAT guy. I'm HIM and there isn't a thing that blue motherfucker can do about it.'
All of a sudden, I felt way more confident. Although I was hyping up myself like mans was 2016 Lebron James down 3-1 (which might've been a bit too much)… the stress certainly washed away. I was born anew, almost.
Three years would go by like the wind as I focused on becoming the best version of myself. Ten years old now, I was six fucking feet tall and stronger than most. The Titan perks were doing bloody miracles. My range of absolute accuracy flew up to one hundred paces, I got used to wearing armour, my scouting was better, I further developed my throwing skills, my sword skills were more refined, I learned to ride a horse effectively and my battle instincts reached a new level. On the non-martial side, I was getting the lads on my side more often with Renly-type humour and was no longer a complete reject. I also made use of my nerdy side as I learned things regarding stewardship, engineering, trading and even medicine. As new skills popped up, I strived to get the best out of them… like a video game character grinding.
I pretty much was that, though. A true grinder (no homo).
"I think it's time to settle a long-lasting rivalry, eh? It has been quite some time since they faced each other in a proper duel." Ser Davis glanced at me and then Robert. "What do you say?"
"I'm ready." I grinned slightly, stepping away from the crowd.
"Hmph… you grew a few inches and you think you're better than me suddenly?" Robert scoffed, walking to the other side. We were at the same height now. "You've spent quite the time under Brienne's skirts… I doubt you'd be any challenge."
"A lively start already." Ser Davis chuckled. "You two may begin."
"Why don't you ask your lady if those inches make a difference?" I grinned again, leading to him frowning deeply. Several people laughed, presumably at him. He was pissed thereafter… charging straight at me.
I saw right through him. He was as predictable as a brick.
Stepping to the side, I gave him a powerful hit to the chest while he recovered from his own momentum.
"Where are you going?"
My taunt worked as I intended, making him rush with less thought. Less thought and more speed led to more mistakes on his part. Meanwhile, my defence remained impenetrable. I blocked and parried everything to the side… countering at each opportunity.
With each hit, Robert lost his confidence and I began to thrash on him more.
With a swift parry, I pushed him to the side with my strength and he striped on a rock… falling over.
"Edric Storm wins this bout." Ser Davis acknowledged with a nod.
I stepped closer to the fallen Robert, offering my hand.
"No hard feelings, you're good but you let your feelings get in the way."
"..." He frowned, looking to the side before taking my hand. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."
"Would you like to run the gauntlet, Edric?" Ser Davis offered, smiling as he does whenever he puts me through something difficult.
"The gauntlet?"
"Arthur Tudbury it's your turn to go against Edric."
"I'm no Robert." Arthur Tudbury grinned, drawing his practice sword against me. "He's too sloppy."
"I've seen you lose to him, though," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Are you sure you're that much better?"
"I'll show you, Edric."
Getting into Arthur's head was more difficult, he was naturally more relaxed and any attempt towards insulting him would end up as a battle of banter. In the end, it was a true spar to determine who was better. He was stronger than Robert, matching me in that aspect. He was also more technically sound… if anything, I was outmatched.
As we sparred on, we matched swat for swat.
I had to surprise him to win…
As such, as we crossed swords, I let go of one hand and drew my dagger… pointing its blade at his neck.
"That was quick…" Arthur Tudbury remarked, blinking in surprise. "But cheating, too. I thought it was swords only."
"A dagger is just a smaller sword." I smiled, sheathing the dagger. "Ain't that right, Ser Davis?"
"For someone who wishes to be a fine knight, you do have a way of being dishonourable in combat." Ser Davis stated, shaking his head with a smile.
"There is honour in victory." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
"Jon, step forward. You will face Edric as well."
After three more duels, I was sweating like crazy and on a five-duel winning streak. The only mercy Ser Davis gave me was not making Loras Tyrell or Brienne fight me. But then that mercy also came to an end…
"Brienne, will you be the one to put down Edric the arrogant?" Ser Davis questioned. "Look at him, he has won five duels and he thinks he's the best on the field."
"I'll see what I can do." Brienne stepped forward, smiling slightly.
'Please, don't…'
I knew Brienne was still better than me. As if getting my ass beat by her every day wasn't telling enough, she was huge now. On the brink of six foot six with a fuckton of muscle and a not-so-pretty face. Now that was a recipe for a warrior woman… and another loss for me.
She came in all calm, waiting for me to strike. Now as a counter-striker, that's the type of fighter I hated most. We ended up staring at each other for a while.
"My gravest apologies, I cannot bear to hit a lady," I remarked, making a jest out of it.
Brienne almost rolled her eyes before charging forwards. "Then you will lose."
Her grimace was the key to when she struck… Jaime Lannister wasn't capping.
I was able to block the first blow, feeling a powerful force push me backwards. I swear she wasn't THAT strong before.
I moved my blade, deflecting all that strength to the side.
Clang! Clang!
She struck so hard, my practice sword began to give way.
'Well, fuck.'
She managed to hit me in the chest, causing me to step back.
'That shit hurts.'
I decided I wouldn't get hit again, no matter what happened.
One thing I learned about Brienne over the years was her attack pattern. It seldom changed… so, using that experience, I managed to get my defence to where I wanted it to be. An impenetrable fortress. I focused hard on her every move… evading her almost became too easy.
And then, I began to hit back.
However, my swats barely did anything.
Then… Brienne switched it up and absolutely bullied me to the ground.
Yeah, I didn't keep my positive momentum for very long.
"An impressive attempt." Ser Davis clapped. "Very impressive, Edric Storm. It is clear that you are becoming one of the finer swordsmen in this lot."
"Thank you, Ser." I smiled, nodding in acknowledgement.
"Loras, would you kindly give us a performance?" Ser Davis glanced at Loras Tyrell, who was observing from the side. Being Renly's squire, he didn't see himself needing to attend these sessions most of the time. Instead, he observed.
"Against who?"
"Brienne, of course. She is the undefeated lord of the hill."
"... I suppose I can." He shrugged, moving closer to the yard in graceful fashion and getting a practice sword. Suddenly, the ladies watching from above got all excited. Of course, it was all for the flower boy.
Was I jealous? Maybe… a little bit. All this attraction was wasted on a guy who wasn't straight, you know?
Brienne was the only girl completely unaffected by his charms. Though, I scarcely doubt Loras Tyrell gave a damn. They faced each other before long… and suddenly, the atmosphere changed. This wasn't boys playing with practice swords anymore. They were serious fighters.
"I'd rather use live steel, if you permit," Loras suggested. "We're not children."
"What does live steel do, boy? Do you intend to cut Brienne or beat her in a test of skill?" Ser Davis questioned.
"... These tests are meant to imitate true battle. How will we be able to use steel effectively if we've never practised with it?" Loras Tyrell refuted, shaking his head. "I do not question your experience… however, in this regard, I do hope you agree with me."
"Very well! Live steel it is." Ser Davis sighed. "Get some armour beforehand, however."
"Now we have to wait longer because you want to be all fancy and use real weapons," I remarked, glancing at Loras Tyrell.
He chuckled. "Didn't you say you wanted to see a real duel earlier, Edric? Now is your opportunity."
"... Well, I guess so."
Eventually, they both were ready in full plate armour. Now, having practically eaten countless books, I knew plate armour was pretty much immune to the slashing potential of most swords… apart from valyrian steel. Except for the gaps and joints, you would have trouble doing much damage. So… they were pretty much back to square one. Practice duels.
Except, instead of using swords, they picked blunted weapons (which weren't too effective against armour either). Brienne went for a mace while Loras went for an axe. Both got a shield.
Weighed down by their armour, both of their strikes were visibly slower than usual. However, they had more of an impact. Loras Tyrell was faster… but not by that much, surprisingly. Clearly, Brienne could overpower him but Loras was more skilled and refined in all his attacks. It was quite the match of strength versus speed and skill.
Loras got more hits in, but they did visibly less damage. Meanwhile, I could feel the strength of each of Brienne's hits despite just being an observer. While Loras did try to tire out Brienne, that was a grave mistake… her endurance was one of her greater strengths. As the duel wore on, Brienne was getting the best of Loras.
Until… he disarmed her, tossing the mace to the side and breaking past her defence. Using this opportune moment, he went ham… blow after blow, smashing into her shield.
As her shield broke apart, she pushed back Loras and followed it up with a thunderous kick. He fell to the ground, losing hold of his axe. However, right beside him was the mace he had tossed earlier. He grabbed hold of that while Brienne pushed down her shield onto him.
"Brienne wins this duel."
Loras frowned deeply at Ser Davis' announcement, having a perfect shot at Brienne's legs ready while her shield was at his throat.
"You are fortunate this ended when it did." He got up, shaking his head. "Otherwise, you would have lost."
"You're right… on an even field, I'd be no match for you." Brienne acknowledged, nodding humbly. "Thank you for facing me."
With a cock-sure look, Loras turned away. The fact that he hadn't won meant that none of the ladies got a flower… causing the crowd to despise Brienne even more. Meanwhile, I felt like taking a sigh.
'She beat him fair and square… what is she apologising for?'
"You don't have to feel like you're worse than him. Have more confidence in yourself." I pat her on the back encouragingly, with a smile. "I mean, you beat me, Edric the Arrogant. The finest warrior in all the land!"
Brienne smiled slightly. "You're hardly as good as Loras…"
"I'm even better, obviously." I rolled my eyes. "Right?"
"Mhm… certainly."
The day went by pretty smoothly after that, I was keeping faithful to Cortnay Penrose's program. As night came, Renly Baratheon gathered everyone for a feast. Everyone was spreading rumours as to why Renly would host such a grand event so suddenly. I also wondered… was it another hunt?
"People of Storm's End, I've decided that these days have been slightly too dull. We've had our hunts… small competitions, jousts, contests… but no true, grand, event. After much contemplation, I've decided to host a grand tourney!"
Suddenly, the hall burst into cheers. I smiled, drinking up on my diluted wine. This shit was about to get good.
"The first event of the day… shall be an archery contest! Three thousand gold dragons shall be given to the victor of this contest, alongside an addition of one gold dragon per competitor!"
So… if say, a hundred attend, it would be a prize pool of thirty-one hundred. I'm loving the sound of this. I mean, a gold dragon in itself was a huge sum. I only had silvers… so that much money would practically change my life.
"Next, a throwing contest! The victor will also be granted a thousand gold dragons, with the same addition of one gold per competitor. Thirdly, a melee with a grand prize of five thousand gold dragons! Any person willing to provide the entry fee of one gold dragon can participate in each of these events. The boys who are confident in their abilities may finally show that they can compete with the rest!"
There were more cheers, especially amongst the youth. We certainly had things to prove.
"The final event of this tourney shall be a joust with a grand prize of ten thousand gold dragons for the victor and five thousand for the runner-up! With that said… the grand tourney will begin exactly three moons from now, giving all plenty of time to prepare. Anyone from any land is welcome, so long as they provide the entrance fee for each of the events they attend!"
'I don't practice jousting…'
I wanted to cry. The one thing I didn't like and absolutely sucked at was jousting… which happened to be the sport that was valued most in the Seven Kingdoms.
"Three thousand for the archery contest and another one thousand for a throwing contest…" Arthur Tudburry sipped on his drink. "Sounds like Renly has his favourites."
"What's that supposed to mean? I'm good at useful skills?" I raised an eyebrow. "Cope harder, my friend."
"Cope harder, eh? Come to the melee or joust, the events with a greater prize pool, and we'll see." Arthur smiled.
"And I thought you said Renly had favourites… if he did, the archery contest would have the highest prize, no?"
"That would be too obvious…"
"Yeah, that's what I thought." I chuckled.
"No one wants to watch those contests, anyway. You're not telling me seeing people quietly firing arrows one by one at a still target is more exciting than a hundred people beating the life out of each other." Arthur debated.
"I'll make it exciting, you'll see."
"... Right."
After I finished my food, I joined Brienne who was just about to depart. Then, Renly's jester decided to turn his attention and insult Brienne as he usually would.
"A foul bear with a lady's name, she struts as a man would. A knight she will never be, Brienne the Blue, a foul bear indeed. Lord nor lady… the foul bear ought to return to the forest."
I frowned slightly, turning to him. This wasn't going to slide forever… I wanted to make sure of that.
"I wouldn't be insulting others based on appearance… looked at you, you've allowed yourself to be painted for the amusement of others. No matter how much you make others laugh or smile… in the end, you return home with a frown. You know why? No one laughs for the jester, they laugh at the jester."
"... Ah." The jester cleared his throat as everyone grew quiet. Apparently, my little rant had left people in silence. "Edric the bastard speaks of 'truth', the boy born at the wrong side of the sheet. Not Baratheon nor Florent, who is Edric the Bastard? A bastard boy from nowhere."
"Is that the best insult you have, jester? Bastard? I am Edric Storm, the boy who was struck by lightning and lived… who are you? Renly's jester. Your name isn't even your own, you belong to someone else. Do yourself a favour, keep away from the insults and keep to your terribly unamusing jests. Elsewise… I'll show you the fury of a Baratheon."
After a deep stare, I knew he wasn't about that life.
"That's what I thought."
Renly wheezed, taking a drip of his wine. "You did not have to frighten my jester to the point of tears, Edric! How will he amuse the court in such a state?"
"Find a new jester, uncle. I'm sure you have enough gold dragons." I smiled back turning to the exist. "Regarding that, I suddenly feel like I have an archery contest to win."
Renly Baratheon nodded. "See, that is my nephew! Even on feasts and celebrations, he runs away to practice. How shall any of you ever hope to triumph over him? If this continues, his victory is all but guaranteed!"
Suddenly, everyone felt a need to freshen up on their archery skills. Within minutes, the yard was full. As people were practising, I was approached by Brienne.
"... You didn't have to make a scene of it all, I was used to the jester's words." Brienne stated, lowering her eyes. "They were much of the same-"
"Stop lying to yourself." I shook my head. "Besides, I won't stand by as one of my friends is openly berated. Do you know how many times you've guarded me? I've long since lost count… but I do know one thing. When you need someone to stand up for you, and I'm there, I'll always do it. It doesn't matter if I have to make a scene or not. I'm used to it, for that matter."
"It is the same as you being called a bastard… you've openly accepted it."
"He didn't say the truth, however. You're not a bear… you're a lady of Tarth. I'm certain my eyes can tell the difference." I smiled slightly. "You're not foul, either. Behind those beautiful blue eyes is an honourable and pure knight with a noble heart. There are things that matter more than appearance… even for ladies."
I pointed at my heart.
"This matters more and you have it in spades."
Brienne's blue eyes widened, she seemed almost flustered.
"Well, I uh…" I scratched my hair. "I've got to go sleep for early practice. Nothing is going to get done with all these people taking up the space. Good night."
"Good night… Edric."
"Are you trying to seduce that woman?" Raiden Shogun questioned as I fell into my bed. "I do not recall you being that charming… ever. You have strange tastes, Edric Storm."
"No… I don't like her in that way. I just want her to be confident in who she is."
"Despite your wild appearance, you are amongst the more attractive boys. You should be more careful with your choice of words."
"You're calling me attractive, hmm? It seems that the almighty goddess is falling for the charms of her handsome retainer…-"
"Stop dreaming." She interrupted, shaking her head. "I am merely supporting you in your quest to recover my body, nothing more."
"Uh-huh, nothing more." I nodded, grinning slightly. "Right."
"I don't know where you find the confidence to talk to me in such a way… with the ladies at court, you shy away and keep to yourself. Shouldn't you fear me more?"
"There's some sense of security in you being stuck with me… you know? No matter what I say, you can't leave me."
"Oh… so that is why. Amusing. So, when I recover my body, what do you think that I'd do to you?"
"Give me a nice kiss on the lips for all of my efforts, of course." I smiled, shrugging my shoulder.
She scoffed, although it might've been a chuckle. "Well, neither is possible if you can't do it."
"Are you saying you would?" My eyes lit up.
"It doesn't matter if you can't find a method to do it, does it?"
I took off the glove covering my left hand, showing her insignia. "This ain't for show. A promise is a promise."
"Mhm… then you should feel more motivated."
"Oh, I'm all fired up." I grinned. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep."
"Would you want me to sing a lullaby for you?" She offered, clearly taking the piss.
"... No, I'll be fine."
Jeez, is she picking up my humour?
Name: Edric Storm
Age: 10
Charm: 35 *
Leadership: 10
Steward: 15
Athletics: 57 (Titan II - Height further increased, alongside a clear amplification in strength and power.)
Battle instincts: 22
Sword: 50 (Swordskill II - Handling with swords increased, alongside speed of strikes.)
Riding: 12
Armour: 20
Marksman: 67 (Sniper II)
Scouting: 15
Throwing: 35 (Throwing I - Greater accuracy on throws.)
Engineering: 10
Roguery: 3
Trade: 7
Medicine: 5
Storm Manipulation: 10
'A perk for charm? Sweet.'
I tapped on the charm skill and a tree popped up.
"Charm has two paths, one the diplomat and the other the romantic. While the diplomat specialises in easing tensions, gathering people to his side and making meaningful friendships, the romantic focuses his charms on those of the other gender… love interests, in particular. While it may seem the diplomat is more viable in most situations, the romantic is more critically capable of achieving his goal. According to your personality, you suit the romantic more and would progress roughly 30% faster with this sub-skill."
'Fuck… this is hard. Diplomat would definitely be something I should be going with, given my goals. But, at the same time, it progresses slower. And being a romantic… I mean, shit, what if I can seduce the Raiden Shogun herself? Decisions, decisions…'
"Is it set at 30%... or is it more of a fluid number. So like, if I become more of a 'diplomat', it'll progress faster and be more fitting?"
"Okay…" I blinked. 'That big ass yes is a bit enthusiastic, but I get it.'
My old self would've definitely gone with romantic… but shit, I am in no rush for a girlfriend right now. I got way bigger problems to be worried about than the state of my sex life. Besides, I'm ten.
Fuck it… Diplomat it is! Besides, I can max out the charm skill fully later.
"A wise choice."
"Diplomat I unlocked. You have improved persuasion skills, being capable of swaying more people to your side with words alone."
While I was looking forward to competing in the archery contest and getting my money up, I didn't realise just how large this event was going to be. Lords, knights, merchants… from across all kingdoms in Westeros gathered to attend and bare witness to the spectacle that was to come. Even foreigners from distant lands arrived, ranging from the Summer Isles to the extremely distant empire of Yi Ti.
Honestly, I didn't know if this was 'canon' or not but… it felt like an original event. An event which my existence had created.
Then the largest group of all arrived, a royal entourage…
"For once, someone else is hosting a tourney… ahahaha. Well done, little brother, well done!"
His Grace, Robert Baratheon, the First of His Name himself had arrived with a thrilled laugh and red face. He was drunk as shit already and the tourney was a moon away!